old minister, Martha! Bender, and two o ther generals were present ; and in the ev ening various messengers were dispatched to Vienna, Berlin, Ghjint, and N inpur. This morning the Council fits again, and the departure of Prince Cobourg for head quarters, at Mons, is fixed for this even ing ; his pretence being more nccefijtry there than here. The young Count Buckhoby, a Prufli an officer, arrived here theday before vef ttrdey, bringing the important news oi the victories gained by the duke of Biunf wiefc over the French, for three fuccelfue da's, n-'inely, the 28th 29th and 30th. The battle of the 30th was the mot! bloo dy. About live in the morning, the French, i 6,000 strong, attacked near lir lenbach, the right wing of the Duke, which con 11 lied of four battalions of S.ix oiia, the Pruflian regiments of Hohenlohe and Bmnfwick, and some Saxon cavalry, with unextmplid fury; so that, after a combat of four hours, and having fuffcred great loss, the Saxons retired in disorder. Informed of this, the duke sent General Kalkreutb, with eight battalions of foot, and iix fquadion of horse, to their aid. The regiment of Hohenlohe began the attack with the bayonet, and bovh par ties fought furioufly till fix o'clock in the evening. At length the left wing of the enemy w:.ft not only repulsed, but totally defeated by Gen. Kalkreutb, and forced, towards midnight, to fly five leagues be fore Lantern : 7,000 of the French re nu»neddea4 on the field; 2,000 prisoners, 1 5 cannon, and 75 caiflons were taken. Tlm's victory, though signal, was dearly purchased by the allies. More than jooo men were slaughtered ; the Saxons fuffered greatly ; the regiments of Hohenlohe and Brunftvick alone, had 1240 men killed ; and a battalion of Saxons was entirely cut to pieces: Gen. Kaikreuth was mortally wounded, and 53 officers were killed, a mong whom was the brave Adjutant Ge- Ti. of the duke of Brunfwick, Major Hirciincldi who feliby a cannon ball while receiving orders. Next o':y the duke attacked the French in turn, between Lautern and Landftuhl, and after a dreadful carnage, the French again retired wi(h the loss of 3000 killed, and as many wounded and taken. Among the former, whert the two French Gener- I'iaheru and Horft. The loss of the Pi.ulw.it, who puriued with 16 squadron of boric, as far as Saarbruck, amounted to 18co lulled, 2000 K'ounded, anAfome hundreds mifling or taken. I havejoft received a letter ftom Hague naci, dated the 3d instant, containing an account of the dreadful and unexampled carnage, which- has taken place iince the 2&lli, on She Rhine. The French it is afii roed, have loft ir> the different actions, nearly IS,0:0 men killed, as many wound ed, and 4000 taken prisoners. The loss of the combined troops was little less, and m v e rtainiy b« said to amount to 16,000 m< ii killed, and wi undid. Among the former 15S officers, Saxon, Prussian, and Imperial, and 2\l wpunded, three of whom vvu e generals. It further affirms, that 011 tin- iirft of this month the French attacked s'l the Au'irian ports,from Wan gcntui to Hngiienau, Brumpt and Hoch iclden ; that the Impciialifts had vigorouf lv rcpulfed them ; that they returned to the attack next day, hut that after a most bloot:y aftiou, they were again driven al inoft under the walls of Skrafbourgh. The A uitrian General count Keglevitch, by birth a Hungarian, and 13 other officers were killed. Our loss in these two acti ons amounts to 1500 men killed, and a bout a» many wounded. The loss of the F. encli is eftimatedby Gen. Wurmfer, at 5000 killed wounded and taken. Prince Cobourg, on reading the ac count of these (laughters, said to his roy al highnefi, " our victories are- deatly purchaicd, my Lord, but these battles were inevitable to preserve the positions necefi'ary for the combined army during the winter." Tlu* 2 5;OCO men arrived ill Francoiiia, that wive to have joined the army of the Netherlands, have received orders to join that of the Rhine, which cannot but be dreadfully (hattered ; 16,c0e Pruflians al t) have within these few days marched from Wefel to Treves, in order to rein, foicethc duke of Brunfwick. The duke de Bourbon, who commanded