Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 27, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 39 of Vol. V.]
"n kNAVfcjWMro* 4n'tri»rtl «hc Srij.fajh'.
* lilt4t piltßtl with Hit'|Mnl4%i'
bad on wbcn W* »e»>l»»»{»y r : » alwuif
j tkct, Mae trawler}, » round Tur 4m, til«eks
handkerchief, tvy» (hact .wijh. /q-iiirc plated'
buck In. ihr f«id, fa
lhai tv* niiftcr (nay r«t'fc'nr*ga<n, flwil b» en-*
. t.itl«l lo tjtf ibove. rewind. ' ' ,
Ciptjiii WILLIAM PAtTi,, i
Norihrrn Liberties.
N. B. AH Matters ol vefteU are fprbid rarTy
ing him off, or anv pprfon harboring' said boy,
at they may expect to be dealt with according to
j» n -
War Atlas.
This Day is Published,
(Price Two Dollar/)
No. 118, Market-jfeet,
A Colle&ion of Maps,
Including the whole of the various Seats of
the preleftt War in Euiopt and the Weft-
Indie*. vir.
AP o* the United Provincrsrtf Holland,
IVA Frit Hand, Groniengcn, Overyffel, GeU
ders, Utrecht, and Zealand.
2. Map ol the French, Dutch, aud Austrian
3. Map of France divided into circles *nd
4. Map ot Spain and Portugal.
5. Map of Germany and Switzerland,
6. Map of Italy.
Map of the Weft-Indici.
N. B. Any ot the above Map« may be had
(c pirate.
Said Carey hat lately published
Account of Algrris—With a Map— i/ioj-
Account of the Malignant fever, 4th edition—
3/9— Dr. Naffy'a Treat ife on do.—l/ioj.
|an. 55 4' " w -
VitliniAy Korlhumbci/and Lount\, Die. 28, 1793*
A Valuable Trafit of LAND,
in tilts county, containing about eighc
hundred aere*, one fourth of which it low
grounds, of excellent quality; thv other three
fourths is high tapd, well covered with oak,
hickory and chefrtut
The fttuation It pleasant and hrahhy, on Yro
• omico river-, about three miles irom the Polo
mack. There i«'>nii a two ftoty brick dwel
liog-houfe, with four room* and a 011
tach floor, eielufive of closets ; a Road kitcbcn,
and oihei necessary out-houfca It has orchards
of apple and p'ach trees, and ii well watered
by marry delightful springs. The terms may be
known on application to the Honorable JOHN
HEATH, in PhtladcVphia, or to the fobfciibcr,
living on the prcmifes.
J*n. 10. dtf
Insurance Company.
Philadelphia, January 6, 1794-
NOTICE is hereby given 10 the member!
of the fnfbranee Company of North-
America, that the Direaorrs have declared a
dividend (for the lad fix months) of six pen
Cent, on the amount of the firft and lecond
inlUlrncnti; and of one per cent per month
on the funis paid in anticipation of the third
instalment, calculating from the fivft day of
the month following that, in which those pay
ments were made. Thr dividend will be paid
to the Stockholder";, or their rcprefentativer,
at the company's office, No. 119 south Front
ftrect, at any time after the 13th instant.
By order of the Directors.
EBENEZea HAZARD, Secretary.
Jan. 9. w&
Robert Campbell
No. 54, South Stitnd-Jlreet,
Seconddoor b--low the corner ol Chefnut-ftreef,
fey the late arrivals from Britain and" Ireland,
A large and general AJfortment of
New Books and Stationary,
"Which will be disposed of on the lowest terras.
Dec. 23. mw&r tf
ALL persons having any de
mand* agatnft the eUate ol GfcORGE
WIBLE, late ol the city of Philadelphia, biker,
are rcqucftcd to bring in their accoiHits. properly
authenticated and rtiofe who are indebted, are
dc&red' to make immediate payment.
HENRY REES, Aminiftralor.
finuary 13.
"NEW 800
Now opening for Sale,
By M. C A R E Y,
A large and valuable collection o{ BOOKS,
inported from London in the Mehawk.
Dec. 19.
A large elegant House,
: 0
IN an eligible fituatioiy—alio a Country Seat
within 6 jnilcs of the Catyy with 9 acres ot
land, or 42 acres of land and meadow, the
House is not exceeded by many in the vrcinky
iyf the City, in size or convenience.
For terms appiy to the printer.
