Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, March 06, 1794, Image 4

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    To be Sold at Public Vendue,
On Friday the nthday us April next,
at the house of John Thotnfon> in Perth-
The Proprietary House
THE Lot contains eleven acres, on which is
an orchard ol grafted apple trees, a well of
excellent water, a large (lone cistern, and a very
commodious ftablc and eoacH-houfe, and a great
quantity of the best buitding (tones in the walls
of the house, which was formerly built lor the
rcfidencc ol tlie Governors of New-Jersey. The
fituatioo of this Lot is so well known for its
healtluncfs ?nd beadtiful profpeA of the Rariton
river to the weft of the bav, and Sandy-Honk to
the calk, that a further description isunneccffary.
The conditions of sale one third of the
purchase money to be paid on the fit ft day of
May next, when a good and (trfficient Deed will
be given to the purchaser, by Waltir Ru
th f.r fur d, Esq. Prefidcnt of the Board of
Pioprictors of the Eastern Division of Ncw-
Jersey, and the remaining two thirds faiisfa&o
rily secured in equal annual payments.
By order of the Board,
Perth* Amboy, February 5,1794. 2aw2m
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the public, That from the encouragement
he has received, from several refpe6fcabfe Gentle
men. lie is induced once more, to embark in the
PAPER LlNE—and would offer his feivice* to
al! those Gentlemen, who can place confidence
In him ; and he allures those who employ him,
thai thf ir confidence (hall not be misplaced;—
but it (hall be his constant endeavor, to pay the
ftri&fft attention to their best intefeft, in all nc
gociations whatever. He has :aken the Chamber,
in State-Street, « v cr Mr. David Townfend y Watch
Makei's Shop.——Where PUBLIC SECURI
TIES, of all kinds, are bought and fold; and
where Commiflion Bufiuefs of all kinds, will be
trthfa&ed on • eafonable tfrms. HOUSES and
VESSELS will be constantly exposed forfale, on
* # * Cash paid for Salem, Providence, and
Ponfmouth BILLS.
N. B. If any Gentleman in Philadelphia, o r
New-York /has any Buftnefs to tranfafl at Bofign*
in Paper Negotiations, he will be happy to be em
ployed op commijfion.
Bolton, Jan. 24, 1794.
War Department.
January 3oth 1794.
INFORMATION is hereby given to all the
military invalids of the United States,that the
(inns to which they are entitled for fix months
pt their annual penlion, from the fourth day of
September 1793, and which will become due
on the sth day of March 1794, will be paid on
tri-. by ihc Cotnmiftionets of the Loans
w;' hv,» ;he llales rffptitivcly, under the usual re
gii!ati< ns.
Applications oi txecutors and administrators
ill be accompanied with ' evidence of
th .r refpe&ive offices, and also of the time the
invalids died, whose pen (ion they may claim.
By command of thr President
ot the United States,
Sea elary oj War.
The printers in (he ■ <.: ct;v.-- {lates are
iV;I ilic on v in liicir newfpa
p." ' 1 -1 \hc I j.'.-.C ot IW<; It.
J'""«V ?a.
M. Carey, No. 118.Hiph-ftreet,
C . ntart on Common Savings and
jF.cTS* which are full of Common
Sh .vsE, the beji sense in the world.
.vniicn in a stile altogether
i>v i, and s adauted to all capacities, as
sto all < s oi people, mcrchan s, me
s and Irfrmrrs. Such a reputation has this
•-quired, ih"at it has pa fled thio three im-
' "• i'! S ' f'r h^ok.
Pr '1i the eastern dates, and many houle
fe .% deem it so ufeful as to purchase a copy
tor every adult in theii families.——Pr ice as.
February 4. dti
Notice is hereby given,
r the subscriber has been dnly ap-
X pointed Administratrix on the estate of
his Excellency John Hancock, Esq. late of
Boston, iu the county of Suffolk, deceased, and
has taken upon herfelf that trust, by giving
bonds as the law dire&s—and all persons in
teiefted, are desired to take notice accord
Boston, Nov. 13, 1793.
Take Notice.
ALL pcrfonswho have any demands against
the Eftatc of his late Excellency JOHN
H ANCOCK, Esq. deceased, are requfefted to
ex«»»bit the fame to the Subscriber, Attorney
to the Administratrix of said Estate : And all
persons who stand indebted to said Estate, are
r< quested to fettle with him immediately ; as the
A& of Limitation of Actions, which is to take
place on the firft day of December next, will
otherwise render it necessary for him to com
mence suits against them.
JOSEPH MAY, Attorney
to the Administratrix.
Boston, Nov. 13, 1793.
