Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, March 18, 1794, Image 1

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    d fie tjtnifeto JjWafel
[No. 82 of Vol. V.]
For Amsterdam,
The new faft-failiner, copper
bottomed SHIP
K. Fitzpatrick, Master.
BUILT of live?»ak and cedar and was in
tended for a Liverpool Trader, will fail with
all convenierit speed. For freight orpaflage,
having excellent accommodations, apply on
board at Walnut flreet wharf, or to
N. B. Paflengers wijl be landed in Eng
land if required.
March 6, 1794. dtf
For Charlejlorii
(S°uth Carolina.)
Andrew Gwin, Majler.
TO fail on Tuesday the 18th inft. has good
accommodations for paflengers. For freight
or paflage, apply to the Master on board at
Walnut street wharf, or to
March 14.
For sale by Public Vendue,
On TUESDAY Evening,
The 18th Inft* at 7 o'clock, at the
AS Ihe came from sea, riow lying at Vine
street wharf. She is a llropg well built ves
sel,232 tons burthen,has made but three voy
ages, and may be sent to sea at a small ex
pe'nce ; inventory to be seen on board, and at
the place of sale.
FOOTMAN iff CO. Auctioneers.
March 15. djt.
For Sale, or Charter,
To the Weji-Indies, or any Port within
the United States ;
Darius Woodworth, Matter.
Will carry about 500 barrels, and now lies
a? Wharton and Graves wharf. For terms
*,»ply to Capt. Woodworth on board, or to
If not Sold or Charted by Thursday, flie will
then take Freight for Norfolk, Pcurjburgh, and
Richmond (Virgina); and Sail on the Sunday
March 15.
For Bojton,
William Nichols, Matter:
WILL Sail in about eight days; for freight
or paflage apply to the Captain on board at
ifo-lge's Wharf, betwen Arch and Race-
Streets, or
3d Mon. 14. 1794- d' w -
The American Brig
BURTHEN 700 barrels," with her tackle
and apparel as ftie came from Tea, She is a
Haunch vellel, not two years old, and may be
put to sea immediately. For terms apply
Arch Street wharf,
Who have for file,
Pork, Lard, and Hams as usual,
a quantity of Bacon, Bees Wax, and a few
< aflcs Timothy Seed—also
Pig and Bar Iron, and Iron cast
ings, in any form executed on the
(horteft notice.
March 14,
A Good Compositor 8c
PreJJinan luilt meet with eonjlant employ for
fix months, anil one quarter dollar per token
*hd tboufarul.
Apply at No. 61, south Second fireet.
March 15. dt,l.
George & Harriott,
Joftah Bernard, Master.
WILL fail the 25th inft. has>good accommo
dations. For freight or passage, apply to the
C;iptain*on board ot Mr Sitns'i wharf, or to
March i 7. d(25
At a Meeting of the Merchants
and Traders held at Philadelphia at the Harp
and Crown Tavern, on Tueiday the eleventh
It was Unanimoujly Refolded,
Th it the meeting be adjourned, to meet
at the State House on Tuesday next at five
o clock P. M. and that the Citizens in general
of the City and County be invited to attend.
March 17. £ 2t
Just Imported,
In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick,
from Amiterdam, and now landing
on Walnut-llreet wharf, viz.
GIN in pipej,
A few bales Holland Duck,
Ditto Oznaburgs f
Holland Sheeting,
Juniper Berries,
Glass Ware, viz. Tumblers and Mugs, va
rious sizes.
Sheathifig Paperi
Swedes Iron, square and flat bars,
hair Ribband, No. 4.
Dutch Great Coats,
A quantity of Junk and Oakum, Zsfc. &c.
The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale
thould application be made within a few days ;
Other-wife Jhe wilt take freight for Amfier
March 1, 1794.
Loft at che Theatre,
Lafl Wednesday evening*
A Miniature Pi dure
Of a Gentleman, set in gold. Whoever
will deliver the fame at No. 112. Spruce street
fliall receive a generous reward.
March 14.
n the Name of the French
EVERY Frenchman is forbid to violate
the Neutrality of the United States.
All commissions or authorizations tending to
infringe that neutrality, are revoked, and are
to be returned to the Agents of the French
Philadelphia, Ventofe 16th, second year of
the French Republic, one and indivisible
(March 6th, 1794, o. s.)
The Minister Plenipotentiary of the French
Republic. JH. FAUCHET.
The Editors of newspapers within th«
United States, are.requested to republifh the
foregoing notice.
