Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, February 22, 1794, Image 4

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RLSPECTFI'LLY inform* his friends and
the public, Tint from the encouragement
be has »cceivrd, fiom fcveral icfpr&abU Gentle
men, lu* is induced nncc more, ti»omb«uk in 'he
I'API'.R LlNK—and would offer his feivires to
all «b«fe Gentlemen, who ran place confidence
in him ; and lv assures those who employ him,
thai ih« ir confidence Iball not he mi'place<l—
b<U ii (Hall be his towfanr enriravor, ro poy the
f4 r ict (\ attention to their heft interest, in all nc
gori»'inn« wha'evrr. He has taken ih* Chamber,
in Siate-Strret, ov«>r Mr. David Town fend, W.vch
M,ke.N Shop. Whcte PUBLIC SbCURI
TILS», of all k-tids, ar* bonqh'' and fold; >nd
where Com mi (Ron Bufinrfs of all kinds, will he
Iranftdcd on leafonable terms. HOUShS -*nd
VESSELS will be conUatitly expo fed lor file, on
com mi (linn.
* # * Calb paid for Salem, Pioviilence, and
P.;rilmouih BILi S.
N. B. If any Gentleman in Philadelphia, or
New-York, has any Pujinefi to t ran (all at Fo/lon,
in Paper Negotiations, he will be happy to be em
ployed on count/(ton.
Boston, Jan. 24, 1794.
To be Sold at Public Vendue,
On Friday the nth day of April next,
at the hoiife of John Thomson, in Pertli-
The Proprietary House
THE Lot contains eleven ac»e?, on which is
an oichaid oi graff'i apple tiecs. a well of
excel'u nt water, a large (lone c stern, and a very
commodious liable and < oach-houfc, and a great
quanuy ol the b*ft building (tones in the walls
o! the houfc, which was fotmerly built lor the
rtfi.lence ol the Governovs of Ncw-Ji rlcy. The
fiiUdtion of thia Lot is so well known »or its
healthiness and beautiful profpeft of the Rarsion
river to the weft of the bay. and Sandy-Hook to
the e.ift, thai a further defciiption is unnrceffiry.
The conditions of sale will he, one third ol the
purchafc money to be p:id on the fir ft day of
May next, when a good and fufficient Deed will
be Riven to the puichaf r, by Walter Ru-
Therfurd, Esq. Pirfiiient of the Boaid of
Proprietors ol the Eaftcrn Divifton of Ncw-
J**fey, anrt the remaining two thi-ds fatis?a£lo
nly (ecured in equ<>! annual paymcms.
By order of the Board.
Perth-Amboy, February 5, aawani
War Department.
January 3 oth 1794.
INFORMATION is heteby to.ill (he
military invalids of th-,- United Stares,that the
funis to which tlicy arc entitled lor fix months
of their annual petition, from the fourth day of
September 1793, and which will become due
on he sth day of March i794> will be paid on
the laid day by ihc Commiflionc s of the Loans
wit htn the states refp< lively, under the usual re-
Applications of execu'ors and administrators
mull be accompanicd with iegil evidence of
iheir refo stive offices, and 21fn of the lime the
invalids died, whofc petition they may claim.
By coinrivano of the Prtfid nt
of the United States,
Sect clary oj IVar.
The printers in the iflpettivc llaics are
requcfted lopwblifh the ah m- hi their newfpa
pt rs lor the fpaceof two mon hs,
January 30
M. Carey, No. 118,High-fireet,
Commentary on Common Sjtings and
Subjects, which are full of Common
Sense, the bejl sense in the world.
r "|~ , HIS little book is written in a stile altogether
X novel, and is adapted to all capacities, at
well as 10 all dalles of people, merchants, me
chanics ond far inns. Such a reputation has this
w<uk. acquired, that it has pasTed thro three im
prefftons iu Ihe calleru Hates, and many houfe
ho'uie<s deem it so ufelul as to purchase a copy
for every adult in theii families.———Pa 1 c e as.
'February 4. dit
Notice is hereby given,
r "I~ , HAT the fubferiber ha? been duly ap-
X pointed AdminiArafTix on the estate of]
his Excellency John Hancock, Esq. late of
Boftrin, in the county of Suffolk, decejifed, and
has taken upon herfelf that trust, by giving
bonds as the law directs—-and all persons in
terested, are deitntl to take notice accord
Boston, Nov. 13, 1793.
Take Notice.
