Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, March 14, 1794, Image 4

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    Philadelphia, March i, i7W
Nt. 118, Marlut Jlrcet,
IHE first volume of a new
Modern Geography •
Geographical, Kifiorical, ana
Commercial Grammar;
And prefti't state ol'the (everal
I. Th* figures, motions, and diftancet of
the planets, according to the Newtonian fyf
tein and the latest observations.
1 A genera) view of the earth, confidcred
as a p ; with leveral ufeful geographical
definitions and problems.
3 .The grand divisions of the globe into
land and water, continents and islands.
4. The situation and extent bt empires,
kingdoms, dates, provinces and colonies
j. Their climates, air, foil, vegetables,
prodigious. metals, minerals, natural curi
oftrie*, Teas, rivers,bays,capes, promontories,
atid lakes.
6. The birds and beasts peculiar to each
7. Qb r ervations on, the changes that have
been anv where observed upon the face of na
ture since the mod ear[y periods of history.
8. The history and origin of nations ; their
forms of government, religion, laws, reve
nue. raxes, naval and military flrength.
9. I'lie genius, manners, cuftomsj and ha
b'r< of *he people.
10. Thjeir language, learninjj,arts,ftiences,
roa*nifa<shires, 3rd commerce.
it. 1-he chief cities, ftru&ures, ruins, and
artificial curiosities.
j 2. The longitude, latitude, bearings, and
6jftaneers ofpriuc : places n oni Philadelphia
To which are added-
t. A Geoor xphical Index, with the names
*nd places alphabetically arranged.
2. A Tablk of the Coins of all nations, and
their value in dollars and cents.
3» A Chronologic a 4. T able of remarkable
events, from the creation to the present time.
The Astronomical Part correaed by
D Rittenhouse.
To which hive been added,
The late Discoveries ofiO". Herschell,
and othe r eminent Astronomers.
Corrcfted, Impioved, and greatly Enlarged.
The firft volume contains twenty-ore Maps
»*nd Charts, be.'ides two Astronomical Plates,
V 't. Map of the world. 2. C.l Art of the world,
Europe. 4. Alia. J. Africa. 6. South-
America. 7. Cook's difcovenes. 8. Coun
tries round tlx north Pole. 9- Sweden, Den
mark, and Norway. 10. Seven I'nited Pro
vinces. it Austrian, French and Dutch Ne
therlands. 12. Germany. 13. Seat of war
in France. i - France divided intodepait
ments. 15- Switzerland. 16. Italy, Sicily,
and Sardi-ia. 17. Spain and PoitugaL
18. Turkey in Europe and.Hungary. 19 Ire
land. 20 Weft-Indies. 2i. Vermont. 22. Ar
millary fpheve. 23. Copernican system.
With the second volume, which is now in
the pr. ft, will lie given the following Maps :
t. Rufila in Eu'ope and Alia.
2. Scotland.
3- England and Wales.
4. Poland. „
5. China.
6. Hindoftan.
j. United States.
g. Britiih America.
q. S'ate of New-Hampshire.
,0. State of Maflachufetts.
ji. State of Conne&icut.
,2* State of Rhode Island.
,3 State of New-York.
,4- State of New-Jersey.
, 5. State of Pennsylvania.
16. State of Delaware.
17. State of Maryland.
18. State of Virginia.
19. State of Kentucky.
20. State of North.Carolina.
21. TenneflTee Government.
22. State of South-Carolina.
23. State of Georgia.
j. This work will be comprised in two vo
2. Subscribers pay for the present volume on
delivery, fix dollars, and the price of bind
ing, (56 cents for boards)
3. They may receive the fucreeding volume
in twenty-four weekly numbers, at a quar
ter dollar each, or else, when finifhed, at
the fame price as the firft.
4. The fubfeription wi I l»e raised on the firft
day of June i 794, to fourteen dollars, ex
ecutive of binding.
Should any copies remain for sale after the
completion of the work, they will be fold at
fixfeen dollars, and the price of binding.
6. The names of the fublcribcs will be pub
lished as patrons of American literature,
arts, and sciences.
