Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 25, 1794, Image 1

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    EVENING advertiser.
58 of Vol. V.]
PRICE CURRENT. Jills, a, -DtU.ioCts
»»* — Dollars too Cenis each Ditto pr cafe 50
— Swct-t, be ft, in fla(ks, 10 £
, PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 25, 1794. balkcls, n bpttlc. 10
n 7 Spermaceti pr. gall. 4*
A - Train per barrel. 10 <51
Dlls.Cts. Dili, Ct 1 Wtiaie 2c or.
MCHORS 7 10 „ _ 0 3.
p Allum, Enjlifh, pr.cwt. 433 ' ort< j r P*** ca ' 53^, Roch pr. Ib. t, London, pr.doz ,6c
Afhrs, pot, per ton, no —American d.tto bot.incl. .8,
P«'l, '34 140 7»* *L h, n Pr- bbL . , 173
Arra. k pr. gall. >33 1,6 Pork . Burlingion, pe, barrel, i S
Brandy, common, 100 „ —Lower county
C ™' lc '3° 1 4 r - r~ i. n, ,
»ra,ilmo,pr..on. Jo Albany pr. buihel ,
Brick,, pr. M. 4 7 P r - lb '
•read, (hip, pr.cwt. , 67 P,mtnto lf
Ditto, pilot 5 Raisins, best, pr. keg 7
Ditto, finnll water, per keg 36 40 Ditto pr.jar 3 33
Beer, American, in bottles, Ditto pr. box 333
pr.doz. bottles included, 1 74 Rice pr.cwt. 3 2c
Ditto pr. barrel, 6 R-ofin pr. barrel 2yt
Boards Cedar pr. M feet, 20 Rum, Jamaica,pr. gallon lit
• -New England »(> 14 Antigua 1
— r-Oak 14 16 Windward 8£
—Merchantable pine 20 24 Barbadoes 87
-Sap, do. 10 67 Country, N. E. 6c
~ Mahogany, petfoot 1 ° Salt petrc, pr. cwt. 14 33
The aboveare the (hallop prices, Saffafras pr. ton 6 8
tor the yard price, add 1 dol- Shot ditto 140 14!
lar 33 cents per 1000. Steel, German pr. lb. 9
Brimstone in rolls, pr.cwt. 2 Engli fh,bliftered, pr. cwt. 10
Bfcf, Boston, per barrel JO ji American pr. ton 213 33
• Country ditto 9 10 Crowley's pr. faggot 10 67
Fresh, per cwt. 3.J33 4 na^c lO °t p r - lb. 20 4?
Butter 25 Soap, Brown perlb. f>
in kegs 15 18 White 8
Candles, Sperm. 48 ~~—C-aftile ji
—Wax 53 36 Starch 7
Myrtle Wax 18 Snuff pr. doz. hot. 4 56c
— --Mould, tallow 16 Spcrmaceii, refined, 48
— —Dipped I-! Sailcloth, Englilh,No.i,pr. vard, 4c
Cheese, English, pr. lb. 25 Boston, No. I. ditto 36
—Country 10 12 No. 11. o 5
Chocolatc tfi 18 Sugai Lump, 21
Cinnamon a 40 2 67 Loaf, single refined 22
Cloves 1 3o Ditto, double do. 33
Cocoa pr. cwt. 10 it IlavSnnah, white 12 14
Coffee 16 Dittr>, browt\ 10 11
Coal pr. bushel *4 33 Muscovado, pr. cwt, 9 12
Copperas pr.cwt. 1 6 Spirits Turpentine pr. gallon 27
Cordage, American, per cwt. 9 >o Salt, Allum pf. bushel 80
Cptton 2 7 3" Liverpool 100
m Crurints *2 _ Cadiz 80
Duck, Rutin, pr. pie«e 14 Lisbon 8c
-J!","? . .0 20 Shp W. O. frames p.ton, to
Dntetj fail duck, *8 20 oiiTo Live 0--k* 2a
Feather® pr. lb. 5 C Ditto red cedar, per foot 37 45
'lax ditto 11 12 Shingles,lß inch, per M. 333 367
Flaxfeed pr. bu(h. 8° 9 : Ditto a feel % 6 50 6
Flour, Superfine pr. barrel 6 Ditto 3 fee:, drefled, 13
Common, 5 Staves, Pipe pi. 1000 32
Bur niddlings, belt 5 White Oak hoglhead, 20 33
Meal, Indian * 5 2 Red Oak do. ig -o
-ditto Rye, 3 67 Leogan 21 33
Shfp-ftuff pr. cwt. 1 40 x 67 Barrel 16
Fustic pr. ton, 20 Heading 33
| Gin, Holland, pr. cafe, 466 ski "». Otter, best pr. piece 465
Do. Pr gall. 8s 9° nks 20 40
Glue, pr.cwt. to 1133 g r e y 4 o Bc.
