of tfee (ll mtth EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 59 of Vol. V.] TJ/JS DAT IS PUBLISHED, AND TO BE SOLD BY THOMAS DOBSON, At the Srnjie No. 41, South Srouid-ftrcet, (Price three-eighths of a dJllar) THE Speeches of Mr. Smiih, OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. Delivered in the ff-»ule ot Rcpiefeiitativcs cf the United States, in January, 1794. on the fub je(l of certain Commc* ci A l Regulations, proposed by Mr. Madisos, in thr committee of the whole, on the report of the Secretary of Suit. To which is annexed > A TABLE, exhibiting the Compa rative footing 0: the Commerce ot the United States, with the D 'minions of France and Great-Britain, piior to the pending Revo lution of Franrr. FOR SALE', By MATHFW CAREY, No. 118, Market-Street, An EfTay on Slavery: D«.Twnrd to « m * ihw pru;' t»J viiw, in flfffit nn ?r.;i the p'-u 3,' foc:ety. S->nu ';i£ls -i. •' •r.V'Cnlc 1 < so wMvr the lal»" oi * jyv t *i,- ro be mi.e:. tn mc produtfivt than th*t 01 Jlare< ; that couoirici arc «'ch, poweifu! and happy, >.n p«opovt*on a* the labonng peonle e«y*y the fruits'of tbrir own lal>or ; and hci.ct- the 11 c« (Ta 15. l^ally 's Hotel. GIFFORB DALLY, Formerly Keeper of the City ¥ai*ern 9 and of the Merchant's Coffee-Hqufi of this City RLSPECTFTJI-LY informs his Friends and the Public in general, that he THIS DAY opened a HOTEL in Sh?ppc*-Str«L be tween iKi{4 and Krcris, at thr Hoiife formerly occup cd by Mr. Timmbns, wh:ch ti»s lately been gieaily improved, and is now very coin mod cus ; where he has tomilhed him f.U with ihr bell of LtOUpRS, «r. i v. .11 ItTr ni(h a TABLt for with ihr heft provi sions the Markets afford, at any h^ur r ou the thoneft notice. Front his long experience 'n this line ot bufincfs, ht hiip(«\li b c be able t«» give U(isU&ion to all wno n»ay pie«jfc Id favor hirn with their company. Pbiladclnhia, January 29. 179, THE Trufteesof an Academy, or any individual wilhing to engage a per on to foperintend the Education of youth, in the comic of Ityrties ytualW adopted iu Academies, or any branch of" bulinels requ r ii;g fimiUr qualifications, may open a com munication with a person willing to be em ployed a few year«; (tor a generous coinnenfa tion) by writing (ietters to be polt paid) to Mr. John Fenno, Philadelphia. (f3T Printers to the Southward would boflibly obhgc feme qJ tkeirfrtcr.ds, by mjcrnng thejotegeing * Jew times if fair fa* perj. February 8. dix* Parry and IV! ufgrave } Goldfnutbs & jewellers, No. 42, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, HAVE FOR SALE, An elegant Afjortment of SILVER fcf PLATED WARE, JEWELLERY'&fm CUTLERY, W-'icfc the* wil difpnlc of qr the molt rca fonab'.e te ins. Devices in hair, Miniatures fevt, and every thing in the gold and lilver TO BE SOLD, A large elegantHoufe, and Lot of Ground, IN an eligible lituotion,—alfo a Country Seat within 6 miles of t lie City, with 9 acres of land, or 42 acres of* lard and meadow, the Houle is not exceeded by many in the vicinity cnoe, January 23. Stock Brokers Office, No. t6. WaM-fticet, New-York. THESubfcnber intending 10 confine- h'mfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, b«gs leave to of f.l his fervicesto his frunds and other?, in the line of a Stock Broker. Thofc who may plcafe 10 favor him with their business, may d p' nd upon having it transacted wiih the u;n»ofl fide lity ar.d difpaich. Orders from Philadelphia, Boftnn, or any otfu*r part of the United State-, will I f ftri&ly attended to. LEONARD 3LEECKER. Wednesday, February 19, 1794. Jamaica ,Jf. jjri Ail for giving validity in this IJland to Probates to be. taken ? by certain OJficers in the- United States of America, of D'eds tn be there executed, and alfv to ExempH jjcations of Wills tbrrj proved. T \ r HERE AS, fmce the fq*aratson from the ! V y crown of. Great-Britain of the late co lcnis?, no\c called the United States of Ame nqa, great inconveniences have arisen to many of his !