Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, March 08, 1794, Image 4

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    PhilncMplito, March i, 1794-
Nf. 118, Marktt firret,
Geography :
Geographical, Hijlor'tcal, ana
Commercial Grammar;
/V-d .ff • t fiateoi'iJie leveral
nations of the world.
I. The figures, motions, and distances of
the planets, according to the Newtonian sys
tem and the latest observations.
2. A geueral view of the earth, confidercd
as <« planet j with leveral ufeful geographical
definitions and problems.
3 The grand divisions of the globe into
land and water, continents and islands. .
4. The funation and extent of empires,
kingdoms, liates, provinces and colonies.
5. Their climates, air, foil, vegetables,
productions* metals, minerals, natural curi
ofitie*, Teas, rivers, bays,capes, promontories,
and lakes.
6. The birds and beasts peculiar to each
7. Observations on the changes that have
been anv where observed upon the face of na
ture since the molt earjy periods of history.
8. The history and origin of nations ; their
forms of government, religion, laws, reve-
taxes, naval and military strength.
9 The genius, manner s, customs, and ha
bits of the people.
10. Tlieir language,learning,arts,fcienees,
manufactures, and commerce.
11. The chief cities, ftruftures, ruins, and
artificial curiosities
12. The longitude, latitude, bearings, and
dirt sin ces of principal places from Philadelphia.
' To which are added.
1. A Geographical Index, with the names
and places alphabetically arranged.
2. A Table of the Coins of all nations, ar.d
t'.ieir value in dollars and cents.
3. A Chronological TABLEof remarkable
eve-nts, from the creation to the present time.
The AftroJtomical Pa it corrected by
D-'. Rittenhouse.
To which have been added,
The late Discoveries of Dr. Herschell,
and other eminent Astronomers,
CoTcfted, Imp'oved, and greatly Enlarged.
The lirft volume contains twenty-one Maps
and Charts, besides two Agronomical Plates,
1. Mip of the world, a. Chart of the world.
3. Europe. 4. Alia. 5. Africa. 6. South-
America. 7. Cook's difcoveHes. 8. Coving
ti . : round ffhe north Pole. 9. Sweden, Den
nu Ik, and Norway. 10. Seven United Pro
vfri'ces. 11 Aufl > ian, F.ench and Dutch Ne
fherland•. 12. Germany. Seat of war
in France. 14. France divided intodepait
ments 15. Switzerland. -.6. Italy, Sicily,
and Sardinia. 17. Spain and Portugal
18 Tu key in fcurope and Hungary. 19 Ire
land. 23 Weft-Indies. 2t. Vermont. 22. Ar
mtllary sphere. 23. Conernican fyfteni.
With the volume. which is now i:
the prrfs, will be giveh the following Maps :
j. Ruflia in Eutope and Asia.
2- Scotland.
3. England and Wales.
4. Poland.
j. China.
5. Hincloftan.
-j. United States.
g. British America.
State of Ne-.v-Hampfhire".
,o. State of MafTachufetts.
jl- State of Conne&icut.
j2- State of Rhode Island.
,3. State of New-Y^rk.
i - Srate of New-Jersey.
15. State of Pennsylvania.
16. State of Delaware.
17. State of Maryland.
18. State of Virginia.
19. Srate of Kentucky.
State of North-Carolina.
" . Tenneflee Government.
2 7 State of South-Carolina.
.23. Sta:e of Georgia.
This work will be comprised in two vo-
2. Subscribers pay for the present volume on
'vl'verv, fix dollars, and the price of b.nd-
cents for hoards.)
They may receive the succeeding volume
in twenty-four weekly numbers, at a quar
ter dollar each, or elle, when finiihed, at
the fame price as the firft.
4. The fubfeription will be raised on the firft
day of June i?94i to fourteen dollars, ex
clusive of binding.
5. Should any copiei remain for sale after the
completion of the work, they will be fold at
sixteen dollars, and the price of binding.
6. TJie names of the fubferibers will be pub-
Jifned as patrons of American literature,
arts, and sciences.