LE habitans tnfortunes dc la Colonic Francs,ifc
dc St. Domingue qui dan. I'lnrcndie du
Cap font vcnus chcrcher un afile dans les Etat«
Unu font mformls que | a Ripubliquc leur ac
cord? Un paflagc pour Francc. lis font tnviles
cn conlcquence a fc piefrntcr a cct eftet d'ici a
huit jours chcz les Consuls & agens dc la Re
publique dans lesdifler nil Ports des Etats Unis
A Philadilphie, 1c 10 Vcntos—l'an 2d de
la Republiqut Franfaifc une & indivisible.
( 2 ®, 1794. vieuxflitr)
Lc Mmiftre Pfenipotentiaic dela Kepublique
The edit° rs °f ne wfpapers in the United States are
requejled to tn .f ert hsaf»ove notice in their paper. 8
One Hundred Dollars,
IS hereby offered by the Prefidcnt and Direc
tor* of the Bank of the United States, *0 any
person who lhall, on or before'the full day ot
May next, produce to them such a plan and ele
vation of a Banking Houfr, as (hall be approved
of by them.-*. A plain, yet handsome from it
defircd : The whole building is to be fubllantia)
and commodious with as much space around it,
as the size of the giound will admit.
The Lot on which the building is to be ereCU
ed, is fitnated on the weft fide of Third iireet,
between Chefnut and Walnut ft,cets in Philadel
phia ; and its demenfions are 1 !o feet on Thitd
flrect, and about 100 feet westward.
Tuesday, March 18, 1794.
cop 3 AT
George Bringhurft,
In Mulberry (Arch) between Fourth and Fifth
Streets, adjoining the Epilcopal burying-
TAKES this opportunity of returning his
grateful thanks to his former employers,
and requeuing their future favors, as well as
tho e of the public in general.
He continues to make and repair at Jhe
ftiorteft notice, all kinds of carriages,
such as coaches, chariots, phserons with and
without crane necks, coathees, chaises, Icitte
reens, wind for fulkeys and chaiis, and li'arjiefs
of every description, in the neatest and newest
fafllion now prevailing in the United States.
And as he ha 3 a quantity of the best seasoned
wood by him, and capital workmen, he has
not the lead doubt but he will be able to give
fatisfaftion to those whopleafe to employ him
He has for sale, several carriages alinoft
finiflied, such as coachees, an Italian windfot
chair, hung on steel springs, a light' phaeton for
one or two horses, and a fulkey with a falling
Carriages fold on Commiflion.
Philadelphia, Jan. 6, 1794. 111
Scheme of a Lottery,
To ralfe 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars, deducting 15 per Cent, from
the—this Lottery confijls of
38,000 Tickets, in which there are
14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks,
being about one and an half Blanks to a
THE Diieftorsof the Sdcicty for eftabiilhmg
Ufelul Manufacturer, having resolved to
crest LOTTERIES lor raifmg OnlHundrfo
Thobsa nD Dol lak a, agreeably to an A6f of
the LT-g'fl ture of the St.ite of New-Jersey, have
appointed the following pcifotis to luperintcnd
and dire£t the^ rawing of the fame, viz. Nicho
las Low, Rutus King, Herman Le Roy, James
VVatlon, Richard Hariilon, Abijah Hammond,
and Corclius of the city ot N«*w-York<—
Thomas Willing, fofeph Ball, Matthew M'Con
'nei and Andrew bayard, of the cvy of Phila
delphia—His Excellency Richard Howcllj Esq.
F.has Boudinot* (rencral Elias Dayton, Jam s
Paiker, John Bayard, Do£lor Lewis Donham,
Samuel W. Stockton, Jolhua M. Wallacc, Joleph
Bloomfield, and Elifha Boudmot, of N.w-Jer
fey, who offer tbe following Scheme ot a Lot
teryt and pledge themselves to the public, that
they will'take e*ery a (Tu ranee and precaution in
their power 10 have the Monies paid by the
Managers, from tirve to time, as received, into
the Banks at fJew-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for th£ purpofeof paving Priz s, which
(hall be immediately discharged by a check
npod one of the Banks.
1 Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000
5; ooo
14,539 262,000
23,461 Blanks- First drawn number, 2,000
Laltdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each fs 266.000
The drawing will commeuce, under the in
fpedion of a Committee oi 'the buperintendants,
as soon as the Tickets are iold t ot which timely
notice will be given.
