Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 28, 1794, Image 4

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    LONDON, Nov, I f
AHd the other arretted Deputies.
The following are tlie chargcs against Brif
fot and liis accomplices, contained in the
of Accusation presented to the ' atioiial Con
vention by A mar, in the nam.- of the Commit
nee of General Safety :
' Briltot, Agent to the Ponce under Kings,
diforaccd on account ot his bale intrigues un
tier the ancient government <>r Vigi'Mce of the
Commons of Paris, in the beginning o! the
Revolution, through the cred't of La Fayette,
has for i Song time past prostituted h,s pun and
his public duty in favour of that General wh..fe
lcfignatioO he reprel'ented as a public calamity,
and has at all times fliswn himfelf an enemy
to the popular Societies.
He went to the Jocobins to prepare the ruin
of the Colonies, to bring forward the day ot
the Chamn de Mars, where the be a patriots
mere affaflinated by older of l-a Fayette, and
*, r>r--ach up war with a view to dsOroy the
tiu 't infant liberty of the nation.
At the 1 egiflative ffemhly he coalesced
with Condorcet and th» Girondirts, who only
contrived to gain the favour of the People on
occasions of fmsll importance, with a view to
• abandon them on great ones.
The Court made use of their influence to
f ] lare war at a mwment when the armies and
th,■ fortified places were in a state of abfolate
want, or entvulleil to traitor* choftn by a per
il,re.' Kill.?. 'rhev piotefled N»r onne, the
Mintfler, whom ail France acctifed of the mea-
Cures tak-n to render this war fatal to liberty ;
and in their Journals they calumniated the Pa
rrots who had thtf coma-re to refi't them.
Thev defended DiettiiVh, convicted] of be- <
in,r an accomplice with I a Fayette, and of ha
vine offered to give up Straifcourg ; and while
th ' CbVrfs of that faction protected the con
foira'ors and traitorous Generals, the patriotic
soldiers were profcrihed, and the volunteers of
Par's frnt to he butchered.
Purine the "irae we were surrounded by the
fctdl'ite«of despots, when the court was going
t r .., Pn ,l 1 (. irate? of France to their., act. r ha
vi; canfed the intrepid defenders of Liberty
to "he nmrdtred at Paris, Briflot and his accnm
p]ice« did all thev could to the ge
iierous efforts of the people, and to save the
tviant During and after the unhappy insurrec
tion of the -oth of Aug lift, they endeavoured
to prevent the abdication of Louis the Xv I.
and to preserve to him the crow .
In 'he night of the /oth ot A .ri£uft t Petion,
shot tip in the Thmileries, consulted with the
satellites of tyrant, the plan to nisflacred the
people, 3ud»ave orders to Martlet,commander
of the national guards, to l er tbe people come
in and then to cannonade them in the rear. A
few diys before Genfotme and Verpniaud cn
rrnc.-ed t" defend Louis XV(. on condition that
the three Mini'ters, Roland, 'and Scr*.
van \v< re recall d. I
Petionand La Sonrce man'? ufi? oF all their )
mean to fend .he fedo »n-« from Paris Briflst, .
KeHaint af«s R-yver, arcoi.'ir Jto the letters
found in the T I.ufl'u ries, gave J,iid advice ta
the Tyrant, and in defiance of the '.aws, they
dared to solicit places in tht inißry. under a
promise to extend the deflrufiive authorities o<
the defpat. , . ,
The prrjeft to overturn the fouauation of
the Republic, and to murder the friends of li
berty, was put in prafiice in the legislative al
f-mb!y, by BrilTot, in hid infiduons harangue
on the 20th July 1792, oppoHng tl.e abdication
of the throne We have feea Briilot and Ins
accomplices Republicans under monarchy, and
Ro-ahfts under'he Uepublic ; always constant
in their dtftgns to ruin the i rench nation, and
to abandon it ro its enemies. At the time the
hypocritical tyrant, Louis the XVI. came into
the ffembly to accuse tlie people, whole mal
facre he had prepared, Vergniaud like a trut
acronv lice of the tyrant, told him, " that thr
affembij held it to be one of their moli fscrer
dutirs, to maintain ail con ituted authorities,
and c nfequently that of royalty.
