EVENING AD V E R T I S E R. [No. 61 of Vol. V.] Pliilofophical Lectures, By J. M; RAY. ROM Edinburgh, lately front Paris, A- tcacher of Hebrew, &c. languages, au thor of Coraprehenfive View of Philolophical, Political# and Theological SYstems, from the creation of the world to the present time, &c. He will begin this second course of Le&ures 1-frbru.try 27th, at 6 o'clock in the evening, in the Friends' grammar school 4tU street, and will finifh it in a month The idea of it was by fom« Ladie* for the improve ment of the sex—hut it is calculated for both sexes (of any age above childhood) whereby they will discover a new world hi nature, concealed fioiji other* as a fine Country is from travellers in tttc night, and as the light, *nd she appearance of natuie is from the blind; this will be a new f'cene of enjoyment and delight, as that of 'eeing is to one born blind, and will reach them tdacquire the pro per use of fheir fatO'tie*, hs a child does that of his limbs by learning to walk :—this wtfl elevate them to a Philosophical region of fub -1 me enjoyments and rat onal pUafures, as much superior to the pleasures and> amufe oients of others as a man is to a chi'M in sta ture, and which will endure the shock of ad versity, and not forfake them like others, in affl.&ion and old age ; as the use and erd of stll real knowledge is pvatfice and happiness, this course will tend to promote personal hap piness, and fit for the duties of foci< ty, one pa«'t of it will be on the preservation of In akh of body and feremty of mind, without wbrth riches can afford noenjoyinent ; those who ob (crvi'd the author's regimen,efcaped the Pefti- Icntial d feafe in the honfe were others died ©f it. 'To begin with an introductory.lec ture on the great benefits of Philosophy to human life. Feb. 19. FOR SALE, By MATHFW CAREY, No. 418, Market-Street, An Efl~ay on Slavery: to exhibit in a new poi«u «l view, its HFcdU on mro/s, imlujiry, and the firace of ofie/y. Some fa£H and calculation# sit oftered <*> prf*ve ihe labor of Jretmcn to be much more productive than that ot Jlavts ; that countries are rich, powerful nnd happy, in propnjtion as ihe laboring prople enjoy the fruits of their own labor ; and hence the n< c eguiarity of the fame. The Commiflioners have accordingly made the following arrangement for the prefect : Diftttd the ift. Nathan Boy*, to have the chaige of that part of the llreets, lanes and alley* from Ccdarefle ast with 1 all possible zeal, that the formidable ar mies on' the frontiers might, during the winter, be well fcpplied* He conjured" them, in the name of the general welfare* so jntt an end to aS difeonf with the exe cutive and mast solemnly as sured them, that then the Netherlands would be perfe&ly secure from the foe. A grand Council of War was held vet terday, at which the Arch-Duke, tW