of tfe llttifei Jpfeife % V E E [No. 7of Vol. V.] For Amsterdam, ■f-J-, Tlic new falt-failinc:, copper bottomed SHIP fgg ADRIAN A, K. Fitzpatrick, Matter. BUILT of live oak and cedar and \yas in tended for a Liverpool Trader, will fail with all convenient speed. For freight orpaflage, having excellent accommodations, apply on board at Walnut street wharf, or to THOS. C5 1 JOHN KETLAND. N. B. Paflengers will be landed in Eng land if required. March 6, 1794« For Frederick fyurgb Falmouth, (Rappahannock River, Virginia) . THE SCHOONER Friend/hip, b , s j Macnamara,Matter Will fail 011 Saturday next. For freight or paflaje apply to the Captain oil board, at Jolia Wain's Wharf, or to Emanuel Walker. WHO HAS FOR SALF, VIRGINIA TOBACCO, FLOUR, WHEAT, and GINSENG. March 5. 3 twff For Sale or Charter, Tlie Sh,p bmtrj ANDROMACHE, ( an American bottom) John Moore, Master ; Is a itout good veflel, about two years old, burthen 43 » tons, has only made Jhree voy ages, and may be sent to sea at a small ex pence. She may be seen at Vine-street wharf, and the terms made known by application to Wharton Lewis. Feb. 2i, 1794- Just Imported, In the Ship Edward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Petersburg in RuiTia, And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz. Hemp, PAR IRON, R TT SSIA SHEETING, i; even's duck, 7< 'iSSIA DUCK, lion's BRISTLES. . AND FOR SALE BY John Donnaldfon, No. 22, Wamut-ftrect. (\lw3tawtf March 4,1794 Jlift Imported, In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatrick, from Amsterdam, and now landing on Walnut-street wharf, viz. GIN in pipe A few bales Holland Ducky Ditto OznaburgSt Holland Sheeting, ]Juniper Berries, Glafi Wart, viz. Tumblers and Mugs, va rious Jhsts* Sheathing Paper, Swedes square andjlat bars. Hair Ribband\ No. 4. Dutch Great Coats, A quantity of Junk and Oakum, CSV* C>c. FOR SALE BY THOMAS KETLAND, Jun. The above-mentioned Ship is for Sale— fbould application be made within a few days ; other wife Jhe will.tale freight for Amjler di'm. March I, 1794. WHEREAS an alia* fubpcena has ifiued out of the Supreme Court of this Com monwealth, at the suit of Margaret Evans, upon a petition preferred by the said Marga ret, praying for a Divorce from the bonds o Matn mon y, entered into with Rober* Evans. This it to g»vc notice to the said Robert, that he be and appear at the said Supreme Court, to be held at the City of Philadelphia on Monday the seventh day of April next, at the State-House in the said City, to anfwet the matters alledged in the said petition, Wm. CHAPMAN, Sheriff of Bucks County. Mareh 5. 1794- T$ Rsbert Lvans. NI N G TO BE SOLD, Agreeably to the last Will of DEBORAH MORRIS, deceased, TheHoufe N°. 245, Lot of Ground On which it Hands, wherein Jam f s Biddle now lives, on the north fide of Market- street, near Sixth-street. THE House being 18 feet 10 inches in Front on Market-street, and the Lot 117 feet deep. The whole will be fold lub je& to a ground rent of twelve pounds per annum, payable to the contributors to toe Pennsylvania Hospital, and their fuccefibrs forever. For terms apply to and Samuel Coatfs, Jonathan Jones, Anthony W. Morris, Samuel Powell GRirnrns, Surviving Executor* of Deborah Morris, d?c'd *eop ,v.v March I, 1794. W A N T E D, A Man Servant, Who is acquainted with the common duties about a house. None need apply but such as can be well recommended. March 4. A Slitter of Iron WANTED. A MAN well (lulled in rolling and flitting Iron into Sheets, may have good encouiagement by calling on the Printer. Feb. 27. eop4t Excellent CLARET, In hogl'»cads and in cafcs of 50 bottles cach. also, A few cases Champaigne Wine ; MADEIRA, In pipes, hogsheads and quarter cafV.s, FOR SALE BY No. in, South Front«!trcei Jm. 2, 1794. Mordecai Lewis, Has for Sale at his Store, No. 25* Dock- Street :— A few Bales of R.iflia Sheetings, Barcelona Handkerchiefs in Boxes, A bale of low-priced Cotion Handkerchiefs, A Quantity of Souchong Tea, Hyson and Tonkav, ditto. Holland Gin in Cases, A Qu mtity of lir iin it >ne, With a Variety of other Goods. 