EVENING AD V E [No. 7 1 of Vol. V.] For SALE, "**l The Schoove* lm* NEPTUNE (.Lying at Morton's Wharf} ' She is a good strong vef burthen ahout 500 bar re Is, and fails remarkably fafL Inventory may be fern on board, or at the Store of the Subscribers. Wharton & Leivis. Feb. it, 1794. dtf For Sale or Charter, ✓ The Ship ANDROMACHE, (* n American, bottom) Moore, Master ; Is a stout good veflel, at*mt t\ra years old, burthen 232 tons, ha 6 only made tftree voy ages, and may be sent to sea at a fm-afl ex pence. She may be fcen at Vine-ftreef and the terms made known by application to Wharton & Lezt'is. Fd>. 2i, 1794. otf JUST PUBLISHED, AND SOLD BY H. & P. RICE, No. 50, High-Street, (Price One Dollar) The Gentleman's Pocket Library. CONTAINING, 1. The Principles of Politeness. 2. The Economy of Human Life. 3. Rochefoucauld's Moral Reflexions. 4. Lavater's Aphorilms on Man. 5. The Polite Philosopher. 6. The way to Wealth, by Dr. Franklin. 7. Se!es—l'an ad de la Republiqur unc & indivifiblc. (28 Fcvrter, 1794- vieu-xfiHe) Lc Miniftic Pienipoteotiarc dc la Kef>ublil Souchong Tea, Hyson and Tonkay, ditto. Holland C.in in Cases, A Quantity of Bfimftonr, v With a Variety of other Goods. F 9. so. 3'aw6w Excellent CLARET, In hogdeads and in cases of 50 bottles each. ALSO, A few cases Champaigne Wine - y MADEIRA, In pipe*, hogsheads and quarter cafics, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. *lft t South Frontfllrcet. KVJH; dtf Parry and Mufgrave, Goldsmiths Jewellers y No. 42, JOVTH SECOKD-STKIIT, HAVE FOR SALE, An elegant AJfnrtment of SILVER & PLATED WARE, JEWELLERY & fine CUTLERY, Which they will diipote of on the inoft lea fonable terms. Devices in hair, Miniatures firtt, and every in the gold and filvei way, done as ufu&Lj Dcccmbcr 34. of tJje Iplltlfet) In the Ship Apollo, Capt. Fitzpatnck, from Arnfterdam, and now landing on Walnut-ftrect wharf, viz, Gin in f>iprs y A few hales Holland Buck, Ditto Oznaburgs-y Holland Sheeting, Juniper Berries, Gtafs Ware, viz* Tumblers and Mugs, va rious Jizes. Sheathing Paper T Swedes Iron, square and Jlat bars r Hair Ribband, No. 4. Dutch Great Coats, A quantity of Jttnk and Oakum, Ifjc. &c. FOR SALE BY The above-mentioned Ship" rr for Sale—- Jhnnld application le made within a few days ; other wife Jbe will take freight for Jlnfler dom. March j, 1794. (Pries Twenty Cents) By Mathew Carey, Love in a Village, A COMIC OPERA, As performed at the New Theatre, Feb. 18. FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, A Ground Plan City Philadelphia, JXD ITS F.NFIAONS: Taken from signal survey, by A. P. Folie, C-eogrepfcer, from St. Domingo. THIS Plan will be fngraved on e plate a 6 inches Iquarc ; and ii will contain an ex act drfcnpticn of all the fqu-ate*, ftrrets and all' ys in the City and Liberties'. The fuoaiion of the fevrral public building?, Inch as the State- Haule, City-Hall, Seat of Congress, Churches, Meeting-Moults, Hofpi;al, Library and Semina ries of Learning-os the several Banks, and of the Fctirral and State Oftces r wil! be sfcertained. Thr parr> wh ; «b a»e built «n will be diftinguftu ed from those that are not. The cotfrfes of the rivulets between Delaware and Schuylkill, and as much of the Canal, intended to connect the navigationcf t-hefe two waters, as lies wichin the of the draught, will be accurately delineated, ft will alio be ornamented by a 'view of the Chipping in the hatbor, and an ele vation i>l Coug»tf.s-HaU, and of the other public building* that occupy the ground contiguous.. In (holt,, nothing will be omitted to- render this ufcfnl and dt Arable work acccptable to an en lightened public, that is in (he author's power: amd it ftiall he compleated wtth the greatest prfljole difp-.iLli y as loon a> thr generous encou ragement of fubfcnheis fba-ll insure tothe author such a lum as will' be futfkicnt to defray ex- penr'-s. A Pamphlet u ill be delivered with each Flair, which will conta'ur an alphabetical lift of the Suhfcriber# nawes, and information con cerning the police, population and prcfent state of the city. The price to fuhfcribf j will be Two Dollars and one third, to be p«*id at the time of deliver ing the Plaas. Subfcri prions will be gmtcfuTty rcccrved al the principal Bookfcllcrs iu u.i. citv—and the original Drafl may be si rn at B. Da VI El", N»- 68. Maikrt.ftr.Tt, at any time until it ihall It l»ut in'o the hands of the Eneraver. Feb. TREASUR rofPEMNS TL fJATA, February 14, 1794. Nol icr is hetehygiven to a!! pcrfont X indebted to the Corhmonweallh, lor monies borrowed ol the Trufleea of the Loan Office, eftablilhed per ast ot the 41(1 of April, 1785' that the time is expired wjien the last payment fliould have been m?de, and every jultifiable indulgenre been granted, Thai tmlefs they come tor ward and pav off their refpeflive balance* on or bcforrthe firft day of April next, precept! will iflue agaml! all delinquents with out regard to perftms or cirrumflancrt. All former and existing lheriff», who have money in their hand, belonging 10 said Office, are