Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 24, 1794, Image 4

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    just Imported,
Front LuNDONt flusiiN ami Glasgoit,
\ ,0 (•%!«*' opening
sit No. 118, Market Jlrcrt,
A n-K.ft arc t.\e foin>w».g
Nr c: :► Ke.rutf. f'.r l 792
I Eu:';v)«ini Magazine so: the firft >*
months of 1793
Gmtwns decline ami fill oftlw Rnma.ilun|wre
Memoirs of rhe Manrhctter locicty, 3 vols.
Priettlv on matter and ipint
on chrill unity
Disney's lite of Dr. Jortjn
Kingvillc's ancient geography
D' A'toirs of Guy Joli
Msfinfv. .1 Collection of effa.ys
Varieof PrufTia's wo- k*
Calm obiervei —by Mackintosh
R ulleff's ancient and mode n Europe
Langhorne's Plutarch
Elegant extracts, fuperMy gilt
Elegant extiaft": of natural n'itory
Saugnfcr and griffon's voyage
Rachon's v.age to Madagaicar
Townfend's travels in Spain
TaflVs Jexufalem del vercd
SineMie's tra llario" ot Buifon
Berwick's hifloi v of quadrupeds
Butfon abridged
History of l)»rt|s
PhilioVs history of inland navigation
Hooper's rational recreations
History offiance, m 3 vols.
Curiolitie . of literatuie, 3 vol".
\V hi taker's dite >ce of queen Mary
Sheridan', dictionary. 2 volt.
Don'! history of Hindotlan
Sketches of the Hindoos
Key. to polite litera'.u'e.
Imlay's d- r cription ot K.ntucky
Present state of Nova-Scotia
Present state of Hudson's Bay
Preston 011 masonry
Lavater on abridge#
Zimmerman's survey
Murphy's life i>f D • John's!
Necker on executive power
Kiifes of Secundrts
Gallery of portraits
Volney's ruins of empires
— Travels
Vo'i J r's t>aveb, with foperb e.sgravinp
Adair's history of American Indians
Benington on matenaiifm and immaterial ilm
c'iold's advice to patriotic travellers
Bunder's rnagaxine
Complete farmer
Chandon's life ot»"V oltaire
De N'oi-N trave'
Franklin's lite ard works
Grozier's dctcriptioii of China
Murphy's tranflat'.on ot Tacitus
Godwin on poltical justice
Gazetteer of France, 3 w '°' Sv
Helvctius on man
Kajmes's (ketches of the history of man
Lih-i al opinion., or the history ot Benignm
Mawe's gardener's dictionary
Noble's memoirs of-the Cromwell family
Playhouse dictionary
R.everies of fol'itude
Smith'* theory of moral sentiments
Stackhnuftj's iiiftory of the bible
Wat(oa's life of Philip lid. &: IHd.
Wonders of nature and art, 6 vols.
Win ley's wonders of the little world, ca.led
Wall s on the prevention of diseases
Moore's journal in France
Cox's travels into Denmark, Ruflia,Polaiji,&c.
Cox's 'ravels into Switzerland
Rabat's hiflory ot't'ne French revolution
Life of Lord Chatham
Ma let's northern antiquities
Motherby's medical di^.onary
Gr'gg's advice to females
Hamilton's outlines of the pra&ice of mid-
Manning's practice of phytic
Gleglnjin'* diseases of Minorca
lone* 011 the mufcies
Pott's works
Fourcroy's chemistry
A«"mftrmg on d It*ales of children
Quincy's d fpenfotory
Edinburgh dispensatory
Lewis's dispensatory
Rvaii on the aftlima
Robe*-tfon's treatise on feverl
Lees botany,
Leake on the viscera
Leake on diseases of women
Gardiner on the animal economy
Lewis's Mate ia Medica
Fordvce on digestion
Withering on the fox glove
Lind on the difealcs of heat
Monro on diseases of armies
Hallei's phvfiology
Spalanzane's d.flertatimis
London practice of phytic
Bell's forgery
Chaptal's cbemiftry.
MONEY borrowed or loaned, account# da
ted or eollr&ed, employers fuiied with
doracttics, house rooms, boarding and lodging
mled let or procured—fold it i 's, mariner's,
or militia men's pay, lands and claims on the
public ; lhaies in the banks, in «liecanalf, and
the tutnpiKe road . certifiralct granted by the
public, and the old and late paper monies;
notes <■! h«nd, bills, bonds and morgages, with
or without depo'iu—Bought, fold, or rego
ciared at No. 8, in south Sixth street, below
Market-ftrect by FRANCIS WHITE,
Who tranfa&i business in th» public offisei for
country people and others, by virtue of a pow
er of attorney, or by peifoaal application.