3* a w6w Feb. 20. Exhibition of Artificial Chinese Fire-JVorks, Without powder, smell, or smoke. MR. STUVER returns his sincere thanks to the public for the great encourage ment he has met with, and has the h(Dnor to inform them, that his exhibition will be con tinued every evening (Sundays excepted) at 7 o'clock, in Cherry-Alley, the firfl door weft of Fourth-street. Tickets for grown persons I id. and for children 6d. Sele6fc parties confiding of ten or more per sons will be admitted from 8 o'clock until 10, notice being given the afternoon previous to the exhibition. Tickets one quarter dollar. Vivat Respublica. *4t March 4. TREASURYofPENNSYLVANIA, February 14* 1 794* PUBLIC Notice is hereby given to all per Co n indebted to the Commonwealth, (or monies borrowed of the Trußees of the Loan Office, eftabliibcd per ad of the 4 th of April, 1785, that the time is expired when the last payment ftould have been made, and every jnftifiable indulgence having been granted. That unlcfa thev come forward and pay oil their refpedtive balances on or before the firft day of April nox', precepts will issue against all delinquents with out regard to persons or cirrnmOances. Ail former and exiftiug Iheriffs, who have money in their hands belonging to said Office, arc li quefied to bring it to me on or before the above period, otherwise I (hall be under the disagree able necessity of prosecuting them without dif * tin&ion. d—tf P. S. The Printer* throughout the State a r e requeued to iniert the «bove in their paper* for the information of their fellow-citii.cn*. *taw4w AND ADVE R T I Monday, March 10, 1794. AND Enquire of the Printer. dtf JOHN VAUGHAN, dtf CHRISTIAN FEBIGER For Sale by the Sub/lribers, Muscovado sugar in hhds.&bbis. Hyson and Souchong Teas. Sherry superior quality, in pi'pes and quarter calks, Spanilh indigo. Boston Beef, in barrel And a small invoice of Muslins. NALBRO' & JOHN FRAZIER, No. 164, South Front-flreet. March 8 Writing ON SIGN-BOA RDS, JAPANN'D PLATES, tfc. Done in the mod elegant manner, and after the firft mailers ; liktwife, Fire Buckets Painted and finiftied at the fhortefl notice, by GEORGE RUTTER, [n Norris's Court, back of the New Library, between Chefnut and Walnut, Fourth and Fifth streets. dtf March 4 'To be Sold at Public Vendue, On Friday the nth day of April next, at the house of John Thomson, in Perth- Amboy, The Proprietary House AND LOT OF LAND, IN THAT CITY, THE Lot contains eleven acres, on which is an orchard of grafted apple trees, a well of excellent water, a large (lone c.stern, and a very commodious stable and coach-houfc, and a great quantity of the best building stones in the walls of the house, which was formerly built for the refjJence of the Governors of New- Jerfcy. The filiation of this Lot is so well known for its healthiness and beautiful profpeft of the Rarston river to the weft of the bav, and Sandy-Hook to the east, thai a further defoiption is unnccrffary. The conditions of sale will be, one third of the purchase money to be paid on the firft day of May next, when a good and fufficiem Deed will be given to the puichaf"*r, by Walter Ru th eh surd, Esq. President of the Board of Proprietors of the Eastern Division of New- Jerffey, and the remaining two thirds fatisfa&o rily secured in equal annual payments. By order of the Board, JAMES PARKER, Rcgifter. Perth-Ambov, February 5.} 794 gawam TO BE SOLD, A large elegant House, and Lot of Ground, IN an eligible situation, —also a Country Seat within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of land, or 42 acres of land and meadow, the Hoirfe is not exceeded by many in the vicinity of the city, in size or convenience. For terms apply to the printer, January 23. A RE COM PENCE OF One Hundred Dollars, IS her by offered by the Prffident and Direc tors of the Bank of the United States, to any person who (hall, on or before the full day of May next, produce to them fuch.n plan and ele vation ol a Banking House, as (hall be approved of by-them.