ALL perfonswho have any demands against
ihe Eftatc of his late Excellency JOHN
HANCOCK, Esq. deceafcd, are requested to
exhibit the fame to the Subfci iher, Attorney
to the Administratrix of said Estate : And all
persons who (land indebted to said Efiate, are
r« qnefted to fetrle with hm mme4iatciyf\ as the
Art of Limitation of Aftinns, which is to take
place on the firft day of December next, will
otherwise render it necelTary for him 10 com
mence fuitsaga.nft them.
JOSEPH MAY, Attorney
to the Administratrix.
Boston, Nov. 13, 1793*
N. B The Printers throughout this Com
monwealth, are requeued to inlert this in their
refpe&ive newspaper*, and forward their ac
toiints tor the fame, to J. M
Back of the New library, between Cliefnut
and Walnut-Streets.
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
tile public 111 general, that he continues
y.nj; on the business of
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or windo\v-fliutters,donft in the nioft
elegant manner, and with dii'patch.
Orders from the country will be thankfully
rece> vrd. and duty attended to.
December 30, dtf
]uft Imported,
From London, Dublin and Glasgow,
Ai>d n »w opening for ale, by
sit AO. 118, Market Jirut,
A Large and Valuable
Among which are the following
NEW Annua] Reg titer for 1792
European Magazine sOl the firft fix
months of 1793
Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Memoirs of. the Manchcfter society, 3 vols.
Priestly on matter and spirit
on christianity
Difncy's !ile of Dr. Jortin
K'nnjviJle's ancient geography
D'Anoii s of Guy Joli
Memty,a collection of* e flays
Varieof PrulTia's works
Calm obfervei—by Mackintclh
R uflell's ancient and modei n Europe
I-anghorne's Plutarch
Elegant extracts, superbly gilt
Elegant extracts of natural history
Sauguier and B« illon's voyage
Rochon's voyage to Madagascar
Townfend's travels is Spain
Taflo's Jerusalem delivered
Sinellie's translation of Buflbn
Berwick's history of quadrupeds
Bulfon abridged
History of birds
Philips's history of inland navigation
Hooper's rational recreations
History of France, in 3 vols.
Curiosities of literature, g vols.
Whi taker's defence of queen Mary
Sheridan's dictionary, 2 vols.
Dow's history of Hindoftan
Sketches of the Hindoos
Kzf to polite literature.
I inlay's dtfeription of Kentucky
Present state of Nova-Scotia
Present Itate of Hud Ton's Bay
Preftort on inafonry
Lavater on phyfiogunmy, abridged
Zimmerman's survey
Murphy's life of Dr. Jolmfow
Necker on executive power
Kisses of Secundus
Gallery of portraits
Volney's ruins ofempires
Vaillaint's travel', with superb engravings
Downman's infancy
Adair's history of American Indians
Benington on materiaJifm and immaterialifni
Berchold's advice to patriotic travellers
Builder's magazine
Complete fanner
Chandon's life of Voltaire
I)e Noil's travels
Franklin's life and works
G-ozier's description of China
Murphy's translation of Tacitus
God win oti political justice
Gazetteer of France, 3 vols.
Helvetius on man
Kaimes's sketches of the history of man
Liberal opinion*, or the history of Benignus
Mawe's gardener's dictionary
Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell family
Playhouse di&ionary
R.everies of fotitude
Smith's theory of moral sentiments
Stackhoufe's history of the bible
Watson's life of Philip lid. & IHd.
Wonders of nature and art, 6 vols.
Wanley's wonders of the little world, called
Wallis on the prevention of diseases
Moore's journal in France
Cox's travels into Denmark,Ruflia,Poland,&c.
Cox's travels into Switzerland
Rabant's history of the French revolution
Life of Lord Chatham
Mallet's northern antiquities
Motherby's medical dictionary
Grigg's advice to females
Hamilton's outlines of the practice of' mid
Manning's practice of physic
Cleghorn's diseases of Minorca
Innes on the niufc es
Pott's works
Fourcroy's chemistry
Armstrong on diseases of children
Quincy's d fpenfatory
Edinburgh dispensatory
Lewis's dispensatory
Ryan on the asthma
Robertfon's treatifc on fevers
Lee's botany,
Leake on the viscera
Leake on diseases of women
Nicholfon's chemistry
Gardiner on the animal economy
Lewis's Materia Medica
Fordyce on digestion
Withering on the fox glove
Lind on the diseases of heat
Monro on diseases of armies
Haller's physiology
Spalanzane's dissertations
London pra&ice ofphyfie
Bell's surgery
Chaptal's chemistry.
