This day is f>ubli/bed 9 By MATHEW CAREY, No. j i 8 Ma KK t T-ST k ffc t , ( Price a quarter dollar) A short account of ALGIERS, Centamme a drfcrtytion ol i hr climate of thai coun: ry —of the manners af»d cuiloms of »h«- in anis. and of their fevrral wars against Spain. F anc~, England, H'>ii*nH, Venice, and other powers of Eurdpe, from the usurpation of Bar- K»»rofTn and the invasion of the Emperor Ch.irlei V. to the present time; with a eoncifr view #>• the ni gin of the ruotuie between ALGIERS •r.d he UNITED STATES. Jan. 9. JUST PUBLISH h D, AND SOLD BY H. Sc P. RIQE, No. 50, Market-flreet, alio, by BENJAMIN JOHNSON, No. 147, Market-fteeet, (Price, bou \ Paul and Mary, An Indian Story. TO WHICH IS JDDKDf The Indian Cottage From the French of M. dt St. Pierre. 14 I'HE above Siorus have be< n lately pub lished, the uorksot a very different naiurt, l>y M. dc S . Pwrrr, who resided in the counivy wbicK it-delcribes, and was well ac quainted w»(h the piincipal fa£Vs. Its orna ments arc the I.annfeape — the Climate—and the natural history of the Tonid Z->ne, oi»(er ved with th'-eyeof and debneated with the eye of Philofoph'ical knowledge. It is a P Ib-ra', of which the fable and the machine, ry me company's oificr. No. 119 f<»t 11 Front ftreet, at any time afte< the 13th instant. Bv o- d< >f the p ; ff,ation of the Trealury Accounts, refpefting fp-cial Indent*, without knowing the omftanding amount thereof in. cir culation Therefore, Rcfolvtd, That all holders of special Indents be divtdtd, and require, on or before the firft day of NwVi mber n xt, to deliver the fp cial In den s in their posT ffion 10 one or other of the Conimiflioiifis of the Treasury, who are to give receipts lor the, and to rep rt to ttaeCom tirflionm on public accounts, on or before the t n'.h day of November next, the amount by then* relpeit'vcly received, and also 10 the Le gislature, at their meeting in November next. And that ail special Indents not rendered into the Treafuiy as above, on or before the firft day of November next, lhall be, t.r»d the fame are hereby barred. RefolveJ, That public notice of this resolution be given in the several Gazettes in this State, once every three weeks, un:il the firft day o November next. And 'hat the Delegate* ©f this Slate in the Congress of the United Siate.«, he re queued to cause this rdolution to be published in one or more papers in the cities of Philadel phia and New-York, and that proyifion will be n;ade for the cxpeuces attending such publica tion. Ordered, That the resolution be sent to the Senate tor their concurrence. By order of the House, JOHN SANFORD DART, C.H.R. In the SENATE, December 21(1.1793. Befolvrd. That this House do concur with the House of Repiefentatives in the foregoing reso lutions. Ordered. That the resolutions be (ent to the House of Representatives. By order of the Senate, FELIX WARLEY, Clerk. ewtNov. JUST PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE RY M. Carey, No. 118, High-Jlreet, The PROMPTER; Commentary on Common Sayings and Subjects, which are full of Common Sense, the bejl sense in the world. Trf IS little book is written in a stile altogether novel, and is adapted to all capacities, as well as to all class. s of people, merchants, me chanics and far men. Such a reputation has this woik acquired, that it has pa fled th o th»ee im preflions in the eastern Hates, and many h°ule holders deem it so ufeiul as to purchase a copy for every adult in theit families.™ "Price 2s. February 4. dti N O R R I S-COUR T, Back of' the New Library, between Chefnut and Walnut Streets. George Rutter, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he continues < ■ 1 ying on t!ie bufinrfs of Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting, Likcwife, JAPANNED PLATES, for doors or window-(hutters,don& in the mod elegant manner, and with dispatch. O'dei s from the conntry will be thankfully received, and du.y attended December $o % dtf |ult Imported, From London, Dublin and Glasgow, A'-d now. <»•>■ MATHEW CAREY, At No. 118, Market Jlreety A Lai{*e and Valuable COLLECTION OF BOOKS, Among which are the following: NE*V Annual Register