When the attorney general, Radcrer, came
to announce with the accent of grief, that the
ei izens in inforrefiior, hid taken the rrfolutioi,
not to (eparate till the . ITemMy had pronoun
c d the forfeiture of the Crewn, Vrelidtnt
Vergniaud silenced the zpplaul'es from the gal
lories by telling them, that they violated the
law, in obftru&injc the freedom ot opinion,and
he told Raderer, thai the afl'anbly was going
to take into immediate coniideration, thepro
pola: which he, Vergniaud, had made, <hew
reg the ueceffity of preserving th« exiflencc of
the King.
Kerfaint seconded the motion. Geradet pro
pole>! to liberate Mandat, who wis arretted for
having given orders to fire on the people ; or
in the^event that that commander was no more,
to fend a deputation of twelve Girondist Mem
bers, authoril'ed to choose his fucctfl'or, in or
der bv this means to ktep the public force at
the of that roifchievous funiStion.
!n 1 hat memorable fitting ot the loth of An
gi.ft [he Girondist chiefs, Vergniaud, Gua
det, and Genfonne, took by turns the Chair,
and went to the galleries to slacken the energy
of she people, and to lave Royalty, under the
fhie'd of the pretended Cocllitution. I hey
spoke ot nothing but obedience to the confti
ruri'rtial Laws, to these Citizens that came to
the iiarto protect their newly acquired .Liber-
t Y*
When the Municipality came to invite the
Afliml>!y to fend tiie proces-verbal of the
great operations of tneictkof iugufl, in or
der to prevent the calcnuiits of the enemies of
liliertv, Gusdet interrupted the members who
made that demand, by making a motion to
recommend anew to the Magi ftrates the execu
tion of the laws. He blamed the council of
the Commune for having confined Petion in
his own house ; though they did it in order to
rendu it impuffible for that impostor to make
even li.furreaion subservient to afi againC li-
V/fcen a deputation from the suburb St. An-
rji'liwp» tb* fivir affliction of
en the mode of teaching the Deaf", or Surd
the widows and children maffacied o.i .list
•iiy, the jcrfidio... Cadet cool.y anfeettd
them. "'i hat tiic Cembly hoped to rettore
public tranquillity and Wt reign ot the la«s.
Vereniaud, >» the name of the
ry commili.rm, riirei'led by that laition, pro
pofid the iufueulion of 'l' e Ki "?> w ' lu h , '
detl toned bv tin? prop e, as a limple con erv
torv jot of royalty : ami 1 tmed .greatly affec
ted' at the evenis uh'-ch had fcwed the c> uuU>*
and operated tlr; ruiilof the tyrants, > e up..
poled CfyiVdiln'a molioii, tending to cxdlll,e
f.-otn the Coi. vent Mi the members ot both the
l.rf iila-iv- and ConlH'i ent Aflembhes : a .cl
with the lime cunning he prevail ed the regil
tersof the Civil l.ili f.oui being deptilited on
the able ,
Ouadet willed to have a Gorernor named to
the foil of the laic King, whom he c a.led the
1 riuce Royal. !Sr ; ,ffot ai <1 h:i accomplices al
ways affected to invoke the literal execution ct
the con'.litutiou, while the people in the nanic
of the martvrs who lell befoie the v aMe «1 tht
" hnil!tries,"demanded t..e compile overthrow
of tin tyrant. .
