JAMES LEACH, T) IjSPECTFt'LLY ip'orms hit fiiciuli and 1\ tlie public, T-lwi from the encouragement hf T>s»» tr« cived, liom several icfpc£|abl< Genfle mri-, he is induced once more, to embark in the TAPER I.IN E— and would offer Ins fcvie. sto all • nose Gent !< mm, who ran place cnnfirlrnct in bim ; *n- Yuik. has any l ; (n tranfcfl aI fiojlvv, in Fapct Nesoci it>ons, he uiU be fappx to be em ploy d on comwjjion. Boffon, Jan. *4, 1794. To be Sold at Public Vendue, On Friday the ilthday of April next, at thcrlioufe of JchnThomfun, in Pertli- Ambov, The Proprietary House AND LOT OF LAND, FN THAT CITY r 1 Lot ciniiains elcvtn acies, on which is 1 an oichajd of g-aftrd apple fees, a well of CXccHini water,' a large It ore c ftcrn, and a very commodious tt.il>lr and coach-house, and a great quantity of 1 Vic b*fl bnild;ng ft>hrs in fnc wallsj of the houV, which was foimcrly birlt for tie re fide nee of the G'»vcoyns of w-J«rfey. The fniutiou of this Lot is <0 well ifP'v n>■ \, w h cii i good and fuffictrni D-ed will be given to th< putchafrr, hv Walt** Ru the'kkvk'd, Kfq*. Prcfident of the Boaid of pioorietors ol the Eaftcrn D-vifi*>n of New j. ifev, «nti[ the remainingt\v ft t.hi'ds fatisfado rily.fccureJ in iijutl annual p'a\mcn:s. By order of' the Board. JAMI'.S PARKEU, Rigjfter, Perth-Amfa?, y 5, 1 ;y4 a-iv.2in War Department. January 30\h 1794- 1\ T FORM ATION is heel.) gtv< nto air the military invalids of the United States,that the funis to which they are entitled for fix months of 1 hen annua) penfvon, fiqtji the fourth day of September 1793, and .will become dfie on the sth diy of March'l7o4, will he paid on the laid day tjy the. Com.njifiione's of the Loans within the fines relp(&ivd\, under ihe ufml re- gulati^ns. Applications of cxccurqrs an.i ndrmniftrators roj# I'C accompanird with iegil cviijrijce of tkcir re Co- £tivc offices, and alio of lifetime the invalids £ied, whofr penfiop they may. claim. By command of the Pr.cij3-.nt of the United Siair«, H. KNOX, Secretary of. War., (£T The printers in the rcfpcttivc lUtes srt uqnellcd (opuhlill; the above in their nf.wfpa pcrs lor the (pace of two months. januavy 30. ] US T PUBLISHED, AND SOLD BY H. & P. RICE, No.' 50, Market-street, also, by BENJAMIN JOHNSON, No. 147, Market-fteeet, (Price, bound, 6/61) Paul and Mary, An Indian Story, to which is 4flW>* The Indian Cottage From the French of M. dt St. Pierre. " lHfc ab«veStqnc« liivr t>e< n Ntrly pub lished, the works ot a very difFcient nature, by M. de S'. Pierre, whor.fided in the country which it describes, and wai well ac quainted with the piincipal tafla. 11l oina rtien's are the Lanrtfcape-the Climate—and the natural hiftorv of the Tonid Zone, »bfer wd with the eye of Taflr, and delineated with the eve of Philofophtcal knowledge. It is a Pastoral, of which the fable and the machine ry may be said to be eqnally rell. To these arc added, the puraveio of Moral Inftiuftion, and the Sublime Ideas of M. dc St. Pierre." Feb... <14' JUST PUBLISHED, and for iali by M. Carey,No. 118,Higb-Jlreet, The PROMPTER; CoMMMiTAHr on Common Savings and SuRJiCTS, which are full of Common Sknse, the hefifeafe in the world. TH IS little book 1! written in a stile altogether novel, and i> adapted lo all capacities, at V.ell as 10 all dalles of people, merchants, me. thanics and farmerl. Such a reputation has thii work acquired, that it has patted tlno three iro prefljonain the eafteni states, and many houle hoidersdeem it so ufelul as to purchase a copy lot every adult in tbcii faroiliej.——Pmc « 2». February 4. NORRI 8-COU R T, Back of the New Library, between Chefuut and Walnut-Streets. George Rutter, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he continues carrying on the bu fine Is of Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting, Likwife, JAPANNED PLATES, for doors or wtndow-fl)utters,donl in the mod elegant manner, and with dil'patch. Orders from the country will be thankfully received, and duly attended to. December 30, dtf |uft Imported, From London, Dublin and Glasgow, And n'»w '>;><*'ii 11 cj for ;il< ,by MATHEW CAREY, At No. 118, Market Jireet, A Large and Valuable COLLECTION OF BOOKS, Among which are the follow,! g: NE?P" Annual Register for 1792 European Magazine for the fit ft lix months of I 793 Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire Memoirs of the Manchefler society, 3 vols. Priestly on matter and Ipiiit on chrittianity Difney'siife of' Dr. Jortin Kingville's ancient geography P'Arioirs of Guy Joli Meinty, a collection of e flays Varieof Prussia's works Calm ohfervei—by Maekintofli RuiTell's ancient and modern Europe Langhorne's Plutarch Elegant extra&s, superbly gilt Elegant extracts of natural history Saugnicr and BrifTon's voyage RocHon's voyage to MadagitTcar TowrifemPs travels in Spain TaflVs Jerufaleni delivered SmeUie's tranflatibn of Buffon Berwick's hiiloty of quadrupeds Buffon abridged liiftory of birds Philips's history of inland navigation Hooper's rational recreations History of France, in 3 vols. Curiefities of literature, 3 vols. Whitaker's defence of queen Mary Sheridan's dictionary, 2 vols. Dow's history of Hindoftan Sketches of the Hindoos Key to poYite literature. I inlay's description of Kentucky Present state of Nova-Scotia Present state of Hudlon's Bay Preston on inafonry