♦ Ginger, white race, perlb. 12 Ditto red 120
Ditto, common 8 ™ [ " lin# *4 *
Ditto, ground *c F'.lhers 33 67
Gmfcng, »o Bears 3
Gunpowder,cannon, pr. q.cafk, 373 4 Racoons 27 60
Ditto, fine glazed 4 Mulk-rats 11 20
Grain, Wheat pr. bufti 100 lic Braver, pr. lb. 67 133
Rye 7c Deer, in hair 20 30
— Oats 35 Tar,N. Jcrfcy, 24 gal. p. bbl. 1
— - Indian corn 56 ——Carolina, 32 gall. 2
'Barley » 1 to Turpentine pi.bbl. f 2
1 Bell (helled pr. lb. 7 Tobacco, J. River, best jooib. 433
-■ -Buckwheat, per bulh. 40 inferior 3 33
imported, pr. ton, 160 * A
American, pr. lb. 5 7 Rappahannock ? 33
Herrings, pr.bbl. 3 Coloured Maryland, 533 8
Hides, raw 9 Dark », r 84°
Hops 13 Long-leaf 2 40
Hoglhead hoops, pr. M. 15 Eaftern-ftiore 2 2 93
. . 11 c Carolina,new 27 3
Indigo, French perlb. 1 67 ol<J «
-Carolina t 180 Tea, Hyson pr. Ib. 93 128
Iron., fad pr. ton, 13333 Hvfonfk n, .3 60
Iron, Callings pr. cwt. , 4 Souchong, ,0 03
= B,r pr ion, 8, 66 __ c |
P'S -5 Bohea, 93 36
Sheet *73 33 Tallow, refined, perlb. 9
Nail rods 100 33 -j-jn p r j- g 7
Junk, pr. cwt. 4 5 Verdigrcafe pr. lb. 60
Lard, hogs pr. lb. Vermillion, do. 132 167
Lead, in pigs pr. cwt. 5 33 5 6/ Varnish, per gallon 33 37
in bars - 7 Wax, Bees 25 27
w^ uc g 7 Whale-bone, long 13 30
Leather, foal, 17 20 Wine, Madeira, pr. pipe, 176 226
3 Lignum vitae pr. ton, 7 £•?_ ~ 120 *26
Logwood 30 gallon 63
Mace 9 £ a y al
Mackarel, bell pr.bbl. 9 Port pr. pipe >13 33
second quality 4 : Ditto in bottles, pr.doz. 4
Madder, best pr. lb. 16 2c Claret 46
Marble, wrought, pr. foot, S 33 267 Sherry pr.gall. 90 1 20
Mast spars ditto 33 Malaga 77 80
Molalfes pr.gall. 33 4« ft , . COURSE OF EXCHANGt
Mustard per. lb. 87 ° n London, at 30 days, per £ .100 ftcrl. 466 J
flour, in bottles, pr.dor. 1 20 at 60 days 463 |
Kails, BJ. iod.i%d. and »04. 10 J at 90 oays 461
Nutmegs pr. lb. J 8 Amftcrdam, 60 days, pr. guilder, 42
Oil, Linseed, pr. gall. 5.5 ~ ?° da y*- 4°
Government bills, drawn at 10 days
v fight, at 42c per guilder.
of tfje Ifltti feii iJMaiili
Saturday, January 25, 175)4.
For the Gazette of the United States.
i Letter to a gentleman in this City.
Paterfon, January 16, 1794.
Dear Sir,
In anfv/er to your enquiry refpeiting tlie
present situation of the Faftorv here, and
the progress made in conftrufting the cot
ton-mill, for water spinning, and the canal
• designed to bring the water on the wheel,
&c. I have to observe to you, that the
cotton-mill is now under cover—the inside
i carpenter work nearly cumpleatcd—the
| large water-wheel is finiihed—and that e
, very part of the building (to accommo
date eight drums that turn 768 spindles,
together with all the neceflary machinery
for preparing the cotton for spinning)
may be calculated on, as out of hand bv
the fiift of May. At that period two
drums may be fafely calculated on as
ready for work ; and that the remaining
fix drums, will be got ready fcr use, as
fact as children can be taught to perform
the working them to advantage.
The mill anil machinery neceflary for
commencing spinning by water, may there
fore fafcly be calculated on as ready for be
ing pnt in operation by May day. As to
the Canal, the part on the rock, designed
to take the water from the natural bed of
the river, is fioifhed, and die flocd gates
ercdied, so at entirely to com
mand the waters of the Paffaick, in
the summer season. The dam across the
gully, below the rock, is also finiihed
and the canal from thence to the mill is in
such a state of forwardnefs as to juftify
very sanguine expectations of its being
compleated in all April; should the spring
prove favorable for working abroad. At
any rate, there seems 110 reason to doubt,
but that the mill will be in work, with
200 spindles, in all the month of May—
and still less reason to doubt of the machi
nery's being conftrufted on the most ap
proved plan ; as the carding, drawing and
roving machines, for preparing cotton for
■ water spinning, are now actually at work,
by means of two horses ; —the rovings
they make are spun into excellent yarns on
mules—of which two are in constant work
for account of the Society. There can
therefore be no reason to doubt the know
ledge or abilities of Mr. M. who superin
tended this Branch. He has heretofore
labored under great embarrafiinents for
want of able mechanics ; but these diffi
culties are daily leflening ; as well from
the arrival of mechanics and machine
makers from Europe, as from those for
merly employed by him, having now
made themselves matters of the different
branches in which he has instructed them.