the corps of emigrants in the a&ion of the 2d near Hnguenau, was wounded in the arm, and Geu. Wurn fes exposed himfelffo far,that lie was a'n-oft surrounded by a fqiwdron of theei emy, but was afterwards rt-litv. Ed by the hussars of Erdody. Yesterday after dinner, Prince Cobourg visited the hospitals of Brulfels, and was not only diflatisfied, but so very angry, that he put Captain Schoenfeld, who hau the dirc&ion of one in which was 1800 of the wounded, uudcr arrest, with three other officers. He lntlaiitly ordered the Surgeon Majors to present him a plan within £4 hours, for the better treatment of these poor vittims, and exhorted the flati s to pay attention to the dreadful mi sery of these brave defenders of their count!y. The negligence in the hospitals is so great, that it (hocks humanity ; 50 or lixtv die daily for want of proper care —the wounded are Icarcely drelied once a week. They lie in garrets and in the paflages, on a little straw, covered with rags. In a word, their iituation is dread ful. Ycftercl.lv a convoy of French prison ers all wounded, arrived here, and were thi& morning transported to Louvain.— The)- were followed by another of thirty five waggon load of wounded Auftrian6, coming from before Givet, where the gar rison of that fortrefs, 2000 ttrong, made a faily on the 3d, and attacked the right wing of Gen. Beaulieu, but after an ac tion of 4 hours, were driven with consi derable loss under the walis of the fort refi. The Wurmfer huffart and the Carne ville legion performed wonders here, and bro't off sixty prisoners. We had sixty killed, and 120 wounded, all light troops. I am this moment told that the depar ture of Prince Cobourg is deferred, in order to wait for thfc arrival of his royal highnefsthe duke of York, and General Beaulieu, who are expected to-morrow,to be present at a third conference relative to operations which they are to undertake during the winter. Imperial Head-Quarters at Haguenau, December 1. This day the French gave us a moll fu rious battle ; and the attacks were every where most vigorously conductrd. The conflict lalted from day-break till late at night, when the enemy were ulti mately turned and repulsed. Dec. 2—B o'clock in the evening. Yesterday and this day, bloody actions havebeen fought. The patriots did all they could to break through, but they were obliged to retreat with the loss of 7 pieces of cannon. General Count Kegle vich was caiTied off by a cannon ball, and the duke of Bourbon received a wound in his hand with the stroke of a sabre. VIENNA, Nov. 23, The report which prevailed, that the Prussians were going to take up their winter-quarters in the countries of Anf pach and Bareuth, is void of foundation, as they will, 011 the contrary, remain with our army on the Rhine, which will now confill of 54,000 men. The famous Dr. Mefmer has been ar retted, and his papers sealed tip ; it is fup pofcd he held a ccrrefpondence with the Jacobins. MANHEIM, Nov. 28. All the Dutchy of Deux-Ponts is clear ed of the French. PARIS, November 28, It was generally imagined that Madame du Barry was arretted for the purpose of making her give an account of her fortune, but some papers are said to be found in her pofleffion relative to a plot to destroy the Republic, together with letters from a number of emigrants whom (he sup ports. These papers have been sent to the revolutionary tribunal, and (lie will (hortly be tried. December 11 The number of the prisoners who are now confined in the Luxembourg, is much greater than the public Journals have hi therto announced. l The Duchess of Orleans occupies an apartment close to that in which Bazire and Chabot are (hut up. Among the reft of the prisoners have been remarked Laborde the Financier, Nicola, the Play er, Prince Charles of Hesse, La Ferte, Levy Mirepoix, a great number of Gene rals, and the old Marlhal de Mouchy and his wife. Bazire and Chabot are alone in one aparment; the reft of the rooms contain ten or twelve prisoners each. Every pri soner has his hammock or fling-bed, and a small mattrafs, in comparison no bigger than a puf&d pan-cake ! The Rich take cire of the poor ; they all fraternize ; but every