Vimmau ! oppnf:d this demand, laying, that
the people -f "l'a-is were W a ftftiftn of the
Empire, and affeifed tooppofe i' ill this manner
re the Department* tie likevvile rcfifttd the
p.-i lon made i»y the commons to put the 'yrant
under anett. He uled all his effort. wirh B.if-
lot, Petionand Manuel, to get Louis XV i. con
fined in the Luxem ourg, from whence itwould
have been easier for him to eicape, than out ol
the l ower of the Temple. x
Oeufotmc and Gauclct had the fervidly to different limes, that Louis XVI had
commanded the Swift not to lire upon the peo-
ple.—From that time, the leaders of the Giron
di s. (Departmeut of Bourdeaux), compelled
to praiie the events o 7 the 10th of August, con
tinued, notwithstanding, to undermine the Re«
pu'dic. lhev published the fever eft satires a
<jamft the commons and People of Paris, and
in general apamft all those who c*»ntriouted to
the lied of monarchy. Roland's house
was rilled with pnekets of libels, which were to
be di'tr ini'ed among the people, and sent into
the Dep.irtfr.entss
i i :y nun prntcfted a'! the confpira«
tors, favoured the progress of Brunfwick with
all their power, and were the agents of the
f.ngliih laiftion which has exerted io fata! an
influence during the course ef our Revolution.
Carra wa* in league with certain ckara&era ot
the Court of Berlin. In hi® Journal Poiique
of the 25th of Augult, 1791, he formed a v ifh,
on account of the marriage of the l)uiic of York
with the Princess of Prutlia, " that the Duke
might become Grand Duke of v\i h
all the powei> of thr? king of the 1" reiich." '•>'< hile
Brunfwick was preparing to decide the fate of
the Trench nation by the force of arms, Carra
in the him as a great
c«mn>nnder, the g'eatefl politician, the mofk
; amiable Prime in Europe, formed to be the rc
fiorer of liberty in a 1 nations.- I'e published,
1 that the D&ke, 6n arrival at Paris, would
go to ihe jacobins & put on thf red cap, in or
der to toflrefl tlx- pd»pie i'l favour ot this f-tcl
lite of tyrants. Finally, Carra was so audacious
as to pro pole openly to the jaCobius, for the.
Dulce of Yoi k to he King of the French.
From these and many other fa&s too'tedious
to mention, there refoits, that (arra and his
aflociates were iniquitous and deep difleniblers,
pensioned bv Kngiand, Pruflia, and Holland, to
Enable a Prince of that family wnich rules over
theft countries, to obtain the crown of France.
This lame Carra, together with Si lery-, the
diihotiortfd confident of a contemptible Prince,
was sent by the then reigning fa&ian to Du
mourier. to compleat that fre&ifen which saved
the almost ruined army of the Prufiian delpot.
Dumourier cam* fwddeuly to Paris to concert
with Briffot, Petioo, Guadet, Genfonne, and
Carra, the pcrfidicn expedition into the Anf
trian Netherlands, which he undertook when
I the Pruflun army wafting away by contagious
disorders, wa* peaceably retiring—while the
French army was burning with indignation at
the inaction in which tliey were kept
It was not the fault »f this tV&ion, if the mo
tion « ♦<*« ma'le by ( arra to receive Brunlwtck
at Pari , was not real zed. He mediated in
the beginning of September r 79a, to deliver up
fhis city w thout means of defence, by flying
beyond the river Loire, with the I.egiflative
Afiembly, with the Executive Council, and
with the captive King. lie was fupprted in it
by Roland, Claviere, and l e Brun, the crea
tures and iuftruments of Briffot and his accom
pices. # L
I But these perfidious Ministers, having been
J threatened by one of their colleagues to be der-
I nounred to the people, it was then that Carra
and Sillrry were sent to Dumourier, to autfco
rife this General to negociate with Frederick
William to enable this I'rincc to get out of the
kingdom, orv condition that he Ihould leave the
Netherlands without the fufficien? means of de
f.nce, and delivered them up to the numerous
and triumphant armies of FTance.
1 he calumnious harrangues that were made
in the tribunes, were prepared, or fanCtior.ed at
Rohiid's, or in the niCciiiigs ihat were held at
Valaze's and Pecion's. I l|"ey proposed to mr
render the Convention with a Pretorian guard,
under the name of Departmental Force, which
was to be the balls of their foederal system. In
the 1 .egiflative Aliembly they mentioned a
flight beyond the Loire, with the Aflemb y, the
Executive Council, the Royal Family, and the
public treafur?. Kerfaiut, at his return from
Sedan, dnred to propose this projeA to the Ex
ecutive Council; and it was iupported by Ro
land, Claviere, and i.c Bruft, the creator* and
iaftruments of Briffot.
