d fiielptoifeSi Urates EVENING A D V E [No. 46 of Vol. V.] TO BE SOLD, A large elegantHoufe, and Lot of Ground, IN an elig'Me fituafion,— —also a Country Seat withir* 6 miles of the City, with 9 acres ot i-*nd, or 42 acre"? of Jand and meadow, the House is not exceeded by many in the vicinity the city, in size or conveiuoi.ee, For terms apply to the printer January If,. Daily's Hotel. GIF FORD DALLY, Formerly Keeper of the City Tavern, and of the Merchant's Coffee-lloufe of this City :— Rfc.SPECTFUI.LY informs his Friends and the Public in official, that he has IHIS DAY opened a HOTEL in Skipper-Street, be tween Thir'.l and Fourth-Street s» at (he House formerly occupied by Mr. Timnrcon?, which bas lately been greatly improved, and is now very commodious; wherr he has lurnifhed hirn fcll with 'he best of LIQUORS, and will fur ».»fh a TABLE for Parties, with the best provi fitfii* the Markets afford, at any hour, on the Ihorteft notice. From his long experience in thislinrof bufine-is, he flatters himftlf be (hull be able to give f;iitsla£lion to all who may pleale to favor him with their company. Philadelphia, January 90.1794. Parry and Mufgrave, Coldfmiths Jewellers y No. 42, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, HAVE FpR SALE, /In elegant AJfortment of SILVER Isf PLJTED WJRE, JEWELLERY & fine CUTLERY, Which they will difpnie of on the nioft *ea forta'ole terns. Devices in hair, Minintur.es Jilt, and every thing in ti»e gold and iiivet way, d»»re as *fual- December 24- Insurance Company. Philadelphia, January 6, i 794- NOTICE is hereby given to the members of the Insurance Company of Nortij- America, that the Directors have declared a divide.;d (for the last fix months) of six per Cent, on the amount ot the firll and iecond inttalments ; and of one per cent per month on the funis paid in anticipation of the third instalment, calculating from the firft day ot the month following that, in which those pay ments were made. Tl»e dividend will be paid to the Stockholders, or their representatives, at the company's office, No. 119 lbuth Front ftreet, at any time after the 13th instant. By order of the Dirc&ors. EBENEZER. HAZARD, Secretary. Jan. 9. w&f.im. This day is pubtifbed> By MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Mark.et-.str e4t, (Price a quarter dollar) A short account of ALGIERS, Containing a dcfcription of the climateof t(iat country — of the manners and customs of the in habitants, and of their several war* against Spain, Trance, England, Holland, Venice, and other powers of Europe, bom the ufnrpation of Bar baroffa and the invasion of the Emperor Charles V. t»> the present time; with a eoncife yiew of the 01 igin of the rupture between ALGIERS •nd the UNITED STATES. Jan. 9. Excellent CLARET, In hoglVeads and in cafe« of 50 bottles each. ALSO, A few cases Champaigne Wine; MADEIRA In pipes, hogftieadi and quarter calks, for sale by JOHN VAUGHAN, Xo. ill, South Fro«i*itreet Jan. a» »794 Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-ftreel, Nur-Yo.!. THE Subscriber intending to eonnne himlclf entirely to the PURCHASE &t SALfc of STOCKS on COMMISSION, bl the Commiflioners of the Treasury, who are to give receipts for the fame, and to report to theCom miflionsr* on public accounts, on or before the tenth day of November next, the amount by therm refpeftively received, and also to the Le giflaturc, at their meeting in November next. And that all special Indents not rendered into the Treasury as above, 011 or before the firft day of November next, lhall be, and the fame arc hereby barred. Re jolted, That public notice of this resolution be given in th« several Gazettes in this State, once every three weeks, until the firtt day of November next. And that the Delegates»f this State in the Congress ol the United States, be re queued to cause this rclolution to be puDlifhed in one or more papers in the cities of Philadel phia and New-York, and that provision will be made for the cxpcnccs attending such publica- Ordered, That the rcfolution be sent to the •Senate for their concurrence. By order of the House, December 81(1,1793. Rejolved., That this House do concur w»m the Houte of Representatives in the foregoing refo- lutions. Ordered, That the resolutions be lent to the House of Reprefentarivcs. By order of the Senate, FLLIX WARLEY, Clerk. ewtNov. AND Tuesday, February 4, 1794- and Walnut-Streets, H. KNOX, Secretary oj War. JOHN SANIORD DART, C.H. R. In the SENATE, CONGRESS House of Rcprefenhil'ives. January 23. In committee of the whole on Mr. Mcdifen's resolutions. Mr. Dexter, after a number of intro ductory remarks, observed, that if he could fee the resolutions on the table in the light in which some gentlemen had la boured to place them, he (hould be one of their most Zealous advocates. They had been stated as tending to relieve our navigation and commerce from unequal and unreasonable rellri£tions imposed by foreign nations, and to encourage Ame rican manufactures. No man could have these objefis nearer his heart than himfelf, but he was not a little surprized to find, from attentively considering the refuluti ons, that their true tendency was not to encourage American navigation, com merce, and manufactures, tut thofc of certain foreign nations, and by compelling Americans to purchase at a dearer mar ket, to ax them heavily for the benefit of fonygriers. was confirmed in this idea by fee ing that the members from the eallern Hates, which are particularly interested in navigation and manufactures, as well as thoGe of the bell mercantile information, and who were actually engaged in foreign commerce, were almolt unanitnoufiy op posed to the Resolutions j though they had been allured by the supporters of hem, that they were to be peculiarly be- nefited by their salutary operation. He thought it very imprudent to diiturb the present fettled and prosperous state of commerce, which by documents before the committee, appeared to be