evening advertiser. [No. 56 of Vol. V.] price CURRENT. bu,. as. diu. as. *«* ttfANTiTT.-Dollars too Ctrms each. Oil» pltt» pr cafe 5 o Sweet, best, in flafks,pr.box 10 5 PHILADELPHIA, Feb. i 5, 1794. Dmo balket., 14 bottle. ,0 —"—Spermaceti pr. gall. 48 "3'rain per barrel 10 ci Dili. Its. DUt.Ch. Whale s , MCHORS pr.lh. 7 10 _ „ 4 33 Allum, Englilh, pr.cwt. 43,3 Porter pr. cask i 33 D.tto, Roch pr. lb. .. Undon, pr.doz. ■So Ashes, pot, perton, no —American diuo bot.ibel. ,8, -Pearl, .34 140 7 £" c . h - P'- bbl - «73 « Arrack pr. Mil. 131 116 Pork > Burlington, per barrel, lg Brandy, common, ioo ,ao Lower c "' pr " Ib " 4° Bread, ftlip, pr.cwt. 2 67 P "" n,n •« Ditto, pilot 5 Raisins, brft, pr. keg 7 Ditto, small wafer, per keg 36 40 Ditto pr.jar 2 Beer, American, in bottles, Ditto pr. box 33 pr.doz. bottles included, 1 74 R«ce pr.cwt. 2 20 Ditto pr. barrel, 6 Rosin pr. i»arre! 278 Boards Cedar pr. M feet, 90 Rum, Jamaica,pr. gallon jl6 'N'ew England to 14 Antigua l —Oak 14 16 Windward * — Merchantable pine 20 24 Barbjdocs g ■ ■ Sap, do. 1067 Country, N. E. 4 6c Mahogany, perfoot 10 Salt petre, pr. cwt. x a 4 The aboveare the shallop prices, Saffafras pr. ton 6 8 for the yard pricc, add 1 dol- Shot ditto , .0 aai ' ar 33 cents per 1000. Steel, German pr, lb. £ Brjmftone in rolls, pr.cwt. 2 Engl *h,bliftered, pr. cwt. to Beef, Boston, per barrel 10 11 Ametican pr. ton *13 - Country ditto 9 10 7 Crowley's pr. faggot 10 67 "Frefb, per cwt. 333 467 na ke root pr. lb. 10 40 Butter pr.lb. 25 S° a p, Brown per Jb. 6 in kegs 15 18 White 8 Candles, Sperm, pr.lb. 48 Castile XJ Wax 43 56 St *rch 7 ■ -Myrtle Wa.x , , 8 pr. doz. hot. 4 5 60 Mould, tallow 16 Spermaceti, refined, pr.lb. 48 —- Dipped 14 Sailcloth,Englifh,No.i,pr. yard, 40 Cheese, Engti/h, pr. lb. 25 Boston, No. I. ditto 06 Country 10 i?_ No. 11. or Chocolate 16 18 Sugar Lump, pr.Jb i"j Cinnamon ? 4° 2 6 7 Loaf, fmgle refined 22 Cloves 1 33 Ditto, double do. 00 Cocoa pr.cwt. 10 11 Havannah, white 12 ,4 Coffee pr.lb. '6 Ditto, browft, j® ~ Coal pr, bushel 24 33 -Muscovado. pr. cwt. 9 S 2 Copperas pr.cwt. 1 67 SpiritsTurpentine-pr.gallon Cordage, American, per cwt. 9 10 37 Salt, Allum pr. buftiel 8c Cotton pr.lb. 27 12 Liverpool lC c Currants Cadiz 8c Duck,Ru(Tia, pr. picee 14 Lisbon g c .. » feathers pr. lb. 5° Ditto red cedar, per foot 97 4 c 'lax ditto tt 12 Shingles, 18 inch, per M. o qq 2 67 Flaxfeed pr. bulh. 80 9° Ditto 2 feet. 6 50 6 Flour, Superfine pr. barrel 6 6 33 Ditto 3 feet, drefled, 13 ■Common, 567 6 Staves, Pipe pr. 1000 —Bur middlings, bell 5 33 White Oak hogshead, 20 jjq Meal, Indian 2 5 2 Red Oak do. • ditto Rye, 267 Leogan 21 „o Shtp-ftuff pr. cwt. 1 40 1 67 Barrel jg Fustic pr. ton, 20 Heading Gin, Holland, pr. cafe, 4 66 skin «» Otter, best pr. piece 467 Do. pr. gall. 90 -Minks 20 Glue, pr.cwt. 20 11 33 * ox, gray '40 80 Ginger, white race, per lb. 12 Ditto red , 2 o Ditto, common 8 Martins 24 t Ditto, ground pr. lb. 10 ' Fifhcrs 67 Ginseng, 20 24 Bears Gunpowder, cannon, pr. q.caflc, 3 73 4 Racoonr 27 go , Ditto, fine glazed 4 Mnfk-rats 11 20 I Grain, Wheat pr. bulh 100 110 Beaver, pr. lb. 67 133 Rye 70 —Deei, in hair 20 30 Oats 35 Tar,N.Jerfey, 24gal.p.bbl. 1 Indian corn 56 Carolina, 32 gall. 2 1 "Barley 1 1 10 Turpentine pr. bW. 2 f Bed fhelledpr. lb. 7 Tobacco,. J. River, best 10010. 4 33 ( Buckwheat, per bulh. 40 inferior 333 j Hemp, imported, pr. ton, i 6« 150 old 467 - American, pr. lb. 5 7 Rappahannock 3 33 Herrings, pr.bbl. 3 Coloured Maryland, 5 33 8 Hides, raw pr.lb. 9 Dark, 2 4 © Hops 13 Long-leaf 2 40 J Hogshead hoops, pr. M. 15 Eastern-shore 2 2 ?3 . , , . Carolina,new 27 9 Indigo, French per lb. 1 67 , . ' 1 f arolina * '80 Tea.Hvfon pr. lb. 93 ? J I*.n. fad pr. ton, .3333 H yson (k,n, ?! 60 "• Iron C.a.ngs pr. e«t. 3 4 Souchong, $ q° h Bar pr. ton, » i 66 r „ 4 Ha „ Pig g ' 43 50 cl Bohea, ofi v c .« l , Tallow, refined, per lb. q 7— Na,lrod ' 100 33 Tin. pr. box, P I 2„ „6? - J.nk pr.cwt 4 5 Verdigreafe Jr. lb. 333 360 Lard, hog. pr. lb , 2 vermiilion, do. ,67 Lead,in pig, pr. cwt. t33 567 Varnin , pcrga „on 33 37 5 . Wax, Bee. pr.lb. 2 3 f \l white 10 10 67 1 w 1 1. 