') hi fadion (trove to put off the judgment of
the tyrant by impeding the dif utiion. They
appointed acommiflion of twenty f< ur members
to examine the papers found in the Thuilleries,
in the guilt of which some of these members
were implicated ; and they endeavoured, in
concert with Roland, to conceal those which
tended to discover their tranfa&ion with the
1 ourt They voted for the appeal to the people,
wh>ch would have been a germ oi civil war, and
afterwards wanted a respite to the judgment.
They inceflahtly repeated, that the Conven
tion could do bo £ood,and that it was not free.
JUIH,* inr«
These declamations milled the department, and
induced tliem to form a coalition, which was
near being fatal to lrance.
I hey patronized an incivic piece, entitled,
L'ami des l.ois.
On the 14th of January, Barbarous and his
friends had given orders to the battalion ot
Marfeillois, to iurround the Convention.
On the aoth, Viladi wrote to the other De
puties- To-morrow in arms to the Convents
ou-* he is a coward who does not appear there.
Brillot, tfrer the condemnation of l.ouis C a
pet, censured the Convention, and threatened
France with the vengeance of European kings.
When it was his object to bring or. war, lie
fj'ukc in an opposite sense, and treated the
dov nfall of all thronts, and the conquest of the
universe, as the (port of the French nation. Be.
ing the "rgan of the Diplomatic committee,
campofed aTniotl entirely of the fame facSion, he
proposed war suddenly agaiuft England, Hol
land, and all the powers that had not then de
clared themselves.
This fi&ion a<£ted in coalition with perfidious
Generals, particularly with Dumouricr, Gen
fonnet held a daily correspondence with him :
Peticn was his friend. He avowed hinifelf the
Counsellor of the Orleans party, and had con
nexion with Sillery and his wife.
After the revolt of Dumouricr, Vergniaud,
Gaudet, Brifl'ot and Genfonne, wiflied to jufti
fy his conduct to the committee ol General De
fence. afl'erting that the denunciations made
againll him by the Jacobins and the Mountain
were the caßie of his conduit; and that Du
mourier was the prote&or of the found part ef
the Convention.-.'! his was the party of which
Petion, Brillot, Vergniaud, &c. were the
chief and orators.
When Dumourier wis declared a traitor by
the Convention, Briffot, in th- Patriote Fran
coife, as well as other writers, who were hi 9
accomplices, praised him, in defiance of the
law. As members of the committee of Gene
ral Defence, they ought to have given infor
mation relative to the preparations tkat were
nuking in I.a Vendee. The Convention, how
ever, was not made acquainted with them till
the war became
They armed the Sections where arifiocracy
reigned, agiinlt thoie where public spirit was
Thcv affeiSted to beli«ve that a plot was mo,.
(Jitased hy the Republicans again.l the National
Convention, for the purpose of nlming the
Comnvfiion of Twelve, who, in an arbitrary
manner, iniprifoned the Magi I'rates of the
People, and made war against the Patriots.
linard developed the views of the confpira-
Cf, when lie used this atrocious expreflion :
" The aftonilhed traveller will leek on what
banks of the Seine Paris once flood. " The
1 onvemion dilfo'.ved the commifiion, which
however, returned its fur.&ions ou its own au
thority. and continued to ail.
The Mion, by the addrefles which it sent
to the departments armed them againtl Pans
and the Ctlftytintfoii, '1 he death of nunioers
of Patriots ill the fouthem Departments, and
particularly at Marseilles, where they per'ftied
on-the fcaffold, was the consequence of fhofe
fatai divisions in the convention, of which they
Were the authors. The deletion of Mtrfcll
les soon produced that of Lyons. Fhis impor
tant city became the fentral point ol the coun
ter..revolution in the sooth. Ihe Republican
Municipality was dispersed by the rebelt,'and
good citizeiis were miflacred. Every pur.ilh
ment that cruelty couid devise to cncreale the
torments of death was put in execution. The
jdmiiiiilrjiive bodies were leagued partly with
I.yons, and partly with foreign ariilocrats, and
with the emigrants dispersed through the
Swiss Canton^.
