Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, February 18, 1794, Image 3

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Last evening the NEW THEATRE
was opened with that much admired comic
opera 7/je Caffle of Anda/vjiu, and the
after piece U bo's the Dupe.
It was well for those who " took time by
the forelock," numbers finding it impcf
fible to gain admittance, the crqud was so
great: the novelty of a New Theatre at
tracted many who were not perhaps its
belt .viihers ; but prejudice scon gave
way, and univeriiil latiifa&ion appeared
in every countenance.
The manner in which this truly elegant
theatre is laid out, merits the highest ap
probation. Nothing has been neglected
fjr the accommodation of the Lovers of
the Drama; every advantage having
been taken in what may be termed 'the
appropriation of fpaeethe boxes and
galleries are ranged in the form of a cre
icent. Every individual has an equal
view of the stage without incommoding
each other—an inconvenience so much
complained of from the quadrangles of
old theatres. The houfc was brilliantly
lighted—patent lamps formed the foot
lights, and fpcrmaceti candies the residue.
The '/cut enfeatie' exhibited a charming
* Ccup d'eil.'
Wigncll the leading manager, has done
justice to his arduous million—like the
good Hulbandman of old, he has picked
up the Eurs and left the Tares; for a
more choice and refpefiable Company, in
public or private walk, never appeared on
Theatrical Boards—May lie enjoy the
fhutsof his intluftry, 'foul fweetningjftaife,'
and the gratulations of the public.
The prcfent limits only permit a hint,
relative to thcrefpe&ive performers—Mrs.
Wairel fling delightfully—Mrs. Marftiall
did ample jullice, to what Fame had anti
cipated—Miss Broadhurft, tlip charming
little Syren, electrified the gods, and was
deservedly encored-—Mr. Darky, as a finger, ifands unrivalled—his Tones
vibrated thro' every pafTage of the Thea
tre—Mr. Marlhall has long stood without
a competitor—his adling, and his singing,
added to his graceful a<ftion, was inimita
ble.—We saw with pleasure, our old fa
vorite Wignell, in a new character, he
was every thing that one could wish, in
Don Spado—Mr. Morton was very ref
pcflablc, as a young candidate on the
Stage—Mr. Francis would have pleased
better, bad he omitted looking at his
feet, after his metamorphulis ; he is a ref
pcftable aflor, and ever ready to profit bv
a hint.
The late hour the play finilhed, pre
vents us faying any thing of the merits of
the after piecr—we Willi the managers to
attend to this hint, at such late hours not
only mar the pleafuvcs of the evening, but
are inconvenient to many.
In the General Advertiser of Saturday,
we wete favoveu with the following pa
" The friends of the French now de
precate the resentment bf France, and
fhouM that Republic become hostile, we
are left alone to encounter with everv
power in Euro]^."
u The friends of the French know,
that this country must finally depend on
the frtendfhip of France, for the main
tenance of oirr Liberties and commerce,
every American, the?efore, that is a friend
to our future happiness mud wish Success
to the Republic of France."
"By uniting with that Republic we
ilznd, by dividing with them we fall."
On leading the foregoing with atten
tion, I was struck with surprize, and eon
eluded Tii my own mind, that taking the
paragraphs in the latitude in which they
lire espreffed, they could not be the sen
timents of a real American freeman, but
of some person in the pay and under the
influence of aJefign nation.
To with that the Republic of France
may be able to maintain its liberty, is one
thing, but shall the sice sons of Columbia
fretr its reJe/iJmet/ts, and for that reason
make the fheddingof blood by the Guil
loiirte, a common cause ?
If I could suppose it was either true in
fa£t, or that it was a prevailing sentiment
among our citizens, that " wemuft depend"
on any poucr on earth " for the maintain
ance of our liberty I would fay, Ame
rica was no longer free, and disown my
country forever.
I am apt tft biflieve however, that a
certain party will not thank the writer,
for the above disclosure of their fentimerito.
February 17.
the REAPERS," were announced for
To-Morrow evening, at the New Thea-
Exlrad of a letter from Liflon, dated Olio-
ber 26, 1793,
" An affair has happened at Genoa,
between a French national frigate lying
there, and a cutter sent by Lord Kood,
underthe King's white flag (Louis 17th)
that may occasion at once that Republic
either to declare for France or En. land,
for the frigate seized the Captain of the
cutter and ilrangled him. On information,
an Englift line of battle was sent into the
port, and the French frigate captured.