re. quelled to bring it to me on or before the above period, otherwise I ftinll be under the disagree able nexreffity of profeoutmg them without dif tin&ioa. CHRISTIAN FEBIGER. P. S. The Printers throughout the State are tequified to iniert the above in their pa peri tor ibr information of their feHow*citiiciks. Biw&ftf Wednesday, March 5, 1794. Just Imported, THOMAS KETLAND, Jun. JUST PUBLISHED, No. 118, Market-Street, Chefnut-Street. PROPOSALS OF THE AND > Just Imported, In the Ship JEdward, Capt. Crandon, from St. Peterfourg in Ruflia, And now landing at South-street Wharf, viz. Hemp, BAR IRON, RUSSIA SHEETING, RAVEN's DUCK, RUSSIA DUCK, HOG's BRISTLES. AND FOR SALE By John Donnaldfon, No,- a 2, Walnut-ilreet, March 4,1794, Writing ON SIGN-BOARDS, J A PANN'p PLATES, CSV. Done in the most elegant manner, and after the firft mailers ; like wife, Fire Buckets Painted and finifhed at the shortest notice, by d—tf GEORGE RUTTER, In Norm's Court, back of the New Library, between Chefnut and Walnut* Fourth and Fifth flreeUv dtf March 4, W A NT ED, A Man Servant, Who is acquainted with the common duties about a house. None need apply but fuck as can be well recommended. March 4, Exhibition of Artificial Chineje Fire-Works, Without powder, smell, or frnoke. MFUSTUVER returns hie fmcere thanks to the public for the great encourage ment he has met with, and has the honor to in»orm them, that his exhibition will be con tinued every evening (Sundays excepted) at 7 o'clock, in Cherry-Alley, the firft door weft of Fourth-street. Tickets for grown persons I id. and for children 6f State is, that his report calls the difcri rtiinatirrg duties in Great Britain hi favor of American woody small, whereas they are considerable* and in fbveral in fiances, high. Mr. M. said he had not found Jeifure to trace this branch of our exports into alt the details neeeflarv to decide in what de gree the duties were small or confidcrable, and in what proportion the several dutied articles went to Great Britain. He ob served in general that the greater part of our woods were exported to the Weft-In dics, not to Great Britain. That in the (hip-woods, at least the Baltic nations wertf not iivali to the United States. It wa* known thai Sweden and Denmark were so deficient in oak, that their public navies were supplied from Germany, and that the (hip timbers of Ruflia were tjanfporu ed a thousand or twelve hundred miles from her interior dominions. The fir, of which the Swedi(h and Dani(h merchant ship* were built, does not lad more than feverc or eight years, and could not therefore be a rival to the durable wood* of the nited States* He observed also ffiat timber, and par ticularly the (hip woods of this country, were so precious and so sure of being iiv demand, that they never could fear a ri val, or need a foreign bounty. This was an article very different from such as were an annual product of the earth: and as could be raised wherever the climate and foil permited, according to the occasional demand. The forefts that were to sup ply the /hip-yards were the growth of centuries, and where once destroyed, as they generally are in Europe, are rarely replaced at asl r and never can become the rival to America, which enjoys them a» the spontaneous gift of nature. To enhance the merit of the Briu'fh regulation, the gentleman had told us, that wood was fubjeft to a duty of i per cent, in the French I (lands, and in the Britilh free, with a prohibition of other foreign wood. This was of little conse quence. The duty was a trifle, and fal ling on a ncccfTary article to be got no where else, probably was paid by the French I(landers. And the prohibition l was ideal, the American wood being the only resource for the Britifti market. The article of Fish, was admitted by the gentleman himfelf, to be more favor ed' by the French than the British fyflem, though he admits it with relu&ance and diminishes the difference as much as pos sible. The cafe however is so clear, and the facts so palpable, that they speak for' ihemfelves. Under the French regulati ons, this important article of our com merce, is fubjeft to duties only r in Europe and the Weft-Indies. Under the British, it is under prohibition in both. The a mount of the whole exports is 383,237 quintals of dry, and 57,424 bands of picklcd fifTi. Of this the French eonfump tion, is 2 2,1" 1 quintals and 45* 164 bar rels ; that is, nearly § of the dry, and 4-e of the pickled fifh. Here Mr. M. proceeding to the fubjeft of whale oil, called the attention of the committee particularly to the representa tion and language of Mr. Smith as to the the conduit of France, in inviting the fifh ermen of Nantucket to remove and fet tle at Dunkirk. Mr. Smith, he fold, had not only undervalued the monopoly of the French market granted to-the United States, but had, by a mutilated quotation of a report of the secretary of State on the fi(heries, changed the true afpeft of the at tempt to draw away the- Nantucket fifli ermen. The faS was, that although- tfce