Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, March 12, 1794, Image 3

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    jrrrvaifcd ; we have requeftei! your at
tendance, in order briefly to report to you
out proceedings ; referring you for more
particular information to our minutej,
which are in the press, and to our accounts,
now produced for your infps&ios.
Upon entering on the duties of our
appointment, we found many families of
the poor struggling under disease and
want. And that the house of William
Hamilton, at Bulh-Hill, which had been
taken poffeflion of and converted into an
Hospital, for their accommodation,' con
tained several sick persons in a deplorable
situation. Two of Our members offered
their service to superintend that instituti
on, they were appointed managers there
of and by their exertion and attention it
was condufled with order and regularity.
About one thaufand persons were removsd
to it, in carriages provided for the purpose,
and supplied with every requisite, to ren
der them comfortable, that the exigency
cf the times and our own situation would
Notwithstanding the great mortality
which prevailed there, wo think ourselves
warranted in the belief, that much distress
was prevented and the fufferings of many
greatly alleviated. We cannot with pro
priety omit informing you, that the ten
demefs and care exercised by Mary Savill,
the matron of the Hospital, to the Cck,
were such as entitle her to your generous
The extreme distress to which many fa
milies were reduced, rendering it impofli
ble for them to procure the interment of
their deceased connexions, it became one
of our mod pressing duties to provide for
the burial of such persons, and theiefore
we procured coffins and carriages, and em
ployed suitable persons to attend to this
mournful part of the service.
In the progress of the disease, many
children were bereft of their parents, and
the general distress preventing individuals
from attending to their exposed situations,
we were impelled to take charge of such
orphans, and of course it became necessa
ry to provide a suitable house, with a ma
tron and attendants and a number of wet
nurses. This was done and the whole
placed under the direction of four of our
members, especially appointed for the
purpose; of one hundredand ninety-two of
these helpless innocents; who came under
our care, ninety-four have been reclaimed
by their friends, twenty-seven have died,
and seventy one yet remain ; on whose
behalf we have applied to the legislature,
but as they have not cdme to a determina
tion on our application, we therefore ear
nestly recommend these orphans to your
immediate attention.
The calamitous state of the city caused
an unusual stagnation of business, and in
creased the number of the indigent so
much, that in order to obtain a knowledge
of their real situation and guard against
imposition, in relieving their wants, we
found it neceflary to call for Quittance ;
when a number of refpeftable inhabitants
of the city and suburbs came forward to
our aid, under the title of the Assistant
Committee, who rendered very essential
service by recommending suitable objects;
which facilitated the distribution of mo
ney, provisions and firewood, from the
14th October to the 23d November, to
upwards of one thousand families weekly.
Tliefe different opeiations requiring
considerable funds, and the major part of
the overlcers of the poor, as well as most
of the officers of government and police
being removed ; resource was had to the
President and Directors of the Bank of
North America, who cheerfully accom
modated us with [fx thousand five hundred
dollars; which we have been enabled to
tepay by the subsequent liberality of our
fellow citizens of this and other dates,
whose donations to us have amounted to
twenty nine thousand and eighty nine dol
lars 77- 1 ooths, besides which we have re
ceived 5316 dollars, 32 cents, for sun
dries mentioned in our accounts; which
sums fall (hort of that expended by us,
three thousand five hundred and forty five
dollars 12-1 oaths.
The mode of supplying this deficiency
you will doubtless conceive to be a part
of the business of the present meeting.
As no public provision is made in cafe
we ftiould be visited with a similar afflic
tion (to which all great commercial cities
are ejcppfed) it was deemed eflential, af
ter compenlating the proprietor of Bush-
Hill for the use made of his property, to
secure a resort to it again, (hoirtd it be
found necessary, before the 25 th of March
*795 5 'his was done and it- is still in our
pofTefiioß—wbertin art deposited such ar
ticles as remain on hand bdonging to the
hospitaL The appropriation of these ar
ticles is an objc£t which will claim your
The confederation of the propriety of
eflablithing a hospital in the neighbour
hood of this city, for persons afflicted
with infe&ioui diseases, which at the time
of appointment was referred to us, Would
have claimed our more particular atten
tion, had not the fubjeft through the re
commendation of the Governor been ta
ken up by the Legislature.
We think it proper to inform you, that
on the 13th of Odtober, a number of
sick and wounded Frenchmen arrived here,
on board the Ship Citizen of Marseilles,
from the hospital of Cape Francois;—
which alarming the inhabitants, we at
the pressing solicitation of the French Le
gation, and to dispel the public fears, ad
mitted these diseased strangers into part
of the buildings at Bush-Hill, the ex
pences, which occurred, have been reim
bursed. » >
Although we have to lament the loss
of Andrew Adgate, Jonathan 'I). Ser
geant, Jofcph Injkecp, and Daniel Offtfy,
four of our members, who, faithful to
the trust rtpofed in them, perfeveringly
discharged, with the molt benevolent at
tention, its various duties, until Djalh
put a period to their exertions, and they
fell themselves, under the blow they were
warding off from others; —yet, while we
look back with mournful regret, to the
loss of our companions—gratiude to the
Supreme Disposer of Events—re
quires our acknowledgement of hjs inter
position in the preservation of our own
lives, and of those of so many of our fel
By Desire of the Committee,
Matthew Clarkson, President.