The Supertntendants have appointed John N.
Cumming, of Newark, Jacou K. Harotnberg,
of New-Brunfwtck, anu Jonathan Rhea* of
Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who
have given ample fecdiity lor diichaiguig the
trust reposed in them.
In order to fecurethe pundual payment
of the Prizes, the Superintendantsof the Lottery
have directed chat the Manageis ihali each enter
into bdndt in 40,000dollais, with tour luificieiit
fccilriti s, to peiiorm their inftiudions, the lub
itanceof which is
I. That wheneVer either of the Manager*
shall receive the turn ot Three Hundred Dollars,
he (hall immdiately place the lame in one of the
Banks of New-York ot Philadelphia, (o (he
ciedit ot the Governor of the Society, and such
ot the Superintendents as live in the city where
the monies are placed, to remain there until the
Lottery is drawn, for the payment ol the Priies.
11. The Managers tq, take (ufticient lecunty
for any Tickets they may trust, otherwise to be
refponuble for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold,
Monies received and paid into the Bank, ab*
ftra&s of which (hall be sent, monthly, to the
Governor of the Society*
Paterfon, January 1, 1794.
On application to cilhct of the above gentle,
men, information will be given whete tickets
may be had.
February 24,
[Whole No. 540.]
House of Reprefentat'rves.
Friday, March 14.
In committee of the -whole on Mr. Ma,Jtfon's
Mr. Nicholas said he (hould not at
tempt to follow the gentleman lalt\ip thro'
his eloquent address, or undertake to go
into an answer of the variety of general
charges brought forward againil the reso
He wished only to take notice of one
of two points in the debate. It \v a s
laid, that the exigence of the resolutions
would rather be a bar to the termination
of war than an inducement with ouf ene
mies to make a peace. Is it to be ima
gined, he sliced, if Great Britain intends
to drag us into a war, that she will a
bandon it without being compiled ?——•
When forced to the neceflity of wishing
for peace, Will (he not be disposed to
grant us fomc advantages to have her conl
- with us put in as favorable a situa
tion as before hostilities, by a relaxtion,
at lead, of those resolutions. But are
we prepared to to fay, that after being
dragged into a war we are willing to make
peace without obtaining some security that
we (hall not be mole (ted in future > If he
Uriderftodd what a conduct truly dignified
On such an occasion ought to be, we
(hould infill not only on a reparation of
the injury and insult, but (hew to the world
that after obtaining complete fatisfa&iori
we were determined to obtain security a
gainst future aggressions,
The prefect measures did not, as has
been afTerted, originate in favoritifm, they
are not intended to repay a debt of grati
tude, they are drawn forth by the inju
ries infii&ed by one nation and are meant
to benefit the country for which we are
sent to legislate. If, however, in their o
peration they (hould benefit France this
was surely no argument against them, on
the contrary it ought to be an additional
argument in favor of them as we owe that
nation a debt of gratitude,
Mr. Kittera rose to call the attention
of the committee to the immense waste of
time which the discussion of these resolu
tions had ocealioned. Two months had
been in a great measure spent in discussing
them. It was like confultmg on the im
provements to be made to an edifice threat
ened by a conflagration. He hoped the
question would be taken.
Mr. Page. I acknowledge that thedeten
tion of our posts ; the indian war in con
fluence of that detention ; the Algerine
piracies which are supposed to be derived
from the fame source, and the violation of
our rights as a neutral nation, might fnr
nifli Congress with juftifiable reasons for a
declaration of war : but if war with Bri
tain and her allies be considered as a great
er evil than a war with the Indian tribe.;
the depredations of the Algerines, and of
Britiih cruizers, and the insult to the Flag
of the United States, Congress ought not
to declare war; nor to take any steps
which may involve the United S'.ates in
holtilities—nor ought they to ftiew a dis
position to put any other conltru£Hon on
the proceedings of the Britiih government,
than they have publicly avowed ; and as
the United States have so long evidenced
to the world their disinclination to make a
common cause with their allies, who un
doubtedly have less need of our nff-lbnce
now, than they had when Congress firft
met, and the enemies of our alii, s, parti
cularly Britain, (though (he indeed, some
time iince, when slushed with a profpeft
of success, iflued orders of an holtile na
ture againlt us) in all probability will soon
be disposed to peace.
I fay as this is the cafe, 1 cannot be in
duced to believe that the United States arc
in danger of a war with Britain; and to
(hew my disposition to preserve peace with
her, I prefer entering into regulations of