It is wholly unneceflary to expatiate on the
advantage, to American readers, that this edi
tion poflefles,over every imported edition of
any system of Geog aphy extant. The addi
tion of mips of thr fevetal state-, procired at
a very gVeat expense, and from the best ma
terials that are attainable, speaks such full
conviction on this fubjeft, that it would be
difre'p.?# to the reader's understanding to
suppose it reqttifite ro enter into a detail of
arguments to prove its superiority. In no
similar work have such maps been ever intro
The emendations and additions which are
made in this work,arc innumerable,and occur
in eve*y page. The public are referred to
the preface for a flight (ketch ot a few of
The publisher takes the present opportu
nity of returning his most fiocere thanks to
those refpc&able characters who have favored
him with documents for improving the maps
of several of the dates. He requests a conti
nuance of their kindness ; and hopes that such
public spirited citizens, as are poflefled of fi
rnilar documents, will favor him with their
a Alliance in perfetting his undertaking.
The extraordinary encouragement with
which he has been favored, has excited
in hisbreaft the warmed sentiments of grati
tude— sentiments which time will not efface.
He pledges himfelf to the citizens yf the
United States, to spare neither pains nor ex
penfe to render the present edition o! Guthrie's
Geography improved, deserving of their pa
tronage. v waftt
H. & P. Rice,
No. 50,' High-Street,
(Price One Dollar)
The Gentleman's
Pocket Library.
1. The Principles of Politeness.
2. The Economy of Human Life.
3. Rochefoucauld's Moral Reflexions.
4. Lavater's Aphorisms on Man.
5. The Polite Philosopher.
6. The way to Wealth, by Dr. Franklin.
7. Seledl Sentences.
8. Detached Sentences.
9« Old Italian, Spanilh and English Pro
10. A Tablet of Memory.
March 3. 4t
M.Carey,No. 118,Higb-Jlreet,
Commentary on Common Sayings and
Subjects, which are full of Common
Sense, the bejl sense in the world.
THIS little bcok is written in a stile altogether
novel, and is adapted to all capacities, as
well as to all claffts of people, merchants, me
chanics and farmers. Such a reputation has this
work. acquired, that it has palled th'O three im
preflions in the eastern states, and many houie
holders deem tt so ufelul as to purchase a copy
for every adult in their families.——Pr i c e 2s.
February 4. dtf
War Department.
'January 30th 1794.
INFORMATION is hereby given to all the
military invalids of the United State*.,that the
sums to which they are entitled for fix months
of their annual pension, from the fourth day of
September 1793, and which will become due
on the sth day of March 1794, will be paid on
the said day by the Commiffioueis of the Loans
within the ftatcs refpc&ivcly, under the usual re
Applications of executors and adminiflrators
must be accompanied with legal evidence of
their refpeftive offices, and also of the time the
invalids died, whose pension they may claim.
By command of the Prcfident
of the United States,
Scaetary oj War.
The printers in the refpe&ive states are
requested topublilh the above in their newspa
pers for the fpaceof two months.
January 30.
Parry and Mufgrave,
Goldsmiths S3 5 Jewellers,
No. 42,
An elegant AJfortment of
Which they will dispose of on the raoft rea
sonable terms. Devices in hair, Miniatures
sett, and every thing in the gold and silver
way, done as usual.
December 24.
LE habitans infortuncs de laColonieFranfaife
de St. Domingue qui dans I'lncendie du
Cap font venus cherchcr un afile dans les Etats
Unis font informes que la Republique leur ac
coide un palTage pour France, lis font invites
en confequcnce a fe presenter a cet effet d'icr a
huit jours chez les Consuls Sc agens de la Re
publique dans les differrtits Ports des Etats Unis.
A Phi lade lphi e, le 10 Ventos— l'an 2d dc
la Republique une & indivisible.
(28 Ftvrier, 1794. vieuxJlile)
Le Miniftic Pienipctentiaic de la Republique
The edito r s of newf papers in the United States are
requefled toiinse t the above notice in their paper. 8:
(Cj* This Gazette Jhall be enlarged, as it
receives encouragement —The Subscription
encreafes daily—Adverttfing Favors are
foliated- — These conjiitute an ejfential Item
in diminishing the Debit fidt of the Account.
