Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, February 17, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 57 of Vol, V.]
An Ast for giving validity in this Island to
Probates to be taken 9 by certain Officers
in the United States of America, of D'.edf
to be there executed, and also to Exempli-
fications of Wills there proved*
WHEREAS, since the reparation from the
crown of Great-Britain of the late co
lonies, now called the United States of Ame
rica, great inconveniences have arisen to many
of his Majelty's fubjeefcs occafronally residing
in those States, for want of a legal provision
refpe&ing the probates and acknowledgments
of deeds executed in the said States, and in
tended to operate in this island : For remedy
whereof, we, your Majesty's dutiful and loyal
fubjertsj tire Lieutenant-Governor, Council,
and AfTembly of this your Majcfty's island of
Jamaica, humbly beseech your Majefly that
it may be ena&cd ; Be it therefore erased,
and it is her :by ena&cd and ordained by the
authority of the fame, That, from and im
mediately after the palling of this ad\, any
conveyance, letter of attorney, or other deed
vhatfoever, which shall be hereafter executed
in any of the United States of America, and
lh.aU be .proved by a fubferibing witness, or
acknowledged by the party or parties, before
.any cf his Majcfty's Consuls or Vice-Consuls
reftdmg in any of those States, or before the
Chief Jufik eof any of the said States, or be
fore the Chief Jnftice or any of the Judges of
the Supreme Court of the said United States,
and certified underthe seal of any of the Jaid
Slates, or the seal of the said United States,
shall be, and the fame is hereby declared to
be, as good and efte<Shial in the law as if such
conveyance, letter of attorney, or other deed,
had been refpedlively proved or acknowledged
"before a Judge ©f ar.y court of record in this
island ; any law, custom, or usage, to the con
trary notwithstanding : —Prowled .always,
That in all cases wherein the right or property
of any woman under coverture is intended
to be conveyed, she shall be examined separate
and apavt from her liufband, by the Judge
who att< fts the probate, and the said examina
tion (hal! be certified in like manner as is prac
tiled in Great-Britain or in this Island.
11. And he it further ena<sied by the autho
rity aforcfaid, That the probate of any last
will and tc ftament, tiiken before any officer
authorized to take probates of wills in any of
t} e iaid States, and exemplified un>}er the
ft.:l of the State where such probate lhall have
been t;:ken, (hall be, and the fame is hereby
declared to be, as good and effe<stual in the
law, as if luch probate had been taken before
the oi diuaiy of this island ; any law, custom,
or usage, to the contrary in any wife nqtwith
PajfcJ the AJfemoly thus 12 tb day of No-vem
ber, 179.;.
Taffed the Council, this 14tb November, 1793.
G.ATKINSON, CI. Council.
I consent, this 6ti December, 1793.
Vera copia extur. G. Atkinson, Sec.
* * Tb e A merica n Printers are requested
to publish this a& in their several newspapers.
At the Mritr H'miCc.'No. a\, South Semnrtiftreet,
f Price three-eighths of a dollar)
Speeches of Mr. Smith,
Dcliwtfrd in the House of Representatives of
the United State*, in January, 1794, on the fuh
j< 6t ol crriain Commercial Regulations,
proposed by M». Madison, in ihc committee
ol the whole, on the report of the Secretary of
To which is annexed,
A TABLE,' exhibiting the Compa
* aTivi footing im ihr Commerce of the
Uniieri S;a 'wiih the Dominions of France
and Great-Britain, prior to the pending Rcvo
liil <> of Ft ncc.
Febrn#r\ t 5,
Market-Street J
An EfTay on Slavery:
to exhibit in a new point oi view.
i's (Hitts on indujiry, and the peace of
Jixtety. Some fadts and calculation* are offered
to prove the labor of freemen to be much more
produfJive than thai ot Jlaves ; thai countrus are
rich, powerful and happy, in proportion a.< the
Üboring people enjoy the fruits of their own
4 <bm ; and hence the D-ofT'ty conclusion, that
flivary is inpelilk as wrll *s unjuji.
Prick Cent*.
February 15.
io£ tfje Iftnifcd Jp>
City Commissioners Office,
... r , January 30,1794.