prisoner (hunt and flies from him who was called under the ancient government, His Serene High ness Prince Charles of Hefle. Letters from Angers mention, that L'Efcure, one of the chiefs of the Roy alists, died at Fougeres of his wounds. His body has been embalmed, and is drawn by (lately horses, richly caparisoned, after the Royal Catholic Army. LONDON, Dec. 14. We have received a letter from an of ficer serving in the expedition under the Earl of Morai, from Guernsey, dated the gth inft. as follows: " The Royalists are on the coast. We (hall depart immediately to join them. I have not time to give you further parti- culars. We have received certain information, that since the battles between the Duke of Brunfwick and the French in Deux Ponts, Gen. Wurmfer has defeated the Republican troops in three fuccefiive en gagements, and has put the whole French army in Alsace to the rout. The last accounts from Paris are parti larly interelling. In the fittings of the Jacobin Club of the 28th of November, Barrere, the very organ of the commit tee of public fafety, was denounced by Balhedasas a man in whom no dependence could be placed He represented him as a man who only had his own interest at heart; he had purchased property to the amount of 600,000 livres. This is sus picious. He was a friend of BrilTot, but now appears among the supporters of the Mountain ; for his maxim is always to be of the flrongeft party. When he had finifhed, Roberfpierre attempted the de fence of Barrere, but found the current of the opinions of the Club too ftrorig against his friend, and very wifely (to es cape a similar disgrace) declared he would desist from defending Barrere, and defend no one, left he should be involved in their fate. The Club determined that Bar rere's conduit should some future day be taken into consideration. Roberfpierre, in the course of the fit ting, read a letter to BrifTot from one of his illuttrious friends in London, in which he laments his being arrested, and threa tens Danton, Roberfpierre, and others, in ca/e they persecute BrifTot, that he will write to the bankers of Genoa and Amsterdam, and flop the promised loan of 17 millions which he had obtained for them. Roberfpierre also read another let ter from the French Princes to himfelf, exprefiing their approbation of his con duct, and their knowledge of his opinion refpedling the restoration of Monarchy, and requesting him to hold himfelf in rea diness to deliver the city of Paris to the Prince de Cobourg when he should reach the vicinity of that place. However, Ro berfpierre, assured the club, that these letters were wrote in Paris by the enemies of the Republic, and that he would take the greateil care to unravel the plot, and bring the guilty to justice. The wife of Rabaud St. Etienne, late ly arretted, in a fit of despair threw her felf into a well and was drowned. A letter from Prefburg, dated Nov. 7, fays, " The Turkish AmbafTador sent by the Grand Signior to the Court of Lon don is ah-eady armed at Hermanftadt in Transylvania." On Monday last arrived at Plymouth, in the Severn (hip of war, Major-Gene ral Clarke, Lieutenant-Governor of Que bec. Extract of a letter from Plymouth-Dock, December 9. " Came in the Rattler Cutter, Lieute nant Winn, tender to Lord Howe's fleet; but can give no account of the fleet, as (he parted them ten days Cnce. " 11 th. Arrived the Cleopatra of Phi ladelphia, from Hambro' with hemp and bale goods, taken by a French man-of war of 80 guns, and re-taken yellerday about 20 leagues fouth-wcfl of Scilly, by the Culloden, Sir Thomas Rich, Bart. Commander, as (he was fleering for Brest. The Culloden has gone in quell of the French man-of-war. There is something mysterious in the French capturing this {hip, as she was bound to Philadelphia.