EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 62 of Vol. V.] PRICE CURRENT. m.Cis. bits. r„. »•» ttUANHTY.—Dollars ioo Ccnu cjch. Oil, Ditto V T " {e 5° " —Sweet, bed, m flafks.pr.box 10 5 j Dirto baskets, 12 bottle* 10 PHILADELPHIA, Teb. 22, 1794* Spermaceti pr. gall. 48 - Train per barrel *0 51 * Dlls.Cts. Dlh.Cts. Whaie 15 33 /\.NCHORS pr.lb. 7 10 Porter pr. callc, 5 33 Alluin, English, pr.cwt. 4 33 l.ondon, pr.doz. v i 60 Ditto, Roch pr. lb. 11 American ditto bot.ihcl. 1 81 Ashes, pot, per ton, j Pitch, pr. bbl. 173 2 Pearl, *34 Pork, Burlington, per barrel, 1.5 Arrack pr. gall. 1 33 10 j Lower county 12 I Brandy, common, 100 r Carolina 10 Coniac *3° IVas, Albany pr. bushel 1 Braziletto.pr. ton. 5 Pepper, pr. lb. 4° Bricks, pr.M. 4 ' g Pimento 18 Bread, (tip, pr.cwt. 2 ' fcaifin«,.be.fi, pr. kej 7 Ditto, pilot , 4 „ Ditto pr. jar 333 Ditto, ftn»ll water, per * S 3 Dilto , )OX 3 L -j Beer, American, in bot ties Rj pr . cwt . 3 pr.doz. bottlesincluded, « 71 P ? ?8 Ditto pr. barrel, Rum, Jamaica, pr. gallo» 116 Boards Cedar pr. M feet, »° _ New England >» J4 win Sward 86 1 li 20 24 Barbadoes 87 Merchantable ptne *0 >4 Country, N.E. 6c Sap, do. ' Mahogany, perfoot 10 Salt petre.pr. cwt. 1433 The above are the ih.illop piices, SallaOas pr. ton 6 8 forthe yard price, add t dol- Shot ditto 140 >4> lar o 1 ,:cnts per 1000. Steel, German pr.lb. 9 . 2 Englifti,bljftcrcd, pr. cwt. 10 BnmiWe in.oils pr.cwt. » American pr.-ton 11333 li,ef, boston, pe. barrel >° Crowley', pr. faggot .067 Country Ito Snake root pr. lb. 29 42 Frclh, per cwt. d3d 4 Snap, Biown per lb. 6 Butter pr. lb. » whil< . 8 7T'!" k :." s il 3 48 Caltile »i Candles, Sperm, pr. lb. * 6 Starch ■ 7 ax , ,8 Snuff pr. doi. bot. 4 560 ' ! vrl , a * jg Spermaceti, refined, pr. lb. 48 « Mould, tallovr x ° r ' r * D.pped * 16 Sailcloth,Enghfh,No. i,pr. yard, 40 Chcefe, F.iwltfls, pr. lb. 25 Boston. No. I. ditto 36 Country ™; No. 11. 35 Chocolate ,6 ' Sugar Lump, pr. lb 21 Cinnamon *4° 2 6 " Loal, fmgle refined aa Clo-es 1 Ditto, double do. 33 Cocoa pr. cwt. 10 ' " . Havannah, white is 14 Coff.-e pr. lb. ,6 Ditto, brown, 10 it Coal pr. bulhet a 4 3 'l Muscovado. or. cwt. g 12 Copperas pr.cwt. 1b; Spirits Imi pent,lie pr gallon aj C.0 3? Salt, Allum pr. bulhel 80 Cocmn 'pr. lb. 2 7 is —Liverpool .00 Currants !° l)uck.Ru'.i, pr.piece 14 —Lilbon go Ravens . 11 Shipbuild. W. O. frame! p.ton, 10 Ouich fail dock, ,8 ®° Dilto Live Oak, aa Feathers pr. lb. 30 Ditto red cedar, per foot 37 45 Fiax ditto 11 12 Shingles, 18 inch, per M. 333 367 Maxfeed pr.hiilh. 80 90 Ditto 2 feet, 650 6 Flour, Superfine pr. barrel 6 6 33 Ditto 3 feet, dreflVd, 13 a S Common, 56? 6 Maves P.pr pr. rooo 32 Sur.irddlinga.beft J 3 ' W hue Oak hogHiead, *033 _M«),liul'an * i' Red Oak do. 19 5 o ditto Ayr, 567 '- c °S", n *' 33 __S:.ip-llull pr. cwt. 14° 1 6 ? Barrel 16 FuHU pr- ton, 50 —Heading s 5 33 r . sis, Skims, Otter, best pr. piece 467 Gin, Holland, V .r, cafe, 4 --Minks 440 Do. pr.gall. . 9 Fox, grey 40 80 Glue, pr. cwt. - .< Ditio red 1 80 Ginger, white race, per lb. t- Mar(ins , Ditto, common K. ( >,r r , 33 67 Ditto, ground pr. lb. » Bars Ginseng, Racoons «7 60 Gunpowder, cannon, pr. q.ca , 3 73 4 Mulk-ratj it so Ditto, line glazed 4 Beaver nr lh 67 1 r ..'.„ Wheat pr. bu(h 100 110 Braver, pr. lb. 07 >33 Re 70 Deei, 111 hair 10 30 Orts 3.5 I"ar,N T . Jersey, 24 gal. p. bbl. 1 Indian corn Caiollna, 32 gall. 2 ,g jr | fV 1 * 10 Turpentine pr. bbl. 2 - Bed (helled pr. lb. 7 Tobacco, J. River, best loolb. 4 33 Buckwheat, per bulh. 4° inferior 333 Hemp, imported, pr. ton, Rappahlnnock 3 33 .nerican, pr. ■ ' Coloured Maryland, 333 8 Herring*, P'- bbl - 3 Dark, 2 40 Hides, raw pr.lb. 9 Long-leaf 240 it Vf 1£ " Eaftern-lhore 9 e 73 H„.