for 1792 European Magazine for the firft fix months of 1 793 Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire Memoirs nf the Manchefler society, 3 Pi'ieftlv 011 matter and i'pirit on chritlianity Disney's life of Dr. Jortin Kmgville's ancient geography D'Anoirs of Guy Joli Meinty, a collection of efTays Varieof PrufTia's works Calm observer—by Mackintosh Ruflell's ancient ancl mode, n Europe L mghorne's Plutarch Elegant extracts, fupe'bly gilt Elegant extracts of natural h story Saugnier and Briflbn's voyage Rocjio/i's voyage to Madagascar Fownfend's travels in Spain Tafia's jerufalein delivered Stnellie's translation of Buffon Berwick's hiftoiy of quadrupeds Buffon abridged History of bids Philips's history of inland navigation Hooper's raponal recreations History of F' ance, in 3 vols. Curiosities of litei ature, 3 vols. \Vhit*ke r 's defe nee of queen Mary Sheridan'< dictionary, 2 vols. Dow's history of Hindoftan Sketches of the Hindoos Key ro polite literature. I inlay's d.-icription of Kentucky P'efent state of Nova-Scotia Present state of Hudson's Bay P r eston on masonry L ivater 011 abridged Z tnmei man's survey Murphy's life of Dr. Johnson Net ker on executive power Killtfs of Secundus Gallery of portraits Volney's ruins ofempires w&f 1 111 Vaillaint's travels, with superb engravings Downman's infancy Adair's history of American Indians Benington on materialism and immarerialifm Berchold's advice to patriotic travellers Builder's magazine Complete farmer Chandon's life of Voltaire De Noil's travels Franklin's life and works G ozier's description of China Murphy's translation of Tacitus Godwin on political justice Gazetteer of France, 3 vols. Helvetius on man Kaimes's fkerches of the history of man Liberal opinion.*, or the history of Benignus MaWe's gardener's dictionary Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell family Playhouse dictionary Reveries of solitude Smith's theory of moral sentiments Stackhoufe's history of the bible Watson's life of Philip lid. & Illd. Wonders of nature and art, 6 vols. Wanley's wonders of the little world, called man Wall 3 on the prevention of diseases Moore's journal in France Cox's travels into Denmark,Ruflia,Poland,&c. Cox's travels into Switzerland Rabant's history of the French revolution Life of Lord Chatham Mallet's northern antiquities Motherby's medical dictionary Grigg's advice to females Hamilton's outlines of the practice of mid- wifery Manning's practice of physic Cleghorn's diseases of Minorca Inues on the muscles Pott's works Fourcroy's chemistry A r mstrong on diseases of children Qnincy'sd fpenfatory Edinburgh dispensatory Lewis's dispensatory Ryan on the asthma Robertfon's treatise on fevers Lee's botany, Leake on the viscera Leake on diseases of women Nicholfon's chemistry Gardiner on the animal economy Lewis's Materia Medica Fordyce on digestion Withering on the fox glove Lind on the diseases of heat Monro on diseases of armies Haller's physiology Spalanzane's dissertations London prasice of physic Bell's surgery Chaptal's chemistry. HAS Lately received a number of article.*; among which are the following; That r markable bud called the Cut-water, or fcif ars-bill; The Avofette, commonly called the Shoe-maker, because of its bill resembling a crooked awl—The Long-legs, commonly call ed the Black-bet, having perhaps the longed legs, iri proportion to the fi7e of the bird, of any of • he feathered tribe—The Storm-finch, common ly called mother Cary's chickcr.—The Sea fwallow, and various Gulls ; besides a variety ol Cranes, Curlews, Snipes, &c. An Indian hatchet made of : It is curious that those uninformed wild people, hav ing very little knowledge of the aits, and being ignorant even of the existence of iron and steel, should be able to form such hard substances in to fanciful forms as this, and other Indian ma nufactures now in the Museum. ng for ale, by A lignified Quince : The specimen thews what a remaikable effect a dry warm fnuation has on fruit. It is now about 8 years since it was gathered ; and it was a real quince, now be come wood, at leafl in appearance. Presented by Mrs. Manfon of Charleflown, S. C.