0 7 , rcd 640 g6; Whale-bone, long pr.lb. ,3 3 o } Leather, foal, pr.lb. 17 20 Wine, Madeira,pr. pipe, 176 226 Lignum vita: pr.ton, 7 — Lisbon 120 126 Logwood 30 Tcneriffe,pr. gallon 63 Mace pr. lb. 9 Fayal Mackarel, bell pr.bbl. 9 Port pr. pipe **3 33 D ' .second quality 4 Ditto in bottles,pr.doz. 4 Madder, bed pr. lb. 16 20 Claret 46^ Marble, wrought,pr. foot, 133 267 Sherry jpr.gall. 90 12c Mast spars ditto 33 Malaga 77 80 Molafles pr.gall. 33 41 COURSE OF EXCHANGE. Mustard per. lb. 87 On London, at 30 days, per £.ioofterl. 466 f ni —flour, in bottles, pr.doz. 1 20 a ' 60 days 463 $ f 1( Nails, Brf. iod. izd. and iod. pr.lb. 10 at 90 aays 4 6i j Nutmegs pr. lb. 7 8 Amsterdam, 60 days, pr.gtiilder t 4s t^( Oil, Linfccd, pr. gall. 55 90 day*, 4 p b( — Olive 87 Government bills, drawn at 10 day* tQ fight, at 42c per guilder. lUfecffe of tlje IfJmfell Saturday, February 15, 1794. Excellent CLARET, In hogfkeads and in cases of 50 bottles each. also, A few cases Champaigne Wine; MADEIRA, In pipes, hogsheads and quarter caflcs, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. lit, South Front llreet. Jan. 2, 1794. Parry and Mufgrave, Goldsmiths & Jewellers, No. 42, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, HAVE FOR SALE, Jin elegant AJfortment of SILVER y PLATED WARE, JEWELLERY isffine CUTLERY, Which they will dispose of on the most rea sonable terns. Devices in hair, Miniatures ' * nd «very thing in the gold and lilvei way, done as nfual. December 24. THE 1 rufteesof an Academy, or any individual wifliing to engage a per on to superintend the Education of youth, 111 the course of studies usually adopted iu Academies, or any branch of business requir ing Umilar qualifications, may open a com munication with a perlon willing to be em ployed a few years (for a generous compenfji tion) by writing (letters to be port paid) to Mr. John Fijwo, Philadelphia. Printers to the Southward would possibly oblige some oj their friends, oy injtrting theforegoing a Jew times in their papers. February 8. j. „ City Commissioners Office, January 30, 1794. JN pursuance of a Refolvc of the Common Council, dated the »oth.d*y of January, 1794. for dividing the City into five DiftVifts, by lines drawn East and Weft, whereof each of the City Commissioners is to take the fuperin tendanee of one of the said Diftr.fts, and to be accountable tor the cleaning, good order and regularity of the fame. The Commissioners have accordingly made the following arrangement for the prefer.!: Dijlrifl the \Ji. Nathan Boys, to have the charge of that part of the streets, lanes and alley, from Cedar-street, to the north fide of Spruce ftreet. 1 DiJlriEi the id. Hugh Roberts, from the north fide of Spruce-street to the north fide of Walnut ftrert. J°^ C Claypoole, from the north fioe of Walnut to the south lide of street. 6 Diflrift the 4tk. William Moulder, from the north fide of High, to the north fide of Mulberry street 7 DiJlrtß the S th. Nicholas Hicks, from the north iide ot Mulberry, to the nor:h fide of Vine street. Ext* aflfrom the Minutes, JOHN MEASE, Clerk. N B. The carriage way in Market-street, is under the charge of the Commissioners generally, for the present, the foot-ways on the north and south fides thereof, are connected with the ad joining Diftridls refpedively. TO BE SOLD, A large elegantHoufe, and Lot of Ground, IN an eligible situation, —also a Country Seat within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of land, or 42 acres of Jand and meadow, the House is not exceeded by many in the vicinity of the city, in size or convenience. For terms apply to the printer. January Daily's Hotel. GIFFORD DALLY, Formerly Keeper of the City Tavern, and of the Merchant's Coffee-Houfe of this City :— RfcSPECTFULLY informs his Friend* and the Public i" general, that he has THIS DAY opened a HOTEL in Shippen-Strcet, be tween Third and Fourth-Streets, at the House formerly occupied by Mr. Timpionj, which has lately been greatly improved, and is now very commodious ; where he has furnilhed him felf with the best of LIQUORS, and will fur nilh a TABLE for Parties, with the best provi sions the Markets afford, at any hour, on the Ihorteft notice. From his long experience in this line of business, h