Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 28, 1794, Image 1

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    of ffie Iflttifti)
[No. 40 of Vol. V.]
JuJl publ'ijloedi
United States Register,
For the Year 1794.
\ CAXKNDAR, with the nerefTary tables
* i. fitted lor t he latitude of the princpal towns
ih the United States; fiiuaiion, extern, population
R E,
Lift of Counsellors admitted to pra&ife in
the Supreme Court.
Do. of Atrotnies, Do.
Kxfcutive [(ranches,
M I.ifteis and Consuls of the United States
iii foreiqu nations.
Do. ol foreign nations resident in the
United Slates.
DH'aktmem o r t HE Treasury,
Principals and Clerks of the refped ve of
Coinniiflioneis of Loan*,
Officers of the Customs, with their respec
tive dtftrifts and ports,
Oilers of thc Ekctfc, with their rcfpe&ive
diilndl.s and furveyn,
1 si of dutiable articles, &c.
Abflraft from the revenue laws,
Statement of the public'debt,
— of Light.houses,
' —of appropriations for the support
of Government.
Department of War,
Sec rem v'» office,
Monthly pay, &c, of the army.
Mint Establish'mf. nt,
A bftraft from the laws relating to coinage.
Post Office Establishment,
Abttraft from the law establishing the office
Lift of post towns, with their rrfpeftive
difiances as iftab lifted by the Post.Mas
ter Grnerafi.
Latitude ami I.ojccitupe of the prin
cipal towns ui the United States andthcr
IJhiuit Sia:<s,
North Amcitea,
Siaic byfiks wi'-H flieir
Literary Inixiti/n.ttAi.
Amcuc&n PJnlofophical So.icty,
An jcrican Academy of Arts and Science
National Manufactory at Patcrfon
N. J.
Sessions of the Courts of the United
Wf-jtirn Territory
State Govirnmintj.
AbflraS fiom the conftitutioH of each state
Ftincipal officers, executive, lcgiflative and
Officers of the Banks, capitals, dates of in
corporation, periods of limitation, ex
tent of property, &c.
Univerfuies, Colleges and Academies,
Societies, fcicntific, human., poluical&c
Exhibitin" in as general and comprehenlive a
view as possible the internal police, the state
of litciature, arts, commerce, and
the several ftjf*.
Price 50 cents.
Printed by Stewart and Cochran, No. 34,
South Sccond ftieet, and ]ohn M'Ctilloch, No.
1, not 1 h Third street, aud fold bv them and
ihe hookfcllrrs Jan. 17. d6t
Excellent CLARET,
In hogP.cad* iiiii in cafc» of 50 boulc» cach.
A few cases Champaigne Wine }
In pipea, hoglhtads and quaitcr catks,
No. 111, South Front-ltiPci
l-'B. 2, 1794-
Back of the New L.bra:v, between ChefnQt
and Walnut-Streets
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friend' and
the public in general, that he coniinuis
carrying on the bufintf* of #
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or window-(hutt«rs, done in the moll
elegant manner, and with dilpatch. ....
Orders from the country will be thankiully
deceived, and duly attended to.
December 30,
ALL persons having any de
mands against the cltate ol GhORGE
WIBLE, late ol the city ol Philadelphia, baker,
»re rtqueftcd 10 bring in their account., properly
authenticated ; and tliofc who arc indebted, are
icfirtd to make immediate payn ent.
HENRY REES, Aminiftrator.
January 13. aawjw.
Tuesday, January 28, 1794.
I irginia, Northvnhrrland <_ovnt\\ Dec 28, 1703
A Valuable Trad of LAND.
in this county, conuainiirg about etg-kc
hundred aeres, one fourth of which is tow'
grounds, of excellent quality ; the other three
tpunhs \s high land, well coveicd wuh oak, |
hickory »ftd chefnut.
The situation is pleasant and healthy., on Yeo
con| co river, about three miles from the Poto
mack. 1 here is on it a two story brick d wel
ling. house, wii h four rooms and a on
each floor, exclnfive of cWfets ; a good kitchen,
and other necessary oui-houfes: It has orchards
of apple and p ach trees, and is will watered
by many delightful springs. The terms may be
known on application to the Honorable JOHN
HEAT H, in Philadelphia or to the fubferiber,
living on the premise*.
Tan. to
Sixty Cents Reward.
