Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, February 27, 1794, Image 4

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Rh >Pi-CTH'LLY informs hit frienos and
Ihe I'uhlif, That from 'he encouragement
he ha* »rrti\ (d, from several refpe&ablr Gentle
men, he is litd'tccd nnre more, toembark in ihe
PAPhK I.INF.— and would offer his le>vires to
all thofc Gemlemen, who can place conHdrncc
in him ; and b aftnre* thole who employ him,
that th'M confide nce (hall not be mi-iplarert;—
hut i* (hall be his lonitant endeavor, to pay the
ftnft'ft a-trnron to their befl mterefl, in all ne
goeiation* whatever. He has taken tb< Cnamber,
in Si'ite-Strrrt, ov C r Mr. David 1 own fen J, Watch
Make-'s Shop. Where PUBLIC ShCURI-
Tll.S, of all kmnj, are bought and fold ; and
wher Commiifion Bufniefs of all kinds, will be
franfaAed on reasonable terms. H OUSIvS and
VKSSKI.S will be constantly expoftd lor fair, on
Coinm lit 'ii
* # * Cash paid foe Salem, Piovidence, and
Portfmouih 131 LI S.
N B If anv Gen finnan in Philadelphia, or
Ken-York. has any 11*/ineft to tranjarl at Hnjlen,
in Putter he will be happy to b: em
ploy e-J on comtniffion.
Bo.lon, Jan. 24, 1794.
To be Sold at Public Vendue,
On Friday the i ithday of April nexi,
at the house of John "Thomson, in Perth-
Am boy,
The Proprietary House
TH fc Lot contains elevt u acre*, on which is
an oirhiini of grafted apple trees, a well of
excellent water, a large stone c stern, and a very
commodious liable and coacb-houCe, and a great
quantity of the b#ft building stones in the walls
of tiic houie, which was formerly built for the
refiHence of 'he Governors of New-ftrfcy. The
situation of this Lot is so well known lor its
heaiihinefs and beautiful profpeft of ihc Rirnon
river to the weft of the bav, and Sandy-Hook ro
the e-ft, that a lur:her <lcfcription is urin ciffiry.
The conditions of fair will be, one third of the
purchafc money to be paid on the firft day of
May next, when a guoo and fuHicicnt Dved will
be given to th puichafcr, by Waltii Ru
th er fur D, Ffq. Prrfident of the Board of
Proprietor* ot the E.iftcrn Divifmn of New-
Jrrrfry, and the remaining two ihtrds fatitla&o
rily (ccurcJ in equal annual payments.
liy oid< r (.1 tlir U.>ard.
P:rth- Ambo\, February 5,1794. 2aw?m
War Department.
January 30th 1794,
INFORMATION >s hereby given to ;i the
military invalids of the United State*.,that the
fuins to which thev arc entitled for fix months
of their annual petition, from the fourth day of
September 1793, and which will hecoim due
on r,e s'h day of March 1794, w:II be paid on
the saul day by the CommifTioneis of the Loans
within the itates refpc&tvfly, under the ulual re
t\ ot cxicu;oriand adinin'ftrators
inuU in- act with leg,*) cvidxice of
tiinr itS ff, and Jifo ol the nme the
invalids dxd, whose pension ihev may claim,
by command of ihr Prefid nt
of the Un'trd S'atrs,
Sect etary oj IVar.
The printers in the »efpe£tive fta»es are
tcqu. ftcd tn publilh ihe above in their newfpa
jk is *or the fpatc ol two mouths.
jannaiy 30
M.Carey,No. 118, Higb-Jlreet,
Commentary on Common Sayings and
Subjects, which are full of Common
SfNSKf the bejlfenfe in the world,
THIS little book ib written in a (tile altogether
novel, and it adapted to all capacities, at
well at to all claflcs of people, merchans, me
chanics ?nd farmers. Such a reputation has this
wo>k acquired, that it hat patted thro (hrec im
preffcoas in the raftcni (talcs, and many houie
holders deem it so ufctul at to purchase a copy j
♦or every adult in theii faailict. -Ptici 2*.
fV tUHV 4.
Notice is hereby given,
THAT the fubferiber has been duly ap
pointed AdminiAratrix on the estate of
his Excellency Johk Hancock, Esq. late of
Boft »n, in the county of Suffolk, decealed, and
has taken upon herlelf that tiuft, by giving
bonds as the law dire&t—and all persons in.
terefted, are defirtd to take notice accord
Bolton, Nov. 13, 1793.
Take Notice.
