From the London Gazette* WHITEHALL, Nov. 12 Bv a difpatcli from the Earl of Yar mouth, dated the 28th of OMober, it ap pears, that on the 26th ot that month, the right wing of the enemy was completely routed, * r :th the loss of fourteen cannon, a great quantity of military itores, two howitzers, all the cump equipage, and an important pout ion at Wanzenau, of which General Wurmfer immediately took pof feflion : That the Auftrians were attacked on every 6df an the 27th, bat tliat the cnenav was copiptHod to retreat ; thelofc of toe latter on the two days was coniputctl at killed woaadco and taken. FRANCE. national convention. October 23 Thibault—" I have been informed some iß'-inicipalities.or revolutionary committees have feiied, burnt or torn books which contained traces of feudality: the Con vention uught to explain itfelf in this ref lect, since they decreed the confifcation of houses in which feudal symbols should be found. We ought to know, for exam ple, whether the eight volumes of the luf tory of France, by Velly, which contain prints of several kings, (hould be fuppref ial. I move that yoil will pass a law op. tab fubj''ft." Merlm—"The decree which confifcates honfes in which fymbots and feudality are found, fpeafcs only of luc'n as are attached to the edifices, as arms over the portal, See. 1 call for the order of the day lim ply." Others were for grounding the ptifling to the order of the day, upon the princi ple that the Convention had not included in their decree either libraries or engrav ings. Adopted. A citizen from the Popular Society of Moulincs, informed the Convention, that the bilnop of that place officiated with a pike and red bonnet, instead of a cross and mitre. The orator in concluding, depofitcd on the altar of the country, a golden cross, f-t with precious (tones, and several mirks of silver, taken from the statues of the Saints. Bairere proposed the cftablifhment of a commission wholly to be employed rel pe£ting provifiohs, to be composed of 3 lioneft patriotic and enlightened men, ac quainted with commerce, the adminiftra lion of the departments, and the laws of foreign countries refpefting trade and na vifration—-Decreed. October 24. The Minister of the Interior, denounc ed several persons, who endeavored to make a difference between affifgnats and specie— depreciating the former, in order to en creafe the value of the latter. The de nunciation was ordered to be sent to the committee of general fafety. PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 25. L».l night, about half after 11 o'clock, a fire broke out in a frame building in Second-street, near the New-Market — Two framed houses were consumed—and a brick building on the south-west corner o; Pine and Second-street, very much i 11- jured. An high wind prevailing at the moment, the scene was truly alarming but providentially, thro' the spirited exer tions of thi citizens and fire-men, the pro gress of the flames was unexpectedly ar retted. ExtraS of a letter from a gentleman in Lon- don, Hated November 5, 1793' u Insurance upon American property at present, cannor be done under 8 or 10 per cent, the French now take all neutial ships bound to or from an enemy s port, and the Algerines have declared war again 11 every power that are not at war with France, which i$ the reason that the French are taking all neutrals —it is reported that several American {hips have fmce been ta ken by the Algerines—B or io per cent, may appear to you very high for insurance, Lut it cannot be done for less. A part ner in the houfc of informed me this day at Lloyd's, that he saw io per cent, given—EngJilh (hips can be done at 7 1-2 per cent. You know the iufurance therefore make the bell of what you have. The foliotuing extracts of letters received from Afr. Pixckxsi-, M.n'.jter Plenipo pentiary of the Unites S.'titej at the Court cf Londjn, were communicated by mejfcige from the President to Ctiigrefs, on nefday lass. Extract of a letter from Thomas Pinck ncy, to the Sec ret a. y of State, dated London, 12th Auguit,* 1793 " I continue to receive aflurances from hiinf of the desire of tl,government so to conduit the measures thej think them selves justified in pursuing towards the neutral powers, a3 to render them as lit tle detrimental to our commerce is the fete of warfare existing in Europe will admit; and, on complaint of some irre gularities committed by Britilh priva teers, he requested me to feleft fomc in stances where the evidence is clear, in order for criminal prosecutions to be in flituted against the offenders, in which lie protaiifed the fulled support of the law-officers of the crown—and I .am now endeavouring to fix upon some ttrong ca ses, where our evidence may be fuflicient to ensure conviction. I believe it to be the desire, both of the government and of the people in general here, to be up on good terms With us; but the line of conduit pursued to the neutral powers, in which I do not perceive any symp toms of relaxation, cannot but create dilTatisfadtion. From tiie department of State I generally obtain explicit answers on filch fubjedts as they are competent