RAN AWAY from on board'the Biig Polly,
laying at Marcos-Hook pVers, on Sunday
the 19th in ft. an Apprentice Lad, named JOHN
COL LINGS ; 1.4 yeais of age, about 4 fart 10
inches high, a little pitted with small-pox,
had on when he werrt away, a red tound«al>out
j-ckct, blue trowfers, a round fur hat, black
handkerchief, new (hoes * ith square plated
buckler. Whoever apprehends ibe said I ad, lo
that his mailer may get him again, /hall be en
titled to the above rewaid.
Noi'liern Liberies.
N. B. All Ma-ftefs of vclfelstfrc forbid carry
ing him oft', or any person harhoeing said boy,
as they may expect to be dealt with according to
Jan. 25,
A large elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
IN an e.'vii-ile fituarion, —alto a Country Seat
within 6 miles i>f the Cityj with 9 acies of
land, or 42 acres oi Jand and ineadow, the
Hdu: -* is nut exceeded by many in the vicinity
of" t :ecit), in size or convenience.
For terms apply to the printer.
Jarfoffr? "23.
Infurafice Company.
t'hiiadc'fhu, January f>, t?<>4.
NOTICE is hereby given 10 the members
of the Insurance Company of North-
Ajnerica, that the Directors have declared a
dividend (for the last fix months) of srxptß
Cent, on the amount o< the firll and fecund
inflalmcnts ; and of one per cent per month
on the sums paid in anticipation of the third
instalment, calculating from the firft day of
the month following that, in which th-ofe pay
ments were made. The d.vidend will be paid
to the Stockholders, or their rcprefentatives,
at the company's office, No. 119 fotth Fiont
ftfect, at any time after the 13th instant.
By order of the Directors.
EBtNEZER. HAZARD, Secietary.
Jan. 9. w&f.xni
Treasury Department,
NOTICE is hereby g'-ven, that piopofals wi.l
be received at the Office ol the Secretary
ol the Treasury, until the 6.h of February next
inclusive, lor the supply of all Rations which
may be required during the preftnt year, at the
fevtral places of rendezvous hereafter mention
ed , lor the Recruiting Service, viz.
At New-Bi urifwick, in Ncw-Jerfcy;
Ai Plnladilphia, ")
At Lancaftei, > in Perinfylvattia.
At Reading, )
The rations to be furnifhed are toconfift of tV.«
following articles, viz.
One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beel, 01 j of a pound of pork
Half a jill of ruin, branny or whiiky,
One quart of fait
Two quarts ut vinegar f ioQ fjtions
Two pound> ol ioap f
On pound ol candles)
,]»»• q
Bank of the United States.
January 6th, 1794.
XTOTICE it hereby given, that tbeie »ill
i\ be paid at the Bank, after the fifteenth
inftint, to the Stockholders or their reprefen
(atives, duly authorized fifteen dollars and
fifty cents for each fliare, being the dividend
declared for the last fix month*.
By Order,
JOHN KEAN. Ca(hier.
Robert Campbell,
No. 54, South Secandjlreet,
Seconddooi b-low the cor ne rot Chelnut-ftreet,
By the late arrivals from Britain and Ireland,
A large and general AJforlment of
New Books and Stationary,
Which will be disposed of on the lowed terms.
D-c. 23. mw&fttf
Peale's Museum,
t J AS Lately rtrcnvfd a number of af:icle? ;
X J. which are the following : That
icmarkahlc c.'llrd the C«)!-Vf »iri, or lc>f
a»s-Mli; The Avofetir, cominon'. < ii»*<l the
Shoe-maker, beeanfe of its bill refrmhlfrtg a
crooked a he Long-legs, communly call
ed the BUcfc-tift, having pet taps the lotfgeft legs,
in proportion to the Bze of [he bird, of any of
the fern he red ti ibc— I he Slot m-finch, common
ly calbd rnothtr Carp's, chicken—The Sea
fwallow, and various Gulls ; he fides a variety
oi C'anes, Curlews, Snipes, &.c.
The ft:u 11 of a Whale and one of its Vembres.
A'lV Indian haichct mrde of chrrlta! : It it
cutmhis ih»i rhofc uninformed wild people, hav
ing vrry liitle knowledge ol the ausvaud bem.»
ignoiaiH e*co ol the ex'iißiict of iron and fhcl,
ftu'utd t f SM? !o form such hard fubtlancea m
-10 faCi.i'uKwims ax tliia, and Indian tfia
now m Mufrum.