— They mult be in want of these goods—or that (he is a French-American—or that they have made war against the whole world, and have now boldly come forth to declare it." At length something in the (hape of a regular communication from Lord Howe ha»b«ii received. The Orestes floopof war it arrived at Plymouth, which lift the Grand Elect off Scilly on the 6th instant. by this (hip we learn, that the French tieet, seen by Lord Howe on the 18th ult. escaped during that night, ar.d has not been lince seen by his Lordlhip. Letters received from Nantz, dated the 27th of O&ober, confirm the taking of the iflandof Noirmontier (near the mouth of the Loire) by the rovahltsof La Ven dee. Thus they hope to receive succours from Englaud. The lame letters mention, that the co lumn of Royalilts, which palled the Loire at Varade, carried off its artillery, ammu nition, and baggage, without the imallelt loss, and that they intended to go lrom Laval towards Lower Bretagne and St. Malo, where a formidable party waits on ly for their appearance to declare them selves. Twelve thonfand republicans, coming from La Vandee, have palled the bridges for Nantz on their way to Rennes, to give the royaKfts battle. The earl of Yarmouth, in luslaft dil patch, informs us, that on the 25th ult, the left wing of the French were com pletely routed ; and that the next day but one the Auitrians were attacked on every fide. If the Immediate consequence of com pletely routing the French be a general at tack on 1 victorious army, it would be much w policy to leave them alone. November 30. By It -rs from an officer at Toulon we learn, ha' Gen. O'Hara carried with him froir. Gil 'tar, one thousand troojia. The force at ,'oulon was eighteen thou sand men on the ill inft. and great rein forcements were d i]y expected from the different allied powers. Lord Mulgrave, before lie was super seded in the chief command at Toulon, sent a flag of truce to Gen. La Poype, refpefting the exchange or a Britifli offi cer that had been taken prisoner. The officer who went was blindfolded at the distance of four miles from the French head-quarters. Having reached them he was conducted into a house, and to'id that he would soon fee the General. Shortly after he was conducted to Ger.. La Poype, who behaved to him with great politencis; but there were present fix Commifiioncrs from the National Convention, who were ill-looking, vulgar, and rude in their man ners. The General very politely made tea in the evening for the Britifli officer ; but the Commissioners would not leave Them alone for one moment, doubtful of the principles of their General, because he displayed the courtesy of a gentleman. When the officer came away, La Poype mounted him on one of hrs belt horses ; and he was escorted back to the French advanced posts blindfolded as before. ExtraA of a letter from Deux-Ponts, November 17, " For some days pall a movement has been remarkedamong the Pruflians,which made lis fufpe&fome fcciet expedition.— A great number of scaling-ladders, ropts iron levers, hatchets and axes, &c. were bro't to this city and its environs. Lad night the secret was unravelled : we were awakened by a dreadful cannonade, which lasted from one o'clock till Rear fix in the morning. About 9it was reported that the Pruflians had carried Bitfche by al fault. The cannonade recommenccd to wards noon, increased constantly, and seemed to draw nearer. We then began to doubt the truth of the report, especi ally when we saw a great number of pro pie arrive at the fame time, who nad fled from the environs of the river Blies. At lad we were informed, that the Prufliaiis had certainly attempted to take Bitfche by storm, but that they had not succeed ed. This roused the courage of the French, who immediately attacked the corps of Pruflians near Bliefcalllc ; but, by a movement of the duke of Brunfwick they are in danger of being entirely cut off." Extract of a letter from Paris Nov. 20. " To the heads of the ai cufation agaiuft Manuel, before mentioned, the following may be added : " That he plotted the fatal bufinefo of the 2d and 3d of September with Petion; that he encouraged the assassins ; that with Petion he projected the robbery of the jewel office ; that he wiflurd for a copy of the resolutions relative to the late king, and his confinement in the Temple, for the sole purpose of transmitting the fame to the king of Prussia whiift he was in Cham pagne, that he endeavored to obtain for the President of the Convention (whiift Petion wan in the chair) the Cattle of theThml