JuJl Imported,
From London, Dublin, and Glasgow,
Among which are the following
NE'sV Annual Regilter for I 792
European Magazine lor the firft fix
months of 1793
Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Memoirs of the Manchester society, 3 vols.
Priestly 011 matter and spirit
on christianity
Disney's lite of Dr. Jortin
Kingville's ancient geography
D'Anoirs of Guy Jolt
Memty,a collection of essays
Varieof Pruflia's works
Calm observer—by Mackintofll
Ruirell's ancient and modern Europe
Langhorne's Plutarch
Elegant extracts, superbly gilt
Elegant extracts of natural history
Saugnier and Briffon's voyage
Rochon's voyage to Madagascar
Townfend's travels in Spain
TalTo's Jerusalem delivered
Smellie's translation of Buffon
Berwick's history of quadrupeds
Bulfon abridged
History of birds
, Philips'* history of inland navigation
Hooper's rational recreations
History of France, in 3 vols.
Curiosities of literature, 3 vols.
Whitaker's dcfence of queen Mary
Sheridan's dictionary, 2 vols.
Dow's history of Hindoftan
Sketches of the Hindoos
Key to polite literature.
1 inlay's description of Kentucky
Present state of Nova-Scotia
Present state of Hudson's Bay
Preston on masonry
Lavater on physiognomy, abridged
Zimmerman's survey
Murphy's life of Dr. Johnson
Necker on executive power
Kiir«s of Secundus
Gallery of portraits
Volney's ruins of empires
Vaillaint's travels, with superb engravings
Downman's infancy
Adair's history of American Indians
Benington on materialism and immaterial!fni
Berchold's advice to patriotic travellers
Builder'? magazine
Complete farmer
Chandon's life of Voltaire
De Non's travels
Franklin's life and works
Grozier's description of China
Mnrnhy's translation of Tacitus
Godwin on political justice
Gazetteer of France, 3 vols.
Helvetius on man
Kaimes's (ketches of the history of man
Liberal opinion*, or the history ot Benignus
Mawe's gardener's dictionary
Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell family
Playhouse di&ionary
Reveries of fotitude
Smith's theory of moral fentimenti
Stackhoufe's history of the bible
Watson's life of Philip I Id. &r Illd.
Wotaders of nature and art, 6 vols.
Wanley's wonders of the little world, called
Wallis on the prevention of diseases
Moore's journal in France
Cox's travels into Denmark,Ruflia,Poland, &:c.
Cox's travels into Switzerland
Rabant's history of the French revolution
Life of Lord Chatham
Mallet's northern antiquities
Motherby's medical dictionary
Grigg's advice to females
Hamilton's outlines of the practice of mid-
Manning's pra&ice of physic
Cleghorn's diseases of Minorca
Innes on the mufcies
Pott's works
Fourcroy's chemistry
A r mstrong on diseases of children
Qnincy's difpeHfatory
Edinburgh dispensatory
Lewis's dispensatory
Ryan on the asthma
Robertfon's treatise on fevers
Lee's botany,
Leake on the viscera
Leake on diseases of women
Nicholfon's chemistry
Gardiner on the animal economy
Lewis's Materia Medica
Fordyce on digestion
Withering on the fox glove
Lind on the diseases of heat
Monro on diseases of armies
Haller's physiology
Spalanzane's differ tat ions
London practice of physic
Bell's surgery
Chaptal's chemistry.
By MATHF.W CAREY, No. 118,
An EfTay on Slavery:
Drfigned to exhibit in a new point of viey,
its effects on morals, indujiry, and the peace of
ociety. Some facts and calculations are offered
to prove the labor ofjrccncn to be much more
produflivc than that ot Jlaves ; that countries are
rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the
laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own
labor ; and hence the n ctfTjiy oonclufun, that
slavery is impolitic as well as unjnjl.
February 15.
And now opening for sale,
No. 118, Market-Jlreety
A Large and Valuable
Pr ick 2-5 Ccm»,
Daily's Hotel.