Philadelphia, March Bth, 1794.
It was, on motion of A. I. Dallas,
Esq. seconded by Jonathan B. Smith, Esq.
Rejolved, That a committee be ap
pointed to prepare an instrument, expres
sive of the molt cordial, grateful, and fra
ternal thanks of the citizens of Philadel
phia, for the important, hazardous and
fuccefsful services, which were rendered
by the Committee of Health, during the
calamity which lately aillictcd the City,
& make report to the next general meet
ing of the Citizens.
Refnlved, That the committee so ap
pointed, do consider and report at the
next meeting of the Citizens, what mea
sures it will be expedient to adopt, for
carrying into effect the benevole'nt mea
sures recommended in the report of the
Committee of Health.
Refobo-d, That the Citizens aforefaid,
do meet in the City-Hall, on Saturday
next, the I Jth instant; at five o'clock in
the afternoon, to receive the report of
their committee.
The following Committee was appoint
ed to carry into effect the said resolutions
-—The Hon. Thomas M'Kean, Esq. A.
I. Dallas, Esq. Anthony Morris, Esq.
Jonathan B. Smith, Esq. John Swanwick,
Esq. Charles ftiddle, Esq. and Doctor
William Rogers.
Thomas M'Kean, Chairman,
Anthony Morris, Secretary.
KINGSTON, (Jam.) Jan. 27.
From lit London Gaztttc.
At the Court of St. James's, the nth
of December, 1793,
Present, The King's molt excellent Ma
jesty in Council.
WHEREAS by article* of capitu
lation, proposed by the inhabit
ants of La Grande Ante, including the
quarter at Jeremie, in the island of St.
Domingo in the Weft-Indies, and accept
ed by Major-General Williamfon, his Ma
jesty's Lieutenant-Governor of the island
of Jamaica ; and also by articles of capi
tulation, proposed by the garrifcn and in
habitants of Cape Nicola Mole and its de
pendencies, in the said island of St. Do
mingo, and accepted by Commodore Ford,
Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ftiips
and vefftls at Jamaica, parts of the said
island of St. Domingo have been furren
dcred to his Majesty, and are -now in his
Majesty's pofleffion, and the inhabitants
thereof are become fubjefti to his Majes
ty : And whereas by an ast pafled in the
last fefiion of Parliament, entitled, " An
ast more efFectually to prevent,
the present war between Great Britai^
and Frince, all traitorous corrrfpondence
with, or aid orafliftance be ng given to his
Majefty'g cnemic»," all persons rcfijing or
being in G. Britain are prohibited, under
the penalt iesof high treason, during thecon
tinuanceof the present war between Gieat
Britain and France, from {applying, to or
for the use of any perfun or persons refi-
or being within any of the dominiont
of France, or any town, territory, port or
place annexed to France, or under the go
vernment of the per foils then exercifmg,
or who might thereafter, during the said
■war, exercise the powers of government
in France, divers articles fpecified in the
said a£t, without licence from hii Majesty,
under his sign manual, or by order in
council, or by proclamation, iirft had and
obtained, fpecifying the articles with ref
pe£t to which the fame (hall be had and
obtained, and also the place and placcs
from which and to which the fame lhall be
His Majesty, taking the premises, in
to his royal consideration, is pirated, by
and with the advice of hts Privy Coun
cil, to order, and it is hereby ordered,
that it (hall be lawful to and for ;.ll per
sons residing or being in Great Britain to
fell, supply and deliver from any | ort or
place in Great-Britain, or any part of hi»
Majesty's dominions, in or out of Europe,
or in any country in amity with hi» Ma
jesty, to such parts of the laid island of St.
Domingo, as are or (hall be in his Majef
pofieflion, any of the articles fpecified and
enumerated in the before-mentioned ast,
fubjeft nevmhelefs to such duties, rules,
regulations, conditions, reftriftions, penal
ties and forfeitures, as the trade in the
said several articles to any of his Majesty's
colonies and plantations is or (hall be lia
ble to by law: But, it is his Majesty's
plealure, that nothing herein contained,
ihall extend to authorize the exportation
from Great Britain, or from any other of
his Majesty's dominions in or out of Eu
rope, of any of the articles aforefaid,
which are or {hall be prohibited to be ex
ported otherwise than by the said act.
And his Majesty is pleased further to
order and declare, and it is hereby further
ordered and declared, that all his loving
fubjefts may lawfully trade to and from
such parts of th« said Island of St. Do
mingo as are or (hall be in his Majesty's
pofleflion, fubjeft nevertheless to the fame
duties, rules, regulations, conditions, ref
triftions, penalties and forfeitures, to
which the trade to and from his Majesty's
colonies, plantations and Islands in the
Weft-Indies, is orthall be fubjeft by law :
But it is his Majrfty's pleasure, that no
thing herein contained (hall extend to pre
vent the importation in American bot
toms of provisions, cattle, grain and
wood of every kind from the United
States of America into such parti of the
said Island as aforefaid, so long as the
fame (hall be allowed, in purl'uance of and
under the terms and conditious of the
said articles of capitulation, or any other
privileges or exemptions granted by the
said articles of capitulation.
