leries for his residence, a guard of honor to attend him, and the title of President of France given him ; that when Capet was condemned he quitted the Convention that he might not be prelent at the tranf ailion ; and' that he always treated the Mountain as if they were villains and A rarehilte, and in eonfequence resigned his feat in the Convention, " In the feilions of the Convention of the 21 ft inft. it was decreed, that a ilone Ihould be placed at the entrance of every burying groand, with this infeription, " Here it the Abode of Peace aad Eternal Sleep.". PHILADELPHIA, FfiERtJARY 2 1.- This morning anchored at Gloucester point, seven fail of inward bound veflels, among which, ire two fr.ips. ExtraS of a letter from Providence, Fe- Iruary 10, J 794. " At this distance from the great head of the nation, we can only enquire what Congress are about ? W hat news do they believe—York is taken by this time we prcfume. Congress so believed it, that "they coulu_ not kee_p in their fitting." What fay the wit 3 > '1 hose wicked wit?of Connecticut—they may laugh—but really 'tis no laughing matter. However, Con gress are not camels yet, nor is the floor too hot for them, whatever it may be— Warm words we may fairly expbft—the views of parties appear to be so direftfy opposite, and not feeing all grounded on a love of peace, or an enquiry after what is best, we may not expect to fee them Ta tisued -vith a decision. " At this diftanee the main object en one fide seems to Be to get us into a hobble, and then unhorse the present adminiltra tion and jump in thcmfelves. " We hear daily complaints that Con gress art a great body of wife men, aflcm bled to get money and do nothing. The people at large here have no conception that they can.spend two months in talking without coming to a vote. The general assembly of this state, never fit more than 8 week at a session—and if they had the affairs of the universe to regulate, they would dp it in tliat time. If right, well-— if not, they can alter it next time. With this habit of dispatch, it can hardly be ex pected that we (hould wait quietly two months to hear that Conjrrefs had begun. They have made one aft—-but even this is found fault with. It is said we are like the Frenchman, who in a scrabble swore he would have another hem to his ruffle, and in the very fcrabbTe loft his ftiivt.— When the Algerines, and others who ast like them, have got our veliels, to comfort us, we are told we (hall hereafter wear two more stripes upon them. The distress of parents and others (and there are many of them here) who have friends in reach of the Algerines, is not to be described. I {hall only fay they are very impatient for spirited and effectual meafuresr " The body of the people think the wheels move (lowly. They are not fully fenlible of the weight they carry—and they have but little to talk about. Have you no spare tubs to th ow out, to keep our fpeciilative politicians at bay : Can't you propose to alter the Constitution :— Suppose an amendment was to be made relating to the poor—thatCongrefs Ihould have power to make a general law of fet tlenu nts. It Would set us all a talking, and probably would be agreed to—lt cer tainly would be right. " We want Congress (hould foretell enaftly the day when, the wars in Europe will end—Whether we (hall be hurt by them, or not—What fort of a govern ment Fiance will establish—When Great- Britain will ftcp payment, and the king flee to America for fafety—What fort of treaties the United States will form with all the world—and when their glory will so dazzle the benighted inhabitants of the eastern hemifpheie, that they will look to them for light in the political world, as they 00 to the meridian fun for light in the natural world ?" SENATE of the Commonmahh of Perm ' ' ' _ 17 t - - t J - '•/ fjkcnin.—February 19th 1794. The trial of John Nicholfon, Esq. Comptroller General of the (late, came on this day ih the Senate Chamber, and was podponed until the 26th instant, con fbrm.-thly to the request of the Attor ney General, and of Mr. Lewis, one of tltt council for Mr. Nicholfon.. THEATRICALS. Wednefijaj evening the Tragedy of ISABELLA, wit!) the Opera of RO SINA, were afiec' t the Ne-j) Theatre with universal applaiife—and ass. rd'ed ano ther occasion of pair the warn' .ll enco miums on the judgment and zeal displayed by the Manager during his transatlantic It is proper to commend, dnly when merit is difplaved; and we hazard nothing in awarding the tribute of praise on the perform ant t: of this evening. Do we fay too much, by suggesting that the Manner himfelf is improved in his theatric career ? Mrs. Whitlock in Isa bella, was the prototype of Mrs. Siddons —thejufteft ideas of tragic powers were realized in the part affigncd to Mrs. IVhitlocl. We saw with pleasure Mr. IVh'ulock in the chara&ev of Count Bald win—his merits as an actor have been so long eitablilhed, that no other praise need be added, than the fatisfa&ion felt on his re-appearance as a volunteer of the sock and bilfk iit. Mr. Fennell has long been known to fame—he (lands unrivalled in his cad of tragic characters—when feea in Othello, which we hope will be ere long, he will (hew what the author meant.