N. B The Printers throughout this Com
monwealth, are requefled to insert this in their
refpe&ive newspapers, and forward their ac
couots for the Tame, to J. M
In the various branches of Literature, im
ported by the last arrivals from Europe,
for Sale at very reasonable prices, by
James Kennedy,
A r o. 26, Spruce, between Front &id Streets,
Among which are the following :
CHAMBERS'S Di&ionary of Arts and Sci
ences, Vols. Folio.
Henry's Bible and Commentary, 6 Vols. Folio.
Universal History, 7 Vols. Folio.
Churchill's Colle&ion ol Voyages, 6 Vols. Folio.
Palladio's Architc&urc, best Edition, 2 Vols.
Folio in one.
Rapin's History of England, with Tindal's con
tinuation, 3 Vols, Folio.
Hume's History of ditto, with Smollct't ditto.
14 Vols. Octavo.
Ma ft on's complete Treatise of Perfpeftive, 2
Vols, in one.
B»uce's Travels, London Edition, 5 Vols.
Clavigero's History of Mexico, 2 do. do.
History of America, 2 de. do.
Maclaurin's Newton's Philosophy, 4to.
M'Knight's Harmony of the Gospels, do.
Lowman on the Revelatious, do.
Locke on the Epistles, do.
Ledwick's Antiquities of Ireland, do.
Whitehui ft's Theory ot the Earth, do.
Glass's Account of the Canary Islands, do.
The Annual Register, from its Commencement
to 1791, inclusive, 34 Vols.
Niebuhr's Voyage to Arabia, 2 Vols, O&avo.
Bartram's Travels thro' the Southern States.
Some of the very latest and best Colle&ions ol
Voyages and Travels.
Creviers Lives of the Roman Emperors 10 Vols.
L'Aniiquite expliquee par B. Montlaucon, 15
Tom. to.
Antiquiies d'Egypte par Nordcn.
Diftionnaiie Hiftorique 9 Tom.
Theatre de Voltaire eleg. relic, 9 Tom.
Hiftoire Romain par Rollin, 16 Tom,
Oeuvresde Boileau, de Moliere, &c. with many
others equally good. A Catalogue of which
may be seen at ihe place of Sale.
He has also for Sale,
An excellent Hadley's Quadrant.
A few Acromatic Pocket Perfpe&ive GlaflTes.
A Camera Obfcura.
A capital German Flute, with 6 Keys, and ad
ditional joints.
And a few elegant colour'd Prints,
Feb. 28
George Bringhurft,
In Mulberry (Arch) between Fourth and Fifth
Streets, adjoining the Episcopal burying
TAKES this opportunity of returning his
grateful thanks to his former employers,
and requesting their future favors, ai well as
tliofe of the public in-general. —
He continues to make and repair at the
shortest notice, all kinds o4*pleafure carriages,
such as coaches, chariots,-phaetons with and
without crane necks, coachees,.chaifes, kitte
reens, windsor futkevs and chairs, and harness
of every description, fn the ideate.", and newcft
fefliion now prevailing in the United Staves.
And as he has a quantity of the best seasoned
wood by him, ard capital workmen, he has
not the Isaft butf lie will be able to give
fatisfaftion to those who please-to employ him.
He has for sale, fever a) carriages aim oft
finiflied, such as coachees, ari Italian windsor
chair, hung 011 ileel springs, a light phseton for
one or two horses, and a fulkey with a falling
Carriages fold on Commiflion.
Philadelphia, Jan. 6, i 794- m&t3m
In the House of Reprefentati c ves J
December 21^,1793.
WHEREAS the Commiflioners of public
Accounts, have reported, that they can
not procced to the inve(ligation of ine Treasury
Accounts, refpefting special Indents, without
knowing the outstanding amount thereof in cir
culation Therefore,
Refolvcd, That all holders of special Indents
be direftedf and required, on or before ihc full
day of November n< xt, to deliver the special In
dents in their poflVflion to one or other of the
Commiflioners of the Trca/ury, who are to give;
receipts for the fame, and to report to tbeCom
m'flioners on public accounts* on or before the
tenth day of November next, the amount by
thei* refptttively received, and also to the Le
gislature, at their meeting in November next.
And that all special Indents not rendered into
the Treasury as above, on or before the firft day
of November next, /hall be, and the fame are
hereby barred.
Rejolved, That public notice of this resolution
be given in the several Gazettes in this State,
once every three weeks, until the firft day of
November next. And that the Delegates of this
State in the Congress of the United States, be re
qucftfcd to Cause this resolution to be publifaed
in one or more papers in the cities of Philadcl.j
phia and New-York, and that provision will be
ir.ade for the fxpences attending such publica-
Ordefed, That the resolution be sent to the
•Senate for their concurrence.