I i\ punuance of a Reloivc ot the Common
A Council, dated the 2C|h dav of January,
1794, for dividing ihe Citv into five Diftrifts,
by lines drawn Eall and Wffl, whereof each 01
the City Commissioners is to take ihe fu per in
tends* nee of one of the said Dillnfts, and to be
accountable lor the cleansing, good order and
TI-p Oomniiflionrrs havr accordingly made
ihr hnlow-n<! ninn loi the picket :
/Hjinii the iji. Nail un Roys. to have the
cbaif.. of I hof p.irtot tin Itim*, Umrsand allrya
from C< dar.ftrcct, to ill- no»th ol Spiacc
ft»ert ¥
Dijiut7 the 2d. Hugh Roberts, from the north
fide of Sprtici-flreet to the north fide ot Walnut
Dijirifl the id Joseph Clavponle, from the
nor/h fiac ol Walnut to the louth iidf of High
Dijlrifl the 4th. William from the
north tide ot High, to the noith fide cf Mulberry
Dijlritl the s th. Nicholas Hicks, ftom ihe
north tide of Mulbcuy,to nor*h.Tide of Vine
N T B. The carriage way in Matk i-ftrcet, is
jinder the charge of the Qommifli .i.cis general!v,
for the present, the foOUways on the north and
south fi(*r> »hf >eof, are netted with the ad
joining D< (iritis r. fpcfttvcly.
Excellent CLARET,
In hogi.cais and in cjfts.of 50 bottles each.
A L. a 0.,
A few cases Champaigne Wine ;
In pipts, h'ojjth. ads-and quarter casks,
Jan. a, 1794.
Parry and JVlufgrave,
Goldfmitbs Sff "Jcw&llersy
No. 42,
An elegant Assortment of
Which they will difpwTe of on the moll rea
sonable terms. Devices in hair, Miniatures
sett, and every thing in the gold and silver
way, done as u'ual.
December 24.
A large elegant Ho use,
and Lot of Ground,
IN an eligible situation, —also a Country Seat
within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of
law, or 42 acres of Jand and meadow, the
House is not exceeded by many in the vicinity
of tiie city, in size or convenience.
For terms apply to the printer.
January 23.
Daily's Hotel.
Formerly Keeper of the City Tavern, and
of the Merchant's Coffee-Houfe of this
City :—
RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and
the Public in general, that he has THIS
DAY opened a HOTEL in Shij>pcn-strtet fbt
tween Third and Fourth-Streets, at the House
formerly occupied by Mr. Timfnons, which
has lately been greatly improved, «nd is now
very commod'ous ; where he has turnifhed him
fcll wiih the best of LIQUORS, and will fur
nifh a TABLE for Parties, with the best provi
ftons the Markets afford, at any hour, on the
Uiorteft notice. From his long experience in
this line of business, he flatters himfelf be (hall
be able to give fatisfa&ion to all who may pleafc
to favor him with their company.
Philadelphia, January 2911794.
THE Trufteesof an Academy,
or any individual wilhing to engage a
per.on to superintend the Education of"youth,
in the course of studies usually adopted iu
Academies, or any branch of bu fine Is requir
ing fimilnr qualification*, may ofen a com
munication with a person willing to he em
ployed a few years (for a generous compehfa
rion) by writing (letters to be polt paid) to
Mr. John Fenno, Philadelphia.
Printers to the Southward ivculd f>o]Jibly
obhge fame of theirjrie*)d% t by wjenwig thejortgoing
ajrtv t/m,« in their popen.
FiiiuuT\ 8. diit
Monday, February 17, 1794.
of t he fjme,
Zxt'-'P fro>>? the S'.ivt. t r.
No. in, South Front It/eet,
m&th— tf
Congress of the United States.
Friday, February 7.
The following written meflage was re
ceived from the President of the United
States by Mr. Dandridge his Secretary.
United States, February 7, 1794.
Gentlemen of the Senate, and of
the House of Representatives.
I transmit to you an ast and three or
dinances, paffedby the government of the
territory of the United States fowth of
the river Ohio, on the 13th and 21ft of
March, and 7th of May 1793. —And al
so certain letters from the Minister Pleni
potentiary of the French Republic to the
Secretary of State, enclosing dispatches
from the general and extraordinary com
mifilon of Gaudaloupe.
The menage and papers therein referred
to w'qie read.
Ordered, That the ast and three ordi
nances mentioned in the mefTage be refer
red to th? committee appointed the 2111
of January lalt, to whom were referred
the passed in the territory north-welt
of the Ohio, to coniider and report there
on to the Senate.
Ordered,. That the other papers refer
red to in the meflage, lie for consideration,
The Senate proceeded to the third read
ing of the hill, feut from the House of
Representatives for concurrence, entitled,
" an ast providing for the relief of such
of the inhabitants of S. Domingo, resident
within the United States, as may be found
in want of fupportwhereupon,
Resolved, That this bill pass as amend
Ordered, That the Secretary desire the
concurrence of the House of Reprefenta
tivea in the amendment to this bill.
