EVENING ADVERTISER. No. 54 of Vol. V.] 7o be Sold at Public Vendue, On I*riday the I ith day of April next, at the house of John 'Tbuwfon, in Perth- Amboy, The Proprietary House AND LOT OF LAND, IN THAT CTTY. r I HE Lot contains eleven acrr.« t on which is an orchard of grafted apple trees, a well of excellent water, a large (lore c lU-rn, a„d a verv eointm.dlous ftahlr and coaeh-houfc, and agrea'l quantify ol the best building Honrs in the walls of the lioufe, which was formerly built lor the residence of the Governors of New-Ji-rfry. The fllu.itior, of this Lot is so well known 'or us health)aefi and beautiful profpeft ol the Rjriion nvei to the weft of the bav. and Sandy-Ho..k to lbce. lt, that a further d.fciiption is unnicrffaiy. The conditions of Talc will be, one thiid ol the ■purcinfe money to be paid on the firft day ol May next, when a gooo and fuflici. n' Dred wih be given to the puichiiler, by Wu rn Ru- THE*ruRO, Esq. Prefidertt of the Board ol Proptietois ol the Eallern Divifiuu of NVw- Jerfcy, ana the remaining two thirds fatislaito nly secured in tqual annual pavmcnts. By order of the Board, JAMES PARKER, Rtgifter. Perth. Amboy. February fj, *794 SJU2m Daily's Hotel. GIFFORD DALLY, Formerly Keeper of the City T(ivcrn, and of the Merchant's Coffee-Houfe of this City RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public >n general, that he ha.* THIS DAY opened a HOTEL in Shippcji-HtreeU be tween Third and Fourth-Streets, at. the .Haute formerly occupied by Mr. Timmonj, which has lately been greatly improved, 3nd is now very commodious ; whore he ha* lurnifhed Him frH wiih the belt of LIQUORS, and will f u ,-„ nifh a TABLE for Parties, w'th tjie best provi sions the Markets' afford, at any hour, on the lhorteft notice. From his long experience in this line of business, he flatters himfett he (hall be able t« give fatisfa&ion to all who nwy pleafc ' to favor him with their company. "** Philadelphia, January 29,1794. JAMES LEACH, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, That from the encouragement he has receivid, fiom-Ceveral.>cfpe£Uble Gentle mrn, he is induced once more, to embark in the PAPER LlNE—and would offer ftis feiviccj to all those Gentlemen, who can place confidence in him ; and h- allures those who employ him, that their confidence (hall not be miiplaced; bin it (ball be his conUant endeavor, to pay the Ati&eft attention to their best rntereft, in all ne gociations whatever. He has taken the Chamber, in State-Strict, over Mr. David Town/end, Watch Makei't Shop. Where PUBLIC SECURI TIES, of all kinds, are bought and fold; and •wheie Com million Bofiuefs of all kinds, will be transited on icafonable terms. HOUSES and VESSELS will be constantly exposed lor sale, on •oimniflion. CaCb paid for Salem, Providence, and Portsmouth BILI S. N. B. If any Gentleman in Philadelphia, or New-York, has any Hujinefs to travfacl at BoJlen, in Paper Negoaations, he will be happy t» be em ployed vn commijfiun. Boston, Jan. 24, 1794. War Department. January 30th 179<4. INFORMATION is hereby given to all the militaiy invalids of the United States,that the funis to which they aie entitled for fix months of their annual pension, from the fourth day of September 1793, and which will become due on the sth of March 1794, will be paid on the said day by the CommifTioners of the Loans within the dates refpcltivcly, under the usual re gulations. Applications of executors and administrators mutt be accoitipanud with legal evidence of their refptflive office*, and also of the time the invalids died, whose petition they may claim. By commana of tHe Prcfidint of the Un-ted S»atr«, H. KNOX, Secretary oj IVar. , (£s* The printers in (he refpeftive states are requeued to publifti the above in their newfpa pcn (or the (pace of two months. januaiy 30. TO BE SOLD, A large elegant House, and Lot of Ground, IN an eligible fitiiation, —alio a Country Seat within 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres of land, or 42 acres of Jand and meadow, the House is not exceeded by many in the vicinity of the city, in lize or convenience. For terms apply to the printer. January 23. of tie fjttiifeij) fates THE I rufleesof an Academy, or any individual wiihing to engage a perion to superintend the Education of youth, in the course of ftudiej ufnallv adopted iu Academ.es, or any branch of biHinefs requir es nnn'ar qualifications, may open a com munication with a perion willing to lie em ployed ;t few years (for a generom compenfa t'O") by writing (letters to be port paid) to Mr.John Ffmno, Philadelphia. Printers to the Southuw/"* Joseph Claypoole, from the north Hoe ol Walnut to the south tide of H*h ftrcet. 6 Dijiriß the \th. William Moulder, from the north fide of Hiyhi lo the north fide of Mulberry street ' Dijlrid the 5///. Nicholas Hicks, from the north fide of Mulberiy, to the north-fide of Vine ftrtet. N B. The carriage way in Market-street, is under the charge of the CommifTioners generally, for the present, the foot-ways 011 the north and Inuth fides thereof, are conne&ed with the ad joining Dtftrifts rcfpeftively. !.xtradl of a letter from a gentleman in Amsterdam, to his correspondent in " There is now at this place, a certain Mr. , who pastes for an American, but by his broaddialeft, appears to be from the high hills of old Caledonia* This man offers for sale cities and towns of very con spicuous names, on your continent, of which we have never heard before, and not to be met with in the latest Geographies of America. He has ornamented our coffee-houfes, and other public places, with maps and plans representing the fame in the moll charming manner, and fills our newspapers with lengthy dissertations on their importance—Being, however, high in his price (for he retails his gmds by the foot and inch) I am apt to think this opulent monopolist, who thus deals in ci ties and towns as Dutchmen do in Gin, will (like Robinson Crufoe on his island) remain sole sovereign of those enchantimr spots." b Was not the conduct of that gentleman in the present debate, as well as that of his colleagues, full proof that the credit he complained of did not produce the fa tal effeas he feared ? Was not Virginia the large ft, and if we might judge from her visible capital, (slaves) the richest state in the Union, and yet (he had always been in the habit of unbounded credit, in Great Britain. Mr. Boudinot then reminded the com mittee of the nature of the trade with Great-Britain. Did the Britirti merchant bung his manufa&ures and offer them for sale in this country: No—the American merchant employed the merchant in Eng land to purchase of the manufacturers, on a commifiion of jor 10 per cent. The goods were exported at the risque of the American merchant, and whether the ccr fumer paid a high or low duty on them, on their arrival in this country, was a matter of but secondary conlid'eration to the Brilifh merchant.