Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, February 15, 1794, Image 3

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    we ought to avoid as muc}> as polfitle all
•onneition with their poii ics or wars ;—
our own country ought to be the peculiar
objeftof ourattention, anrihis opposition
to the rcfolutions on tile tabic, Was groun
ded entirely on the regard which he had
for what he supposed and believed to be
the true intcre't of his country.
(Debet: to h; cintinjfd.)
The brig George and Harriot,
Barnard, arrived here, from Havre-de-
Grace, in 95 days; spoke on his pafk.i'e
the following Veffe's, viz.—Jan. 10, lit.
40. long. 64. W. the sloop , Abia
ham, belonging to Jom. Davis
& Sons, Kennebeck, troiir St. Bar:holo
iriew's, 47 da) 5 out ; had been on the
toast, an! by b'd weather blown 01T, with
damage, and was bearing away for th«
firft port he con d make, in the Islands ;
fame day, spoke brig George, Capr. Da
v;c* Harding, i.-om l.iv rptxi], out 67 days,
bound to New-York, all well. Also, spoke
another bring from Ijiverpool, bound to
New-London, but could not obtain the
names ox either the vefleloy Captain.
NEW-YORK, February 12.
On the 9th in ft.- being the dry ap
pointed for their public dinner, by the ci
tizens of Savannah, Georgia, in testimony
of their approbation of the wisdom, p-i
---triotifm, and good conduct of the Presi
dent of the United States, in the present
critical situation of public affairs, about
one hundred gentleman fat down to an ex
cellent dinner, ut three' o'clock. Captain
Robertfon, ar.d his company of artillery,
honoured the citizens, by firing 15 gun»
to the firft, and three to each of the fuc
cceding toasts ; and on rejoining the com
pany, received their thanks, through their
prelident, for their poiitenefs.
The toasts were—
1. The President of the United Stages.
Long may he live an example to mankind,
1 and- a blessing to his country.
2. The French Republic. May they
support their independence and enjoy ra
tional liberty-. >
?. May the people of America never
be diverted from their true intcreft, by the
influence of foreigners.
4. The Senators, and Rcprcfentat'ives
of the United States, in Congrcfs.
5. The Marquis de la Fayette—Long
may he live in the grateful reccU -ftion of
6. Peace, justice, and happineic to all
7. May the pfcople of Ameiica be ever
distinguished for the performance of their
public and private engagements.
8. Prosperity to the riling State of
9. The memory of those brave heroes
who have fallen iti defence of American
libe ty.
10. General Wayne, and the Ameri-
can armv.
11. The exports of America—May her
enemies be the firft.
12. The agriculture and commerce of
the United States.
13. Out AmbafTadors at foreign courts.
May prudcnce and republican virtue cha
rafteiize their measures.
14. The American fair.
15. May ve preserve a ftrift neutrality
and lifting peace with the belligerent pow
ers of Europe.
T'p- entert-.iiiment warcondtifted and
with the greatest order, harmony
and leftivity.
Monday morning last departed this life,
:n Ins fixty-fifth rear, Aaron LococK,
£{qu;r», late of Charleft'own, South-Ca
rolina, originally from Knarelborough in
Yorkshire.—He had long been afflicted
with a complication of disorders, which
Jie fuppprted himfelf under with a firmnefs
peculiar to the man, who adheres perfe
veringlv to a life of .conscientious moral
In him the poor have loft a liberal be
refadtor ; his relatives a generous friend—
and his acquaintance the placid,- serene
Companion, ever ready to promote inno
cent amusements, and equally as attentive
to check the irregular sallies of immorality
and vice.
His remains were attended lafl evening,
by a number of rrfpeftable citizens, and
deposited in a family vault in- Trinity
phi lad nr.
rEflltUA n'
By art express whit
e r jc::':ng, the Ccr'iu.t of
tern "Territory zi
the foil unving Inhrjhng sir/tele is ta
il en 4
" Arrived at this puce on Wednefiiay
hit, a head quarters, who
informs us, that a detachment under the
command of Capt. Eato.i, who were de
tached, to reconnoitre th£ ground, from
which' Capt. Collins was repulsed, have re
turned. They found three of our men
dead, and seven Indians, and thence fol
lowed the trail of those who had off,
and Game on them at about the distance
of miles by furprizc, and took a cor.,
fiderable quantity of furrs and peltry.
We are also informed, that a few
days ago, three chiefs, and an interpreter
of the hofcile Indians, came in to Head-
Quarters to make proportions for a trea-
In addition to the foregoing accounts,
private letteFS fay, that the three chiefs
who came into camp informed General
Wayne, that if negotiations for fet
tling a peace'could be admitted,they would
bring in thirty of the chief warriors im
mediately to treat.
The party under the command of cart.