On motion,
Resolved, That the resolution pafled
yesterday, on the report of the committee
appointed to consider the last paragraph
of the mefiage of the President of the
United States, of the 30th of December
last, be re-considered.
Ordered, That Mr. Burr, Mr, Ellf
worth and Mr. King, be a committee to
take into consideration the meflage from
the President of the United States of the
30th December, and that the committee
be directed to report a bill to cany the
fame into execution.
The Vice President laid before the Se
nate a letter from the Treafurerof the U
nited States with his war department ac
count, which were read.
Ordered, That they lie on the table.
The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock on
Monday morning.
Monday, Feb. 10, 1794.
The Vice President laid before the Se
nate, a letter from the Secretary for the
department of the Treasury. in reference
to the orders of Senate of the 13th of
January last, for a return of fnndry state
ments from that department, which letter
was read.
Mr. Bradley reported from the commit
tee, to whom was referred the petition of
Conrad Laub and others, refpe&ing the
appointment of Mr, Gallatin a Senator of
the United States, and the report was
On motion,
Ordered, That Wednesday next be as
signed to take this report into confidera
ti on, and that in the mean time it be prin
ted for the use of the Senate.
On motion,
That the Senate adopt the following
Resolved, That the doors of the Senate
be opened and continue *>pen, during the
difcuflion upon the contested election of
Albert Gallatin.
Ordered, That this motion lie on the
table until to-morrow.
A meflage from the House of Repre
sentatives by Mr. Lambert, their clerk
being detained by ficknefe.
R T I S E R.
[Whole No. 515.J
" Mr. President, The House of Re?
prefentatives concur in the amendment of
the Senate to the bill, entitled, " An a&
providing for the relief of such of the ill
habitants of Saint Domingo, resident with
in the United States, as may be found
in want of support,"—and he withdrew.
The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to
morrow morning.
Mr. Strong from the committee ap
pointed the 24th of December last, to
consider that part of the speech of the Pre
sident of the United States, which recom
mends further provision againlt offences,
reported a bill, which was read the firft
Ordered, That this bill pafa to the se
cond reading.
A motion was made,
That the petition of Conrad Laub and
others, citizens of Pennsylvania, stating
that Albert Galiatm had not been more
than eight years a citizen of the United
States, at the time of his ele&ion as a
Senator, is fufficient, as well in refpeft to
the competency of the petitioners, as in
refpeft to the matter alledged in the peti
tion, to authorize the Senate to enquire
and decide, whether the said Albert Gal
latin had been a citizen of the United
States, the term of years required by the
constitution, as a qualification to be a Se
nator of the United States.
Ordered, That this motion lie until
Oon motion,
Ordered, That the letter of the Secre
tary for the department of the Treasury,
communicated yeftcrday, be referred to
Mr. Gallatin, Mr. EllfwOrth and Mr.
Taylor, to consider and report thereon to
the Senate.
Mr. Vining from the joint committee
on enrolled bills reported, that they had
examined the bill, entitled, "An a& pro
viding for the relief of such of the inha
bitants of St. Domingo, resident within
the United States, as may be found in
want of support," and that it was duly
A mcflage from the House of Repre
sentatives by Mr. Lambert, their clerk
being detained by sickness.
" Mr. President, The Speaker of the
House of Representatives having signed
an enrolled bill, I am dire&ed to briin
it to the Senate, for the fignaturc of the
Vice President." And he withdrew.
The Vice-President signed the last men
tioned enrolled bill, and it was delivered
to the committee on enrolled bills, to be
laid before the President of the United
States, for his approbation.
On motion,
That the Secretary for the department
of the Treasury be desired to report to
the Senate on the petition of Arthur
Hughes, referred to him during the last
It was agreed that the motion lie on
the table until to-morrow.
Agreeable to the order of the day, the
Senate took into consideration the motion
made yesterday, that the doors of the Se
nate be opened during' the difcuflion of the
contested election of Mr. Gallatin.
Resolved, That the doors of the Se
nate he opened, and continue open, du
ring the discussion upon the conteftcd
eleition of Albert Gaiiatin.
Mr. Bradley reported from the com
mittee, to whom referred the ast and
three ordinances, mentioned in themeff g-e
of the Prelident of the United States of
the 7th inflant, enacted and ordained by
the Governor and Judges of the territory
south of the river Ohio, " that Congrefj
do not disapprove the fame"—and the re
port was agreed to.
The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock to
morrow morning.
Tuesday, February 11