The of I.ondon afforded life ai'l
energy tcr this rebellious league. Its pretext,
was the anarchy thai reigned at Paris ; its lea
ders, the traitorous deputies of the convention.
\vhiUl they made tjiis powerful divcrfion in
favour of the tyrant* united ag3inll us, l.a Ven
dee continued to drink the blood ot the Patri
Carra and Dochael were sent to this Depart
ment in quality of deputies from the National
Carra publicly exhorted the a-lminiftrators
ol the Maine and Loire to fend troops against
Paris. Both these deputies were at the fame
time conncdtcd with the generals of the com
bined armies.
Couftard sent alio as a commiffionor, carried
his treafon&bh: projefls to iuch a length, as e
ven to furnilh supplies of provilion» and (lores
to the rebels- Ihe mifion of the parties ol this
f?(Sion sent to different parts of the Republic,
was marked by tiiniUr traitoreus measures.
Perhsps the column of Republican power
would ere this, have measured its length upon
the ground, if the coiifpirators had preserved
much longer their inordinate power On th«
lOth of August the foundation of the column
was laid, on of May, tt was prefcrved |
from deflru<stion, The accused publiflwd a
thousand letiitious addrcfles a thouland coun.i
ter-rrvolutionary libels, fui.h as that addrtfled
by Condoreet, to the Department of the Ailue.
They are the difgraceful monuments of the
tfcafon, by v Uich they hoped to involve all
fraHce in ruin.
Ducos and Fonfrede formed the flame of
the rebellion, by their corref:iondcnce and
their speeches, irt which they celebrated the
virtues of the conspirators.
Several of these confpirat rs fled, and disper
sed themselves throngh the Departments. They
cftabliftied there a kind of Nstional Cmiven.
tion, and invested the adminiftraiion with in
dependant powers ; they encircled themselves
with guards and cannon, pillaged the public
treasuries, interccped provisions that were on
the road to Jaris, and sent them to the revol
ted inhabitants of the former Province of Bri
tanny. They levied a new army, and gave
Wimp fen, degraded by his attackmeiit to ty
ranny, the command of this army.
They attempted to effefl a jun&ion with
the rebels of La Vendee, and to l'urremler to
the enemy the provinces of Britanny and Nor
1 hey deputed affaflins to Paris, to murder
the members of th« Cor.veution, tnd particu-
larly Marrat, whose deftruflion they hi 4
folmny (Worn to accompUfh. They put a poig
nard into th.- hands of a woman who wa*ri
commended to Duperret, by BarbjrQ "* a ?*
his accomplices, *he was conveyed iM.the
gallery ol the convention, by Fauchei, the e
nemies of France exalted her as a heroine. l e
tion prononr, her apothehs at Cau. a l
threw over the Mood-flafned form ol aflaflma
ti#n, the Snowy robe of virtue.
Girey l>upre,the colleague of RrilTot, in the
publication of the Patriot Francaifr, printed at
Caen several long.*, which invited, in a form
manner, the Citizens of Caen to arm them
(elves with poignards, far the pnipofe of tab
bing three Deputies of the Convention, who
were p»imed out by name.
Briffot fled with a lie added to his other
crimes. Had he gone to Switzerland, as ft©
f. fe palTport Hated, it would-have been lor
tne purpose of excising a new enemy againlt
France. . „
Cabaud St. Etienr.e, Robeecpi, Durrat, and
Antiboul, carried the torch of sedition into tne
Department of l.e gard and the neighbour
ing departments. Biroteau, Rouger, snd Ko
la nd, projcited their terrible plo.s m Lyons
where they poured the ample It ream ol Patrio
tic blood, by attaching to the friends of their
country, the appellation as anarchists and mon-
opolizer!. c ,
M Toulon these endeavours were luccetstu.,
and Toulonis now in the hands of the Engiifli,
The fame lot was refeiveu for Bourdeaux ami
Marfcilles. The reigning fa&ion had nuidtf
fonie overtures to Lord Hood, whale fleet they
expo&ed. The entire execution of the conspi
racy in the South waited only for the junction
of the Marfeillefe and Lyor.tfes which was
prevented by the vi&ory pained by the Uepub
lican army which produced the redu&ion of
MarfeiUe .