By MATHF.W CAREY, No. 118,
An Eflay on Slavery:
Defined to exhibit in a new point ot view,
its effctts on mora/s t and the peace of
ociety. Some fa£U and calculations are offered
to prove the labor of Jrecmeu to be much more
productive than that ot Jlaves ; that counuick ate
rich, powerful and happy, in proportion as the
laboring people enjoy the fruits of their own
labor ; and hence the mctHaiy conclusion, that
flavsry is impolitic as well as unjujl.
Price 25 Cent*.
February 15
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Wall-street, New-York.
TH E Subscriber intending to con fine himfclf
entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of
STOCKS on COMMISSION, begs leave toot
frr his Cervices to his triends and others, in the
line oLm Stock Broker. Those who may please
to favor him with their business, may depend
upon having it tranCa&ed with the uimoft fide
lity and dispatch.
Orders fioin Philadelphia, Boston, or any
oilier part oi the United States, will be Jlriftly
attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER.
Phi LADtLrHiA, Ff biuary 13, 1794.
For piloting by Subscription,
A Work, 10 be entitled,
Pennsylvania State "Trials.
THE want ot fufficient information of the
ftatc trials of Gieai-Britain in the early
periods of that government is now lamented :
Hi herto there hath been buc one trial in the
ftatc of Pennsylvania on impeachment :—ar.d
heiealfo it is to be regretted, that, being neg
lected at the time, the public are now left with
out ftifficicnt information on the fubjett of that
trial, it is however in this -work designed to ref
cucjwhat can be colle&cd theieof from sources
of indifputaple authority, f 0 that the fame lhall
be preserved from oblivion.
Another impeachment and the second is now
depending. An officer is charged by the late
Honfe of Reprcfentatives, who hath for many
years been largely confided in by this state, and
filth Jong b en at the head of the financial de
panmeni of the fame, and it imports the citi
zens to know his condu£t, and thecircum{laflees
which may be brought foiward on his trial.
Ih this work the Editor will be careful to
state the fails, as they may be brought forward,
and to lay all the evidence and papers before
the public.—With this view—
The following Terms are refpeßfully
fulmitted to the Public :
I. The Work shall be printed in o&avo, with a
good type, on fine paper, and delivered to
fubferibers at the refpeftive places where the
subscriptions arc taken in, as soon as the work
shall be compleatcd.
11. As no conjecture can well be made, as to
the length of the present trial, the fir.e of the
volume cannot be ascertained at this time—
But the price (hail not exceed that of fomeof
the latest publications in this city.
111. It will contain all the preliminaries and in
cidental circumstances that may occur during
the trial of John Nicholfon, Esquire, Comp
troller-General of this commonwealth, with
thearguments of counfrl on boih fides,logether
with the articles of impeachment, and the
pleas ahd replications at large, the fevcral le
f 'luiions of the two branches of the state Le
gislature, refpe&ing this impeachment, and
the final decilion of the SENATE refpc&ing
that officer.
To which will be prefixed, as much as can be
collr&ed from authentic documents, of the im
peachment, trial, and acquital of the late Francis
Hopkinfon, Esquire, Judge of the C«urt of
Admiralty for the state of Pennsylvania, during
the laic war, never before pnblifhed.
No money will be required before the deli
very of the book.
Subscriptions will be received by Francis
BaUey, No. 116, High-street; Wrigley and Ber
riman, No. 149, Chefnut-ftreet, and by the dif
ferent hookfeklert in this ciiv; Jacob Bailey,
Lancaster ; Yundt and Patton, Baltimore, and
by the Editor.
N. B. The price will be enhanced to non
fubfcribers. Feb. 18. taw <f
City Commiflioners Office,
January 30, 1794.
JN pursuance of a Relolvc ot the Common
Couucil, Hated the 20th day of January,
*794» f° r dividing the City into five Diftrifts,
by lines drawn East and Weft, whereof each of
the City Commiflioners is to take the fuperin
tmdance of one of tl>e said Diltn&s, and to be
accountable for the cleansing, good order and
teguiaritv of the fame.
The Commiflioners have accordingly made
the following arrangement for the present:
DiJlriQ the \JI. Nathan Boys, to have the
charge of that part of the streets, lanes and alleys
from Odar-ftreet, to the north fide of Spruce
Di/lricl the 2d. Hugh Roberts, from the north
fide of Sprucc-ftreet to the norih fide of Walnut
Dijlrifl the 3d. Joseph Claypoolr, from the
north fide of Walnut to the south lide of High
Dijlrift the 4th. William Moulder, from the
north fide ot High, to the north iide oi Mulberry
Difrid the $th. Nicholas Hicks, from the
north fide of Mulbeny, to the north (ide of Vine
Ext' ast from the Mivvfrs,
N B. The carriage way in Markct-ftreet, is
under thecharge o! the Commiflioners generally,
for the present, the foot-ways on ihr north and
south fides thereof, are ccnoi£tcd with the ad
joining Diftndh rcfpc&ivcK.
