df tfjt IfittiteD EVENING ADVE [No. 42 of Vol. V.] Jufi piibl'tflu'dt THR United States Register, For the Year 1794. Containing * A CALENDAR, with iI»P necefTarv tables ■«fjL fvted tor the U:uudeof the principal towns in the Untied States; fnuanon, extent, population •od GOVERNMENT U.S. Supreme Executive, LEGISLATURE, ]VD 1CIA RY, Lift of Councilors admitted to pra£life in • heSooreme Court. !>•> of A"omies, Do. Jxecctive Branches, Dipaktmint of ST ATI, Mmfters »nd Consuls of the United States i»i foreran nations. D«>. of foreign nations resident in ibe (Tutted Stale*. Department or the Treasury, Piinc and Clerks of the rifpettive of fices, C*»mmiflioners of Loans, ©tficeis of the Culkoms, with their refpec tivediftricls and ports, Officers ot the Excifc, with their refpe£tive diUndsand survey.-, Lift ol dutiable articles, See. Abftraft from the revenue laws, Statement of the public debt, — —»■ —of L'ght-houfes, of appropriations for the support ot Government. DstAItTIIEMT Or W.\ R , Secretary's oflice, Accountant's, Monthly pay, &c. of the army. Mint Establishment, Officers, Abftraft from the laws relating to coinage. fOST OfFlCft EiTABLISHMINT, Officers, Abftr»a fsorrt the law cllnbliftiing the officr Lift of post towns, with ihnr refpcflive dift«mtc» as rftablifhed by the Poli-Mdf ttr General. L4.titd.bk and Lokgitudi of the prin cipal (own* in the United Siatc» And their vicinity. Bakes, Uorted States, North America, State banks with their capitals. > Literary Institutions. American Philosophical So:iety, See. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. National Manufactory at Paterfon, N.J. SrssioNi of the Courts of the United States. WISTBfcN TtRHTORY, Stats Gov&rnmehis. Abftraft from the conflitution of each {Vote Puucipal officer** executive, legislative and judiciary. Militia, Officers of the Banks, capitals, dates of in corporation, periods ot limitation, ex tent of properly, &c. Universities, Colleges and Academies, Societies, (ciennfic, humane, political &c Exhibiting in as general and comprchenfive a view as poflible the internal police, the (late of literature, arts, commerce, and fociuy,in the feveial ft?rrs. Price 50 cents. Printed by Stewart and Cochran, No. 34, South Second flrcet, and John M'Culloch, No. 1, norrh Third ftreei, and fold by them and the bookfcllcrs. Jan. 27. d6i Sixty Cents Reward. RAN AWAY from oil board the Biig Polly, laying at Marcus-Hook Piers, on Sunday the 19th inft. an Apprentice Lad, named JOHN COLI.INGS ; 14 years ol age, about 4 feet to inches high, a little pitted with the small-pox, had on vvhen he went away, a red round-about j.icket, blue trowfers, a round fur hat, black handkerchief, new (hoes with square plated buckles. Whoever apprehends the said I.ad, so that his matter may get him again, (hall be en titled 10 the above rcwa-d. Captain WILLIAM PAUL, Northern Liberties. 20. B. AllMaftrriof veffrls are forbid carry ing him off, or any person harboring laid hoy, 11 they may exped to be dealt with according to law. Jan. 55. NO R R I S-C OU RT, Back flf the New Library, between Ckefnut and Walnut-Streets. George Rutter, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he continues carrying on the biifinefs of Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting, Likewise, JAPANNED PL A.TES, for doors or window-(hutters,doni n the moll elegant manner, and with dispatch. Orders front the country will be thankfully received, and duly attended to. December 30, dtf Thursday, January 30, 1794. LONDON, Nov. 14. As a consolation for the opening profpctfl of another campaign, the last nieflTengcr is said to brfng aflurances of the full co-operation of the Empress of Ruflia by sea and land. To tbofe who judge of the future from the P3ft, these aiTuiances will furnifli but little consolation. The fleets of Ruflla were c«r tainlv not neceflTary to the campaign offubju gation which the Empress with so much honor to her (elf, has waged 11 Poland* and yet their efforts were direftcd only to a summer cruize in fiie Baltic. O > iq-Vi 1 de Gourges, who offered to dffcrd the King o: Fiance «>n his trial, W*S caliednpok' not many mouths after,to dfj'nd htrjrlf % which u is said 01- d-d in a manner that aft-inihed eve ry one that hca'd her. The Corunna mail which arr*v«don Wednes day has brought intelligence of the m< II d< • d ttil nature from the p oviuce « f Roufiilon: the convention in order to stop the progrefj of the Spaniards in the neighbourhood of Perpignan, ord red that the tremendous Guillotine ihon.d be carricd to every tity,bor<>u h and village of the ount' yto an immense extent. T.hi French co npeiled 'very inhabitant from th age of 14 to 60, under pain ofdr th, to join th' R< pub lican array ; killing luch as tfefu/Vd to fci ve, and, horrible to t« 1 , 500 heads of families, rc fufing to bear aims, were put to death at Per. pignan !!! The Spaniards apprehending thos most dreadful consequences from foch bai bari J' ans, were qbhg'd to u treat; and when the Uft advices came away, they were at only four leagues distance from their own frontiers. FRANCE. National Convention, Now. 4* Barrere laid,that the committee of public wel fare was pieparing a report relative to what eofued after the sfh «»fO