to decide ; but where references are made thence to other departments, which is verv frequently the cafe, the delayi are very great, especially ia the business with the admiralty " Truly extracted from the original, 22d January, 1794. Go. Taylor, Chief Clerk in the Department of State. * Probably a mistake. f Miniftei 1 for Foreign Affairs. September 3d, 1793. Ordered, That freight and reasonable expences (hall be allowed to all mailers of neutral carrier (hips, and be a charge upon the cargoes whether condemned, or restored or ordered for further proof of neutral property —provided always, that no mala fides, or prevarication (hall appear, or be justly presumed, or fufpefted on the part of any neutral matter, and that such neutral matter (hall make oath that such freights are not already paid for, or en gaged for to be paid, by the owners of the said cargoes, in view of every event of capture or otherwile. Demutrage (hall be allowed and considered as reasona ble expense, only in cases where the (hip (hall be pronounced to have been unjust ly seized and brought in for adjudica tion or bulk broken, and his mayfly's inlh'uftions disobeyed, or where thera has been actual and wilful damage done, and mifufage of persons or property by the captor, or when the time of detention for the purpose of unlivery of the cargo, or repairing such damage, fliall exceed th£ time fpecified in the charter party, or when the neutral matter (hall not refufe or ncgleft to take away his (hip upon bail offered to be given by the captors for freight, and reasonable expenses.— That where the value of corn and nival stores fold to his majesty (hall be decreed to be paid to any neutral claimant, the owner, in cases where such corn, provi sion, and other naval stores, by any trea ty or particular stipulation (hall be held to be not contrabaud, and so not confis cable, the captor who (hall have brought in such privileged (hips and cargoc6, in > consequence of his majeft's orders and inftruftions, and who (hall have given bail to be answerable upon unlivery of the fame, for freight and reasonable ex penses, in Cafe that any (hall be allowed, (hall be discharged from his bail, but that the freight and such reasonable ex penses (hall be dccreed to be added to the price of the cargo, and to be paid for by his majesty to the neutral owner in cases of restitution, and in cases of condemna tion, (hall be added in like manner, to the price of the cargo, and paid to the captor by his majesty. Freights, and reasonable expenses, where captors and claimants cannot agree, (hall be referred to be fettled by the deputy register, and merchants appointed by the court; the report nevertheless fliall be fubjc£t to revival by order of the court, upon cbje&ion made J)y either party. A. true copy of the original, January 22 > 1 794* Go. Taylor, Clntf Clern v in the Department of Slate. Extract of a letter from Thomas Pinck ney to the Secretary of State, dated London, November it, 1793- " Tufcany has been obliged to abandota its neutrality. Genoa has been furc;bly urged into the fame measures by the commanders of combined Spanish and British fleets, who entered their port, and seized a French frigate, and fume armed veflels lying there. A minister from that Republic was received at the last levee. " A proclamation is ifiued, directing our veflfels from Pennsylvania, Jersey, and Delaware, to perform a quarantine of fourteen days," Truly extra&ed from the original, 22d of January, 1794- Go. Taylor* Chief Clerk in the Department of State. To the Senate and House of Rcprcfentat'i-ues of the General Jtjfemblj of the Common wealth of Pennfyhaniat GENTLEMEN, THE Master Warden of the Port, has riprefented to mc, that the information which he has received through various channels, affords great renfon to apprehend that a pestilential fever rages in several of the Weft-India iilands, with which we maintain a conflderablc intercourse. It becomes ncceffarv therefore to remind you, that the temporary powers vested in the Governor, by the ast of the fifth day of September lait, for the purpose of guard ing against the introdi ft on of malignant disorders, have expired ; and that the pre cautions afithorifed by the preceding ast (as you will more particularly perceive from the report of the health officer, which accompanies this meflage) are incompe tent to the object. I take the present opportunity likewise to inform you, that utilefs some Legilla tive provision is made, the Fort at Mnd- Island cannot be maintained many days longer; though as the navigation of the river is free from the interruption usual at this season, the establishment is now as necessary as at any former period. THOMAS MIFFLIN. Philad. 