—a tool used by the O aheitans in making their bark cloth, by pounding the bark on this instrument of wood, it produces the ribs which lefemble threads : the perfr&ly straight and «qual lines made in this extreme hard wood, by men without the use of iion,are curious Sc won derful. Alio, imoemiJe of grass, part of the rigg ing of a vefTel of Kamfkatka. Prelented by Dr. Hall, of Lewis-town, a Squib in spirits : whtii this fiih w) , found, a number I"! m mence suits against them. JOSEPH MAY, Attorney to the Adminifiratrix. Bofton,Nov. 13, 1793. N. B The Printers throughout this Com monwealth, are requested to insert this in their refpeftive newspapers, and forward their ac count! for the fame, tu J. M Pcale's Museum, The scull of 3 Whale and one of its Vertebres. George Bringhurft, COACH-MAKER, Take Notice. Bank of the United States. January 6th, 1794. NOTICE is hereby given, that there will be paid at the Bank, after the sixteenth instant, to the Stockholders or their represen tatives, duly authorized fifteen dollars and fifty cents for each (hare, being the dividend declared for the last fix months. By Order, JOHN KEAN, Cafliier. 3 iven. On the Bth of September lad, the Publiflser had-the misfoitune of having his Printing Office burnt down by a fire which broke out in the neighbourhood, aftd a great quantity of his printing materials deflroyrd, and among other articles, the figures, with which he was printing the tables of lo garithms, be'onging to the present volume, were melted down by the violence of the tire. As a Supply oi these could not be immediately obtained, he was under the neceflity of pub lifliing the volume without the e tables; but hopes he (hall be able to publish them with the next volume which is now in considerable for- wa-cinefs. The Publiflier embraces this opportunity of expreflmg his grateful acknowltdpments to the generous public, for the very libei al pa tronage with which his undertaking has been honored; at the fame time he takes th» li berty of representing to fiich of the fubfcnbcrt as are in arrears, the indifpenfible neceffiry cf punctuality, both in takjn R up .he volumes a* early as pofltble after publication, and of pay ing for them when taken. Many of the sub. (bribers having got only one, two, three, kc. volumes, and leveral volumes remain unpaid. Thus the work hangs in all its different flages from the commencement; and though the im portance of a few dollars may be but a trifle to the individuals, yet the accumulation of these trifles unpmd lays the Publisher under very serious embarraffinent, and deprives him of the ufeof many Thoufandsnf Dollars which at this time would be of very eflential service. For these reasons the Publisher finds himfclt under the neceflity of recurring to the original terms of publication, and in future no vo lumes will be delivered but only to those wh» take and pay to the time of publication. Derrmher u. 2awtlJ. Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, W.ll-ftreet, New-York THE Subfcnber intending to confinr h'mfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE or STOCKS on COMMISSION, b,gs leave t„ „f hr his fervicesto his friends and others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Those who may plrafe to favor him with their business, may d. p- lui upon having it tranfafled with the uimoft fide lity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or anr other part of the United State-, will be flnair attended to. LEONARD BI.KECKL'R Cj* Terms of Sulfcription for this Gazette, are Six Delias per annum—to be paid half-yearly. Sulfcriptions of perfont •who rejide at a diflance from the city, to be twelve months in advance, or payment to be guaranteed at the place of pullication. Advertifemcnts of r.nefquare, or left, m fertedfour timet for Onq Dollar—, for Fifty Cents—and continuations at Tiveutr Cents each—those of greater length in pro portion. Favors in this line, and Snlfcripr tions, will be gratefully received at the Office in South Fourth-Jlrret,Jive doors north of lie Indian Queen PHILADELPHIA : Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 3, South Fourth-Street.