January 23 m&th—-tf
la and in cases of 50 bottlea each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine >
Rack of the New L'brary, between Chefnut
and Walnnt-Streets.
George Rutter,
Respectfully infomu hii frr*«ds and
the public in general, that he continues
carrying 011 the bnfinefs ol*
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting*
for doors or window-lhutters,done in tltc most
elegant manner, and with diipatch.
Orders from the country will be thankfully
recei Ted. and duly attended to' v
December )p, > dtf
United States Register,
For the Year 1794.
Frmed by Stewart and Cochran, No. '*4.
South S<rcond-ftrcet,and John M'Culloch, No. 1,
North Third-ftrcet, awl 10 be fqld by tbem a»d!
thf booksellers.
Sin elegant Ajfortmnt of
Which they will difpole of on the most rea
fonablt term's. Devices in-* hair, Miniatures
sett, and every thing in the gold and filvcr
way, done as usual.
December 24.
TOftV COR pov
Excellent CLARET,
In pipca,4ioglheadi and cpiirtcr casks,
No. 11Sooth front -tUeci.
Jan. 1,1794. dlf
This day is pubh/bed,
J«». 18.
Palry and Mufgrave,
Goldfmitbs Jewellers,
No. 42,
Bank of the United States.
January 6th, 1 794. 1
NOTICE it hereby given, that there will
be paid at the Bank, after the sixteenth
mftant, to the Stockholders or their repiefen
tatives, duly, authorized fifteen dollars and
fifty cents for each (kare, being the dividend
declared for the last fix-months.
By Order,
JOHN KEAN, Cafoier.
And to be fold by
Thomas Dobfon,
Price three eighths of a Dollar,
" An Enquiry into the principles
and tendency of certain public
January 16.
Treasury Department,
NOTICE ia hereby given, that propofats will
be received at the Office of the Secretary
of the Treasury, until the 6ih of February next
iuclu(ive, for the supply of all Ration! which
may be required during the present year, at the
fcveral places of rendeivoui hereafter mention
ed, lor the Recruiting Service, viz.
At New-Brunfwickj-in New-Jerfcy;
At Philadelphia, Y
At Lancafler, > io Pennsylvania.
At Reading, )
The rationa to be furnllhed arc to corifift of the
following articles, vix.
Onf pound of bread or flour,"
One pound of beef, or J of a pound of pork
Half t> jill of rum, brandy or whisky,
One quart of fait
Two quart, of vineg.rf
'Pwo pounds ol soap t r
Otoe pound of ctttdUi)"
Jan. 9.
nuary 27, »75»4-
<p" Complaints having been made that
the Bouthefn fufifcrlbers for this Gazette
do not receive it, till the intelligence hag
been anticipated hf papers previuiifty rc
cf.ited by other persons; they are inform
ed that the regulations at the Port Orifice
in this city require that Printers lhoitld
deposit their papers there, th« day prece-|
ding the departure of the mail; news*
papers being,, oil account of their bulk,
lent by the it age 8, which set off several
hours before the mail is closed, occasions
this arrangement, for the winter.
Persons at a dHlance who' wish to re
ceive' this Gazette, are informed that She
terms of fubfeription' cannot be dispensed
with.—One half of the fubfeription' mo
ney, for the half-weekly pa;jar lately print
ed and circulated by the JicUorioall parts
ps the Union, is yet due, either from the
fubfciibers, or colle&ors—and as the pub
lication of a daily paper is attended with a
beavy expense—however solicitous the
Printer may be to disseminate intelligence,
(t will appear, that pcrfifting inhis former
plan of fending his Gazette to every per
son who writes for it, without securing
the fubfeription* will prove ruinous in the
The Editor rfioft eartrsftly requests those
who are indebted for his late publication,
to make immediate pay meat—.particularly
those who have received the arrearages
from will recolle& that
repeated afiurances on this point, have not
been realized.
Friday, January ij, 1794..
The Senate resumed tfcte confidwation
of the fnbjeA of amendment# to tfce con
ffitution of the United States, an J after
<kf *
On motion,
It was agreed, that th« further cosfi
devalion thereof be po {Iported.
Agreeable to the order of the day, the
Senate proceeded to the confidt;ration of
the motion made ; That the
doors of the Senate chamber remain open
uryder certain re(lri£tion»—and
On motion,
It was agreed, that the further consi
deration thereof be postponed until Wed
nesday next.
