For Tar Gazette of tub Vsitlo States Mr. Fenno, A WRITER in your paper of Saturday evening opposes the new dudes projetfled hy Ctmgrel* on Brittlh manufactures on the principle that they will eventually fall on the conftrmers ; and he asks with an air of tri umph, whether every man that builds a house or wants a coat, fliould pay high prices for hinges and cloths to compenlate the mer chant ? I answer clearly yes —the merchants are part of the community, and if they are exposed to fuffer grievous oppreflions, with «ut the power of retaliating by the forbear ance of government, the whole community are bound to bear their (hare of this loss as well as the merchants. Pray, Sir, why fliould not (hopkeepers feel a little what is going as well as their brethren who are carried Haves into Algiers, or plundered of their all in the Weft Indies. I believe if your friend the Iron Monger had been accustomed to deal in British irons of anoiher kind, as some of our unfortunate countrymen have been, he would not write with quite as much coolness as he does on this occasion, but would be very ayt to become a little of a busy politician himfelf, and join the little gentleman in endeavouring to in spire very tall gentleman with a with at least by commercial regulations to repel the tin merited ami unprovoked insults daily sustain ed by our Commerce and NAVIGATION. Foreign Intelligence. LONDON Dec. 17, Barnnve, latrly executed at Paris, was one of the handforrefland mofl eloquent men of the : hr was an advocate bv profeflion, and until lire flight of the unfortunate L<>us to Virennes a tetolutionift ; he had been several times Prefi d-nt of the National Aflembly, and was one of the deputies chosen to conduit the King to Pa ris ; he was moved by Wis fuffeiings, and became a profelvte to the cause when it was too late. An epidemical fickncfshas broken out among th* Portuguese troop? that were intended to ast in concert with the Spaniards. Meeting withcon trary winds, and being a long time at sea, is f3id lo 1 uve caufrd this calamity. The Pandora French frigate, and a cutter pri vateer, have taken ten and four Dutch ilirps, and sent most of them to Fiance. 1 he Americans have ordered thirty friga'es to be built, in confequr nee of the declaration of "war agamft that country by the Algetines. All the Imall ports in the East Indies, which were in pofFcflion of the Fiench, have either lur rendered to, or been taken by our forces, of %iuch Nahic and Chandernagore arc the chief- SHREWSBURY 23. About a forinighr ago, a beautiful cffilated floor was d :fcovertd 011 the farm of Mr. Werier, at IHe Lea, between Hanwoocl and Pont'(bury. It is a „d 14 f cc t square, confiding of small teffela- of red B>ick, whitilh marble, and brown, bltfck, and grey ftone;and appears to have belonged co some elegent Roman villa, mor tar floors having been Inund near it, thrae feet fflow its level, with ihe foundation* of such nrirk pillars as usually supported the floor of the iudatoiy : numerous fragments of square flues or lunnc Is of ij| f) furied within with smoke, are al io found : with some pieces of leaden pipe, char- Ted wood, pottery of bhekifti earth, and a chan nel or gutter, to carry off water, corresponding "with the dclcentof the ground. UNITED STATES. SAVANN AH, February 8. IVe hear from St. Augftine, that the Spani ards have broken up and tfeflroyed all the Set tlements on the rivers St. John and St. Maty : they gave the American fettiers the option of retiring, with their effects, to St. Augvjline, in eight days; or of returning to the United States,in three days : Many chose the former, and about forty families adopted the latter al ternative. Several Americans were appre hended, and committed to close confinement, on fnfpicion of harbouring againfl the peace of the province* PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 17. ExtraS of a letter from New-Tori, dated I $tb March. " This moment we have account by a gentleman from St. Euftatia, that all the A inerican veflels had their colours hoisted, in consequence of orders received from England for restoration of their veflels and cargoes." The prefcnt 1.-; a critical period with the United States—How to fleer our political ship so as to arrive at the desired port, will require the concentered wisdom and firmnefs of A merica—Congress and the President form that centre,if we have not confidence in their deciSom, all is lojl—Thefhipmuftbe under their command or she will be wrecked. Paflion and Resentment fays a Correspon dent, are the orJl because they are the most untf 1-giflators—They are not only unwise but feeble counsellors—with good adv'cc fays Solomon, make war. May the decisions of our civil fathers at this important crisis, prove that tuifdom as well as freedom have found an asylum in the United States. MR. Fenvo, It is fmcerely to !