Collins, above mentioned, coniiltcd of 12
men only
We learn' tb at information has been re
ceived at the War-Office, from Major
General Wayne, of his having pollened
the field of battle of the 4th November,
1791, by a detachment undttr the com
mand of Major Burbeck, who eftabli&ed
a redoubt on tin/ spot, which he named
Foit Recovery—having recovered the
cannon loft there—and collected all the
b >nes of the slain, which were interred
under the" discharge of three times three
rounds from the cannon which had been
lelt on the ground.-
Major John Mills of the second Sub
Legion, is appointed to do the Duty of
Adjutant General, to the Army under
the Command of Major General Wayne.
ExtralJ of a letter from Bcjiun, dated Ja-
nuary, 1794.
" Events, and communications, since
the meeting of Congress, have nearly si
lenced the wretched few, who have for
some time pad, clamoured against the mea
sures of the Federal Government. The
Prcfident's speech, and the answer of the
two Houses of Congress, have been a
Notwithftaoding forr.e c'louds in our po
litical horizon, I trust we (hall continue a
neutral nation ; for altho' we receive in
justice from all the warring nations, yet
war, would outweigh all those evils ; and
as republicans, we must calculate upon the
scale of iiilerej}. Kings, will go to .vtr
from ambitious views, hut we must ast on
more-enlightened and solid principles. It
is happy for us we have men at heim who
have extnifive andjuft views of national
interest. I cannot help entertaining a hope,
that the crooked and narrow-minded men,
may ast with more candor and patriotilm,
this session, than heretofore."
Every art is tried to fever this country
from France. It is now said, in order to
excite us to a deteftat'ibn of the last revo
lutionary movement in France, and of the
present rulers of that Republic, that
those opposed to them, were executed, be
cause they were of opinion that a federal
governrhen;, was best ; insinuating, that
confcquently our general government must
be abhorred by the men at the head of af
fairs there.
The fa<St is, that those men were rot
executed for holding this opinion, but for
endeavouring to maintain it against thi
will of a vast majority, by open force
We have fnre'v net forgotten the attempts
of Wimpfen, of Buzot and otherst and
the departmental forces that were laifed to
march against the convention. We have
not forgotten the refinance of Lyons, the
treachery of Toulon, 2 links of the infa-
mous plot'
But to return, it may be with ;uftiro
observed, that though a federal govern
ment in this conhtrjr, may be bed calcu
lated for tlie happiness of the whole yet
the fame cftabliflimeilt in France, at the
present time, would have been the death
of republicanlfm :AD the friend: of ari
lUrci'acy and royalifm, conld have thrown,
tliemlelves into one or more of the feder
ative irpublics, j ■) consequence of which
the country would have been dismembered,
and unable to refill the vail combination
of tyrants, againlt its liberty.
n town fafl
/ /-/•
from ivt.iu'f)
How much are we indebted, fays a cor
respondent, for the condefcenlion and ex
treme good will of his Britannic Majesty
rn fending a fleet on our coafl for the pro
tection of the American and Britilh trade !
This will serve to swell the lilt of his boun
ties# and will make a splendid figure by
the fide of the p,ote£l : on which he has
afforded by the means of the Indians on
our frontiers, & the Algerints & Britilh
Corsairs on bur trade—lt is to be hoped
that certain gentlemen who so anxioully
conjure up evrry thing that will serve the
cause of Britain, will not fail to avail
themselves of this- againll the resolutions
proposed by Mr. Madison. It is an ar
gument as much in point as molt of those
they have used, and it will elucidate their
real and Bnt'ijh feelings, equal to any thing
that they have fiiggelled.
An Afivertlfement of the present Century
" This is to inform my friends and
cuftomcrs, on Saturday next, this
newspaper will be fold for a penny, and be
continued at that price; but advertife
rnents wili be ta. jn in gratis as formerly.
The reason of my rrifing it to a penny is y
b. cauie the number I print is too prodi
gious £**eat zo be given away any longer ;
and I hope none of my customers will
think! ft dc'ar for a penny, since they al
ways have the v best intelligence, besides
other diversion.
Henry GrolsCrove,
Printer of the Norwich Newspaper, 7th
Dec. 1709." •
From Correspondents«
To build up, enlarge, strengthen, sup
port and defend the government of the
people, is surely the work of patriotism
in every country, and in every age—but
the reverse of all these is the test of repub
licanism with some who are not afhamcd
to dub themselves friends of " the rights
of man."
To be faithfully served by those vrfio
are freely elected by the people, is the di
rect way to incur the malevolence and a
buse of men, who never gave any other
evidence of their patriotism than their
own declaration! Surely there is more
glory in remaining firm at the poftof duty
when the arrows of detraction the
fliield of public virtue, than in braving
death amklft a ihower of the leaden nitffcu
gers of fate.
Oil this account, America is perhaps
more indebted, for h<?r happiness and free
government to her present rulers, than for
all their exertions in the field—fince the
prefervat'wn of liberty,' peace, and fafety,
is a much arduous talk than their acqn'ifi-
By this Day's Mail.