\saielty's fubie&s occasionally refining in thole States, for \vant of a legal provificn rel*peaU be certified up. like manner as is prac tised in Qre.u-Bi.itain or in this Ifl,and. 11. And be it further ena&edbv the autho rity aforesaid, That the probate of any last will and testament, taken before any officer authorized to take probates of wills in any of the said States, and exemplified under the seal of the State where such probate lhali have been taken, shall be, and the fame is hereby declared to be, as good and effectual in the law, as if such probate had been taken before the ordinary of this island ; any law, custom, or ullge, to the contrary in any wife notwith ftandirig. Pajfed the AJJembly ibis 12tb day of Novem' Iter, i79.Tr BLAKE, Speaker. J ajfedtbe Council, this \\tb November, 1793. G.ATKINSON, CL Council. I consent-, this $tb December> 1793* ADAM WILLIAMSON. Fm? extur. G. Atkinson, * 4fc * The American Printers fre requeued to publilh this ail in their several new (papers. City Commiflioners Office, 'January 30, 1794- T M purfuanee of a Refo'.ve of the Common i Council, d«ted the 20th day of January, 1794, for dividing the City into five Diftfids, b) fines drawn F.aft and Weft, whereof each of tke City Comrr.ifljonns is t<» trkc the fuperin tendznee of one of the said Dillr &», and to be accountable lor the clear.sing, good order and regularity of the fame. The CommifConers have accordingly made the following arrangement for'the prefer.!: Diflrift the \JI. N'a-han Boys, to have the charge of that part of the ftreeu, lanes and alleys from Ccdar-ftreet, to the north fide of Spruce ftteet. mw&:ftf Dtfliid the id. Huj»h Roberts,from the north fid- ct J>prucc-ltrcct to the oortb fide «f Walnut street, Dijirifl the 3d. Jofrph Clavpoole, from the north fioc of Walnut to the iouth tide ot High ftrcet. m&th—tf fiijliifl toe 4M. William Moulder, from the north (ide oi to the north fide of Mulberry street DiJlriß the §th. Nicholas Hicks, from the north Tide ot Mulberry, to the north fide of V«ne flrect. t.xboQ Jrowi the Minut'S, N B. The carriage wajr in Markrt-ftreet, is under the charge ot the Commifli >ners grncrally* for the present, the foot-wavs on tbe north and south fides thereof, are connefled with the ad joining DiUtiti* rvfpe&ively. AND JOHN MEASE, CM. UNITED STATES. HALIFAX, (N.C.) Feb. 5. In General AJJanblj—J an - H> 1 794- Mr. Steele from the committee to whom was referred a meflage frum his Excellen cy the Governor, together with sundry resolutions of the Legislature of South- Carolina, and a proclamation of the Go vernor of that State, concerning the con duit of certain citizens of the United States, in accepting commissions under the authority of the French Republic, to enlilt men within the limits of the United States, moved the following resolutions, which were considered, and agreed to by both houses: Refolvcd, That 'lis Excellency the Go vernor be, and hi is hereby rcquefted to iilue a proclamation, cautioning the good people of this .State against practices so incompatible with the principles of neu trality, and which if permitted or indul ged would inevitably involve this country in confufion and disorder. Rcfotved, That it is, in the opinion of this General Afiembly, the duty of all officers, civil and military, within this State, to use all reasonable and legal means to prevent the enlisting of men or troops for any foreign power, within the ju,rifditiion of this State ; and that if such attempts be made after the publication of the proclamation of the Governor, that tj)e persons so offending ought to be pro ceeded againlt as disturbers of the public tranquility, and as enemies to the peace and happiness of their country. RICHMOND, February 5. In tie House of DiUgatu, ( Virginia) De- cembtr TO, 1793- Reiblved, That the Executive be re quested and empowered to draw out of the Public Treasury, all the cut silver coin which (hall be therein on the firft day of March next, and have the fame coined at the Mist of the United States, into half dimes or five cent pieces for the use of the Common weal tli. December 11, 1793. Agreed to by the Senate. BALTIMORE, February 12, Yellerday being the Birth Day of our Illustrious Pirfident, the company of vo lunteers under the command of Captain Thompson, paraded through the several streets, accoutred in complete uniform, and made a brilliant appearance. After performing a variety of evolutions in ho nor of the day, they proceeded to Mr. Gray's garden, at Chatfworth, where an elegant dinner was provided for them. And a number of toasts drank suited