UNITED STATES. NEW-YORK, February 2J, Copy of a letter from a merchant in Guernsey, to a refpe&able mercantile house in this city, dated J in. 8, 1794. " The only authentic news in this part of the world is, the RECAPTURE of TOULON, by the French Republicans, and their success in every quarter, particu larly against the army of Wurmfer on the Rhine, which they obliged to retreat from their redoubts at Hageneau on the 22d December, and againlt the Royaliftj, who had crofTed the Loire from La Vendee in great numbers, and who seem to be near ly annihilated. " These particular are certain, and may prove interesting (hould the Rebecca have a (hort paflage." We learn from Capt. Brown, of the Rebecca, that having fallen in with a squadron of French ships of war in the Channel, he was obliged to go on board the Admiral's vessel, where every thing wore the appearance of the greatell mirth and joy, on account of the above conquest of wliich they had received certain nitel ligence before their failing A gentle man who came paflenger in the Rebecca, farther informs, that he saw a London paper in Gnernfey of the jth January, which announced the retaking of Toulon ; and that Lord Moira had returned to England to discharge his troop 6, which had been so long detained on board the ships in order to form their intended junc tion with the French rebels, as to cause sickness and mortality to make dreadful ravage amongfl; them. February 26, Monday arrived the {hip Charleston, Captain Sheffield, from Charleston. We have been favored with the following par ticulars from a gentleman who came pas senger in her.—That on the evening pre vious to failing from that port, accounts were received from St. Augustine, which state, that a plot had been discover ed, which ptemeditated the giving up of that place to the French ; the Lieutenant Governor of St. Johns' River, Mr. M'ln tofh, and a number of other chara&ers, were taken up and sent to the Havannah in irons, commiflions from Mr. Genet be ing found in their pofTeflion. The troops on the river St. Mary's were drawn off to the river St. John's, and the whole of the militia underarms. Copy of a Letter from Dr. Priestly, to Mr. J. GouGH,at Savannah. CLAPTON, August 2i, 1793. Sir, " I WAS highly gratified by the ac count yon were lo good as to transmit to me, of the favorable manner in which the news of the revolution in France was re ceived in America, especially as at that time there were doubts entertained on the fubjeft. That many viewed it in an un favorable light with you, I have no doubt, but that a revolution, in all the eflentials so nearly resembling your own, should not be thought a joyful event by the Ameri cans in general, I could not believe. Your letter made me quite easy on the fubjeft, and enabled me to fatisfy my friends. Since that time there have been more re volutions, as they may be called, in France; "all, however, I am willing to think, favor able to liberty and happiness, tho' at the time I and all my friends were disposed to forebode ill, as our particular friends were the fufferers. The last constitution seems now to give almoit universal latisfa&ion ; the infurreftion seems to be nearly fup prefled, and as to their foreign enemies, they make light of them. Indeed, they have only served to rouse and unite them. " We have been alarmed with the ap prehensions of a war with America ; but I hope there will be wisdom on your fide of the water, tho' little I fear an ours, to prevent it. Both countries must be ma terially injured by such an event, and nei ther of them could be a gainer. This, indeed, is the cafe with refpeft to all wars, but more obviously so in this than in mod others. " I fend this by my sons, who are go ing to find a settlement in your country. All I have (three) will be there, and then I (hall expett to follow soon. I cannot give you an idea of the violence with which every friend of liberty is prosecuted in this country. Little of the liberty of the press on political fubje&s is now left, and the country in general goes heartily with the court into all their measures ; so that nothing but general cab fear is approaching, wall The fotirce ot all this evil w toi know ledge in the lower, ai>d a». aot of the lower, orders of'the people. The French are wifely providing ast this evil by a system of public inltru&ion. Here even Sunday schools beg»n to be reprobated, as making the common people too know- With much gratitnde for your commu- nications, I am, Sir. yours sincerely J. PRIESTLEY." To the Printer of t/je Gazette of the United States, If you think the following Extra years bv annual installments. In committee of the whole on the re port of a feleft committee on the petition of Henry Hill, after some discussion of the fubjeft, the committee repor* ed pro gress, and had leave to fit again. Ordered, that 200 copics of two re ports on this bufniefs, be printed for the use of the house. Mr. W. Smith of the fcleft committee on the Judiciary, brought in a motion which provides for dispensing with the at tendance of all the marlhals on the Su preme Court, and that in lieu thereof the attendance of the Marshal of the diftricS only in which the Gourt is held /hall be fuiiicient, unless the attendance of other Marilials (hall he fpecudly required by ol der of the Court. GEO. TAYLOR, jun, GEO. HAMMOND. GEO. TAYLOR, jun. This motion was referred to the com mittee of the whole on the Judiciary, ai;6e par B. Mowtlaucon, Tom. so. Antiquires d'Efypte par Norden. Di&ionnairc Hiftoriqut gTi m* Theatre dc Voltaire cleg, relir. q Tom, Hilloiie Remain par Rollm, 16 Tom Ocuvresde Boile3o,rte Moliert, See. wfth many others equally good. A Catalogue of whichi may be seen at the place of Sale. He bat also for Sale, An cxcfltcnt H~dlry\ Quadrant. A lew Acrcmstic Pocket Petlpcftive Glaflil. A Camera Ohfcura. A capital German Flute, with 6 Keys, and ad ditional joints. And a few elegant coloui'd Prims Feb. 28. Adjourned^ 4«op.