ALL persons who have any demand* against
the Eftutt of his late Excellency JOHN
HANCOCK, E r q. deceased, are requeflcd to
exhibit the fame to the Sobfcriber, Attornev
to the Adminiitratrix of said Estate : And all
perfom who ftaod indebted to laid Estate, arc
requeued to fettle with hull immediately- as the
Ast of Limitation of Actions, which is to take
place on the firft day of December neat, will l
otherwise render it neceflary for him to com- I
mcnce suits agnnft them.
JOSEPH MAY, Attorney
to the Adininiftratrix.
Bofton,No*. 13, 1793.
N. B The Printers throughout this Com.
monwcalth, are requrfted to insert this in their
refpeftive newspapers, and forward their ac
eounU for the fame, to J. m
B»ck of the New Library, between Chefnui
and Walnut-Streets
George Rutter,
jD ESPECT FULLY informs his friends and
Iv the public in general, that he continues
car tying on the business of
and Fire-Bucket Painting,
f>r doorsor window-fliutters,don« in the nioft
tlegant Ulanqei, and with difpttcb.
Order* from the onuntry will be thankfully
received, and duly attended to.
December Jo,
|uft Imported,
From London, Dublin and Glasgow,
And now opening for ale, hy
AO. 118, Market Jireet,
A Large and Valuable
Among which are the following :
Annua] Regilter for I 792
! European Magazine lor the firft fix
nionths of 1 793
Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Memoirs of the Manchester lociet)*, 3 vol«.
Priestly on matter and spirit
on chriftianitv
; Disney's fife of Dr. Jortin
| Kittgville'j ancient geography
D'Anoirs of Guy Joli
"VTemty,a colleelion of eflays
Varieof Prullia's works
Calm observer—by Mackintosh
Ruflell's ancient and modern Europe
I-anghorne's Plutarch
Elegant extracts, superbly gilt
Elegant extracts of natural history
Saugnier and BrifTon's voyage
Rochon's voyage to Madagascar
Townfend's travels in Spain
Taffo's Jerufalein delivered
SmeMie's translation of BufFon
Berwick's hiftoiy of quadrupeds
Buffon abridged
Hiftery of birds
Philips'; history of inland navigation
Hooper's rational recreations
History of France, in 3 vols.
Curiosities of literature, 3 vols.
Whitaker's defence of queen Mary
Sheridan's dictionary, 2 vols.
Dow's history of Hindollan
Sketches of the Hindoos
Key to polite literature.
Imlay's description of Kentucky
Prefenr state of Nova-Scotia
Present state of Hudson's Bay
Preston on mafunry
Ljvater on physiognomy, abridged
Zimmerman's survey
Murphy's life of Dr. fohnfon
Necker on executive power
KiflVs of Secundtts
Gallery of portraits
Volney's rnins ofempires
1 ravels
Vmllaint's travels, with superb engravings
Downinan's infancy
Adair's history of American Indians
Benington 011 materialifin and immaterialifm
Berchold's advice to patriotic travflleri
Builder's magazine
Complete farmer
Chandon's life of Voltaire
De Non's travels
Franklin's life and works
Grozier's description of China
Murohy's translation of Tacitas
Godwin on politicaljnftice
Gazetteer of France, 3 vols.
Helvetius on man
Kaimes's sketches of the history ©f man
Liberal opinion*, or the history of Benignus
Mawe's gardener's di&ionary
Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell family
Playhonfe dictionary
Reveries of foKtude
Smith's theory of moral fentinients
Stackboufe's history of the bible
Watson's life of Philip lid. & Hid.
Wonders of nature and art, 6 vols.
Wunity'a wonders of the little world, called
Wallis on the prevention of diseases
M,oore's journal in France
Cox's travels into Denmark,Ruffia,Poland,See.
Cox's iraveJs into Switzerland
Rabant's history of the French revolutiou
Life of Lord Chatham
Mallet's northern antiquities
Motherbv's medical dictionary
Grigg's advice to females
Hamilton's outlines of the practice of mid
Manning's pra&ice of physic
CleghorrS diseases of Minorca
Innes on the muscles
Pott's works
Fourcroy's chemistry
A r mstrong on diseases of children
Onincy'i dfpenfiatory
Edinburgh difpenlatory
Lewis's dispensatory
Ryan on the asthma
Robertfon's treatise oa fevers
Lee's botany,
Leake on the viscera
Leake on diseases of women
Nicjwflbn's clieniiftry
Gardiner on the animal economy
Lewis's Materia Medica
Fordyce on digestion
Withering on the fox glove
Lind on the diseases of heat
Monro on diseases of armiet
Haller's phvfiology
Spalanzane's diflertations
London pra&ice of phytic
Bell's furgerv
Chaptal's chemistry.