The Genoese have complained of this last
affair, and the English minister has pub
lished a mairfeflo, setting forth partial con
duct of the Genoese, and it is said, infifU
on their declaring on one fide or the other
in 8 days—ln short, this war, before it is
finifhed, We are, will involve all the
European powers. We sincerely hope a
good understanding may encr amain be
tween Great-Britain and America, as it
will be dreadful to both, if a rupture (hould
take place.—P. S. Just now the English
convoy has arrived, and a part of the
Dutch, ar.d it is reported there are be
tween 50 and vends with wheat and
flour, so that for the present, we (hall have
an abundant supply."
The Hon. Thomas Smith, Esq. (late
Prelident of the 4th c'iltrict, comprehend
ing the counties of Cumberland, Bedford,
Franklin, Huntingdon and Mifflin) is ap
pointed by the Governor an Aflociate
Judge of the Supreme Court; -vice, the
HV>n. William Bradford, Esq. (now)
Attorney-General of the United States.
By this Day's Mail.
BOSTON, February 8.
There is a report in town, that the let
ters of the recal of Mr. Genet, have ar
rived at the feat of government; and it
has been luggelted, but from what source
we have not been able to learn, that M.
Le.Tombe, late Consul for the Northern
States, willfucceed him.
On Thursday lad, Prince Edward, fort*
of his Britannic Majesty, arrived in this
town from Quebec. We are told that
his Highness has lately been promoted to
the rank, of Brigadier-Geneial, and is to
have a command in the army in the Weft-
From the anxiety to obtain Tickets
for Monday Evening's elegant Enter
tainment, we anticipate a full house ; and
we learn, that a dillinguifhed charafler,
now in town, will be present at the Thea
tre—in which we are sure he will fee a
master-piece of elegant workmanlhip, art,
and execution, a brilliant and liberal au
dience, and we doubt not, a performance
worthy both the audience and the dome.
NEW-YORK, Feb. 17
From the DIARY of Saturday.
The Ship Favorite capt. Story, armed here this
normvg, in 50 daysjrom Amflerdam ; He informs
us, that a pnjfcnger on board another vejfel hound to
litis p' a ct, hud before they failed, received a printed
paj-er, the date of which he does not remember y con
taining an accouut that the French army had retaken
Teuton, between the middle and end of November.
The Favorite left the Texel the lid. of December, ha_
tling lain ttieie fcveral da\s waiting for jwind. W e
have received Amflerdam paper* oj thegth. 10th, 1 ith
and 12 th. of the fame month, zohicJi mention nothing
of the taking of Toulon, the fallowing particulars are
Several account> inlke Haerlem papers,of the 10 th
and nth. December, m ntion, that a feveie ait ion
took place between the French and Prufjian armies, on
the 29th and 30th November, near Lantern and Lr
ienberch—that there wcie three Saxon Battalions
cut to pieces on the Jiijt day ; General Kalkreuth
was mortally wounded and afterwards carried to
Frankfort; and Major litrchjeld, Aid to the Duke
of b) unfarick, was killed. It is said General
K/iefl was killed. Ihat the l'ruffian military chefl,
after the battle, was removed to Laudciiburg, to re
main the.e till further orders ; the reason was, they
expetled a third attack from the French.
7 hey JuppoJe the loJ\ of the French to be 11,000
men ; that the combined armies h*d a/Jo lojt conjider
abU numbers, under llohenioe 7000, ana the Duke
oj Urinifwu k 4000, &c.
i'jjUia! confirmation is vet received of Lord
I owe*s having captured any 0/ the French jleet, but
that iht French hud ejeaped.
6 per cents, 18/2
3 ditto,
U. S. 12 per cent, adv
Pennfykania <3*. io ditto ditto.
The POffice bufincfs engaged the
attention of the House of Rep;efei;tativcs
this day—Progress reported.
A Madrid paper of the 20th Dec. re
ceived by the (hip Adi iana from Bilboa,
contains a lengthy account of a sortie
made by the allied forces at Toulon on the
30th of November—the übjeet of which
was to take a fort in the neighborhood—
from which the French annoyed the alli
ed pods—The allies were fuecefsful in
carrying the fort, but while their troops
•were engaged in plundering the French
camp, they were attacked, and after fpik
mg the cannon, obliged to abandon .their
conquest, and retreat back again. In this
retreat, Gen. O'Hara was wounded in
the arm, and taken prisoner.
The combined loss on this occasion, is
stated at 430 killed, wounded, prisoners,
and miffing.
After the above affair, the French made
three different attacks on a foil near Tou
lon, and were repulsed with loss.
