Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, February 03, 1794, Image 1

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    oiistfft of dit
[X T o. 45 of Vol. V.]
H. & P. RICE, No. yo, Market-street,
No. 147, Market-fteeet,
(Price, lounJ, 6f5' 2 )
Paul and Mary,
An Indian Story
The Indian Cottage.
From the French of AT, de St. Pjkrrf..
44 THh above Stori.s have bc< 11 lately pub
lifhcd, the works of a very different
nature, by M. de St. Pierre, who nfided in the
countiy which it de.fciibes, and was well ac
quainted with the p-incipal fzQs. Its orna
ments are the Lanrifcape— the Climate—and
ihc natural history of the Torrid Zone, obser
ved Willi the eye of 'falle, and delineated with
the eye -of Philosophical knowledge. It /is a
Pa floral, of which the fable and the machine
ry may be fa id to be equally leal. To th'efe ate
added, the purr vein of Moral Inftm&ioti, and
theSrblime Ideas of M. deSt. Pierre."
F< »>. 1
War Department.
January 3 qlb 1794-
INFORMATION is heifi:<y given to all the
military invalids of th- United Sia'es.thar the
furrts to wh'rh they atcc-ni'Jed for fix mofrths
of theii annual petition, from the lourih c«y of
September *793- a,K * which will brcnuic due
on the sth.Hiy ol March 1794, will be paid on
the said tfa\- by th' - Cotnmiflioncrs of (he Loins
within the (Lies refpc&ivcly, underllie lilual re-
Applications of executors and admirtiflratois
rnuft be accompaimd with legal evidence of
their refpcfctive offices, and alio of the time the
invalid* died, whose pension thev may claim.
By conripano '>t the Prefid ni
of the Uo»'ed Sta»r<,
Sect elary oj IVsr.
(J"T* The printers in <fie lelpcfctivc Hates aie
irqnrfh d'o pnblifn the alwe in their newfpa
pr»s lor the fuacc ot two months.
1 nij.i' v
Vugin\a, Morlhumbei land County, Dec. 28. 1793-
A Valuable Tract of LAND,
in this county, containing #t><»u< eight
hundred acres, one fourth of which is low
grounds, of' excellent quality; the othc three
four: hs is high land, well covcrcd with oak,
hickory 2Tid chefnut.
The fuuatimi is pleasant and heahhy, on Yco
comico i iver, about three miles from the Poto
mack There is on it a two ftoty trick dwcl
hng-houfe, with four rooms and a on
each fioor, exchifive of clolets ; a goen kuchcn,
and other qecefTary out-hnuf s It has orchards
of apple and p' ach trees, aijd is well watereri
by many dclighilul springs. The terms may be
known on application to the Honorable JOHN
JJEATH, in Philadelphia, or to the f'jblcriber,
living on the premises.
Tan. 10. dtf*
Back of the New Libraty, between Chefuut
and Walnut-Streets.
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the public in general, that lie continues
carrying on the business of
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or wiudow-fhutters, dont in the in oft
elegant manner, and with dispatch.
Orders from the com.try will be thankfully
received, and duly attended to.
December 30, dtf
Excellent CLARET,
In hogf'cads and in cases of 50 bottles each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine ;
In pipca, hogsheads and quauer casks,
No. in, South Froni-iirce
Jan. 2. 1794.
Stock Brokers Office,
No. 16, Wall-street, New-York
TH E Subscriber intending to confiup himfelf
entirely to the PURCHASE &SALEo?
STOCKS on COMMISSION, b'gl leave to of
f r his fervicesto his friends and others, in the
line o{ a Stock Broker. Those who may please
to favor hun with their hufmefs, may drpend
upon having it tranfafted wiih the ir.molt fide
lity and dispatch.
Orders from Philadelphra, Bnfton, or any
other part of the Untied State*, wiil be <tri£t!y
attended 10. LEONARD UI.IȣCKER.
Daily's Hotel.
Formerly Keeper of the City Tavern, and
of the Merchant's Cojfee-Houfe of this
City :—
RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and
tb«r Public in general, that he has THIS
DAY opened a HUTI L in Shippeh-St rtet, be
tween Third and Fourth-Si reels, at the House
formerly occupied hy Mr. Timmons, whiclj
hns lately been greatly. improved, and is now
v ery commodious ; where he ha« lurnifhed him
t If with the bell of LIQUORS, and will fur
niftj a TABLE for Par; its, with the bdl provi
ftons the Markets afford, at any hour, on the
Ihortcft notice. From his long experience in
this line of bufmefs, he flatters himfelf be lhall
be able to give fatisfa&ion to all who may plcafe
to lavor him with their company.
