which is considered as one of tliebraveft and moil faithful, had gone over to the enemy on the 16th of October. AH these iegiment« of hussars have sustained incre dible loss, and the greater part of them fcre reduced to 8 or 500 men. LONDON, December 20. Nothing can be more flattering than the prefant state of our armaments againd France.—Lord Howe's fleet is gone into poit, so that a (ingle (hip of the enemy cannot efcapc them—and the Earl of Moira has taken a house in Gucrnfey, so that although the transports with his troops on board are returned to Poitf mouth, he is ready, at a moment's warning, to take advantage of any favorable circum itances that may occur, to enable him to carry into effect the object of his expedi tion, unencumbered with troops or trans ports. \ efterday, the pillory was again erec ted at Charing Cross, for the purpose of pilloring Mr. John Frolt ; but after waiting a considerable time, the constables were informed, that in consequence of his mc!i:pofition, the sentence would not then be put in execution. UNITED STATES. FREDERICKSBURG, March 6. Extract cf a Letter-from a gentleman in Boonlborough (Kentucky) to his friend in this town, dated Feb. 10. " An expedition is now on foot against New-Orleans, under the command of Gen. Clanc, who has a French commission. The people here are confident of success. I have taken a part in this business and lhall return that way to Virginia, (I hope) .with a canoe load of south rn Giver. - BALTIMORE, March 3. A late Engl: !h Newspaper mentions, that the pbjedt of the Ottoman Porte in fending an ambalTadorto the British court, is to bring about a peace between the combined pdwcrt and France, on condition that the latter (hall evacuate Nice and Savoy ; that the French lhall renounce all ideas of conquest, or inter ference with other Hates; and the colonial iyftem being Incompatible with their princi ples, that they lhall cede their East and Well India polfclEons to Great Britain. NEW-YORK, March 12, While the people of the U. S. are anxious to preserve their liberty at home, they cannot be unconcerned at knowing the hard fate of thofc of their countrymen, who by being exposed to the severe and perilous duties of the sea, are rendered at the fame time obnoxious to, and many of them are actually enduring the hard con dition of Haves, to the most ferocious ene mies to humanity. Captain Lawrence of the Hull Packet, was desirous of obtaining the best and most authentic information, refpe&ing the con dition of his unfortunate countrymen in Algiers, obtained it at Cadiz, and now refpectfully lays it before the American people.—The Americans taken by the Aigerines, have their heads close shaved, nor arc they allowed to wear any kind of covering on the head: they are entirely stripped of their apparel, and a coarse dress given instead of it. At night they are confined in a dungeon, and at day-light they are led in chains to their usual work, which is generally rigging and fitting ships ; some are sent as navigators and pi lots on board the cruizers, and are oblig ed, on pain ofpunifhment, to exert them felve3 to the utmost of their abilities. Their food is generally bread and water, nor is the least difference made between sick and well, officers and men, but all treated equally ill. It was reported at Cadiz, that there were several European navigators lately gone among them, particularly one Kelly, who was tried in Dublin for piracy ; and that they were determined to fpcure the western ocean next spring. The Hull Pac ket left Cadiz with an English fleet, under convoy of a frigate and Ooop of war. A few days after leaving that place, two fail passed the fleet, fleering in for the Streights, th* sloop of war gave chace and spoke them ; and Captain Lawrence was inform ed they were an Algerine cruizer, and an American ship, her prize. SUIP MEWS. Mr. Foster, late Mate of the ftiip Fa vorite of Alexandria, who came paflenger in the brig Pearl, from St. Domingo, in foims, That the ship was nearly loaded at Port-au-prince with a cargo of 400 hhds. of Sugar and Coffee; that Santho nax, the civil commissioner, having tho't fit to alter the law refpedling the mode of collecting the duties on produce exported, [ demanded from the Captain of the Favo rite, payment of duties under the new re gulations, altho they had been previous ly laid under the law, which then exifl ed j and on the Captains' demurring, im mediately ordered the (hip to be unload ed, and held a couit upon her; the Judg es of which were composed of three peo. pie of colour, who, in the course of a few minutes, decided the condemnation of the (hip and cargo, which was valued at 30,000!. without allowing the Captain to appeaY in the court in her defence. Mr. Poller a!fo informs, that the only law exiting at the place, is the will of Santhonax, who is acting in the most ty rannical manner, and has treated the A inericans exceedingly ill. He obliges them to fell