>e wilhed that the meeting at the State House to morrow evening may be numerous and refpe&able—for it fliould be considered, that this is not meant as a partial meeting of i/eno me-rhants, tut to comprise every class of citizens, every friend to Ame rica, who conceives himfeli interested in her welfare at this political juncture, this impor tant crilis of public affairs. Citizens of Philadelphia ! be ftedfaft in the preservation of your rights.—Remember the patriotism of 7;, and the causes which cal led it into a&ioii. Remember the insults and injuries so recently received from the ma.her country—compare the latter with the former; and while you retain the comparison in ybur breads, you will be enabled to judge of the neceflity of maintaining the dignity of free men- JU NIO. Mr. Smith of Maryland, after inform ing the House that h« had some proposi tions to make, which he lhouid wilh to introduce when the doors were closed— moved that the galleries lhouid 'c cleared —He observed that when the proportions were before the House, it might then be determined whether they fliould be pub licly difcufled or not—lt was voted that the galleries (hould be cleared—which ac cordingly took placc at about one o'clock. FIRE IN FAYETTE VJLI.fc, On the mvfit of thursday the *jth. February at a very late hour, the large for e at the foot of th: bridge, belonging to Mr. Cochran was dfcovered to be on fire, and had communicated the fames to Dr. Sibley's New commodious dwelling house, Printing and I'o/l Office—the fa e had takenfuik pofjeffion of these houjes, that all at tempt Ao extinguijh it proved ineffectual ; in a vet) short time they were burnt to the growd s vifh all the valuable out h'oufes. and lea. ther manujadouy adjoining. Fortunately the night was calm, which, aided to the exertionj of the citizens, and the fre company in particular, the fames were prevented J rem doing Jar the r and immenfc injury. Doflor Sit ley ana Jamil \ hadbutjuf tm e to efcape y he has five d v ry lithe oj his furniture or other prop erty, ythe whole ofhn printing apparatus is los, and munywftnc papers oft' 1 < Pof office, with all hh hand- Jome ajsortment of Dr*gs and medicne. This unfor tunate affair is ef,mated to b e a dear los of tight tkoufand dollarj t to Mr. Cochran, Dr. bib.ey% and M'Auflan and Howat. By this Day's Mail. STEW-YORK, March 15. Extract of a Utter from the Captain of the Ship Amsterdam Packet, of this port, bound to Havre de Grace—dated Liverpool, Dec. 13th, 1703. " On the 34th day of our departure from New-Yoak, about the entrance of the Englilh Channel, we were captured by a Liverpool cutter privateer and escor ted in here, where in all probability my veflfel will be gutted : (he is on the loiig lift of poor kidnap'd Americans. While this war continues, what with and Englilh pickaroons, it is a folly for us to venture on the European coalts I have undergone a long lift of interroga tories refpedting my vefTel and cargo by commissioners appointed for the purpose, tokuow whether it is American property or not,one of which was, willjyou venture to /wear that you belie-ue (though you may not poflibly Inow) part of the cargo is French property !—What a modest question." Capt. Wait, of the schooner Maria, arrived here this day, and who left St. Vincent's 20 days ago, where his veiTel and cargo was condemned*, inform#, that he saw an English paper, which he thinks was the London Evening Post, and was cf the 4th January, in which he read the following acconnt refpe&ing the naval ar mament at Toulon, viz : " That the French had re-taken from the Englilh in the harbor of Toulon, 15 fail of the line of their battle (hips, one of which was burnt by accident; and also, that they had taken 5 fail of the line and J frigates of the English fleet; and that the Combi ned Forces loft twenty thousand men at Toulon. This, the printer fays is the French account, and it is hoped not to be' true, but the circumstance of its being ve ry boisterous weather, and the wind blow ing direfMy into the port on the 18th and 19th of December, leave but too much room to apprehend there is something in the account. At St. Vincent, Capt. Wait saw Capt. Scott, who arrived at that iiland from London, the 20th of Feb. who informed Capt. Wait, that previouflv to bis failing from London, the house of lord Hood was pulled down to the ground,and he burned in effigy. Capt. Wait also informs, thr*t the British fleet in the Weft Indies made an unfuccefsful attack on St. Picric, Mar tinico, the I 7th of February, and retired with great damage ; and that on Tuesday tiie ißih, at night, they re.iewed the tick, bvapproaching' tlie to>vn by lair_l c us buck, and carrie 1 it '.