Philadelphia, January 29, 1 794.
A large elegantHoufe,
and Lot of Ground,
IN ait eligible fityation,—alio a Country Seat
wiihin 6 ijiilesof the City, with 9 acres of
land, of 42 acres of* land and meadow, the
House is not exceeded by many in the vicinity
of the city, in size or convenience.
For terms «*pply to the printer-
Januaty 23-
Parry and Mufgrave,
Goldsmiths & jfcwellers,
No. 42,
-/in elegant Assortment of
Which they will difpole of on the most rea
sonable terms. Devices in hair, Miniatures
feU, and every thing i-fi the gold and iilver
way, done as nfual,
De c ember 24.
Insurance Company.
Philadelphia, January 6, : 794.
NOTICf. is hereby given to the members
of the Infiirance Company of North-
America, that the Directors have declared a
dividend (for the lafl fix month";) of .six PER
cent, on the amount M the fir It and fecoud
instalments ; and of one per cent per month
on the funis paid in anticipation of the third
instalment, calculating from the firft day of
the month following that, in which those pay
ments were made. The dividend will be paid'
to the Stockholders, or. their repi'eferitafives,
at the company's office, x No. Front
ftrect, at any tijhe after the 13th instant.
By order of the Dite&ors,
J an - 9- v&f.mi
This day is pulTjijed-,
No. 118, Market-strset,
( Price a quarter dollar)
A short account of ALGIERS,*
Containing a defeription of tlie climate of that
country —of the manners and cuftomi of the in
habitants, and of their fcveral wars against Spain,
France, England, Holland, Venice, and other
powers of Europe, from the usurpation of Bar
barofla and the invasion of the Emperor Charles
V. to the present time; with a eoncife view of
the origin of the rupture between ALGIERS
.! an 9-
The Young LADIES'
Drawing Academy,
Under the Direction of
ma, in a few days, be rcfumcd.
HE feels a gratitude to those parents
and guardians of the young ladies,
who have entrusted to him their tuition—
and as most of them are to return, he will
have an opportunity, by his endeavors for
their further improvement, to acquit him
felf of a debt, which he esteems it an honor
to have incurred.
One or two large Rooms,
In a central fittiation, suitable to accom
modate his pupils, are wanted. Apply to
him, at No. 2, Lxtitia Court—where he
will be thankful to receive commands for
Miniature Painting or Hair Work, and all
kind of Drawing on Ivory, Sattin or
January 13, 1794
Monday, Feb
m&tli— tf
ruary 3, 1 794
From the Eagle.
By inferring the following scrap you will
oblige a friend and coriftant reader.
A HAPPY knowledge ill :i hi orJml-
Will more delight your friends, than all
your (hidying
One cut from <ven'Jcn to the heart can
Stronger than ten quotations from the
Greek ;
One fat fir loin pofTefiTcs more sublime,
Than all the airy castles built by rhimt;
One nipperkin of fungo, with a toajl.
Beats all the streams, the muse's fount
can bcaft:
Yes ! in one pint of porter, 10, my belly
Find ulijfes not in all the floods of Hcl-
Ikon !
LONDON, October r 4
By letters from Paris, of the jtli in(t.
we have the following important intcili-,
" The Emprunt force is finally fettled.
The bankers have made conditions hv
which the confifcatioh of foreign property
in their hands, and in the public .'inds, is
not to take place. The terms of the a
greement are hiofl. ad vantageous to the Ex-,
ecutive Government. They are to give
an immediate sum of 12 per cent, on their
capitals, and they are not to be included
in the general sweep of specie. By this
sweep, which is the boldelt ast of robbery
that ever was attempted, the Executive
Government will get into their hands as a
fund for the war, and as a basis for an in
creased paper circulation, between Fifteen
and Twenty Millions Sterling in hard cajh
—such a sum as all the Combined Powers
of Europe, with England at their head,
cannot procure ; and this sum they will
obtain in the course of a month from this
" The cabals carrying on in Paris are
very material. The Cordeliers are rifmg
every day into importance. They are ftvi
ving to demolish Danton and to form a
party, of which the poor Idiot, Chabot,
is to be the head, ljanton is not idle in
the mean time, and my own opinion is, he
will beat the Cordeliers. If he does, with
the enormous sum which the forced loan
will put into his hands, he will make France
invulnerable from without, and you may
be assured that there is no chance of doing
any thing by internal commotion. The
Royalifls in La VeDdee cannot by any
temptation be brought to quit their own
department, and they have fttffered so
much, that though the flame of civil war
may yet rage foi a while in that quarter,
it will not break out gensrally in the other
" You fee that Danton dextrouflv con
verts every tiling to his purpose. Your
negociations and fedu&ions pave the way
for confifcations. He seizes on the for
tunes not only of the men you corrupt,
but of whomfocver he chufes to connect
with them ; and your ill-advised leisure
of Toulon has planted the new party,
notwithstanding all the violences thev have
committed, in the hearts of the people.