what part of their cargo he pleads, to himfelf, at his own price, and pays them v. ith delegations or di'afts, on Mr. Genet, which will never be honored. He alio takes from them their thip stores, and obliges them to purchase their fubfiltence at the market, at exorbitant rates Most of the white people arc iijiprifontd, and the blacks have completely the con troul. ' . . Mr. Foftcr further mentions—the Bri. tifh had colle&ed all their forces at the Mole, and had gone on ail expedition- a-, gainst Port-au-Prince, which he appre hends, must by this time have fallen. BOSTON, March 5. New-York—The treasury of New- York, on the Ift of the present year, had a balance in its favor, in salh, of 59,828 pounds. In the expenditures of the last year, arc, the following:—For improving and making roads, 21,850] To the trustees of Columbia College 9501. To the New-York hospital 5001. Indian pen sions 6401 To the Regents of the Uni versity 15001 For inland lock navigation lo,oool.—and to private individuals, to afiilt them in piofecuting various manu facture« ; loans to the amount of 60001. Appropriations worthy an enlightened and Patriotic Legislature 1 Besides the above balance in cadi, the state of New-York owns 2,121,462 dollars in the funds of the United States. New-Hampshire —At the clofeafthe last year, the calh, bonds, See. bank (lock, and flock in the funds of the United States, in the Treasury of New-Hamplhire, amounted to 309,691 dollars. The out standing state notes, and new emiflion mo ney, with the other debts of that state, amount to 208,623 dollars. Balance in favor of the state of 101,068 dollars. PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 14. Accounts received from Tortola at St. Croix, mention the arrival there of a veflH from Europe, which parted with the Jamaica fleet, the captain of which fays, that the if- Jand of Martinique was seen to be in flames. 1 hat he spoke an Englifti frigate off that place, and was informed that the Britift were in pofieflio/i of the island, except Fort Re public—that Admiral Jervis, and Sir Char lcs Grey had iflued a proclamation offering protection to the well disposed inhabitants of that unfortunate country, at the fame time threatening such of the whites, as were found in arms, to be sent away as prisoners of war —the coloured people, to be sent to Africa, and the negroes to fufler instant death. At a numerous meeting of the merchants and traders of this City, on Tuesday the I ith instant, at the Harp and Crown Inn, in Third Street, in pursu ance of an advertisement for that pur pose. Stephen GirarJ, Esq. in the Chair. The following resolutions were proposed and unanimously adopted. Resolved, As the sense of this meeting, that the carrying trade of the United States, and the proper defenee of its' na vigation, are objects of primary import ance to the prolperity, dignity, and hap piness of America. Resolved, That discriminations of ton nage duties between the (hips of nations having commercial treaties, and being in habits of friendly intercorfe with the U nited States, and such as belong to nati ons oppressing and assuming to di&ate to America, are reasonable and just ; in or. der to encourage arts of generality and friendihip towards the union, and to (how a proper sense of displeasure at a contrary principle. Resolved, That the citizens of Ameri ca, owners of (hips or cargoes, concerned ill lawful trade on the high seas, and fail ing under the sea letters of the President, and proper clearances of the cultom hous es, have a right to be reimbursed the los ses they may sustain, from any vexations or spoliations committed by any power whatever, in violation of the law of nati ous. Refulved, That additional imports on the vefl'els, goods, wares, and merchan dize, of any nation so offending, intro duced into the United States, will be a proper fund, out of which to reimburse such lofies, and will tend more than any thing we know of to difcountenancc and discourage such paa&ices in future, On motion, Resolved, That the foregoing resoluti ons be published. Refolvcd, That this meeting be adjourn ed to meet at the State House, on Tues day flfcxt, at j o'clock, P. M. and that the citizens in general, be invited to at tend. Rcfolved, That the thanks of this meeting be presented to the chairman, not only for his prcfent services, but for, and 111 grateful remembrance of his dan gerous and meritorious services rendered to the citizens on a late melancholy occa sion. From the minutes. ROBERT M'KEAN, Secretary. March 11. By this Day's Mail. NEW-YORK, March 13. A number of Ameiican Captains lately lent a petition from Carthagena to the Spanish Court, for convoy. The following aofwer to which, manifeftj that we have no room to depend on the Dons foi the protedlion of our (hips* St. Lorenzo, Dec. 6, 1793. " I" fight of the memorial that your Excellency lias remitted me in your letter, No. 115 1, from the American Captains, Henry