Report 011 a projedl of an a you without delay a project of an a£k of navigation. This object so worthy ot' the meditation of a republican legislator, has not been over ooked by your committee of public fjfety In the re port they made to you on the 29th of May, #n the ftateofthe French Republic, they traccd to you in general the invaluable advantages which would result to her from a measure, which hav ing been adopted by England a century and a half ago, hat. been tr.e moll fruitful source the profperh'y of that rival power. But in a queflion of thi-. nature, antral coufiderations and observations hallily made, are inlufficient to impress conviction on every mind. Your marine committe has been employed in collediiig such ideas and elements as might completely enlighten you on the importance of a navigation n in Pennsylvania. At Reading, ) The rations to be furnifhed arc to consist of the follow ing ariicles, viz. One pound of bread or flour, One pound of beef, or £ of a pound of pork, Halt a jill of rum, brandy or whillty, One quart of fait } Two quarts of vinegars Two pounds of fuap > P cr 100 " l,ons - One pound of candlei) MONEY borrowed or loaned, accounts fia ted or collected, employers suited with domestics, house rooms, boarding and lodging Krnted, let or procured—foldiei's, maj-iner's, or militia men's pay, lands and claims on the public ; shares in the banks, in (he canals, and the turnpike road ; certificates granted by the public, ?nd the old and late paper monies ; notes of hand, bills, bonds a«d morgages, with or without drpofus—Bought, fold, or nego ciated at No. 8, in south Sixth-ftrcet, below Market-ftr»ct by FRANCIS WHITE, Whotranfatts business in the public offices for country people and others, by virtue of a cow er of attorney, or by personal application. December 11 Just Imported, From London, Dublin and Glasgow, And now opening for 'ale, by MATHEW CAREY, At No. 118, Market Jlreet, A Large and Valuable COLLECTION OF BOOKS, Among which are the following NEW Annual Regiiterfor 1792 European Magazine for the firft fix months of 1793 Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire Memoirs of the Manchester focioty, 3 vols. Priestly on matter and spirit on christianity Difoey's lite of Dr. Jortin KingviJle's ancient geography D'Anoirs of Guy Joli Memty, a collection of eflays Varieof Pruflia's works Calm observer—by Mackintosh RuHell's ancient and modern Europe J-anghorne's Plutarch Elegant extracts, superbly gilt Elegant extracts of natural history Saugnier and Briflon's voyage Rochon'g voyage to Madagascar Town/end's travels in Spain TaflVs Jerusalem delivered Smellie's translation of Buflfon Berwick's history of quadrupeds Buffon abridged History of birds Philips's history of inland navigation Hooper's rational recreations History of France, in 3 vols. Curiosities of literature, 3 vols. Whitaker's defence of queen Mary Sheridan's diott's works ''ourcroy's chemistry Lrmftrong on dTeafes of children hiincy's d fpenfeiory Edinburgh dispensatory -ewis's dispensatory lyan on the afthuia lobertfon'streatiie on fevers Lee's botany, -eake on the viscera L.eake on diseases of women chemistry Gardiner on the animal economy Lewis's Materia Medira Fordyce on digestion Withering on the fox glove Lind on the diseases of heat Monro on difea'es of armies Waller's physiology Spalanzane's diflertations London practice of physic Bell's surgery Cbaptal's chemistry. uwt6F. ALL persons having any de mands agamtl the elUte of GEORGE WIbLE, late ot the city of Philadelphia, baker, are rtqu: fted to bring in their accounts, properly authenticated ; and tliofc who are indebted, are defircd to make immediate payment. HENRY REES, Aminiftrator. 2a*3w. January 13. Robert Campbell, No. 54, South Second-jlrcei, Seconddoor b -low the corner ot'Chefnut-ftreet, HAS IMPORTED, By the late arrivals from Britain and Ireland, A large and general AJfortment of New Books and Stationary, Which will be dilpofed ot'on the lowest terms. 23. mwfef tf Encyclopedia, Vol. X. JU ST P ÜBLIS HE D, By THOMAS DOBSON, Bookseller, at the Stone House, in Second- Itreet Philadelphia. VOLUME X. OF Encyclopedia; or Dictionary Of Arts, Sciences, and Mifcellaneoue Literature, on a Plan entirely new ; Br WHICH The Different Sciences and Arts, are d'tgejled into the form of Diliinft Treaties or Svftems THIS volume contains principles of Levels, Liberty, Dottrine of Light, Lightning, Lock*, Logarithms, Logic, History of Lon don, Longitude. Luther, Lvdia*, Macedon, Madagascar, Magic, Mag'netifm, Malts, Hi I* tory of Man, Marriage, Mary, Matylano. Masonry, Materia Medica, Meadow, Mecha nics, with a great variety of Biographical am Miscellaneous articles, illuitrated with Twek ty two Copperplate As a oumber of families are still in the country, and >t is not generally known who areretu'.ned. T. Dobfon, solicits the favor of the fubferibers to call or fend for their vo lumes, that they may be fuppiied as early as poiTible. The tenth volume of the Encyclopedia i* now prelented to the public ; but as it makes its appearance in an impcrfelt state, I'ome ac count of the reason of that imperfe&ion (houhf be ■ iven. On the Brh <-f September last, the Publilher had the misfoitune of having hit Printing Office burnt down by a fire which broke out in the neighbourhood, and a great quantity of his printing materials deitroyed, and among other articles, the figures, with which he whs printing the tables or lo garithms, belonging to the present volume, were melted down by the violence of the fire. As a Pupply of the ft could not lie immediately obtained, he was under the neceflity of pub lifhing the volume without the'e tables; but hopes he (hall be able to pnbli/h them with the next volume which is now in considerable for* wardnefs. The Publiflier embraces this opoartunity of expreflmg his grareful acknowledgments ro the generous public, for the very liberal pa tronage with which his undertaking has been honored j at the fume time he takes the li berty of representing to such of the fubferibers as are in arrears, the indil'penfible neceffitv of punctuality, both in raking; up rhe volumes as early as polfib'e after publication, and of pay ing for them when taken. Many of the fub feribers having got only one, two, three, &rc. volumes, and several volumes remain unpaid; Thus the work hangs in all its different stages from the commencement; and though the im portance of a few dollars may be but a trifle to the individuals,' yet the accumulation of these trifles unpaid lays the Publisher under very fetious embarrafTment, and deprives him of the use of many Thoufends of Dollars which at this time would be of very eflential service. For these reasons rhe Publi llier finds himfelf under the neccfl»ty of recurring to the original terms of publication, and in future no vo lumes will he delivered but only to those who tako and oay to the time of publication. Dec*-iY>brr 10 TO BE SOLD, THE Fount of LONG PRIMER on which the Gazette of the United States w?.s lately printed. The Fount w ill weigh about Three Hundred Pounds. The price is Twenty Cents per pound. Enquire of the Editor. Cjr* Terms of Sidfcription for this Ga*-e{te y are Six D«>lla v s per annum—to be paid half-yearly. Svlfcriptions of persons who refidc at a dijlance from the city, to he twelve fiionths in ndvarrr, or payment to be guaranteed at the place of public at ten. Advertifemrnts cf onefquare, or Ifs, in fer tedfour times fir One Dollar—vice,for Fifty Cents—ar.dcontinuations at Twenty Cents each—ih?f: cf greater length in pro pertion. Favors in this line, and Sidfcrip tionsj tuill be gratefully received at the in South Fourth-flrret, Jive doors north of tie Incfian Queen PHILADELPHIA: Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 3, South Fourth-Street. eawti J.