To that meEfurc you are indebted for the
forced loan, which otherwise they would
not have dared to attempt. To that too
you owe the overthrow of the BrifTot Fac
tions in the departments, for until that e
vent, they durst not take ftrcng meafurqs
against the Girondists. You have con
ducted it as weakly too as it was conceiv
ed We are told here that you are to fend
Cazales to Toulon with a commiCion.
Cazales, who in the constituent aflcmblv,
was the mo(t vehement enemy to the
llitution ! It is a farce and a mockery. It
will convince all the people of France that
you mean to break your faith pledged to
the Municipality of Toulon. Had you
[Whole No. 505. j
made y*mr virtuous a)lv give lip M. de la
Fayette, whom he so ignomini'oufly keeps
in fetters, and sent h. : m to Toulon, you
would indeed have conciliated all the
f.iends of the coilfiittltion of 1789, and
given a pledge for your fuicerity. As a
fri-i-d to lhat constitution, I fee no hope
oi ;ts reiteration ; but I fee the day fail
approaching, when you lmift (link away
from the attempt, and leave the Republi
cans to thediforders which giddy fortune,
joined to their natural bent to mifchief
will engender, and which but for bundling
interfeiencc would have ruined them."
In committee of the c
Mr. Moore next arose, and exprefied liim
fclf, as follows :
If an apology is necessary from any
Member of this Hcuic, it is from me : I
am sure none have kfs knqv.kGfc of com-
My JMl'iC!].
to auivvcr *on>t u\ ihc ui
my colleague. He has let out with list
ing, th.-.t every nation hcs a right to make
luch regulations, as will promote their own
iiiterell. It is true, but does it follow,
that we are to adopt such only, as will
suit us, were we wholly uiiconnefted with
Great-Britain! It their regulations ope
rate against us, lhall we not Cowltersct
them ! And lhall we continue to fuf.'er the
injury, under the idea, that as a ration,
they have a right to pursue their interest ?
He has Hated an obfervatioii, made by
a gentleman from Virginia, that the credit
obtained in Great-Britain, might
our councils. This, hi fays, is supposing
they will have less integrity than ourselves.
Sir, our importing meichant, obtaining a
credit, his lelling on credit to the mer
chants in the country, they retailing to
the citizens on credit, may form such a
connection of dependency, as may be in
jurious. Whatever may be th« natural
integrity of men, they are imperceptibly
led to favortheir own interest. Under such
circumftanccs, I f.,ould not willingly trad
myfelf; lam not dilpofed to trust others :
But the argument was only intended to
(hew, tliEt the crcdit our merchants ob
tained in Britain, was not to our advan-
He has drawn comparlfons between
the French and liritifli, and otir coilftmi
tions : It is enough for us, that the
French coniiitution, has Libmy for its
basis. From Inch a source, we have a
right to expect jutticc and reciprocity, in
our commerce
They have already manifefted a dtfpofi
tion to tntjr into regulations, founded on
thole principles. T!.e rca foiling on this
queition, I do not well understand ? They
no doubt have their force. I am c'nii
ged, in making tip my mind, to take murt
familiar reasonings, for my {juide ; not
understanding the cemprthenflve view,
gentlemen have taken of the iubjatr. I
do not think that the companion drawn
between our, and the French conftiti tion,
or the comparison drawn between the re
iirittions and advantages, between Franre
and Britain, will warrant any conclufio i,
for or : the propofitiun. If we hve
made a commercial t.entv with France,
that is un'avorahle and oj e aics to oir
difadvar.tage. it is no reaiou. It lav: »
under no obligation to Hil.riit to r p
tions adopted bv :>.ny utii.r nation ; vhi. !i
are injurious. Having made cmnr.itT
cial treaty with Frauce, wc are bound to
observe it.
If the reafonfng, founded on IVI'-ii'.'j
•granting us equal ptivilrr 3 Ki ,! ad ,n;a
ges with France, Ihouiii piev; u ; . sfkiie
more of Britain, it would pro\ ■ t( o
much ; it would prove, tfcat vc d
nev; ; demaad aa jdvacijgeous or
I I "life of Rrprtfeniauvcs.
January 20.
>le cn Mr. Mai'f.n'i
cI.'I.CI in 1 tJ::ii/j is,