Letters by this day's port from New
ark inform, that, an armed vessel has ar
rived there from Halifax, with the Bri
ti(h December mail—that the packet left
Falmouth the 20th of that month—that
none of the French fleet had been captur
ed by Lord Howe—that Toulon at the
date of the last accounts received in Eng
land was fafe—and that Lord Rawdon
was at Jersey.
English papers to the 16th December
it is laid, are received by the Packet.
The Baltimore papers of the 14th and
15th inftantsdo not inform of any arrival
at Annapolis, from France.
The opening the doors of a certain
Body, has confirmed the apprehensions
which were entertained of the aristocratic
spirit, which was fufpefted to lurk there.
The members of that honorable body, are
thought by fame, to be admifiible, like
the Pt't'rs oj Great-Britain, to declarations
on their honor, while the plebeians of other
legislative bodies, must depose on oath
Such a patrician idea is novel in this
It is a maxim in free countries, that in
all judicial difcudions, both parties (hould
be heard—audi alteram partem—What
(hould we think of a tribunal, which after
hearing one fide, (hould propose to stop
the other, from deriving his arguments
from the fame source, as those to which
they were intended as a reply. It is hoped,
none such, will ever exist in this country.
Captain Fitzpatrick saw 36 fail of the line,
British. fleet, cruizing off the Lizard.
Captain Lee left at Bordeaux about 100 fail
of American veflels—a lilt of which follows:
Prudence, Miller, Philadelphia ; Peter,
Wall, New-York; Hope, Chadwick, Mar
blehead ; Maria, Church, New-York; Ca
rolina, Wilder, Charleflon ; Pallas, Wells,
Boston ; Fame, Frafer, ditto; Fanny, Per
ry, Charleflon ; Fame, Borland, Boston ;
Molly, Johnfton, Georgetown; Nymph,
Webb, Philadelphia; Baring, Cooper, do.
Minerva, Snell, ditto j Merchant, Jones,
Portland ; Mary, Jones, Boston; Favorite,
Orne, Portsmouth ; Somerset, Miller, New-
York ; Elizabeth, Cliff, Boston ; America,
Ewing, Philadelphia ; Lally, Collins, Bos
ton ; George, Prowfe, Portsmouth ; Mol
ly, Farrell, Philadelphia; Commerce, Preb
ble, Portland ; Agnes, Wells, Charleston;
Harmony, Rengler, ditto; Thomas, Revell,
ditto ; Vauture, March, Newburyport; Pre
sident, Carhart, Philadelphia ; Hannah, Rus
sell, Newburyport ; Maryland, Davis, G.
Town ; Diana, Emery, Boston ; Sans Sou
ci, Croizer, Petersburg ; Maflachufetts,
White, Boston ; Zephyr, Pepper, ditto ;
Speedwell, Crawford, Warren; Diana,
Pease, Boston; Columbia, Sote, Freeport;
Nancy, Gerrifh, Newburyport ; RufTel,
Reed, Charlfton; Union, Johnfton, Bristol,
Maflachufetts; Deux Fres, Greenleaf, Mas
sachusetts ; Nancy, Weft, Salem ; Caroli
na Planter, White, Charleston ; Franklin,
Wilbridge, Freeport ; Louisa, Morgan,
York-Town ; Eliza, Worfley, Boston ;
Patuxent Planter, Dorset, Nottingham;
Neptune, White, Pownalboro ; Thomas
Wilson, Goefet, Philadelphia} Richmond,
Lee, Richmond; Lvdia, Gardner, Sher
burn; Bethia, Bramble, Peterfburgh; Good
Friends, Ell'.fon, Philadelphia ; Harmony,
Ofman, ditto; Two Pollys, Fairchilds, Sa
vannah ; Favorite, Lewis, Boston; Ster
ling, Clement Dras, ditto ; Hope, Butman,
Charleston ; Ruby, Dexter, Maflachufetts ;
I/ariett, Btntlcy, Providence ; Fricnd/hip,
Rokhoufc, New-Yprk; He&or, Barker,
Philadelphia; James, Palmer, PerthAmboy ;
roily, Carter, Newburyport ; Cumberland,
Scott, Portland ; Minerva, Cutts, Pepptr
ulboro ; Minerva* Allen, Baltimore ; rat
tern, Blr.ckngtcn, Pownalboro, DetU
i>oeuis, Tike, boiton ; Rambler, Miner,
Charleilon ; Nancy, Sargent, Gkmccfter;
Ann?, Coleman, Sherburne; Harmony,Al
corn, Philadelphia ; John, Pollard, New-
York ; Hannah, Springer, Pittfon; Cathe
rine, Teer, New-York; Auror?, Seward,
Kenncßunk ; Connecticut, little, New
llaven ; Libert)-, Fields, Rhode-Island ; U
nion, Million, Charlefion.