On motion,
That the Senate adopt the following
" That' the Secretary of State be di
rected to lay before the Senate, the cor
respondences which have been had between '
the Minister of the United States at the
Republic of France and said Republic,
and between said Minister and the office
of Secretary of State."
Ordered, That this motion lie until
Monday next.
The Senate resumed the confideratfoh
of the motion of the Bth of January inft.
That the Secretary of the Treafuiy lay
before the Senate, certain- flatements of
the public debt, and,
On motion,
Ordered, That the further confidera
tlon thereof be postponed until Monday
The petition of Andrew Graydon-,
chief clerk to the Treaforer of the United
States, was presented and read, praying
further compensation for his services.
OVdered, That this petition lie on the
The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock
On Monday morning.
Monday Jan. 20.
The petition of Thomas Person arid
- others si committee, on behalf of them
selves and the other purchiafers of lands
in the ceded territory south' of the Ohio,
referring to a petition presented to the le
-1 giflatiire of the State of North-Carolina,,
praying for redress of certain mallet's
therein contained, was presented and rend.
[YVlioie No. 41;7,j
Ordered, That this petition Kef oi( the
On motion;
It v&s agred that the motion made oti
the 17th instant, that the Secretary for
the Department of State, be directed t(J
l4y before the Senate, the correfpoßden
ce« which have been had between the Mi
niftei'nf the United States at the Repub
lic of France and said republic, should be
farther poitponed.
Tile conliderntion of the motion made
on the Bth instant, that the Secretary for
the Department of Treasury berequefted
to lay before the Senate certain ffat.ementf
of the public debt, was refurried, and be
ing amended, was adopted a$ follows :
Ordered, That the Secretaqr of the
Treasury do lay before this House, thef
following ffaterflents, to wit J
Fit ft. A statement of the domefcc debt
of the United States as due on the ill day
of January 1794, fp'eeifyl'ngunder diftinft
f ft. The funded debt, diftinguiihing
the fix cents, three per cents and de
ferred nock, ancf in each kind of stocky
ftSting separately, the amount created by
th« afiumption of the state debts;
2d. The regfiftered debt,
3d. The debt fubferibatfe to the loait
of the United States, but which not be
ing fujided or registered at the Treasury,
is not entitled to a dividend.
4th. TliC balances due tocreditor dates
and already funded, if there Be any fucfly
being the excess of the sums refpe&ively
by fe\V assumed for such States, above the
sums actually fubferibed in the debts of the
said States.
5 th, The dornefttc' loans for 6i(h corr
trafted since the commencement of the
prefeirt government, Hating the refpeclive
times wnen borrowed and when becoming
due,' Aith the rnf- of rrrtereft.
6th T All other kinds of dorneftie debt*
not fpccially included under the five pre
ceeding feeads, for rhe payment of -.vhioh'
no appropriations have been made.
Second. A ftaternent of the domestic
deßt redeemed fmce the eoir.r'.cncement
of the present government, to the firft
dav of January' 1794, diftingnifhing the
different l'pecies of debt, and fpectfying
the node of redemption, and when re
deemed money, the imoxint of monies
expended In purchafirtg the fame'.
A general statement of the'
foreign Abt of the United States as due
on the Ift day of January 1794, ffating
separately, the French debt, the other
debt's coontracled before the commence
ment of (he present government, and the
loans contracted since' that tiiiie ? and fpc
oifyrng in each debt or loan, the original
amount.- the time from which the interest
commenced, the payments already made,
with the dates of the fame, and the places
where paid, the amount yet due, and the
refpeftive tunes when the fame (hail be--
come- due. t
Fourth. A l'pctifi; accormt 6f the ap
plication of tlie monies obtained upon fo
reign' loans, contrafled since the com
mencement of the prefeiit government, to
the Ift day of' January 1794< Hating the
amount of the rr.oilies drawn over to A
merica, and* of those applied in Europe,
together with the dates of ft!all applies'
tions ov dra ts.
Fifth. A fumtilafy ftateihent of tfie ac
tual receipts and expenditures from the
commencement of the prefsrit govern
ment to the last day of December 1790,*
including all monies received on account
of the United States, such parts of the
foreign loans as have not been drawn
over to America only excepted ; dif
tinjniifhing the monies received under
each branch of the revenue, and tlic mo
nies expended under dach appropriation,
and ftatintr the balances of each branch of
the revenue remaining unexpended on
the thirty-fivft day of December 1790
fpecifyiiig fepirately such balances as were
on that day in the Treafary, and such M