And his Majesty it further pleased to
order and declare, and it is hereby ordered
and declared, that all commodities, being
of the growth, produce or manufacture of
such parts of the said Island of St. Do
mingo as fnall, at the time of the entry of
such commodities for exportation from the
said Island, be in the poflefiion of his Ma
jelly, (hall be permitted to be imported
into any of the ports of this kingdom in
Britilh (hips, owned by his Majesty's fub
jefts, and navigated according to law, fub
jeft to the fame duties, rules, regulations,
reftri&ions, conditions, penalties and for
feitures, as articles of the like fort are fub
jeft to, coming from his Majesty's colo
nies, plantations or 1 (lands in the Weft-
And the Right Honourable the Lords
Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury,
and the Lords Commifßonm of the Ad
miralty, are to give the necessary direc
tions herein, as to them may refpeftivcly
Additional inftru&ions to the commander*
of all our fhipi of war, and priva terra
that have, or may have letters of
(L. S.) marque against France. Given at rur
court of St. Jame»'s, the twenty third
day of Oflober, 1793, in the thirty
third year of our reign.
WHEREAS the inhabitant! of the city and
port of Toulon in France, have delivered to
Vice Admiral Lord Hood, commander of our
(hips and vefl°el»in the Mediterranean, poflefli
on of the said city and port and their depen
dence*, and the fame are no lonper under the
government of the perfonaexerciGng the pow
m of government in Franco, b*( arc UL!r
our Royal Protc&t&Q, the commanders of c*r
ships of war, and the commanders of all (hips
anti veliels having letters of marque* and re
prisal, are required and enjoined thlt they do
not detain, or moltft, any fhipi carrying on
trade with the said city and port and their de
pendences, orcarrying cargoes, the property
of the inhabitants thereof, to, or from, any
port or place in our dominions, or to, or from
any port or place in any country which is in
amity with us, but that the said ships and car
goes be coniidered and treated, in all refpe<st*
as belonging to persons under our Royal Pro
By his majeftv's command,
heWry dundas.
A Copy 1
The fame Jamaica paper contains the or
dinance of the 6th Ncroemher, publijhed in
this Gazette a fenu days Jmce.
Mr. Sedgwick this day, agreeable to no
tice given in the House of Reprefentative>
Monday last, brought forward two rcfolu
h'tions — the purport of which 11, JtrJly
that there (hall be filtten Regiments railed,
to consist of one thousand men each—
fccondly, that the Prcfident of the U, S.
should be authorised to lay an embargo
on ail Veflell in the port» of the U. S.
and- prohibit the exportation of the pro
duce of the country ; both refolurior.s are
provifionarv or conditional, laid on the ta
ble. Want of room prevents a more par
ticular detail in this days Gazette.
We Sire informed that The PRESI
DENT will honor the New Theatre with
his company this Evening* .
Ship Henrietta, Houston, Antigua 20 Jayt
John, Whilwed,
Aurora, Sutor, Kavanila 17
Brig Tryphsena, Hathaway Lecigane 36
Active Dakins, Havanna 17
> »
Bctfey, Smith,
Experiment, Na(h,
Mercury, King, Jamaica Si N. York
Scho'r Maria, Willon, Jamaica 24
Commerce, Simmons, Turks-ill. 30
Sloop Harmony, M'Cormick, Savannah 14
Abby, Eames, Boston 20
Sally, Cook, St. Croix 18
Dove, , Newbu'ry-Port (t
Schooner Winfield, M'Nernon, Norfolk
Capt. Sutor of the (hip Aurora, failed
in company with IJ fail of American
vcflels belonging to Bolton, New-York,
and Philadelphia.
Capt. VVilfon of the schooner Maria,
the 24th Jan. on his pallage from Port
au-Prince (homeward bound) was taken
by the Hawk privateer of Kinglton, and
carried in there, where all his cargo was
taken out and libeNrd—afterwards, per
mitted to proceed.
£ Capt. Wilson on the i6th Feb. in Ist.
27.49. l° n g* 72. 30. spoke the schooner
Nancy, Lawrauce, of Philadelphia, bound
to New-Orleans. Capt. Lawrance loft
his main-mast two days before, in a heavy
gale of wind.
A large ship, and several brigs, schoo
ners and (loops, were seen in th; Bay, and
off the Capes.
Cy- We are much obliged to our cor
respondent Hortalor. for his very friendly
hint ; it (hall be attended to as iouu at
Loft at the Theatre,
IN Chcfnut Street, a -handfamc Stuwl, com
monly called Caincn Hair j worked with co
lour!. Whoever will eiurn n 10 ibe Pi iiiKr,
thai! rececotc a handsome reward.
March is, 1794.
March tl.
Will be performed,
A T R A G £ D Y,
To which will he added,
A COMIC OPERA, (by the Author of tht
Poor Soldier) in two a£U» calkd
The FarmerS
Amlterdam 76
Jeremic 24
New-York 10