The completing the machinery forthe mill
is therefore rendered easy and sure ; there
can be no doubt of having the best of ma
chines ready as fact as hands can be taught
to work them. The work which this mill
is calculated to turn out, weekly, will
juftify the most sanguine expectations that
those manufacturers who are daily flock
ing to this free country from the defpo
tifm of Europe, will consider Paterfon as
the mofteligibleplaceforthem tocommence
business a new-that the manufafturesof cot
ton goods of differentkinds.madeby private
adventurers, on their own accounts, will
furnilh a ready market for all the yarns
made at the fattory. This, with the
command of water which the focicty will
have fccured by means of their canal and
dam, and the great number of mill feats
which they may calculate to fell, must in
duce manufacturers of every difcription
to fix themselves here in preference to any
other part of the continent. The fa!e6 of
house lots will be encreafed, and the funds
of the society for active operations there
by augmented; and the expectations which
the public seem to haveformed from fixing
the fa&ory here in some mealure realised.
To convince you this is not all ideal,
I can allure you that a number of prin-
[Whole No. 45)6.]
tcrs, &c. who have lately arrived on this
continent from England and Ireland, have
formed themselves into a company, for the
pnrpofe of bleaching and printing calicoes
and chintz here—and are a&ually at work
with two tables. They perform every
part of the work themselves—suck aj
drawing, cutting, printing, bkrachl n&c.
T hey expect to go very largely into this
business in the fpiing. Another company
have commenced the manllfaflure of Hea
vy Cotton Goods—and a third company
are forming for the msnufafluring of tJo
fcry on an extensive frale; fukahle build
ings being already ere&ed on the lands of
the focicty to accommodate them. Should
these. fuccecd, it will hold out additional
inducements to other adventurers to fix
themfelve6 here ; and thereby greatly pro
mote the views of the stockholders j as
well as augment their funds, extend their
operations and encreafe their intertft*
1 hat this may be the desirable issue of the
business, is the ardent wish of
Dear Sir,
Your mod obedient,
Humble Servant.
P. S. Sundry house lots have beert
already fold, and valuable buildings erect
ed on them. It is expedited that many
applications for house lots will be nude
next spring—and that the building < f
houses on private account will rapidly
* The whole is under the management r f
*'' 7 - Colt, a gentleman every <uray. miclifi*
ed fur the business, and who arf.vers the
mojl sanguine expectations of the Direclori
—and lam convinced ihat the lujnrfs null
have every advantage, from his ajjiduity
and care, of an individual's concern.
NEW-YORK, J a „, 22,
We are extremely happy to inform the
public, that the Amboy pafTage boat,
which left this city the 26111 of December
last, and which was fa id to have been lcil
on Long-Iflatid, was, after having been
eleven days at sea, drove into Martha's
Vineyard, after experiencing the gieateft
imaginable distress, both for the want of
provi (ions, as well as from bad weather,
which obliged them to cut away her mat
The lives of all, however, (one child ex
cepted) have been providentially preser
ved This grateful intelligence comes
by Captain White, from St. Thomas's,
who put in at Martha's Vineyard, in dis
tress, for v. ant of provisions—He bro't
with him all the paflengcrs of the Am
boy boat.
Pennfytvania Hcfpitui Ift Mo. 15,
THE Contributors are requested to
meet at the Hospital on qd day' ti c 2Sth
inft. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, to ex
amine a ground plan, with fevcril esti
mates of the buildings, which are pVio
fed to be extended to accommodate a
greater number of Lunatic Patiel ts, and
for other uses. Also to d'.'t f* mine the
propriety of building the enluing i"eaf>-,n.
By orch't of a bout ti of Hfn na a t'vs.
iV. B. Tht Prinhrs of the A'ezvs-Pa
pers in this City, ivill -lliy A* Cmtrila
tors, ly inferring the ain't .
Op* The Sibfcriptions far this Paper ere
rapidly enerenfirg. Upwards of Five Hun
dred arejlr uck. off daily.
Adveftifing favors from the friends and
patrons of the Publication, rre rei r fiefi, r ti''t
foMted. ' JI J " J
A lnrgc elegant House,
and Lot of Ground,
IN au e - i"i *lp fituatioi',—;,!lb a Country Cent
within 6 miles of the City, niHi 9 :irin i>f
land, or 42 acres of land :,.d tneadnv t:
tioufe is <• bymany it: tie vie ii'iy
of tile cit>, in (ir-e or en,
For term* app'y to the printer.
January '23.
■ < J -wrisi}?nent.