M "Rie women of tke plice, fbrgetinj; AC weaknef* of their fe*, allilled in cat tying bullets and ammunition. ** The republicans of the citizens of An-, giers equalled the bravery of our soldiers. The rebels have left us four of their pieces of cannon. The fields are covered with their dead bodies. Five hundred were cut to pieces. They are retiring in disorder upon La Fleche—our cavalry are pursuing them." ,The Convention, after hearing this let ter declared, that the citizens of Angiers had deferred well of their country. PARIS, December 11. Monsieur Van den Yver, the famous banker, has been executed, with two of his sons. They were fouud guilty of en deavoring to ruin the credit of France, having advanced large sums of money to Madame du Bai re, who sent them to Great Britain to be placed in the Britilh funds ; of hiving sent 200,000 livres to the Bi fhopof Rochefoucault, and the fame sum to M. Rohan Chabot ; and finally, of hav ing been found at the Louvre with the Knights of the Foignard, to whose corps they belonged. The ex-mini Her of finance, Claviere, has ftabbedhimfelfin prison. M. Emery, the former mayor of Dun kirk has been executed. The trial of Madame du Barre before the Revolutionary Tribunal, was conclud ed'on the morning of the Bth inft. The jury having pronounced her guilty of the charges adduced againfl her, (he was con demned to die. As soon as sentence was pafled upon her, (he declared (he had im portant secrets to disclose. The execution of the sentence of death, was therefore or dered to be suspended. LONDON, Dec. 10. The following is a lift of what the Auf trians have acquired by the capture of Fort Louis : 110 pieces of cannon in the best condition, n pieces damaged, 20 how ltztri, 10 mortars, 30,000 balls of dif ferent sizes, 7500 bomb howitzer shells, 7.0,0001b. of gun-powder, 30,0001b. of bacon, 800 sacks of rice, i7oofacks of barley, 6ooolb. of flour, biscuit for fix months, 300 live oxen, 650 sheep, 8000 measures of wine, 200 of brandy, and 100 pontons of copper, worth a million. December 7, Last night difpatclies were received from the head-quarters of his Royal High ness tbc Duke of York, dated the 13th in Hani. The army under the command of his royal highness, was upen the point of marching to Ghent, its appointed win ter quarters. By the Dutch Mail which came in last night, we had no further accounts of the bloody ast ion fopght between the duke of Brunfwick and the French on the ift inft. Although the Republicans were driven back with great loss on the firft, yet they returned to the attack on the second. It was on this occasion, that in the army of Wurmfer, General Keglewich was Ihot, and the duke of Bourbon wounded in the Hand. The corps of the prince de Conde was principally engaged in this aiftion. On the 4th the French made a fre(h attack, in which they were also repulsed. The accounts from the army of the duke of Brunfwick, state, that the French have evacuated Bliefcaftcl, and retreated to S'aarbruck. _ Letters from Madrid of the 3d ult. date, that a corps of 60,000 men has been ordered to be raised to reinforce the Spa- A warrant, it i 9 said, has been ifTued by the Lord Provotl and Sheriff of Edin burgh, for the arrest of the eldest son of a Scotch peer, who took an a&ive part in the bafinefsof the British Convention. BeCdes the attack which the Republic ans made upon the Auftriana and the corps of the prince de Conde, on the id inft. they liazarded a second attack on the Bth, upon the whole corps of Conde, and upon ahe right wing of the Auflrians. They were however, repulsed with great loss. The corps of Conde loft on this occaG- c n the brave general Gelb. EtctraH of a letter from Paris, Nov. 23. " 1 wi(h the English knew the real state of France, they would then be convinced that though they may ruin themselves, they will never be able to subdue the spirit which is now afloat in this country. A njw species of fanaticifm fires everv ima gination and invigorates every man. There are ni'.ie hundred thousand men a&uallv jn arms, 1 ' and the whole kiogdbm 'is noit become a military (chool. The treasury overflows with money, and Ihoulcf it be exhausted, the rich will be forced to produce every farthing they pafieis, for this is the day of triumph to the poor. Of the prefcnt government I will not speak, there can be but one opini on of it: yet were the Englilh to make peace, it mull change, and the hand of death would be flopped within as well as without. I repeat it, my friend, all Eu rope, 1 have not learned to talk big here, will only render the enthusiasm more warm that carries every thing before it. Should the war continue, it will furnilli a fre(h pretext, plausible reasons to gloss every tyranny, but it will never restore Monar chy." ' DOVER, DecemSer 19, This morning arrived from Oftend the Turkilh Ambaflador ; his name is Jufuf Effendi—he has a suite of about 20 per sons, among which is an Aga of the Ja niflaries. On his l?nding, the guns from the castle and forts were fired : A guard of grenadiers ordered from the Devon (hire militia—and their band plays before the inn he is at. He appears very affable and fond of being seen. The Ambaflador departs to-morrow for the capital. Before he setts ofT the mili tary will be drawn out, and every respect and attention ihewn him that is poflible. UNITED STATES. NEW YORK March Bib. Capt. Bebee, Aflive, from Guadaloupe, in forms. that it was reported and believed, in that f land, that a Britifk aimament of 6 Jail of the line, and 5 or 6000 troops, had taken pojfeffion oj St, Pie re and Trinity, in the ijland of Martmico, on the -jth. of February ; that Gen. Rochambcau, the French com mander , had collefled his forces at Fort Bourbon, ar.d being well fupphed with provjions. ißc. it was expec ted he would make a fuccefsful refinance- Further particulars of the re-capture of TOULON. A French Gentleman who came pajfenger in the Morning Starjrom Carthatyna, and who refidedin Toulon, during its invefimcnt, and embarked JiOm thence for (drthagena, wuh the troops on board a spa nfkfhtpy has favoured us with thtjoilowing pat trcu lars rejpefling the,dejeat andcapturtoJgen.O'Harp- That the Republicans were ereclfng a bu'.tery vetyi near the city and oppoftefort Matboujqucl ; the Spa nish and Neapolitan generals represented to O'Jiara the dangerous conjequenut oj the Republicans hold ing pojsejpon oj that battery; o'tiara replied, Thai's nothing, let them place their cannon, and I'lJ go and take it. The Republicans having completed the battery, it was mounted with 24 poundersand began to play on fort Malboufquet, this made O' Hara . rcfolve to attack it, for which fei vice he took 30P0 men, of Spanijh, Neapolitans, Piedmonteje and liti tifh, in three columns, and appeared bejore the place which induced the French to abandon the bauery ; the Allies took pojfefjion of it : 0' Hara not being fatisfi ed with accomphfhing his frjl objeEl, continued to ad vance with the Brittjh troops againjl another J mull redoubt, when he jound himfelf fur rounded by about 6000 French ; his party was completely routed, and himfelf taken prjor.er ; the Neapolitan), Piedmontefe and Spaniards, attempting to Jufport the retreating ' Britijh, were purjued by the French, and driven back to the town with the lojs oj nearly halj their nulnb.r, in hilled, wounded and This flejeat dij gufled the Neapolitans and Piedmontefe Jymuch, (not having been in service for a great number of years) that they threw out fever e refefltons agaiufl the Bri tish general, o*Hara, f 9T having brought th. v 1 into such a fcrafie. NORFOLK, February 26. On Sunday last arrived in Hampton Roads, the brig Two Sifters, Capt. Jones, in 30 days from St. Euftatia. Captain Jones informs, that the day before he fail ed a Proclamation was received there from the Windward Islands, which authorized the British (hips of war and privateers, to capture all neutral vessels who have French property on board , vessel and cargo con sidered lawful prize. That the laws in force at the time of the reign of Louis XVI. are to be the laws by which the Americans {hall be guided, and that all vessels who have other produce than taffia and molasses on board are to be condemn ed, vessels and cargo, for the benefit of the captors, as illegal traders. In conse quence of the above a number of vessels had already been condemned, among which were the brig Richmoud, Capt. Daycs, belonging to Portfmoath, and the Hoop Diligent, Capt. Cunningham, of this port. The Engli(h fleet had arrived at Barba does, confiding of 17 fail of the line, and some frigates, with 10/300 troops, def ined for the attack of the French Islands. WINCHESTER, March 3 . On Monday last the important questi on, whether the Commonwealth of Vir glhia wis entitled to the Manoi of Leeds (a part whereof is situate within the coun ty of Frederic) in consequence of the Proprietor, Denny Fairfax, being a Bri tilh'lubjeft, and relitknt within the king dom of Great-Britain ? was ably argued before a refpe&able Jury,, convened at Millwood, by the Efcheator, for that purpose ; who, after bellowing that deli beration on the arguments used, as well for as against the claim, which a regard for jufticeaud the magnitude and import ance of the subject requited, determined, that the Commonwealth was not entitled, by anr existing law, to the property claimed. PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 12. The anniversary of the birth day of the President of the United States has been cele brated through the Union with unusual testi monials of pleasure and fatisfa&ion —Such as evince that encreafing years have added to the general sentiment of refpe