24th Jan. 1794. FTCOM CVKKF.spvhuamts. Mr. Bache's paper has a paragraph, which, fays the friends of good govern ment, disapprove the publications reced ing the war. Many of them do. An itch to meddle in European wars, is not patriotic. To make a flourifh of zeal, in the cause of either, (hews as little true dignity, as prudence. It neither becomes a nation profeffing to be neutral, nor one that scorns to deal out blows that it would not have returned. America, Hands too high in the world's elteem, to be (hewn as the bully or toad-eater of any power un der heaven. Self refpeft will prevent in sults on some, or a servile dependence on any of them. Therefore, the paragraph writer, may ehjoy the support of the Georgia celebration, as much as he may chufe. It was not by luch proceedings that we escaped war. There is a sneer at at the word good government —good go vernment is not ruling by a club-—it is not by incendiaries—fitting out armed veflels .while the government remains at peace. It is not a good government, if it has not ftrcngth and firmnefs enough to reilrain such a faction from kindling a war. Is there one man of our Jacobins who tells you that all goes wrong in America and all goesright in Francc—is there one of them that would not {hake in his (hoes if he had to change his from this opprefied to that free happy conntry ? It is very much doubted, whether a certain eminent French Jacobin, who has figured away for feme time pa ft, will £0 home and expefe his own neck to the danger of his own principles. It will be fafer here, wheie the theory is admired— There it is reduced to pra&ice* PRICE of STOCKS. 6 per cents, 18>fl to 18/°} 3 ditto, lof 2 Deferred, llft IT. S. Bank, 13 per cent, advance, N. A. ditto, 20 ditto ditto. Peanfylvania do. 7 ditto ditto. Congrcfs of the United States. Hovj'c of Rtfrrfcntal'ma. Saturday, Jan. 25, After reading and referring fiindry pe* titions, the house went into committee ot the whole, Mr. Trumbull in the chair,and proceeded in the further difcullion of Mr. MadiUm's refutations refpetting the com merce of the U nitcil t>utts. Mr. Hilllioui'e, Mr. Gilbert, and Mr. S. Smith spoke in opposition ; and Mr. Clark and Mr. Fiiidley in support of the principle entertained in the to ft Resolu tion. The debate continued till 3 o*elc>ck, when progress was reported and the houfc adjourned. FRANCE. MUNICIPALITY of PJRIS. October 19. Lawrens Joseph Andrew Dunand, Priest, Deputy from the Department of Mayon ne, deposits on' the altars of Philofuphy and Equality, his quality of Priell ; per suaded, that the God Nature and Liberty communicates with his children without an intermediary. " May the religion of (laves," said he, " be soon appreciated to its true value by all the Sans Culottes. As to me, 1 fee in the Roman and Conlti tutional Church, nothing the but a King* Nobility, Slaves. I will have nothing left that belongs to that church, not even tr.v name given me at my baptism, by which it was endeavor ed to make either a fool or a rogue of me. My name (hall in future be Tell Dunand." The Council, applauding the principles laid down by Tell Dunand, decrees, " That his letter of prieithood (hall be burned by two children) which was exe cuted immediately ; and that the letters ot Dunand,containing his religious principles (hall be printed and polled up in the streets." SHIP NEWS. Arrivals at Philadelphia• Ship Liberty, Miller, Marcus-Hock, [returned Chtiler, Pfggy. Elliot, Brig Fair Hebe, Brown Kitty, LumUard, Dolphin, Nichols, Sloop Brilliant, Trembles, *#* " Jvfii*-*" * s exceptionally frvcrc —The Jlfthvres on certain gulerncterial ap pointments, are elf cure, mid the incidents un intefejii ngd Sixty Cents Reward. RAN AWAY from on board the Brig Polly, laying at Marcus-fclook on Sunday thr 19th inft. an Apprentice Ladj named JOHN COLLINGS ; 14 years of ape, about 4 feet 1O inches high, a little pitted with the frrall-pox. had on he went away, a red romd-about jneket, blue trowferfc, a round fur hatj black handkerchief, nrw (hoes with square plated buckles. Whoever apprehends the said Lad, (a that his tnafter may pet hitn agaiti, shall be en* titled to the above rew^id. Captain WILLIAM PAUL, Northern Liberties. N. B. All MufteVl of vcffelsare forbid carry* ing him off, or anv person harboring said boy, as they may expc£i to be dealt vyith according to law. Jan. 25. Four Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from his Matter's Service, a negro man, named JERRY } a good fi gure, black completion, and by proftfTion a Cook. JJad on when he went away* a fatlot'* blue jacket and trowfers. Whoever will ap prehend said negro, and give information to the Printer of this Paper, (nail receive Four Dol lars Reward ; Aud all Mailers of Veflels rnd others, are cautioned not to employ him in their service. J jr * 25* War Atlas. This Day is Published, ( Pricey dollar and a half) By MAT HEW CAREY, No. 118, Markct-jlreci, A Collection of Maps, Including the whole of th<* various Seat* of the present War in Europe, viz. i.\ sAP of the United Province*of Holland, iVA Fricfland, Groniengen, Overyffc!, Gli ders, Utrecht, and Zealand. 2. Map of the French, Dutch, znd Auflrian Netherlands. 3. Map of Francc divided into circles and tic jjarlment*, r Map of Spain and Portugal. 5. Map of Germany and Sw (Zetland, N. B. Any of the above Map* may be had leparate. Said Carey has lately publi/bed Account of Algiers—with a . Account of ihe Malignant Fcv.r, 4th cdmon— 3/9 —Dr. NjlTj'i Ticnifc on do.— Jan. 4'.»iw. A Catlii KaWe-de-Gi acs Savannah Port a Paix