It it wholly unnecertary to expatiate on the
advantage,to American reader*, that this edi
tion pofljeflfes over every imported edition of
any system of Geography extant. The addi
tiort of maps of the several date-, procured at
a very great expense, and from the belt ma
terials that are attainable, speaks such full
conviffcion on this fubjeft, that it would be
difrefpeft to the reader's understand ng to
suppose it requisite to enter into a detail of
arguments to prove its superiority. In no
similar work have fnch maps beenever intro
The emendation and additions wkich are
made in this work,are innumerable,and occur
in every page. The public are referred to
the preface for a flight iketch of a few;
The publifhcr takes th- present oppot tu
nity of returning his most fmbere thanks to
those refpe&able charaftei s who have favored
him with documents for improving the maps
of several of the dates. He requests a conti
nuance of their kindness ; and hopes that luth
public spirited citizens, as are pofleffed of si
mitar documents, will tavor him with their
afliftance in perfecting his undertaking.
The extraordinary encouragement with
which he has been favored, has excited
in his breast ihe warmed sentiments of grati
tude—(entiments which time will not efface.
He pledges himfelf to the citizens of the
United States, to spare neither pains nor ex
penfe to render the prcfent edition ofGu'hrie s
Geography deserving of their pa
tronage. waftt
Bickof the New L livaiv, between Cliefout
aod Walnut Streets
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the public in general, that he continues
carrying on the buftnefs of
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or window-lb utter s,ddfti iu tlie nioft
elegant manner, and with dilpatch.
Orders from the country will be thankfully
received, and doty attended to.
December 30,
M. Carey, No. 118 ,High-Jlreet,
Commentary on Common Sayings and
Subjects, which are full'of Common
Sense, the bejl sense in the 'world.
THIS little book »s * ruien in a stile altogether
novel, and f* adapted to ill capacities, as
w«»ll as to all clafl" s of oeople, merchijVS njr
chanics and farmers* Such a reputation has this
wo* k acquired, that it has palled 'h-o three im
preflions in the eadern dates, and many houle
holders deem it so ufelul as to purchase a eooy
for every adult in the»< families.- 1 - IPk 10 2s.
February 4.
Jufl Imported,
In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from
St. Petersburg in Ruflia
And now landing at South-street Wlurf> viz;
John Donnaldfon,
No. 21, Wrv
di\V3Uv t :
March 4,1794'
War Department.
January 3oth 1794.
INFORMATION is tit > iv, n the
m inary tnv,ilidsof the United S(aies,that th
fums to which thev ireeKttled lot fix months
of the'r annual pension, from the fonuh day ot
September 1793, and which will b. com. due
"n he sth d<yof March 1794, will be paid on
the (aid day by the Commiffiotieil of ihe Loans
within the flutes relprdtivcly, unrierthe ulualre-
u'at ions,
Applications of executors and admin ftraiois
inuik be accompanied with legal evidence ol
their rcfpc&ive offices, and aifo of the time the
invalids died, whofc pension thev may claim.
By command of the Prfidint
of the United States,
Scctctary oj War.
fcy The printer! in (he refpeflivc ftatei are
rrquefted ro publish the above in their newfpa
peri for the space of two months.
januaiy 30.
Loft at the Theatre,
IN Chrfnut Street, a handsome Shawl, c«m
monly called Camels Hair ; worked with co
lours. Whoever will return it to the Primer,
(hall receceive a handsome reward.
March ts, 1794. 3 r -
LE habitant infortunes de la Colonic Franjaife
de St. Domingue qui dans I'inrendie du
Cap font venus chercher un afile dans lcs Etats
Unu foot in formes que la Republique leur ac
cord* un palTage pour France. lis font Invites
cn consequence a fe piefenter a cet effet d'ici a
huit jours chez les Consuls Sc agens de la Re
publiquedant let differcnts Ports des Etats Urns.
A Phi ladiiphii. lc 10 Ventos— l'anad de
la Republiquc Franfaife une & indivisible.
(.8 Fevrier, 1794. vieuxjlilc)
Le Miniftre Pleni potentiate dcla Rtpubhquc
The tdHo's of netufpaperi in l *>c United Statu are
reqvcjlcd to insert tht above notice in their paper. 8
(£j- Ttii Gazette JhaU be enlarged, at it
receives encouragement —The Subfcriplion
encreafet daily—Advertising Favori are
folicited —Tbefe conjtitute an ejftnhal Item
n diminijhing the Debit Jide of the Account.