(head hoops, pr. M. i* Carolina,new > 7 3 Indign, French per lb. » 67 ■ old v 3 33 Carolina t 180 p ca> Hyson pr, lb. 93 128 Irons, fad pr. ton, 133 33 Hyson (km, $3 60 Iroo, Callings pr. cwt. 3 4 Souchong, 50 93 Bar pr.ton, 82 66 Congo, 43 50 P'g 25 Bohea, 33 36 Sheet *73 33 Tallow, refined, per lb. 9 -Nail rods 100 33 Tin pr. box, s 3 33 *3 Jank, pr.cwt. 4 5 Vetdigreafe pr. lb. 60 Lard, hogs pr.lb. Vermillion, do. >33 1 Lead, in pigs pr. cwt. 5 33 5 «7 Varni(h, pet gallon 33 37 in bars 7 Wax, Bees pr.lb. 25 27 white *6 6 ,fia ' e "^ onr '' on S P r *3 3° foal, pr.lb. W a o , pr. pipe, ,76 «6 30 —-Te.ejift.pr. p.... 133 .67 —fJllul Pr " g '"- 'To COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Mola(Te» P T " On London, 8130 days, per £ .ico fterL 466 § . «oV 463 j and pi.lb. ,k ° Am fte r d,m, 60 da'y', pr. guilde,. 4 '4' .i» c< 90 d.;-., 4 o Oil, » P*' ' g Government bills, drawn at 10 days Te fight, at 4 %c per guilder. Ifecfte d # fates AND Saturday, February 22, 1794- Mordecai Lewis, Has for Sale at his Store, No* 25, Dock- Street:«— A few Balcsof RuflTia Sheetings, Barcelona Handkerchiefs in Boxes, A bale of low-priced Cotton Handkerchiefs, A Quantity of Suuchong TYa, Hyson and Tonkay, ditto. Holland Giri in Cases, A Quantity of BiimAonr, With a Variety of other Goods. Feb. 20. Parry and Mufgrave, Goldsmiths & Jewellers, No. 42, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, HAVE FOR SALE, An elegant AJfortnient of SILVER & PLATED WARE, JEWELLERY &CUTLERY, Which they will dilpole of on the moll rea sonable terms. Dcvices in hair, Miniatures sett, and every thing in the gold and silver way, done as usual. December 24. Philosophical Lectures, By J. M. RA Y. FROM Edinburgh, lately from Paris, teacher of Hebrew, &c. languages, au thor ot'Comprehenfive View of Philosophical, Political, and Theological Systems, from the creation of the world to the present time, &rc. He will begin this second course of Ledlures February 27th, at 6 o'clock in the evening, in the Friends' grammar school room, 4tk street, and will finifh it in a month.—The idea of i\ was fuggeftcd by some Ladies for the improve ment of the sex—but it is for both lexej (of any age above whereby they will discover a new world in natuie, concealed from others as a fine country is from travellers in tht night, and as the light, and the appearance of nature is from the blind ; this will be a new scene of enjoyment and delight, as that of feeing is to one born blind, and will teach them to acquire the pro per use of their faculties, as a child does that of his limbs by learning to walk this will elevate them to a Philosophical region of sub lime enjoyments and rational pleasures, as much superior to the pleasures and amuse ments of others as a man is to a child in fla ture, and which will endure the lhock of aJ verfity, and not forfake them like others, in affliction and old age ; as the use and end of all real knowledge k practice and happiness, this course will tend to promote personal hap piness, and fit for the duties of society, one part of it will be on the prefer vation of health of body and serenity of mind, without which riches can afford no enjoyment : those whoob ferved the author's regimen,efcaped the Pesti lential disease in the house were others died of it. To begin with an introductory Lec ture on the great benefits of Phi lo fop by to human life. Feb. 19. Daily's Hotel. GIFFORD DALLY, Formerly Keeper of the City Tavern, and of the Merchant's Cojfee-Houfc of this City :— RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he has THIS DAY opened a HOTEL in Shipf>en-Street, be tween Third and Fourth-Streets, at the House formerly occupied by Mr. Timmons, which has lately been greatly improved, and is now very commodious; where he has turniflied him felf wilh the best of LIQUORS, and will fur nifti a TABLE for Parties, with the best provi sions the Markets afford, at any hour, on the Ihorteft notice. From his long experience in this line of business, he flatters himfelf be shall be able to give fatisfa&ion to all who may plcafe to favor him with their company. Philadelphia, January 29,1794. C 3* This Gazette Jhallbe enlarged\ as it receives encouragement —The Suhfcription encreafes daily—Advertifmg Favors