B r MATHF.W CAREY, No. 118,
An Eflay on Slavery:
Dclignrd to exhibit in a new point of view,
iis effrfts on motu!s % mdujiry, and the peace of
ociety. Some ta&s and calculations are offered
to piovr the labor of freemen to be much more
proaudrve than that ot Jlaves ; that countries are
rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the
laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own
labor ; and hence the n ccffriy conclufxon, that
flavcry is impolitic as well as unjufl.
Price a 5 Cents.
February <jtf
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Wall-street, New-York.
THE Subscriber intending to confine himfelf
entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of
Si Ot KS on COMMISSION, brgs leave to of
frr his fcrviccsto his friends and others, in the
line of a Stock Broker. Those who may pleafr
to favor him with their bufinefa, may depend
upon having it tranfafted with the uimoft fide
lity and difpaich.
Orders fiom Philadelphia, Bolton, or any
other part of the United Stater, will be ftriftly
attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER.
Philadelphia, Feb?nary m. i~Q4
For printing by Subscription,
A Work, 10 be entitled,
Penvfylvania State Trials.
THE want of fuffii-ient information of the
state trials of Giea-Britatn in the early
periods of that government is now lamented :
"Hi herto there hath been but one trial in the
ftaie of Pennsylvania on impeachment and
l Alj ir ° 11 " be re ß ,rtlcd » that . neg
letted at the time, the public are now left with
out fufficient information on the fubjefl of that
inaj, it is however in ths work designed to res
cue what can be collected thrreof from sources
of indifputaple authority, f c that the fame (hall
be preserved from oblivion.
Another impeachment and the second is now
depending. An officer is charged by the late
Honfeof Reprefeiitatives, who ha-h for many
years been largely confided in by this state.and
,on g b en « »he head of the financial de
partment of the fame, and it imports the citi
zens to know hisconduft, and thecircumftantes
which may be brought forward on his trial.
In this work the Editor will be cartful to
flute the facts, as they may be brought forward,
and to lay all the evidence and papers before
the public.—With this wiew
The following Terms are refpcttfully
fuimitied to the Public :
1* The W jrk (hall be primed in o&avo, with a
good type, on fine paper, and delivered to
fiibfenber, at the refpeSive place, where the
mblcriptiom are taken in, as loon at the work
shall be compleated.
11. As no eonjeflure can well be made, at to
the length el the present trial, the fiae of the
volume cannot be ascertained at this time-
But the price lhall nni eitceed that of fomeof
the laieft publications in this city.
111. It will contain all the preliminaries and in.
oriental circumstances that may occur durii. K
the trial of John Nicholfon, Elquire, Com p.
trailer-General of this commonwealth, with
' arguments of counfe lon boih fides, together
with the articles of impeachment, and the
pleas and replications at large, the several re
lolunons of the two branches of the Bate Le.
giflatti.e, refpe&ing this impeachment, and
the final decision of the SENATE refpedtinir
that officer. 6
T" which will be prefixed, „ muc h at can be
colltdlrd f,om authentic document*, of the im
peachmrm, trial, and aequital of .he late Franci.
Hopkinf<,n. Etquire, Judge of the Court ot
Admtialty for the state of FrnnMvania, during
the laic war, never before pnblifred.
No money will be required before the deli,
very ol the hook.
Subfcnpnon. will be received by Franci., No. 116, High-street; Wrigley and Ber.
riman, No. 149, Chefnut-flreet, and by the dif
ferent bookleller, in tbi, City; Jacob Batlev,
Lane after ; \ undt and Patton, Biltimote, and
by the Editor.
rl7 l pr,ce W1 " be «h»nccd to non.
lnSfcnbers. Feb. 18. (aw f
City Commissioners Office,
Tv t January 30, 1794.
IN puifuance of a Kefo, Vl ot the Common
1 Council, dated the 10th day of |anuar V ,
1794, tor dividing the City into five Dillna.
tiv line, drawn East and Weft, whereof each ol
(he City Commiflioner. is to take the fuperin
t. ndance ot one ot the laid Dillr.fli, and to be
accountable for the cleaning, good order and
regularity of the fame.
The Commiflioners have •ccordingly made
the following arrangement for the prcfcr.l:
Dijiiift the ijl. Nathan Boys, to have the
charge of that part of the Greet., lanes and alleya
from Ccdar-ftreet, to the north fide of Spruce
ftiect. r
Dijlrifl the td. Hugh Roberts, from the north
fide of Spruce-street to the north fide et Walnut
3&- Joftph Claypoole, from the
north tide of Walnut to the south tide of Hi Kh
ttreet. 6
Dl/riO the 4tk. William Moulder, from the
north fide of High, to the noith fide of Mulberry
ft reel 7
DiJlriQ the s th. Nicholas Hicks, from the
north fide of Mulberry, to the north fide of Vine
£Xt' *8 from the Minut'i,
N B. The carnage way in Markel-ftreet, i«
voder the charge of the Commiflioners generally,
sos the prcfent, the foouwavs on the north and
south fides thereof, arc connefird with the ad
joining Dittrifts rcfpcdivcly.