JuJ} Imported,
FroM London, Dublin, and Glasgow,
And now opening lor Tale,
No. 118, Market-fireet,
A Large and Valuable
Among which are the following:
\TEW Annual Regiiter for 1792
European Magazine for the firft »*
months of 1793
Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Memoirs of rhe Manchelter society, 3
Priestly on matter and Ipirit
on christianity
Disney's lite of Dr. Jortin
Kingville's ancient geography
D'Anoirt of Guy Wi
Memty,a collection of essays
Varieof Pruflia's works
Calm observer—by Mackintoih
Ruflell's ancient and modern Europe
Langhorne's Plutarch
Elegant extra&s, fnperbly gilt
Elegant extracts of natural history
Sangnier and Briflbn's voyage
Rochon's voyage to Madagascar
Townfend's travels in Spain
Taflb's Jerusalem delivered
Smellie's. tranllation of Buffon
Berwick's hiftoiy of quadrupeds
Buffon abridged
History of birds
history of inland navigation
Hooper's rational recreations
History of France, in 3
Curiosities of literature, 3 vols.
Whitaker's defence of queen Mary
Sheridan's dictionary, 2 vols.
Dow's history of Hindoftan
.Sketches of the Hindoos
Key ro polite literature.
Imlav's dtfcription ol Kentucky
Pre lent state of Nova-Scotia
Present state of Hudson's Bay
Preston on inafonry
Lavater on abridged
Zimmerman's survey
Murphy's life of Dr. Johnfoo
Necker on executive power
Kifies of Secundus
Gallery of port'aits
Volnev's ruins of empires
Vaillaint's, travels, with superb engravings
Downman's infancy
\dair'sTiiftory of American Ind.ans #
feeningron on materialism and imma'eriahfm
Be~chold'« ad rice to patriotic travellers
Builder's magazine
Complete farmer
Chandon'iiife of Voltaire
He Non's travels
Franklin's life and works
G ozier's description <>f China
Murphy's translation of Tacitus
Godwin on pol ticaljuftice
Gazefferr of France, 3 vols.
Helvetic* on man
Kaimes's fketchcs of the history of man
Liberal opinion*, or the hiftqryoi Benignus
Mawe's gardener's dictionary
Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell tamily
Playhmife di&ionary
fleveries ofSolitude
Smith's theory of moral (entiroettts
Stackhouf'-'s history of the bible
Watibn's life of Philip lid. &: Hid.
Wouder.s of nature, and art, 6 vols.
Wanley's wonders of the little world, called
Wali 3 on the prevention of diseases
Moore's journal in France
Cox's tvavvls into Denmark,Ru(fia,Poland,&rc.
Cox's 'ravels into Switzerland
Rabant's history of the French revolution
Life of Lord Chatham
Mallet's northern antiquities
Motherby's medical dictionary
Grigg's advice to females ,
Hamilton's outlines of the practice of mid-
Manning'- practice of phytic
Cleghorn's fcliteafes of Minorca
In ie-> or. the muscles
Pott's works
Fourcroy's chemistry
Armstrong on diseases of children
Quincy's dispensatory
Edinburgh dispensatory
Lewis's dispensatory
Ryan on the aftlima
Robertfon's treatifc oh fevers
Lee's botany,
Leake on the viscera
Leake on diseases of women
Nicholfon's chemistry
Gardiner on the animal economy
Lewis's Materia Medica
Fordyce on digestion
Withering on the fox glove
Lind on the diseases of heat
Monro on diseases of armies
Halter's physiology
Spalanzane's —
London pra&ice of phytic
Bell's surgery
Chaptal's chemistry.
An Eflay. on Slavery
Designed to exhibit it) » new point o( view,
its effr&s on month, indujlry, and the peace of
ociety. Some facts and calculation® are offered
to prove the labor of freemen to be much more
produdive than that ot Jlaves ; that coudmr* are
rich, powerful and happy, in proportion «; the
laboring people enjoy the frUit» of their own
labor ; and hence the n<c((Taiy conclusion, that
slavery is impolitic as well »s uijnJ.
Prick 25 Genu.
February 13.
RESPECTFULLY informs hi* friends and
the public, That (com the encouraftemeot
he haa received, from several refpeftable Gentle
men, he is induced once more, toeirtbatk in the
PAPER LINE— aod would offer his fe>vices to
all tbofc Geotiemrn, who can place confidence
,n him ; and tu assures thofc who employ him,
that thrir confidence (hall not he misplaced "
but it fcall be his tonftant endeavor, to pay the
ftn6c(t attention lotheiv best inlerett, in all sc.
gociations whatever. He has taken ihe Chamber,
in State-Strut, over Mr. David Town/end, Watch
Makei's Shop.■•— Where PUBLIC SfcCURI*
TltS, of all kmds, are bought and fold; and
wheie Commiflion Bufiuefs of all kinds, will be
(ranta&ed on reasonable terms. HOUSES and
VESSELS will be conftaotly exposed torfale,on
commiflion. *
%• Ca(h paid for Salem, Providence, and
Porifmouih BILLS.