are folicited —These conflitute an ejfential Item in diminijhing the Debit fide of the Account. As the Editor has repeatedly been fubjeded to poflage on the Letters of persons % who have in that -way applied to purchase the Fount of Long Primer 'which he has for sale —those who wi/h to buy those types, are informed that the price is twenty cents per pound, cafb-—to be paid at their delive ry—the fount weighs about 250 ft,. [Whole No. 520.j PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 22, In the Supreme CoukT of the Usi-r^ Alexander S. Glass, tsf Appeal from the Others, appellants, j Circuit court versus ! for the Dif. The sloop Betsey and car- s trict of Ma go, and Pierre Arcade J ryland. Johaniiene appellee. J 3taw6w AT a supreme Court of the United States held at Philadelphia, (the fame being the present feat of the Nation al Government,) on Saturday the Bth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred aud ninety four, before the Honorable John Jay, Esq. Chief Justice, and the Honorable William Cufliing, James Wilson, John Blair, and William Paterfon, Efquirej, AfTociate Justices of the said Supreme Court, came the parties, as well appel* lants, as appellee, in the above appeal by their refpettive advocates ; and after fu!> hearing of all and Angular, the ma'' tera and things set forth, and contaiue j; n t j, e record and minutes of the proceedings, aJ well of the Circuit Court, f or the Mary land Diftria, as of t 'h e Diftria Court ; or D# nek in said appeal, and so lemn argupr ient Q f advocates, be ing hi"i thereon : the said Supreme Court <■» \he United States,(fitting and adjourn ing from day to day) until the twelfth day of February instant, took the fame into consideration, and held the fame un der advisement until the eighteenth day of February aforefaid. mw&ftf At which day the said Court being met and the advocates aforefaid attending, the Court proceeded to the publication of their final sentence or decree, which being read and filed, is in the words following, to wit: This Court being decidedly of opinion that every Diftria Court in the United States poflefs all the powers of a Court of Admiralty, whether considered as an in stance or as a prize court, and that the plea of the aforefaid apellce, Pierre Arcade Johannene to the jurifdiaion of the Dif tria Court, for the diaria of Maryland, is altogether inefficient. It is therefore considered by the Supreme Court afore faid, and now finally adjudged and de creed by the fame, that the bid plea be, and it is hereby over-ruled and difmifled, and that the decree of the said Diftria Court of Maryland, founded thereon, be and the fame is hereby revoked, reversed and annulled. And the said Supreme Court, being further clearly of opinion that the Dif tria Court of Maryland aforefaid, has jurifdiaion competent, to enquire and to decide whether in the prcfent cafe restitu tion ought to be made to the claimants or either of them, in whole or in part, that is, whether such restitution can be made consistently with the laws of nations, and the treaties and laws of the United States; therefore it is ordered and adjudged that the said Diftria Court of Maryland, do proceed to determine upon the libel of the said Alexander S. Glass, and others, agreeably to law and right, the said plea to the jurifdiaion of the said Court to the contrary notwithstanding. And the said Supreme Court being further of opinion that no foreign power can of right, institute or erea any Court of Judicature, of any kind, within the Jurifdiaion of the United Slates, but such only as may be warranted by, and be in pursuance of treaties—it is there fore decreed and adjudged, that the Ad mirelty Jurifdiaion which has been exer cised in the United States by the Con sul» of France, not being so warranted ; is not of right. It is further ordered by the said Su preme Court, that this cause be, and it hereby is remanded to the Diftria Court for the Maryland Diftria for a final decj tD States,