— Mr. Mort waters." The performance of the Epithalamium in the ?d ast of the Tragedy, was a spe cimen of great judgment in the disposi tion of the parts, and the execution was prodigious.—We fecmed to drop " d'u " muddy •oeflure of decay" and hear the nuific of the Spheres— " Wl'ich in ihcii motions likt the Angels sung, • 4 Stiil quiring to the young ey'd Cherubim*." Mr. Darly'j musical powers, are allo nifliingly great. Mr. Fennell in Tragedy, MelTis. IVig nell, Francis and Green, Mrs. IVarrel and Mrs. Brondhurjl, in Comic and Musical parts, deserve particular encomiums. Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Bolton, to his friend in this city, dated ■January 25th, 1794. " There has lately been erected in this place, a Club which calls itfelf the " Con- Ititutional and are denominated by others, the " Jacobin Club." They hare publiihed their Articles, which are in (hort hand, a declaration of their right and their intention, to infpeft the condu£fc of the Federal Government, and kick as much dull in its eyes as possible. It is composed of members united by no other bond than dilcontent, and are pricked on the right fide, by the (harp spur of po verty, or on the left, by the crooked spur of ambition. It is a great political Brothel where hacknied Bawds corrupt ignorant virtue, and young fir.ners are con firmed by hardened offenders. The unavoidable dis tempers of the place are as yet confined to its noAurnal visitants, but let " this fire in the blood" once become universal, and its contagion will become more dan gcrous than tlic Philadelphia fever, anrf occasion more Phlebotomy, a million drops for one, than if every inhabitant ef that city had been a patient of Dr. Rush. Not a man of note, or of chara&cr, his, I be lieve joined it as yet, except one or two hair-brained politicians, to whom this is the dernier resort for fame. They have prevailed on William Cooper, an old ho nest whig of '75, the nioft refpe&able member of their body, to sign as President pro tem; but the well meaning whig is antiquated. The faculty for opposition is the only power that has not quitted him ; and this he has so long domesticated, that he will turn it out of doors, but with his dying breath. Indeed this dcfcription may serve as a general chaiadleriftic of all these associates. The dupes of the Society are much more numerous than its villains. Whatever temporary trouble it may occa sion the Federalists, I think it can do but little hurt. The people of America are too enlightened to be misled, and too wary to be surprized. They realize too strongly the perfection of their present freedom ; and their sagacity will be as secure a guard against the craft, as theii resolution was against the foree of its ene mies. lam told there is a similar inttitu tion in Philadelphia—Give us its outlines. Are you a member ? &c. &c. Two French gentlemen arrived in town this day, from Baltimore—one of whom, we hear, is Mr. Fauchet, the new Mi nister. They waited on the Secretary of State about one o'clock. The contested election of Mr. Gallatin was under consideration in the Senate of the United States yesterday and this day. Further proceeding in the business was postponed till to-morrow. We hear that a vessel loaded by the French government with 300 pipes of brandy is arrived at New-York. A correspondent enquires whether the losses sustained by the depredations of the Algerines and piratical privateers, will a mount to so much as that our Merchants are exposed to in consequence of the em bargo on 150 fail of Ameriean vessels in the ports of France ? CONGRESS- House of Reprefentativei. Thursday, Feb. 20. In committee of the whole on the ffate of the Union—Mr. Trumbull in the chair. The Naval Armament of the United States, being under consideration, a mo tion was made by Mr. Murray, to strike out " Salt " and the duty intended to be laid on it,- as one of the items reported by the feleft committee as an object for taxation to complete the armament. Whereupon a debate commenced, which continued nearly to the hour of adjourn ment —when the question was put, and 63 members rose in support of the mo tion. The committee proceeded thro' the discussion of the report —they then rose and reported sundry amendments to the house—which were laid on the table. Adjourned. Friday, Feb. 21, 1794, Several petitions were read and referred —among which was a petition from sun dry persons holders of