Ext raft of a letter from Copt. Ediv. Rice f
of the Jhip America, dated Texel v l)et.
" IV/ have received certain intelligence of
the foil owing vessels being captured by tl.j
Ship Preft dent y Ptnrofe
Thomas, Newman,
Bfig Jane, Morse,
Schooner Dispatch, Wallace,
jßnrg* Minerva, Shaiv,
Polly, Smith,
Olive Branchy Hamilton,
George, Taylor,
Jay 9 Caldei'y
Hopey Bumbarri,
A correspondent offers the following
queries : What advantage results to
our Merchants from having their proper,
ty, (hipped for this country in liritilh
Dutch, Swedish, or other foreign bot
toms, captured at our doors?
What advantage reiults to our Farm-i
ers, from having foreign bottoms, which
come to lade with and carry off the pro
duce of their farms and plantations, cap
tured at our doors ?
the Editor has repeatedly been
fubjecled to pojlage on the Letters of persons,
who haiie in that way applied to purchase
the Fount of Long Primmer which he has
for sale —those who wi/h to buy those types,
are informed that the prtee is twenty cents
per pound, cci/h —to be paid at their delive
ry—the fount weighs about 250 ft,.
C 3* Proposals having been publijhed lafl
autumn, for continuing the Gazette ef the
United States as an half weekly paper, in
conjunction with a daily paper, frequent ap
plications (pujlage unpaid) are made by per
sons at a dijlance for the former —but as the
terms proposed on that occasion were not com
plied with, the plan of an half weekly paper
is relinqu'ifbed.
Phi lAiii I.l'HiA.FfbinaiyiQ i-qi
For priming by Subfcriptioti,
A Work, to be entitled,
Pennsylvania State Trials.
waui ol fufficicnt information of the
. Hate uiaU of Gicai-Britam i n the early
periods of (hat government is now lamented :
Hitherto there hath been but one tiial in the
itate ol Pcnnlylvania on impeachment : ar.d
hi re also it is to be regretted, that, being neg-
Ic&ed at the time, the public are now left with
out fufficient information on the fubjefcl of that
trial, it ig however in this woik defined to res
cue w hat can be coMcftcd theieof from sources
of mdifputapie authority, f c that the fame (hall
be preserved from oblivion.
Anorher impeachment and the second is now
depending. An officer ,j chaigcd by the late
Huufe ol Beprcfentnivei, who haih for many
years been largely confided in by this Hale, and
hath long b. en at the head of the financial de
partment ol the falnc, and II imports the cut
zt ns 10 know his conduct, and the circuinflante»
which may be brrught forward en his trial.
In this woik the Editor will be carrtul to
state the falls, as they may be brought forward,
and to lay all the evidence and papers before
the public.—With thU view
The following Terms are refpeßfully
fulmiltcd to the Public :
I. The Work llrall lie primed in octavo, with a
good type, on fine paper, and delivered lo
fublcr ibers at the rcfpeflive places where the
fublcrtptiotrs are taken in, as soon as the wo.k
shall be completed.
11. Asno tonjitiure can well be made, as to
the length of the pttfent trial, the fire of the
volume cannot be afceitaincd at this time
But the price ftiali noi exceed that of fomeot
the latcft publications in this city.
111. Ii will contain all the preliminaries and in
cidental circumstances that may occur during
the trial of John Nicholfon, tfquiic, Conip
troller-Genoa! of this commonwealth, wnh
the arguments ofcounfel on bothfide*, logethei
with the articles of impeachineir. and the
pleas and replicat ons at large, the fcveral »e
---folutions of the iwo bunches of the (fate Lc
giflature, refpe&ing this impeachment, and
the final decilion of the SENATE iefpe£iii>£
that officer.
To whil h will be prefixed , ai much airan he
collided (iom authentic documents, ol tl.e im
peachment, trial, and aequital of the lam Francis
Hopkmfon, Efquiic, Jndse of the Court of
Admiralty tor the (talc of P. nnfvlvaoia, during
the late war, nrver before pnbltfhed.
No money wiil lie required before the deli
ver y of the book.
Subfcrtptiom will be received by Francia
Bai'cy, No. 116, lligh.llrect ; Wri K lev and Ber.
nman, No. 149, Chi fnut-Urcci, and by the rill
ftrent bookfelleu in this cm Jacob Bailev,
Lancaster ; Yundt i.tld ration, Baltimore, and
by the Editoi.
X. B. The pticc wul be cuhaiicid 10- ac».
fe-L-ici ibcis.
, Pcterjburg