—A plain, yet handsome front is defited : The whole building is to be fubflaniial and commodious with as much space around it, as thr size of the ground will admit. The Lot on which the building is to be erefV ed, is situated on the weft fideqf Third-street, between Chefnut and Walnut-ftrcets in Phila delphia ; and its dimensions arc 110 feet on Third-street, and about 100 feet westward. THOMAS WILLING, Prefidcrtt. eop 3W. JAMES LEACH, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, That from the encouragement he has received, from several refpe&able Gentle men, he is induced once more, to embark in the PAPER LlNE—and would offer his fe-vices to all those Gentlemen, who can place confidence in him j and he allures those who employ him, that their confidence shall not be misplaced - bur it (hall be his constant endeavor, to pay the ftri&eft attention to their be ft interest, in all ne gociations whatever. He has taken the Chamber, in State-Street, over Mr. David Tuwnfend, Watch Maker's Shop.——Where PUBLIC SECURI TIES, of all kinds, are bought and fold; w.d whete Com million Bufmefs of all kinds, will te tranfaftcd on icaforiable terms'. HOUSES and VESSELS will be constantly exposed lor hie, on cominiffioji. %* Cadi paid for -Salem, Providence, and Ponfmouth BILLS. N. B. If any Gentleman in Philadelphia, o r Sew-Yoik.hfs any Bujtntfi [c tratfael at fitjltn, in Paper Negotiations, he will it h'Pf} U be ««- ploxed on comnvffion. Bolton, Jan. 179 V S E R. [Whole No. .?53>] Congress of the United. States. IN SENATE, Friday, February 28. Mr. Vining from the joint committee on enrolled bills, that they had examined the bill, entitled, " An a& in alteration of .the ast establishing a mint and the coins of the United States," and tTiat it was duly enrolled. fmw4W A mefTage irom the House of Repre sentatives by Mr. Beckley their clerk : " Mr. President, —The Speaker of th# House of Representatives having signed an enrolled bill, I am dire fled to bring it to the Seuate for the signature of the Vice President"—And he withdrew. The Vice President signed the enrolled bill last mentioned to have been examined, and it was delivered to the committee on enrolled bills, to be laid before the Presi dent of the United States for his appro bation Mr. Vining from the joint committee on enrolled bills, reported that they had this day, laid the last mentioned enrolled bill before the President of the United States. . . The Senate resumed the consideration ■of the motion made the 22d inflant, on the report of the committee, on the pe tition of Conrad Laub and others, refpeft ing the ele&ion of Mr. Gallatin to be a Senator of the United States, And on the question to agree to the motion as follows; " Resolved, That Albert Gallatin, re turned to this House as a membei for the State of Pennfylvania,is duly qualified for, and elected to a feat in the Senate of the United States." It patted in the negative—Yeas 12— Nays 14. The yeas and nays being required by one fifth of the Senators present, Those who voted in the affirmative, Messrs. Bradley, Brown, Burr, But ler, Edwards, Gunn, Jackson, Lang don, Martin, Monroe, Robinson and Taylor. Those who voted in the negative, are, Messrs. Bradford, Cabot, Ellfworth, Foster, Frelinghuyfen, Hawkins, Izard, King, Livermore, Mitchell, Morris, Potts, Strong and Vining. On motion, that it be m&tFi— tf " Resolved, That the election of Al bert Gallatin to be a Senator of the Uni ted States was void, he not having been a citizen of the United States, the term of year 3 required as a qualification, to be a Senator of the United Sates." A motion was made to divide the quef tior at the word " void" and On motion To agree to the firil paragraph of the motion so divided— It passed in the affirmative—yeas 14 — Nays 12. The yeas and nays being required by one-fifth of the Senators present. Those who voted in the affirmative, are, Messrs. Bradford, Cabot, Ellfworth, Fos ter, Frelingbuyfen, Hawkins, Izard, King, Livermore,Mitchell,Morris, Potts, Strong and Vining. Those who voted in the negative, arc, MefTrs. Bradley, Brown, Burr, Butler,Ed wards,Gunn, Jackson, Langdon.Martion, - Monroe, Robinson, and Taylor. On motion to adopt the refutation a»' follows: " Resolved, That the election of Al bert Gallatin to be a Senator of the Unit ed States, was void ; he not having been a citizen of the United States, the terra of years required as a qualification, to be a Senator of the United States." It pafled in the affirmative—yeas 14, nays 12. The yeas and nays being required by one fifth of the Senator* present ;