The measures of the conlpiratsrs were exactly
iimilar to that of the enemies of Franca, and
parricalarly of the Englito. I heir writing <hf
fered in nothing from ihofe of the llnglirh mi
This day is pullsfked,
No. 118, Mahkit-str est,
( Price a quarter cliillar)
A short account of ALGIERS,
Containing a delcripiion »l the climateul that
cottnw y — o! the manners and cuftams of the i-i
---ha'biiaius, and o! iheir leveial wai s againll Spam,
France, England, Holland, Venice, ana other
povifis of F.uiope, liom the usurpation ot Bar.
harolfa atid the invilion o! the Einpeior Ch..rle»
V. to the prelcnt time; with a eoncife view or
ihcoiigin of the luptuie between ALftlrßS
and the UNITED SfAILS.
MVS LY icc<-u: S lif
ted or to!le£l.-d, employers fuiied witlv
comedies, houfc room}-, bosid.ogand lodging
k nted, let or procuietl—(oldier's, mariner 1 ?.,
or intiuirf m'.ii's *< ; y, lane** and claims on the
public ; (hare* in the banks, in ilie canals, and
the turnpike road ; ccilificn« gi-med by the
piblic, and the oid and 1.-ie paper momes ;
notes of hand, h'lls, lnx»d» an d morgagf £,-with
or without dtjaofits—Bought, lold, or cego
ciaied at No. 8, in foulh Sixth (Ireet, below
Market-flreet b-y FRANCIS WFll-T'E,
Whutr»nfa£t» business in tha public offii-es lor
country )«>p'e and others, by virtue of » pow
er us attorney, or by peifooal application.
December T 1. d
Notice is hereby given,
That the fubfciiber has been duly ap
pointed Administratrix on the estate r.f
his Excellency John Hancock, Esq. late of
Boston, in tlie county of Suffolk, deceased, ;>nd
has taken opon that trust, by giving
bond-; as the law direfls—and -A 1 pcrfons in.
terefted, aie defirtd to take notice accord
Boston, Nov. 13, 1793.
Take Notice.
ALL persons who have anvdemands against
the Estate of His late Excellency JOHN"
HANCOCK, Esq. deceased, are requefied ti>
exhibit the fame to the Snbfcriher, Attorney
to the Administratrix of said Estate : And all
persons who {land indebted to laid Estate, a t- e
rcouelted to fettle with him immediately; a> the
Aa of Limitation of Actions, which is m take
place on the firft day of Deccmbei next, will
otherwise render it neceiTary for him 10 com
mence luits igainlt thein.
JOSEPH MAY, Attort-ey
to the Adininiftrati ix.
B"fton,Nov. 1793
N. B The Printers throughout this Com
pionwealth, are requifted to infeit ttii-. in their
refpeftive newspapers, and forwa: d their ac
counts for tlie Tame, to J- M
ALL persons having any demand agairft
the Estate and Etfeft* ot Mis. MARY
SINDREY, widow, late of Frankford, Ox.
ford town (hip, in the State of Pennfylvama,
deceased; are desired to produce their ac
counts to JftCOB I.esHEK and
(in Frankford, aforel'uid,) Executors and Ad
miniftratois of the above in Older for feillr
ment. And whoever is indebted to (aid Ef
'tate, &.c. are requested to mak- payment to
the aforetaid Adininiftrators, on ot'befeie tlic
16th of March, 1794, or tlicy will be dealt
with according to law.
Frankfoit', Dec. it)
And to be filJ by
Thomas Dobfon,
Price three eighths of a DoSar,
" An Enquiry into the principle*
and . tendency of certain public
January 16