By order of the House,
In tht SENATE,
December 21(1,1793.
Resolved, That this House dot concur with the
House of Representatives in the foregoing v«fo
Ordered, That the resolutions be leut »o the
House of Representatives.
By order of the Senate,
By MATHF.W CAREY, No. 118.
An Eflay on Slavery:
Dcfigned to exhibit in a new point of view,
its etfe&s on moiu/s y indujlry, and the peace of
ociety. Some ta&s and calculations are offered
to prove the labor of Jrecmen to .be much more
produdive than that of Jlaves ; that countries arc
rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the
laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own
labor ; and hence the nrceffary conclusion, that
fUvcry is impolitic as well as unjujl.
Price 25 Cents.
February 15,
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Wall-street, New-York.
THE Subscriber intending to CQnfine himfelf
encircly to the PURCHASE & SALE or
STOCKS on COMMISSION, leave to of
ftr his ferviccsto his friends and others, in the
line of a Stock Broker. Those who may please
to favor him wilh their business, may depend
upon having it (ranfa&ed with the uimoft fide
lity and difpaich.
Orders from Philadelphia, Boflon, or any
other part of the United States, will he ftri&ly
attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER.
Phi ladelphi a, February 13, 1794.
For printing by Subscription,
A Work, to be entitled,
Penirfylvania State Trials.
THE want of Sufficient information of the
state trials of Gieai-Britain in the early
periods, of that government is now latnerrted :
Mi herto there hath been but one trial in the
state of on impeachment :—ar.d
herealfo it is to be tegrctted, that, being neg
lected at the time, the public are now left with
out Sufficient information on the fubjeft of that
trial, it is however in this work defigued to ref
cucfwhatcan be collc&cd thereof fiom fouices
ol indifputaple authority, f 0 that the fame ftiall
be preserved from oblivion.
Another impeachment and the fccond is now
depending. An officer is charged by the late
Honfeof Representatives, who hath for many
years been largely confided in by this (late,and
hath long bien at the head of the financial de
partment of the fame, and it imports the citi
zens to know his condu&, and the circumstances
which may be brought toiward on his trial.
lathis work the Editor will be canful to
state the fa£ts, as they may be brought forward,
and to lay all the evidence and papers before
the public.—With this view—
The following "Terms are refpeSfully
submitted to the Public :
I. The Work shall be primed in o£lavo, with a
good type, on fine paper, and delivered to
fubferibers at the »cfpe&ive places where the
subscriptions arc taken in, as loon as the work
shall be compleated.
11. As no eonje&ure can well be made, as to
the length of the present tn?l, the fiz.e of the
volume cannot be afccrtaijied ai this -time
But the priee (ball {jot exceed that of fomeof
the latest publications in this city.
111. It will contain all the preliminaries and in
cidental circumstances that may occur during
the trial of John Nicholfon r Esquire, Comp.
troller-General of this commonwealth, with
theargutnents of counsel o» both fides, together
with the articles of impeachment, arid the
picas and replications at large, the several ie
folutions of the two branches of the state Le
gislature, refpe&ing this impeachment, and
the final dectfion of the SENATE refpe&ing
that officer.
To which will be prefixed, as much as can be
colle&ed from authentic documents, of the im
peachment, trial, and aequital of *he late. Francis
Hopkinfon, Esquire, Judge of the Court of
Admiralty for the state of P ( nnfylvania, during
the late war, never before pnblifhed.
No money will be required before the deli
very of the book.
Subscriptions will be received by Francis
Bailey, No,. 116, High'-ftreet ; Wriglcy and. Bcr
riman, No. 149, Chefnuuftreet, and by the dif
ferent book-fellers in (his city; Jacob Bailev,
Lancaster ; Yundt and Patton, Baltimore, and
by ihe Editor.
N. B. The price will be enhanced to non
fabferibers. 'Feb. 18. taw if
Fifty Dollars Reward.
ON the 31ft of last month, the fubferiber ad
dreffcd a letter to MtflYs. Thomas Pearjall
$3 Son, merchants in New-York, arid inclosed
therein a bank note, No. 445, for twenty dol
lars ; one ditto, No. 151, for thirty dollars;
and one ditto, No. 3,866, for twenty dollars.
—He also addressed a letter to Mr. Gilbert
Saltonjiall, merchant in New-Yoi'<, inclofinga
bank bill, No. 148, for fifty dollais, indoifed
on ihe back thereof in tlrcfc- words—•' Pa} the
v. it hi n 10 Mr. Gilbert Saltonjiall—Fben. Hunting
ton.*'—He also addressed a letter to Messrs. White
& Wardell y merchants in and inclo
sed a bank bill foi ten dollars, and a draft in fa
vor of fa id White & War dell, which letters were
put in the Poft-Office on said 31ft January, to
be foiwarded to New-York : But by letters re
ceived from the Gentlemen to whom they were
severally addressed, the money was robbed
from each letter before delivery.