NEW-YORK, Feb. 14.
We are informed by a letter from Al
bany, dated the 9th inft. that Major de
Zcng is arrived in that city, Vn'th a num
ber of Chiefs, from the Oneida, Ononda
go and Cayuga nations of Indians, having
been sent for by the Legislature of this
State to meet our great State-Council.
Ship Rofina, Clark, Liverpool, 88 day?
Brig Experiment, Na(h, Cliarlefton
Sloop Polly, St'oughton, Gaudalonpe
Sunday last, a subscription was opin
ed in this city, for raising a fund to de
fray the expense of building and equip
ping a Frigate, to be presented to Con
gress for the purpose of afllfting in the
protection of the American trade. A
confiderahle sum was immediately sub
scribed which, it is hoped, will be fol
lowed by ftich liberal subscriptions as
wiil effectually accomplish a measure so
iinfoitant and efientral to the interests of
the American commerce. Subscriptions
are received by Mr. Thomas Martin, at
the corncr of Bay and Tradid-fttreets.
Y.'KAT though beneath a humble roof,
I live—and o.e—unknown to fame !
From fpircs and cities far aloof;
And great ones ne'er pronounce my name
Though soon beside some lonely heath,
I m lodged 'mong undistinguished dead,
With not a friend to veep my death,
Nor placc a maible at my head !
Virtue, they fhalt make me bfefl—
i hy hand (hall lead, thy arm l'uftain;
And life, with thee, (hall lack no reft,
And death, with thee (hall give no pain i
Gen. Adv
Tni George—fliould compliments be paid,
pj* he s numbered with the dead,
Th' insult never could be borne,
By those who live to public fcern.
N<- ; —let us pelt hini while he lives,
T is the reward the just receives,
For all his toils in war and peace.
Till nature's worn-out wheels Giall cease—
Envy, no contr ft can surprize,
When Virtue seeks her native skies.
Gen. Ad'vcrtxfer.
6 per cents,
3 <^"0,
U. S. Bank, 12 p» r cent. adv.
Pennsylvania do. 8 ditto ditto.
On MONDAY, February 17th, will be
performed (viih permission of the patentee
of Co vent Garden Theatre)
Written by the author of the Poor Soldier,
called the
Cqftle of Andalujia,
With the orl/mal overture and accompa
niments, fele&ed and compcfed by Dr.
Arnold, and additional airs by Shield.
A COMEDY, i- tioa Ads, called
Who's the Dupe.
Previous to the Opera, an occaHonar
Boxes, one c : iar—Pitt, tk -ee quarters
of a del,ar -and Ga LLERV, half a dollar.
The Dorrs will fy, opened at c o'clock,
and the performances begin at 6 o'clock nre
cifely. r
Ladies and Centlemen are recuefled to
fend their servants to keep places, at half an
hour part 4 o'clock, r.-.d to order tli*m to
w thdraw, as soon .:s the romp; ny'arcfeated,
ast Ley cannot on . ny accrtlnt be permitted
to remain in the boxes, nor any places k.»nt
after the firft a<3.
N. B. No money or tickets to be atumed,-
nor any perfen a-'mitted on any ..ccourit
whatever belli,id the scenes.
ALL persons holding (hares by trans
fer, are requeiUd to give notice to
the Managers at the Theatre, on or before
Monday morning the ryth inft. at 10
o'clock, in order that Subscribers Tickets
may be provided, p e [,_
Thomas dob son,
At the StoneHi.ufc, No 4i,SoiuhSe.oi,o.ft lec t,
(Price three-eighths of a dollar J
Speeches of Mr. Smith,.
Ddivered in ihc H ilTe of Rep.efent.tive. of
the United Sulc, in Jinuary, ,794. nmhe fub
ytt of certain Commehcial k ic u lat ions,-
p'opd'ed by Mr. N adisOn, 111 iiir committee
«' the whole, on the icpoit ot the of
"To which is annexed,
A TABLE, exhibiting the Com pa-
RATiVR footing ot Ih' C'l : m v rce i>i the
I niltd S'ltrs, willl lhe Dominions of
ind Grt-jl-ft-itain, pnodoitie pending Kevo
lu' on ot Fi■n-e.
February i/j,
All EfFay on Slavery:
D< tinned to exhibit in k nrw po.n* of vcw
its on morels, indujlyy, ,na the fx act of
focitty. S.»me fads and ca'rulatinna are oftritd
to move the labor of Jiermtn to hp much more
prciudive than that 01 Jlaves ; that coun.rir* arc
"ch, powerful and happy, m proportion at the
laboiing people/ the fru «» of th-ir enrn
labor ; and hence the n-cfffriy cnnc!ufii»n, tha
flivery \i impolitic at well as ur.jujl.
Prick 25 Cent*.
February 15. <J;f
11/ I
Address b<? spoken,
I'ivat Refrublica.
New Theatre.