A Lgnified Quince : Hie fpccimen shew*
what a icmailuble elTefl a dry warm fnuation
has on fr'frit. li is now about 8 ycarfc ftnee if
was gathered ; and it was a feal-quiirccf now be
come wood, at leail in appearance.
Pre Tented by Mrs. Manion oi Charle&ownf
S. C.— a tool uh tl by she OiaheUaus in making
their batk, cMh, by pound m* tfip bark on this
inltrument of wood, it pro'do<;<s the ribs which
rcfemUc tnrearfs : ffie pcifc£tly straight and
• 1 rus rnaoe in ilns extreme ba'd wood, by
mm without the uJe ol non,are curios* & won*
Alio, a ro> c made of praCit, part of the rigg
ing oi a vcflrl oJ.K&n Jkatkji.
Pfelenird by D> .Hall, of Lewis-town, a Squib
in : whru ihu fcllv was found, a number
oi ftonct were appended to ft lings or ligaments
that proj-fted from the front of tis head,v»hich
occafiancd a conjecture, ay it j s not furnifbed
with fuffietent fins to nfifk the vioknee of the
tide and currents, that n fafteoed wis ft these li
gaments on whatever it found a> the bottom ; so
that the stones antwVfed the purpoleof anchors
anrd the ligaments of a jjlut inous ttitfcy nature',
that of cableJ. Some *>f the iioncs arc tn the
fame phial.
A collision of Minerals and other FofTiif,
•»e now dtfplayeci to drawers Covered witlielaf
and in a modr which will famre them irbm de
rangement. To each fpccimcn are refe
rences 10 a book of oefctipuons. 1 "hj*
nirnt of Tpcciinrns of the Foflil kingdom, len
ders this part of the Museum very cfrtivrni nr.
end fatifltaelory.and are*i ' r ~X*
ia*thefVAcma£ie*ia>idcr of ihtni, *t*d m
ing the noeeiTary essays of each : Alio in giving
in a concise manner, the yarious uses tlicy are
applied to; then by rendering them the more
ioterefting to t*he public.
A Living Elk, of 2 years old. is jufl receiv
ed. Bythe"account which rami. Button gives
of the Elk, it appears that he was noi acquaints
ed with this American animal; he particularly
omits aftnorite of the curious apertures adjoin
ing the eyes of this
Cj?" Complaints having been made that
the Southern fuhfcribers for this Gazette
do not receive it, till the intelligence has
been anticipated by papers previoufiy re
ceived by otheT persons j they are inform
ed that the' regulations at the Poll-Office
in this- city require that Printers should
depefit their papers there, the day prece
ding the departure of the mail ;■ newf
p'jpers being, on account of their bulk,
sent by the ltages, which let off several
hours before the mail is closed, occasions
this arrangement, for the winter.
Persons at a dillance who wilh to re
ceive this Gazette, are informed that the
terms of fubfeription cannot be dispensed
with.—One half of the fubfeription mo
ney, for the half-weekly paper lately print
ed and circulated by the Editor to all parts
of the Union, is yet due, either from the
fubferibers, or colkxStors—and as tbe pub
lication of a daily paper is attended with a
heavy expense—however folic;tous the
Printer may be to difTcrr.iaate intelligence,
It will appear, that perfilting in his former
plan of lending ltis Gazette to every ptf
fon who writes tor it, without securing
the fubferiptions will prove ruinous in the
The Editor most earnestly requefb those
who are indebted for liis late publication,
to make immediate payment —particularly
taofe who Lave received the arrearages
from subscribers.—Some will recolledl that
repeated aflurances on this point, have not
been realized.
(£/■ The Sulfcriptions for thii Paper are
rapidly encreajing. Upwards of Five Hun
dred are Jlruck njf daily.
Aclvertifir.g favors from the friends and
>atrons of the Pubßcatian, are rcfpcßfully
■y .
[Whole No. 498.]
Foreign Intelligence,
! By late Arrivals at New-Yorky
\ lENNA, O&cher go*
Our army employed in the campaign 9-
ga nil the F encli, is <oin|mfedof
wtfiih leaves in the Iwed.ti y dominions of
the Emperor, but about JO,OOO regular troop*j
but, we ittclerftand that the frontier fr npsot
and Tranlylvartia are I'.irniHig con.
fider.-ibla bodies labour 27yOOoqui"t«ls wtiplit
ofcloathiriß f->r our army upon thr Rhine, h as
b«n fern thither Irfyii il,» 1 ,t. of Sept. to the
23rh. of Otftober last.