the bills called New Emiflion money—praying that those bills maybe provided for on (imilar princi ples with the other evidences of the pub lic debt already funded—Referred to the Secretary of the Treasury. The house then took into confederation the report of the committee of the whole relative to the naval armament. The firft resolution being read, which states the naval force neceflary for the pro tection of the commerce of the United States against the Algerine cruizers ; On thequeftion for agreeing to this part of the report, the ayes and noes were called and ate as follows: AYES. Meflrs. Ames, Armstrong, Beatty, Boudinot, S. Bourne, B. Bourn, Cadwal lader, Cobb, Coffin, Coit, Dent, Dexter, Dayton, FitzfimonSjFofter, Gilbert, Glen, Goodhue, Gordon, Griffin, Hartley, Hill houfe, Hindman, Holten, Kittera, Lati mer, Lee, Malbone, Murray, Scott, Sedg wick, S. Smith, W. Smith, Sprigg, Swift, Talbot, Thatcher, Tracy, Trum bull, Van Alen,Ward,,Watts, Winn—43. NOES. Mr firs'. Bally, Baldwin, Blount, Came*/ Christie, Claiborne, Coles, Dawfon, Dear born, Findley, Giles, Gillefpie, Oilman, Greenup, Gregg,Grove, Hunter, Locke, Lyihan, Macon, Madi son, M'Dowell, Mebane, Montgomery, Moore, Niles, Nevil, New, Page, Pickens, Preston, Rutherford, Sherbourne, Smilie, Triad well, Venable, Walker, Wingate, Winfton— 4l. The other resolutions providing the ways and means, were severally read and agreed to, and the lej ort was then r»fer red to the original committee to prepare and bring in a bill. A report from the Secretary of war was read, relative to the operation of the law refpefting invalid pensioners. In committee of the whole on the ap propriation bill, —Mr. Trumbull in the chair. The fe&ion whii R authorizes the Pre sident of the United States to anticipate the revenue to the amount of by loan was read. This fc&ion after some debate was ne gatived. The committee finiihed the difcuflion of the residue of the bill—which was re ported to the House—the amendments: were agreed to, and the bill ordered to be engrailed for a third reading on Monday next. A committee was then appointed to en quire into the state of the treasury, and to" report on the expediency of a loan. Adjourned till Monday. NEW THEATRE, THIS EVENING, Feß. 21, Will be performed, a Comedy, called The Dramatic Or, STOP HIM WHO CAN. Lord Scratch, Mr. Bates. Neville, Mr. Cleveland. Floriville, Mr. Morcton. Willoughby, Mr. Green. Ennui, Mr. Finch. Peter, Mr. Francis. Vapid (with the Epilogue) Mr. Chalmers Miss Courtney, Mrs. Francis.' Lady Waitfart, Mrs. Shaw. Letty, Mrs. Rowfon. Marianne, Mrs. Marfljall. End of the Comedy a DANCE, coiled the HIGHLAND FROLIC. To which will be added, a Comic Opsjla? called the Flitch of Bacon, OR, DUNMOW PRIORY. Justice Bembow, Mr. Warrell Major Bembow, Mr. Harwood. Capt. Greville, Mr. Marshall. Capt. Wilson, Mr. Darley. Tipple, Mr. Francis. Eliza y Miss Broadburft- Places in the Boxes to be taken at ?fie Box-* Office of the Theatre, at any hour from nine in the morning till three o'clock in the after noon, on the day of performance. Tickets to be had at the office near the Theatre, at the corner of Sixth-fcreet, and at Carr & Co's Musical Repository, No. 122, Market-street. The Doors will be opened at 5 o'clock, and the performances begin at 6 o'clock pre cisely. Box hs, oncdotlar—PlT7, three quarters of a dollar —and Gallery, half a dollar. No places can be let in the fide boxes for a less number than eight, nor any places re tained after the firft a&. Fifty Dollars Reward. ON the 31ft of lift monih, the fubferiber ad drrffed a letter to Mclfrs. Thomas Pcarjall ££ Son, merchants in New-York, and mclofed therein a bank note, No. 445, for twenty dol lars ; one ditto, No. 151, lor thirty dollars ( and one ditto, N©. 3,866, for tweiuy dollars. —He also add re fled a letter to Mr. G iHert Saltonjlall, merchant in New-Yor'<, inclosing a bank bill, No. 148, for fifty dollars, indorsed on the back thereof in thefr words*—" Pa) the within to Mr. Gilbert SeltovJlatt—Ebcn. Hunting ton.''—He also addrcffccL a letter to Mc.Tcs. H hilt & War del I, merchants in New-York, and inclo sed a bank bill for ted dollars, and a draft in fa vor of said White & Wardell, which letters were put in the Poll-Office on said 31ft January, to be forwarded to New-Yoik : But by letters re ceived fVom the Gentlemen to whom they were severally addrelfed, the money was robbed from each letter before delivery. The Public are requeued to endeavor a de te&ion of the Villains who committed the above tobbery. The bill indor/ed, I\hink was a York bank bill, and some others, one or more was of the Uniied States bank, remitted at Philadel phia. Any person discovering the Thief, and returning ihc Money, shall be entitled to fifty dollars reward. EBEN. HUNTINGTON. Norwich, 14th Feb. 3w3ttwr Vlvat Rtfpublica.