to the occasion. Congress of the United States. IN SENATE, Wednefdav, February 12. On motion, Ordered, That the Secretary for the department of the treasury report on the petition of Arthur Hughes, referred to him the 9th of November 1792, by the Senate. The petition of Francis Mentges, late a lieutenant colonel in the Pennsylvania line, was presented and read, praying compensation for ferrices rendered the U nited States. On motion, That the petition be referred to the Secretary for the department of war. It pasTed in the negative. On motion, That the confederation of the report of the committee on the petition of Conrad Laub and others, reflecting the appoint ment of Mr. Gallatin to be a Senator of the the United States, be postponed until Monday next. It pafled in the affirmative. Mr. Vining from the joint committee on enrolled bilk reported, that they did Ipfalts [Whole No. 5 17.] yesterday lay before the President of the United States for his approbation, the enrolled b!U, entitled, " An ast providing for the relief of such of the inhabitants of Saint Domingo, resident within the U nited States, as may be found in want of support." A meflage from the House of Repre sentatives by Mr. Beckley their clerk : " Mr. President, The House ef Re presentatives have passed a bill, entitled, "An ast for the relief of Thomas Jen kins and Sons" in which they desire the concurrence of the Senate. " The President of the United States hath notified the House of Representatives that he did this day approve and sign, " An ast providing for the relief of such of the inhabitants of Saint Domingo, re sident within tke United States, as may be found in want of support," And he withdrew. The bill sent from the House of Repre sentatives for concurrence, entitled, " An ast for the relief of Thomas Jenkins and Sons," was read the firfl time. Ordered, That this bill pass to the se cond reading. The bill " in addition to the ast for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States," was read the second time, and after debate, Ordered, That the further considera tion thereof, be postponed. The Senate adjourned to II o'clock to-morrow morning. Thursday, February 13th, 1794. The bill sent from the House of Re presentatives for coocunence, entitled, " An ast for the relief of Thomas Jenkins and sons," was read the second time. Ordered, That this bill pass to the third reading. The Senate resumed the second reading of the bill " in addition to the ast for the puuilhment of certain crimes againll the United States," and after debate, the further consideration thereof was postpo ned. Mr. Burr from the committee, to whom was referred the meflage from the Presi dent of the United States, of the 30th of December last, reported a bill, " autho rizing and dire&ing the settlement of the accounts of Major General La Fayette, which was read the firft time. Ordered, That this bill pass to the se cond reading. The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to-morrow morning. The report of a feieft committee on tbe petition of William Smith cf Mary land was taken up, and after debate a de cision was postponed. This petitioa was for compensation for sundry loan-office certificates ifiued in Georgia at a time when there was no loan officer in that state. The Pod-Office business was then tak en up in committee of the whole. A vast number of new poll roads were ordered, without opposition. The committee then came to the consideration of that part of the report which relates to newspapers, and it was moved, that the pottages of them {hould be reduced to half a cent to dittances not exceeding 100 miles, and one cent for any greater di'iance. This was advocated on the ground, that newspa pers from the feat of government and the large towns mutt convey more complete information than feledions from them by country printeis in weekly papers, and that the editors of them not only poff«*ft more ample means of information ; but are generally better informed. The mo tion was opposed, from a wish to encou rage country prefles, whose papers, it was laid, did not lose on a comparison with the wretched productions of the me tropolis The committee rose without taking a quetlion, and the House adjourn ed. House of Reprefentativct, February 17,