rapidly ad vancing, and in lo doing to make import ant and certain faciifices, when the con sequent advantages were at best very un certain. To commence a commercial war- fare at the hazard of our trade, perhaps our peace, for the benefit of flrangers was ill his view, to betray the interelis of our citizens. that if it was intended to encreafe the navigation of our country, it ought to be done by discriminating duties in fa vor of American (hipping, and not by di minilhing the tonnage duty of vcffels of ■nations in treaty with us, as was contem plated by one of the resolutions. Our country had already experienced a surpri sing increase of her navigation by the o peration of this principle of discrimina ting in favor of our ourselves ; and per haps it might be augmented ttill further by pursuing the fame principle. Gentlemen, he said, had reprobated all commercial reftriftionswithout considering that this beneficial law of our country is as truly a commercial reflriftion as the na vigation ast of Great Britain. He con sidered it as idle and arrogant, for Ame rica to undertake to reform the commer cial policy of the world. All nations have laws regulating trade, and we can neither persuade nor compel them to abandon them. All we can do, he said, is to malrefuch counter regula tions as may consist with equal jul'tice, and promote our own interest. Mr. Dexter then briefly pointedout the mode in which he thought manufactures ought to be encouraged ; but he said the resolutions had very different objects. He proceeded by observing, that the body po litic, like the natural' body, often suiTers more from the bold ignorance of Quacks, and the ingenious tho' falfe hypotlufes of the learned, than from the malady com plained of. The various pans of each have infinite, minute, and inferutabk relations and dependencies; and it may be added that there is a natural effort i:-i each, to relieve itfeff from difeale. He said, he would purfuc this idea, and firfl enquire whether the patient was lick, and if it fliould so appear, then whether the dam S E E R T I I Whole No. recipe on the table could proxnife a curs If the Juvenile flute of our country is a proof of dil'cafe, -then said he, our coun try needs a phyfilSan- He admitted that the cofnmerce oi (his labors under numerous di fad van tages, but he considered the most of them as jieccfiarily resulting from our youth and adventitious circumstances, rather thaii from foreign laws of trade; and added* that natural causes were constantly reliev ing us, and rapidly pushing us forward to majestic national maturity. In the mean time wc ought to co ruole ourfelvts with the thought, that though the succeeding state of our country may be more fplen- did, yet the present is probably molt vir tuous and happy. It is in vain he said to pant for premature manhood. To attempt to obtain it by excess of nutriment would only produce disease. Does the ftri; ling he asked, take medicine because he is not as athletic as his fire ? Mr. Dexter further observed, that 6ur duties on Briiifli ships, are greater alrea dy than their duties on ours, and as a consequence of this we fee that in the? commerce between that country and this, American tonnage has conflautly encrea fed and Bricifli tonnage has as uniformly decreased.. Indeed iince the pafiing or the ast, imposing the e»ilting duties on foreign bottoms, our own navigation has advanced as fwiftly as we ought to wifb* and in a much greater ratio than the Bri tifli tonnage ever did in tire lama ipacc of time under their idolized navigation act. Thcfe fftsfts appear from ilatemems oit the table from our own offices. The Re solutions he remarked are called retaliato ry. What laws cf trade of any nation not in treaty with us, impose on us iifnilar bur- thens ? Tho' we are refentful towards Bufeui), let us be just even in our pafiions. She mules many important discriminations in favor of our navigation and produce in her European dominions, which give us many valuable advantages there over other alien nations. These good offices we do not in any instance reciprocate. She makes no difcrimir.utions a gam ft us, unlds to protect her own produce ar.d mantrfa&me*, or in pursuance of her treaties. We have already done the fame to her. It is true, and it is much the mo ft exceptionable part of her commercial policy, that her {land ing laws exclude our (hips from her Ifianus in the Weft Indies, tho* they admit our produce, and this forms a valuable part of our exports. Spain and Portugal the laf ter of which we are told we ought to fa vor as much as pofllble, and even to except the former from these resolutions, not only refufe our ihippfng hut every article of our produce in their Weft India lfiands. This however does not justify Britain in prohibiting our navigation to her lilands : but it {hews that even here (he treats us better than other nations, whose commerce we favor; and {he treats us better than {he treats other nations $ for their produce and manufactures are prohibited. Per haps these confidenftions added to the pe culiar advantages we have in the Britilh European pofTefiions, which we do nut re-" ciprocate, to foften our resent- ment It is fcarccly neeefiary to mention here, that the advantages referred to in Biitifh European markets, are being exempt fiom payment of foreign tonnage, and earn ing there some importa.it articles of A merican produce free ; whiie similar art i cles frrom other nations are heavily cuti ed, and also carrymj there feme impor tant exp< rts, fubjett to much less duties than similar articles froirt other fofeigr.ei s. Thcfe remarks are accommodated tj the legal and not the actual Rate of the Islands; for the prinriple of temporary luf penf.on of the prohibitory laws, wlrch :a common to all of them, is so varioufiy a;v plied, that we Cannot reason about it. Mr. Dexter further said, that rt had been repeatedly mentioned by the gentle man who muved th« icfolutions.aud by R. s°4v)