Lavater on physiognomy, aoridjfld Zimmerman's survey Murphy's life of Dr. Johnson NeVker on executive power Rifles of Spcundus Gallery of portraits Volney's roins of empires travels, with superb engrayjngs Down man's infancy Adair's history of American Indians Benington on materialism and immaterialifni Berchold > s advice to patriotic travellers Builder's magazine Complete farmer Chanson's life of \ oltaire De Non's travels Franklin's life and works Grozier's description of China Murphy's translation of Tacitns Godwin on political justice Gazetteer of France, 3 vols. Helvetius on man Kaimes's (ketches of the history ps man Liberal opinion*, or the history of Benignus Mawe-'s gardener's dictionary Noble's memoirs of the CrojnvfeU family Playhouse dictionary | Reveries of solitude Smith's thpory of moral fenfiment* l\iftory of the bible Watfoq's life of Philip lid- & lUd. Wonders of nature and art, 6 vols- Wan ley wonders oF the little world, called man ■\yallis on ttye prevention of diseases Moore's journal in France Cox's travels into Denmark.Ruflia,Poland,&:&. Cox's travels into Switzerland Rabant's history of the French revolution Life of Lord Chatham Mallet's northern antiquities Motherby's medical 4i&iflUU3 Grigg's advice to females Hamilton's outlines of the pra against the cftatc of GEORGE WIBLE, late ot the city ot Philadelphia, baker, are rtquefted to bring in their accounts, properlv auihenticated ; and thofc who are indebted, are desired to make immediate payment. HENRY REES, Atniniftrator. 2awgw. January 13. Encyclopedia, JUST PUBLISHED, By THOMAS DOBSON, Booklelier, at the Stone House, in Second ftreet Philadelphia. VOLUME X. OF Encyclopedia; or Dictionary Of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature, on a Plan entirely new ; Br WHICH The Different Sciences and Arts, are digcfled into the form of Diftinft Treaties or Systems : THIS volume contains principles of Levels, Liberty, Do&rine of Light, Lightning, Locks, Logarithms, Logic, Hiilory of Lon don, Longitude. Luther, Lydia, Madagascar, Magic, Magnetism, Malts, His tory of Man, Marriage, Mary, Maryland, Masonry, Materia Medica, Meadow, Mecha nics, with a great variety of Biographical and Miscellaneous articles, illultrated with Twen ty two Copperplates. As a number ol families are (till in the country, and it is not generally known who arereturned. T. Dobton, solicits the favor of the fubfenbers to call px feud for their vo lumes, that they may be supplied as early as poißble. The tenth volume of the Encyclopedia is now presented to the public ; but as it makes its appcarance in an impcrfeft ft ate, some ac count of the reason of that imperfection ftiould be given. On the Bth of September last, the Publisher had the misfortune of having his Printing Office burnt down by a fire which broke out in the neighbourhood, and a great quantity of his printing materials destroyed, and among other articles, the fiquies, with which he was printing the tables of lo garithms, belonging to the preterit volume, were melted down by the violence of the fire. As a supply of these could not be immediately obtained, be was under the neceflity of pub li filing tlie volume without thele tablks; bat hopes he (hall be able to publifb them with the next volume which is now in confideraMe for- wardnefs. The Publisher embraces this opportunity of his grateful acknowledgments to the generous public, for the very libei al pa tronage with which his undertaking has been honored; at the fame time he takes the li berty of reprelenting to such of the fubferibers as are in arrears, the indifpenfible necessity of punctuality, both in taking up ihe volumes as early as possible after publication, and of pay ing for them when taken. Many of the fuh fcribers having got only one, two, three, • volumes, and several volumes remain unpaid. Thus the work hangs in all its different stages from the commencement; and though the im portance of a few dollars may be but a trifle to the individuals, yet the accumulation of these trifles unpaid lays the Publisher under very serious embarraflment, and deprives him of the use of many Thousands of Dollars which at this time would be of very essential service. For these reasons the Publisher finds himfelt under the neceflity of recurring to the original terms of publication, and in future no vo lumes will be delivered but only to those who take and pay to the time o4*publication. December 10. Excellent CLARET, la hogi-eads and in cases of 50 bottles each. ALSO, A few cases Champaigne Wine; MADEIRA In pipes, hogsheads and quarter cask?, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. ix i, South Ftodi itrcei, Jan. e, 1794. Terms of Subscription for this Gazette, are Six Dollars per annum-—to be paid half-year/y. Subscriptions of pcrfons who refrde at a diflance from the city, to be twelve months in advance, or payment to be guaranteed at the phice of publication. j^dvertiff merits of cricfjuare, or less, in fertedfour times for One Dollar—once, f r Fifty Cents—and continuations at Twenty Cents each—those of greater length in pre portion. Favors in this line, and Subscrip tions, will be gratefully received at the Office in South Fo u rthflrret, five doors north of the | Indian Queen PHILADELPHJA : Printed by JOHN FENNO, N<*. 3, South Fourik-Si t Jt- Vol. X. *awn J.