The Public are liquefied to endeavor a de;
te&ion of the Villains who committed the above
tobbery. The bill iudoifed, I think was » Yoik
bank bill, and some rithers, one or more was
of the United Sta'cs bdnk, remitted a< Philadel
phia. Any peilon discovering the Thief,• and
returning the Mooey, (hall be entitled to fifty
dollais reward.
Norwkhh 14th Feb. 1794. gwgu*
One Hundred Dollars,
IS hereby offered by the Prefidem and Direc
tors of the Kank of the United States, to any
pfcrfdn who ftiall, on or before the firft day of
May next, produce to them such a plan and ele
vation of a Banking Houfc, as ftiall be approved
of by them.—-A plain, yet hand tome Iront is
desired : The whole building is to be fubifantial
and commodious with as much fpacc around it,
as the size of the ground will admit.
The Lot on which the building is to beeredl
ed, is situated on the weft fids ot Third-ftrcet,
between CheCuut and Walnut-flrceis in Phila
delphia ; and its dimcnfions arc no feet on
Third-street, and about too feet westward.
»p 3 W -
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars, deducting 15 per Cent. from
the Prizes—this Lottery confijls of
38,000 Tickets, in which there are
*4*539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks,
being about one and an half Blanks to a
THE Directors of the Society for eftabiiftung
Ufetul Manufactures, having resolved to
ere& LOTTERIES for raising One Hundred
Thousand Dol lars, agreeably to an Ast of
the of the State of New-Jersey, have
appointed the following persons to superintend
and dire£l the drawing ol the fame, viz. Nicho
las Low, Rtifns King, Herman Le Roy, james
Watson, Richard Hainfon, Abijah Hammond,
and Cornelius Ray, of the city ol New-York—
Thomas Willing; Joseph Rail, Matthew M'Con
nel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Phila
delphia—His Excellency Richard Howell, Esq.
Kliar- Boudinot, General Elias Dayton, Jam «
Parker, John Bayard, Do&or Lewis Donham,
Samut 1 W. Stockton, Jofbua M. Wallace, Joseph
Bloomfield, and F.liiha Boudinot, of Nc w-Jer
fey, who offer the following Scheme of a Lot
tery, and pledge themselves to the public, that
they will take every atfurancc and precaution in
their power to have the Monies paid by tho
Managers, from tiive to time, as received, into
the Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for ihepurpofeof paying Priz s, which
(hall be immediately discharged by a check
upon one of the Banks.
1 Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,00®
1 ,coo
1 5
1 4>539
23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars cach is 266,000
The drawing will commence, under the in
fpedion of a Com mil tee of ihe Superintendents,
as soon as the Tickets are fold,ot which timely
not ice Will be given.
The Superiniendants have appointed John N.
Gumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Hrrdenberg,
of New-Br«nfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of
Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who
have given ample fecuiity for discharging the
trust reposed in them.
(£3* In order to fecurethe punQu l payment
of the Pi izes, the Superimendarits of the Lottery
have dire&rd that the Managers flrall each enter
into bonds in 4c,000 dollars, with f»ur futficient
fecund s, to perform their iuftru&ions, the luiw
flancc of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers
shall receive the futn of Three Hundred Dollars,
he shall immdiately place thefame in one of the
Banks of Ne-.v-York or Philadelphia, to the
ciedit of the Governor of the Society, and such
of the Superintendents as live in the city where
ihe monies are placed, to remain there until the
Lottery is drawti, for the payment of the Prize*.
11. The Managers to take fufficient security
for any Tickets they may trust, otherwise to be
refpontible for them.
111. To keep iegular books of Tickets fold,
Monies received ar.d paid into ihe Bank, ab
ft'a&s of which Pnall be sent, monthly, 10 the
Governor of the Society.
Pdterfon, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gentle
men, information will be given where tickets
may be had.
February 24.
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
IN an eligible situation, —alio a Country Seat
wiihin 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of
land, or 42 acres of land and meadow, the
House is not exceeded bymany in the vicinity
of the city, in lize or convenience.
For terms apply to the printer.
January 23.
on which the Gazette of the United
States was lately printed. The Fount
will weigh about Three Hundred Pounds.
The price is Twenty Cents per pound. '
Enquire of the Editor.
Printed ev JOHN FENNOVvf|(h 3»
South FpuitluSaect* <
i 0,000
niAtb— tf