Formerly Keeper of the City Tavern, an.,
of the Merchant's Coffee-Houfe of th'a
City :—
RLbPECTFULLY informs hi* Fiiend* inii
ihc Public in general, thai he has THIS
DAY opened a HOTtL in Shippcn-Strerf, be
tween Thir.l and Fourth-Streets, at the Hou r
formerly occupted by Mr. Timmons, whit
has lately been greatly improved, 2nrl is n«
very commodious ; where he has lurnifhed him
fclf with the be ft of LIQUORS, ami will fu:-
ni(h for Parties, wiihihebeft provi.
fions the Markets afford, at any hour, on the
Ihottcft notice. From his long experience in
ttiislinqof buftnefs, he flatters himfejf he (hail
be able to give fatista&<on to all who may p'.tafe
to lavor him with their company.
Philadelphia, January 29,1794.
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars, deduSing 15 per Cent, from
the Prizes—this Lottery cortftjls of
38,000 Tickets, in ivhuh there are
H'539 Prizes and Blanis,
being about one and an half Blanks to a
THE Directors of th* Society for efl«biifh«ng
Ufcful Mantfaftures, having refolded to
erect LOTTERIES for raising One Hundred
Thousand Dollar s, agreeably to an Ast of
the Legislature of the Sute of New-]erfey, have
appointed the following persons to fuperiotend
and dirctf the drawing of the fame, viz. Nicho
las Low, Rufus King, Herman Lc Roy, James
Watson, Richaid Harnfon, Abijah Hammond,
and Cornelius Ray, ol the city ol New-Yoik—
Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'On
nel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Phila
delphia—His Excellency Richard Howell, Esq.
Elias Boudinot, Generalities Dayton, James
Parker, ]ol»n Bayard, Doctor Lewis Donham,
Samuel W f Stockton, Joshua M. Wallace, Joseph
Bloom fie id, and Elifha Bondiuot, of Ni w-Jer
fey, who ofret- the following St heme of a Lot
tery, and pledge thetrfelves to the public, that
they will take every aflurance and precaution in
their power to have the Monies paid by the
Managers, Irom tiroe t-j time, as received, into
the Fanks at News-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for the purpofeof paving Priz s, which
shall be immediately discharged by a chcck
upon one of the Banks.
1 Prize of eo,ooo Dol>ars is 20,000
1 oo
. 12
1 4»539 Pr'zra
-23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,0c0
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollajs each is 266.00®
The-drawing will commence, under the iflr
fpe&ion of a Commiuee of <he.Supenntendanti t
as soon as the Tickets are fold,ot which timely
ricwice will be given.
The J>nperintenda«ts have appointed ]ohn
Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. si ,1 tienbf,
of New-B*unfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, or
Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who
have given ample security lor discharging the
trust reposed in them.
In order to fccurethe pun&ual payment
of the Prizes, the Superintendants of the Lottery
have directed that the Managers shall each enter
into bonds in 4c,000 dollars, with four fufficierit
fecuriti s, to perform their indi ufiiions, the sub
stance of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers
shall receive the fuin of Three Hundred Dollar*,
he ffcaH immdiately place thefame in one of the
Banks of Nevw,Yoik or Philadelphia, to the
ciedit of the Governor of the Society, and such
ot the Superintendants as live in the city
the monies are placed, to remain there until ?he
Lottery is drawn, for the payment of the fyize*.
11. The Managers to take fufficient security
for any Tickets they may trust, otherwise to be
refpoufible fox them.
111. To keep tegular hooks of Tickets fold,
Monies received and paid into the {Sank, «b
---ft'a&s of which shall be sept, monthly, to the
Governor of the Society.
Paterfon, January j, *794-
On application to cither of the above gentle
men, information will be given where tickets
may be h.»d.
February 24,
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Wall-Areet, New-York.
THE Subfcribcr intending* to ronfine himfejf
entirely to the PUHCHASE & SALE 01
STOCKS on COMM ISSiON, bigt leave to of
b r his fcrviccs to his Iriends and others, in the
line ol a Stock Broker. Those who may plcafe
to favor htin with their hu fine fa, m *y d«pn.4
upon having it tranl*&*d with the mmoil fide,
lity ar*d dispatch.
Orders iiom PhiUdelph : t, Boston, or any
other part of the United State?, will he Oridtly
attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER.
Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 3,
South Fourth-Street.
j 0,000