N. B. If any Gentleman in Philadelphia, pr
NtW'Yorks has any Bvjinefs to tranfad at Uo/leu,
in Paper Negoctationt, hi will be to be em
ployed on commijfion. . .
Boston, Jan. 24, 1794. uiw&ftf
Fifty Dollars Reward.
ON the 31ft of laA month, the fubfrnb r xd
drrffcJ a letter to M flTr*. Thomas Pear/all
£2 Son, mnchant# in and mclofcd
1 herein a bank Qote, No. 445, for twenty dol.
lars ; one ditto, No. »«». 101 thirty dollars;
and one ditto, No. 3,866, for twmy dollars.
—He also addressed a letter to Mr. Gilbert
SaltonJlaU, merchant in New-York, inc'ofiug a
batik bill, No. 148, for fi!:y dollars, indoied
on the back thereof in iheO words—*' Pas the
wit bin to M>. Gilbert SaltonJlaU —tbtn. hunting*
ton."—He also ad.'.rclTai a lettei toMtfffS. White
& War delt % merchanta in New-Yotk, and indo
fed a bank bill for ten dollars, an" a draft in fa
vor of fa>d White & WarJelf, which letters were
put in the Pott-Office on fatd 31ft January, to
be forwarded to New-Yoik : But by letters re
ceived from the Gentlemen to whom they w re
severally addressed, the money was robbed
ftom each letter before delivery.
The Public are rcqiuflrd to endeavor a dt*
t eft ion of the V llains who com mined the above
robberv. The bill indorsed, I think was »Y> rk
bank bill, and some otheis, one or more was
of the Umied States bank, remitted at Philadel
phia. Any person difcovrring the Thief, and
returning tl»e Money, (h?!l be entitled to fifty
dollars reward.
Norwich, 14th F' b. 1794- 3 W S ; ,iw
A Ground Plan
City Philadelphia,
Taken from actual survey, by A. P. Folie,
Geographer, from St. Domingo.
THIS P«a« will be engraved on a plate 26
inches square ; and it will contain an ex
ad defenption of all the (quares, ftrrets and
alleys in the City and Liberties. The Creation
of the several public bnr'.dingi, foeh as the State*
House, City-Hall, Seat of Congress, Churches,
Meeting-Houles, Hospital, Library and Semina
ries of Learning—of the several Banks, and oi
the Federal and State Offices, will be afccrcaiaed'.
The parts which are built on will he diftingufh
ed from those that are not. The courses of the
rivulets between Delaware and Schuylkill, and
as much of the Canal, intended to conned the
naVigat ion of those two waters, as lies within
the compass of the draught, will be accurately
delineated. It will also be ornamented by a
virw of the (hipping in the harbor, and an ele*
vation of Congress.-Hall, and of the other public
buildings that occupy the ground contiguous.
In short, nothing will be omitted to render this
ufeful and d<(irable work acceptable to an en
lightened public, that is in the author's power :
and it (hall be compleated with the greatest
poflible difoatch, as soon as the generons encou
ragement of fubfcnbeis (hall insure to the author
such a sum as will be fuHkicnt to defray ex
A Pamphlet will be delivered with each
Plan, which will contain an alphabetical lift of
ihe Subfcribert names, and information con
cerning (he police, population and present state
of the city.
The price to fobfcrtbrra will be Two Dollars
and due third, to be paid at the time of deliver,
ing the Plans.
Subscriptions will be gratefully received at
the principal Booksellers iu this citv—and the
original Dr»ft may be seen at B. Davie.*',
No, 68, Mtikr t-ftrret, at any tifne until it (hall
be put in»o the hands of the Engraver,
Daily's Hotel.
Formerly Keeper of the City Tavern., and
of the Merchant't Coffee-Houft of this
City :—
RtSfECTFULLY informs his Friends and
the Public m general, that he has THIS
DAY opened a HOTEL in Shippta-Strut, be
tween Thjrd and Fourth.Streeis, at the House
formerly occupied by Mr. Timmons, which
has lately been greatly improved, and is now
\ery commodious ; where he has turnifhed hinj
felt with the best of LIQUORS, and will fur-,
nifti a/TABLE for Parties, with the best provi
sions the Markets a (Turd, at any hour, on the
(horteft notice. From his long experience iiv
this line of buftnefs, he flatters himlelf be shall
be able to fjivc iatisfa&ion to all who may pleafc
to favor hi in with their company.
Philadelphia, January >9,1794.
Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 3,
South Fourth-Street.