>y fljrm, vrim t: iofsof B.igadier General Campbell, o:ie major, and two captains, one of whom was named Bailey, who, with his whole party, confiftingof 160 meti, were cut off in the attack. The Britiih 101 l a conlider able number of subalterns and privates— how many was not known. All the men in the town of St. Pierre were put to the sword. * For being concerned in a traffic deemed contraband in a time of peace, as appears by the decree of the Court of Vice-Admiraly. Extrail of a letter from Bermuda, dated February 21 " Almost all the privateers are in at present, and a great many of tliem are laid up. Of late, they have been very umuccefsful. I widi sincerely the bulimia was over, and peace once more eltablilhcd." St. VINCENTS. In the court of Vice-Admiralty. Jones, vs. Schooner Maria. FROM better information and re-con sideration of this cafe, I am induced to change the opinion exprefied in the inter locutory sentence. In the cafe of Berens, vs. Ruckss, ill Sir William Blacllone's Reports, the doctrine laid down by Lord Mansfield is clear and conclusive "If a neutral (hip trades to a French colonv, with all the privileges of a French Ihip, and is thus adopted and naturalized, it must be looked upon as a French /hip, and is liable to be taken." The point too agreeable to Magens, page 458, strongly infilled on bvthe at torney general, " That ever)' kind of traf fic between a neutral and belligerent pow er, which was not alywcd in time of peace betwixt such ftatts is illicit," ap. pears to be well founded ; although my fentimer.ts at firll were otherwise. The constant practice during the war of 1756, is fufficient eaufe for me to alter my opi nion. All neutral velfels in that war car rying 011 trade which they were not allow ed to do in time of peace, if takeu were constantly condemned. It appears in evidence that the expor tation of sugars from the French ifiands in neutral bottoms was not allowed in time of peace ; of course filch exportation must be now illicit, agreeable to the latter max im and the pradtice of the war 1756. A nentral state, which either through parti ality or an indirect view of profit, will make uncommon and ftr.-:nioi:s exertions to supply the wants or rric-r the trade of a power at war, will ever in some degree participate in the hard/hips and difficulties of war. Upon the whole regarding this veflel, in either point of view, ihe has carried cn an illicit trade, or she has enjoyed the pri vileges of a French (hip, and has been adopted and naturalized as such. 1 can not therefore on this grounds hesitate to pronounce her guilty ; and to decree that (he is a legal prize.and delivered with her cargo, boat, apparel and furniture, to the captors, and be iold by the marshal of the court. GEO. LOWMAN, Judge Surrogate, Court of Vice Admiralty. February 17, 1794. A True Copy, WALTER WATERS, D. Reg. Court of Vice Admiralty. SHIP NEWS. Arrived Brig Jerky, Gardner, Cadiz Schooner Polly, Gilbert, Cape-Francois Apollo, Hempftead, Bermuda Sloop Betty, Burnham, Port-au-Prince Clearances. Sloop Mary, Sands, Wt (Undies Induflty, Blake, Norfolk Capt. Gilbert lift in Cape Francois, Snow Eliza, Loyell, of New-York Brig Columbia, Bernard, do. Schooner Hope, Higbee, do. All waiting for the payment of their cargoes. •Hie (hip Chafe, Captain Talman, is arrived at Boston, from the Isle of France. Brig Salem,of Philadelphia, Hugh War ner, Commander, arrived at Cape-Fran cois 12th Feb. Sloop New-York Pricket, Hubbard, Wilmington and Nantucket, through the Sound—put into Nantucket in distress, having loft all her fails, &c. TffF. On$FRrFK> andfrueral other arcicl.-s are unaaoidably pojljxmcd till fTi9 morrow. NLW THEATRE. THIS EVENING, March 17, Will be performed, A Tragedy, called ISABELLA, O R, The Fatal Marriage. Count Baldwin, Mr. Wiiitiock Biron, Mr. Feimell Carlos, Mr. Green Villeroy, Mr. WVncil Sampson, M . i'a.cj Belford, Pedro, Officer, IfaMla, Nurl'c, Mr. VVa r ,i Mis. Wbitlocli Mrs. To which will be added, A FARCE in two ails, callrd Saint Patrick's Day, OR J The Scheming Lieutenant. Written by the Author of the Sc-jjol for Scandal. Lieut. O'Conner, Justice Credulous, Doctor Rosy, Seijeant Trounce, Corporal Flint, Soldiers, Mr. G«,i Mr. Hmvood Mellrs. Finch, De Moulin, DarLy, jun. and Cleveland. Blacksmith, Countrymen, Mr. Moreton MeflVs- Warreil, BlilTet and Winu-ll Servant, Mailer J. Wan J1 Bridget, M rß . R 0 '.vloa Laura, Mrs. Francis With a new occasional overture com pofcd hy Mr. Reiiiagle. Books of the Songs to he had at the Theatre, Tlie Scenes deligned and executed by Mr. Miibourne. Ladies and Gentlemen are requcfted to fend their fervantt to keep places, at in It an hour past 4 o'clock, and to order them .0 withdraw, as fbon as the company arc fcate , as they cannot 011 ny account be pcriaicccd to remain in the boxes, nor any places Jtcot after the firft a- da ions. For freight or palfe;;*', apply 10 1 e C p am on board ot Mr Smis's wharf. <•» -n JOSEPH ANTHONY ij SON. M'rch 17. d.25 At a Meeting of the Merchants and Traders held at Philadelphia at the H.v > and Grown Tavern, onTuefday the infant, It a Sequel to 1 he Hilloi y oi J .hn Bull the Cioihicc. Pro , 75 Cents. A Uifcourfr, iri'endt-ri »o the Difcovrry of Amenta bv Clirilloplnr» C'»lnni. bus; delivered at the reqoeft ot the HHfttt -I Society in Mair*chulctis October cjj t i 7 q., being the on ol the Th»i i C« ,1 1, , fmce thai memor?ble event. To vhirl, added, F<»ur I>:fTt nations, connected wiih u.c fiibjeft— By the tame author. Puce, $XjCen ». March 17. iwiiu Mr. C! .. Mr. i" r ., ■. -i Mr. Whitlock Mr. Bcites Mr. I'Vancii