Excellent CLARET,
In Nogs.cads and in calcs of tics each,
A few cases Champaigne Wine -j
In pipes, hoglhcads and quaucr calk«,
N'n. 111, South Front Urcct.
Jan. s, 1794.
THET ruftees of an Academy,
or any individual wi thing to engage ;>
per,on to fuperi intend the Education of youth,
in the courie of usually adopted iu
Academies, or any branch of bulinefs requ'r
ing similar qualifications, may open a com
munication with a peilon willing to be em
ployed a few years (for a generous compensa
tion) by writing (letters to he post paid) t»
Mr. John Fenno. Philadelphia.
(£3* Printers to the Southward uiou/d pojfibiy
obiige [one of {heir friends, by injerltng theJvegoi**
a few times in their papers.
February 8.
on which the Gazette of the United
States was lately printed. The Fount
will weigh about Three Hundred Pounds.
The price is Twenty Cents per pound.
Enquire of the Editor.
An Ad for giving validity in this IJland to
Probates to be taken, by certain Officers
in the United States of America, of D :eds
to be there executed, and also to Exempli
fications of Wills there proved.
WHEREAS, since the reparation from the
crown of Great-Britain of the late co
lonies, now called the United States of Ame
rica, great inconvcnienccs have arifcn to many
of his Majesty's fubje&s occasionally refilling
in those States, for want of a legal provision
refpeiSling the probates and acknowledgments
of deeds executed in the said States, and in
tended to operate in this island : For remedy
whereof, we, your Majesty's dutiful and loyal
fubjeils, the Lieutenant-Governor, Council,
andAfiembly of this your Majesty's island of
Jamaica, humbly beseech your Majesty that
it may be enabled ; Be it therefore enailed,
and it is hereby enafitd and ordained by the
authority of the fame, That, from and im
mediately after the palling of this act, any
conveyance, letter of attorney, or other deed
wliatfoever, which (hall be hereafter executed
in any of the United States of America, and
lhall be proved by a fnbfcribing witness, or
acknowledged by the party or parties, before
any of his Majesty's Consuls or Vicc-Conluls
residing in any of those States, or before the
Chief Justice of any of the said States, or be
fore the Chief Justice or any of the Judges of
the Supreme Court of the said United States,
and certified under the seal of any of the said
States, or the seal of the said United States,
(hall be, and the fame is hereby declared to
be, as good and effeiftual in the law as if such
conveyance, letter of attorney, or other deed,
had been rei'peflively proved or acknowledged
before a Judge of any court of record in this
island ; any law, cuflorr, or usage, to the con
trary notwithstanding : —Provided always,
That in all cases wherein the right or property
of any woman under coverture is intended
to be conveyed, Ihe (hall be examined fejkrate
and apart from her hu/band, by the Judge
who attests the probate, and the said examina
tion lhall be certified in like manner as is prac
tised in Great-Britain or in this Island.
11. And be it further enabled by the autho
rity aforefaid, That the probate of any last
will and testament, taken before any officer
authorized to take probates of wills in any of
the said States, and exemplified under the
seal of the State where such probate lhail have
been taken, shall be, and the fame is hereby
declared to be, as good and effe&ual in the
law, as if such probate had been taken before
the ordinary of this island ; any law, custom,
or usage, to the contrary in any wife notwith
PaJJed the AJJsmbly this z 2th day of
her, 1793.
Tajfed the Council, this \\th November, 1793.
G.ATKINSON, CI. Council.
I confenty this 6th December, 1793.
F'.ra copia extur. G. At kin son , Sec.
* The American Printers are requested
to publish this a£ in their several newspapers.
Cj* Terms of Subfiription for this
Gazette, are Six Dollars p:r annum—to he
paid half-yearly. Subferiptions cf perfont
ivho reftde at a diflance from the city, to be
twelve months in advance, or payment to Le
guaranteed at the place of publication.
Advertifrments of one square, or lefs 9 :r.-
fertedfour times for One Dollar—onefor
Fifty Cents—and continuations at Twenty
Cents each—those of greater length in pro
portion. Favors in this lire, arid^Suhjcra
tions t 'will be gratefully received at tht OjjLr
in South Fourthftrsti 9 Jive doors north cf tlr
Indian Queen
Printed by JOHN FENNO, No.
South FattrtU-Strecu