JAMES LEACH, RESPECTFULLY iptorinf his friends and the public•, Tlui liom (he < nc«>uragenient hr has received, from fcvrral refpe&able Gentle man, he is induced once more, to embark in the PAPER LlNK—and would oiler his fei vices to all those Gentlemen, who can place confidence in him j and h allure* thole who employ him, thai th< ii confidence (hall not be mifplacert hut tt (hall be his constant endeavor. to pay the ftri&t it attention to their belt intrreft, in a)) nr gociaiions whatever. He has taken the Chamber, in State-Streel, ov f r Mr. David Tow*fend, Watph Makei's Shop. Where PUBLIC SKCUR!- TIKS, of all kinds, arr bought and fold ; and whcic CommilTion RufiiuTs of all kinds, will he nanf*sed on rrafonahle terms. HOL?SfcS and VESSKLS will be constantly exposed iorfale,on «om million. Cash paid for Salemf Providence, and Portfmouih BILLS. N. B. If any Gevt.'eman in Philadelphia, or Nexv-York. has any Hvfincfs to travfafl at HoJlon, tn Paper Hejfoctationt, he will he happy to be em ployed on fom>n>/Jton. liutlon, Jan. 24, 1794. To be Sold at Public Vendue, On Friday the nth day of April next, at the hpufe of John Thomson, in Perth- Amboy, The Proprietary House AND LOT OF LAND, IN THAT CITY. THE Lot contains eleven acres, on which is an orchard ol gtafied apple trees, a well of excellent water, a large store cftern, and a commodious stable and roach-house, and a great quantity of the b»ft building stones in the walls of the houle, which was formerly built for the refidcnce «>f the Governors of New-Jersey. The situation of this Lot is so well known for its healthiness and l>t.iu:ifu! profpe& of the Rariioo river to the weft of the bav, and Sandy-Hook to the e.ift, that a further description is unn< celTtry. The conditions of sale will be, one third of the purchafc money to be paid on the firft day of May next, when a good and fufficicnt Deed will be given to the purcnafer, by Walter Ru th ex sur D, Esq. Piefideut of the Board of Proprietors of the Eollern Division of Ncw- Jersey, and the remaining iwo thiids fatisfa&o rily fecurcd in equal annual payments. By order of the Hoard, J AM £S PARKER, Rcjrifter. Perth-Amlo\i Fibruary 5, 1794 2aw2in War Department. January 3Qth 1794. Information is toaii the military invalids of the United States,that the funis ;o which they are entitled for fix months of thcii annual pension, from the fourth day of .September 1793, and which will become due on »he 51b day of March 1794, be P a 'd on the said day by the Commiftioners of the Loans wi> hin the slates rclpe&ively, under the ufualre* {illations. Applications of executors and administrators mull be accompanied legal evidence of their lefp'&ive offices, and aK« of the time the invalids died, whose pen (ion they may claim. By command ->f the Prrfid-nt of the UnWed States, Secretary oj IVar. fcT The printer! in the iefpc£l«ve ftatet arc irq by injentng the foregoing «few times in tMir papers. * February ». dim- TO BE SOLD, THE Fount of LONG PRIMER on which the Gazette of the United States was lately printed. The Fount will weigh about Three Hundred Pounda. The price is T wenty Cents per pound. Enquire of the Editok. Jamaica,^ An Ast for giving validity in this IJland to Probates to be taken, by certain OJJicers in the United States of America y of D:eds to be there executed, andalfo to Exempli- Jicat ions of Wills there proved. WHEREAS, fincc the repartition fronuhe crown of Great-Britain of the late co lonies, now called the United States of Ame rica, great inconveniences have arisen to many of his Majesty's fubje