1* it file general wish litre, that the War
may l>e difenu tinned, as The people are begin,
ning to inurinn' aloud at the tmxmicntc.,.
which batte already resulted from the prcfent
LONDON, Novcmbef
The American Film!? have rifei> ennfidera.
bly in value, since thrir Povermi em his ecla.
red its deter mi nation to'obfcrve u neu-
tral ty.
A French fl»1p of the line of fib guns, two
f.igatc, and a co. vette, iwfces i?verai (ail
of merchant fliips, which are ridiAg in the port
of Tunis, are expetted to be fnon taken by
our Fleet in the Med'teri arean.
A detachment of (hips of tlie line (rom Ld.
Kood 'sFleet, confiding ol'tl.e Couragfux and
Alcicfe of 74 and the Ardentof 64 gnus each
have bombarded a Fort at St. F:Orentz ii'i
tlie island ofCorfica.
The rcfuJt of this atretic is'as yet urknown.
Seven or eight me': were killed on board the
Ardeiif, one onboard the Courageux, and her
fiift lieutenant, Mr. wlio wa».kil]erf by
at shot from the FOll.
November 16
The fate of Madame Elizabeth of France,
we fearfully apprehend, is approaching to a'
speedy decision. She has already b?e:i denoun
ced in the Jacobin Club fyreptofti which
has hitherto, in almofteveiy inflance, proved
fatal. The principal charges against her are,
that (he accompanied her brother in his flight
t-Varennes, and that (he gave hcY advice alii
di■ Cua nter-Revolutionary procee-
been frequently pcWifecPSGt
leans fa&'ion, and used to be admitted to his
no&tfrnal parties at Moriceaitx andßeincy.
That matcblefs nionfter Egalire, is now no
more. This wietcbj tho* with a heart the
worst that ever rtian was cursed with/
poUvfsed the most boundless ambition, but had
uot a nurd capable of carrying into efc ft any
brjlliant plan to arrive at ohjfcft. He ne
ver once atfed ingenuouflv, but through the
m-sans of various docile inftrtfments,he aspired
to the Throne, while he affe&ed toembrace the
principles of Democracy. The Guillotine has
so far dbne justice, and the Convention, by
seizing on his extcnfive domains, will find a'
vtillable source t& profeciite the war. His
rental before the Revolution, amounted to
159'p001. fterl. per anrium.
Egalite has left behind him, fortr
three fans and a danghtet. Tbe.eldcft ci-de
vant Ducde Ctiarrrc, escaped with Dumou
rier £tbe other two ions,' whole titles were
the Due de Mentpenfieiy and' Count de Bcau
jolais, are prisoners, having been . # arreft*d
with the other ineribers of the Bourbon fami
ly. Madatoolfelle D'(Means, is with Madauv
Genlii, the wife of Sillerv, now in Sw
land. What connexion there was between
Orleans' and Sillery does not appear, any more
than their gir'Jt ; it is only remarkable, rMt*
on the trial of SiUeVy, his being the confidant
of Orleans, was mentioned as his chief crime f
as on the trial of the latter, the chief imputa
tion was, his being the friend of Sillerv ! this
action and re-a£lion of imputed ci iminaliy, is
not the Jeaft curious CHCumffanee tMat diltin
guifliesthe jurilpi udence of Cftenew tribunal*
By she fXanefboui g, who left the
coast early in May, we learn, that the Mab
ratta pirates have, among other depredations,,
near Bombay, taken five Engliffi trading mer
They had the audacity to attack the Surat
Cattle,-a very large fliip-, but \te»e beaten ol?y
after having daugeronfiy wounded her Captain
whose name is Lowry.
Orte Freftbh vessel has fallen a prey to these
Admiral Cornwall is, in the Minerva, was
expe&ed on the Bombay coasts, when- little
doubt was eritertairted that his exertions would
soon put ast op so the hitherto too fuccefsfuT
ravages of thffe lawless people.
The Dutch were {training every nerve at
at the Cape, in July, in fortifying the place,
and preparing for defence, particularly at
False Bay,