Stephens, James Neil, and Ebe nezer RofTeter, in solicitude for a convoy of a {hip of war for their refpedive vefTels, from thence to Cadiz to protect them against the Algerine, cruizers ; his Ma jesty has declared that there is no room for this pretension, on account of its not being a condition stipulated : and I advise your, Excellency thereof, by his Majelly's orders, that you may inform said Captains of the fame. God preserve your Excel lency many years. Miguel Gallon, PROVIDENCE, March 6. A gentleman from Boston informs— That a vessel is arrived there from Bermu da, and brings information, that instruc tions were received at that place from the Britilh court, dire&ing that no Amen can vessel fliould in future be detained on account of having French property on board, any longer than was necessary to unload the fame—and that no American vessel (hould on ony account be molested. In consequence the vessel which brings the intelligence was immediately discharged, and the Captain had awarded him £300 sterling, for detention. We further learn, that a vessel in similar circumstances had been discharged at Jamaica, and had arri ved at Salem. A correfpondcnt remarks, that the Merchants have but little encouragement to build (hips, fit, and fend them to sea, and punSually pay the duties imposed on the goods they bring home, while Congress rcfufe, or neglect to protetl their proper ty, by fitting a fleet for that purpose. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. arrived Brig Diana, Fnrrefter, CharleHon 12 days, Schooner Elizabeth, Phillips, Boston 90. — Betsey, NVoodworth, Norfolk 4 j AKxandei, Norris, Martinique. Sloop Apollo, Colhoun, Rhode Island. Capt. Dakins of the Active, left at the Ha vamia, the Sliip« Aleicaiider, Pre fidrnt, Conyngham, and the Mercnam, Cant Frairi?; Brigs, Chance, Capt. Week*,and Pat. ty Capt. Wareham, Hnce loft, on the Coin, niartaers, and th£ Fugafe Inconft.nt, ol gun?, with J (ail of British merchantmen} troni Jamaica, homeward bound. Capt. Wed in ai) ot the Brig Abigail, arrived at New Cadi?, in 38 Javs f 0.11 Po. t au Pui* left there SchoMci De'ig!ir,to in I3day< a-the Sallv Capt. Gi afr«>ii cf Sple.n, and the Schoor Capt. Webb ot N'orlolk, to fail two d.vs kfhrr. Yeftcrday Evening, arrived at Fort- Mifflm, the fliip Mary, Capt. Stevens, io 49 days from Carthagena—he informs, that he left there, the (hip Fricndlhip, Capt. Smith of Baltimore. Capt. Stephens fulled in company with | the brig Mary Ann, RofTeter of New- York, udder convoy of a Portuguese Fri gate of 44 gung, as f ar as Gibraltar. He left at Gibraltar, about J fail of Ameri cans—among whom are the following: Ships Mary, Buller, New-York j Fa vonte, Barr, of ditto ; and Commerce, -Loring, of Boftoti. Brigs Ann & Su , I " ne9 > N - York ; Mary Ann, Rolet ter of ditto; Dolphin, Dalton, Peterf oerg. Sloops Sally, Chapman, Bbfton ; ■Diana, Hall, of ditto. Which were to fail in a (hort time, homeward. About the ift March, spoke the sloop > belonging to Noith-Caroli na, bound to St. Bartholomews, 14 days out. 4 th. Spoke the fnuw £!iz;.b, th, of Knode-Ifland, from the Isle of France, 79 days out—bound home. The day before Capt. Stephens failed, the Bntirti fleet under Lord Hood, pas ted Carthagena, bound for Corsica. The Spanish fleet had arrived at Car thagena—and the Algerines were prepar ing with great diligence for an expedi tion. Mr. Madison's refoluttons were again under consideration this day—a long de bate, but no decision. The house ad journed till! Monday. Several Correfpondenrs (hill be at. tended to To morrow. PRICE of STOCKS. 6 per cents, 16/9 3 ditto, g/5 Deferred, 10/ U. S. Bank, 5 per ce „t. adv. (South Carolina.) TO fail on Tuefdaythe 18th inft. has good accommodations forpaflengers. For freight or pairage, apply to the Master on board at Walnut street wharf, or to March 14, American Brig R I T O N, BIfRTIiEN 700 barrels, with her tackle and apparel as (he came from sea, She is a flaunch veflel, not two years old, and may be put to sea immediately. For terms apply to " VALDEZ." Arch Street wharf, Who have far fa/e, Pork, Lard, and Hams as usual, a quantity of Bacon, Bees Wax, and a few casks Timothy Seed—also Pig and Bar Iron, and Iron cast ings, in any form executed on the shortest notice. March 14, For Bojlon, DOLPHIN, William Nickells, Matter: WILL Sail in about eight days; for freight or paiftge apply to toe Captain on board ac Hodge's Wluif, bctwen Arch md Ka.r- S reet< f or RUM FORD JBIJAII DAWS. 3d Moll. 14, ! 794. (low. Loft at rhe Theatre, Last Wednesday evening, A Miniature Pidiire Of a Gentleman, set m gold. Whoever v will deliver the fame at No. i xi. Spruce ftrcet (hall receive a generous reward, March 14. 41 NEW THEATRE. THIS EVENING, A COMIC OPERA—Called ROBIN HOOD, Or SHERWOOD FOREST. To which will be aded—A CcmtJy,called The LIAR. For Charlejion, Andrew Gwik, Majler. GEORGE MEADE. d3t. GARDINER & OLDEN, March 14, Will be perfoi med, diot