Excellent CLARET,
In iiogfVcad* and in cafc* of 50 bottle* each.
-A few cases Champaigne Wine;
Io pipes, hoglhcadi and qiuricr cafli!,
No. in, Souch Front-Ureel.
I'n. a, 1794. • M
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
IN an eligible fitoation,—alfo a Country Seat
within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of
hind, or 42 acres of land and meadow, the
House is not exceeded by many in the vicinity
of lliecity, in (ize or convenience.
For terms apply to the printer.
January 23.
on which the Gazette of the United
States was lately printed. The Fount
will weigh about Three Hundred Pounds.
The price is Twenty Cents per pound.
Enquire of the Editor.
An Aa for giving validity in this IJland H
Probates to be taken, by certain Officers
in the United St,ites of America, rf Duds
to be there executed, and dlfo to Exempli.
Jications of Wills there proved.
\\T H£REAS ' since the frparation from the
v y crown of Great-Britain of the late co
lonies, now called the United States of'Ame
"r t'®» eit .' nConven ' cnccs ' live "fen to many
of his Majesty's fubjefls occasionally refidin"
in those States, for want of a legal provision
respecting the probates and acknowledgments
of deeds executed in the said States, and in
tended to operate in this island : For remedy
whereof, we, your Majesty's dutiful and loyal
U j a , ' e LlcutenJll t-Governor, Council,
and Afiembly of this your Majesty's island of
Jamaica, humbly beseech your Majesty that
it may be enacted; Beit therefore enacted,
and it is hereby enabled and ordained by the
authority of the fame, That, from and im
mediately after the parting of this adt, any
conveyance, letter of attorney, or other deed
whatsoever, which (hall be hereafter executed
in any of the United States of America, and
(hall be proved by a fubferibing witnefi, or
acknowledged by the party or parties, before
any of his Majesty s Consuls or Vice-ConfuU
" fld '"o those States, or before the
Chief Justice of any of the said States, or br
fore the Chief Justice or any of the Judges of
the Supreme Court of the said United States,
and certified under the seal of any of the said
States, or the seal of the laid United States,
(hall be, and the fame is hereby declared to
be, as good and effcflual in the law as if such
conveyance, letter of attorney, or other deed,
had been refpedively proved oracknowledsed
before a Judge of any court of record in this
island j any law, custom, or usage, to the con
trary notwithstanding Provided always,
That in all cases wherein the right or property
of any woman under coverture is intended
to be conveyed, (he (hall be examined separate
and apart from her hu(band, by the Judi:e
who attests the probate, and the said examina
tion (hall be certified in like manner as is prac
tised in Great-Britain or in this Island.
11. And be it further enafled by the autho
rity aforefaid, That the probate of any last
will and testament, taken before any officer
authorized to take probates of wills in am of
the said States, and exemplified under the
seal of the State where such probate (hall have
been taken, (hall be, and the fame is hereby
declared to be, at good and effectual in -he
law, as if such probate had been taken before
the ordinary of this island ; any law, custom,
or usage, to the contrary in any wife notwi'h
PaJJed the AJfemblj this Ij tb daj of Novem
ber, 179j.
ajjid the Council, this 14th November, 1-31
G.ATKINSON, CI. Council.
I consent, this 6t/' December, 1703.
Vera cofm extur. G. Athinsok, See.
*#* The American Printers are requeftcd
to publifli this ast in their several newspapers.
Proposals having been pMifhed la/}
autumn, for continuing the Gazette of the
United States as an half weekly paper, in
conjunaion with a daily paper, frequent ap
plications (poflage unpaid) arc made brp.'r
fons at a dtflance for the former —but as the
terms proposed on that occajion were not com
plied with, the plan if an half weekly paher
is rclinqu 'tfhed.
p" At the Editor hat repeatedly been
fubjeßed to ptflagt on tie Lettert ofperfont,
whe have in that way applied to purchase
the Fount of Long Primer which he hat
for/.lie —those ctiho wish to buy tbofe types,
are informed that the price it twenty emit
per pound, ca/b —to be paid at their delive
ry—the fount weight about 250 ft,.
Pointed BY JOHN FENNO, No. 3,
South Fourth-Street.