Occcmber 11.
George Bringhurft,
In Mulberry (Arch) between Fourth and Fifth
Streets, adjoining the Episcopal burying-
this opportunity of returning his
I grateful thanks to his former employers,
and leqaifting their future favors, as well as
tiiol'e ot the public in general.
He continue. to make and repair at the
shortest notice, aif kinds,of pleasure carriages,
Juc'i ,as coacrw: , chariots, pfstr'diis with a d
without craibe necks, dntiies, kittc-
Te'*ns, windior fulkeys and chaiis, and hai nels
o'. evwy detci iptioi., in the ntatcll and'ne*\tit
'fa (hi on now prevailing mi the United Stares.
And as he has a quantity of the best fcafoned
wood by him, and capital workmen, he has
not the least dou >t but he will be able to give
latisfaftion to ttto e to employ him.
He lias for sale, fevcral carriages almost
finiflied, such as coattiee.*, an Italian wind for
chair, hung on steel springs, a ligl't photon tor
ant or two horses, and a fulkey with a falling
Carriages fold on C.ommiffion.
h"ii|aHelphi;«, ]an. 6. i~qV- rt\i>rt3m
A LL persons having any demand against
11 the Eftare and Effects of* Mrs. MARY
SINDiIEY, widow, late of Frankford, Ox
ford townftiip, in rile State of Pennfyivania,
iiepeafed; are desired to produce their ac
counts t » Jacos Lew* and William Creed,
(in Frank lord, afiareTaid,) Executors and Ad
mimftfiito«*s <>f the above in oider for feitle-
iaent. And whoever i* indebted to laid El
iMcyStc. are req.ucft.ed to m«-k«J payment to
t'ie ut'orel'aid Administrators, on or before the
t&th'ctf March, 1794, or they will be dealt
Fra iJtford, D r. 16.
No. 16, W«U-ftrect, New-York
TH si Ntow 1 'o loiihn? h'mfelf
entirely to tic PURCHASE & SALE; op
STOCKS on COMMISSION, leavelo of
} r h'.s trvicesto his iriends and othets, in the
line ol * Stock Broker. Thofc who raay please
to favor htm wilh fheir Imfioefa, may drpfitd
upon naving it tranfaQcd wuh the L tnoll fide
lity and dn paten.
Ouierv from Philadelphia, Boston, or any
other part ol the.United State*, will l»e llnclly
attended to. LEONARD BLi-fcCKhR.
Encyclopedia, Vol. X.
Bookliller, at the Stone House, in Second
ftre&t Philadelphia.
Encyclopedia ; or Dictionary
Of A ts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous
Literatuie, on a Plan entirely new ;
The Different Sciences and Arts,
are digefiid into the form of
Diftindt Trearvs or Sytfenis :
THIS volume contains principles of Level*,
Liberty, Do&iine of Light, Lightning,
Locks, Logarithms, Logic, Hiltory of Lon-
don, Longicude. Luther, Lydia, Macedon,
Madagascar, Magic, Magnetism, Malts, His
tory of Man, Marriage, Mary, Maryland,
Masonry, Materia Medica, Meadow, Mecha
nics, with a great variety of Biographical and
Miscellaneous articles, illuiiratid with Twen
ty two Copperplates.
As a number ol families are still in the
country, and it is not generally known who
arere'urned. T. Dobfon, solicits the favor
of the fubferibers to call or fend for their vo
lume* s, that they may be supplied as early as
The tenth volume of the Encyclopedia is
now pre fen ted to the public ; but as it makes
its appearance in an imperfect state, foiuc ac
coun i of the reason <>f that imperfection Ibould
be the Bth of September last, the
Pnbliiher had the misfortune of having his
Printing Office burnt down by a fire which
broke out in the neighbourhood, and a great
quantity of his printing materials destroyed,
and among other articles, the Figuees, with
which he was printing the tables of lo
garithms, belonging to the prelent volume,
were melted down by the violence of the fire.
As a supply of thefc could not be immediately
obtained, he was under the neceffitv of pub
lifting the volume without the c taslbs; but
hopes he dial! be able to publifli them with the
next volume which is now in considerable for-
The Publisher embraces this opportunity of
exprefling his grateful acknowledgments to
the generous public, for the very liberal pa
tronage with which his undertaking has
honored; at the fame time lie takes the Ji-
berty of representing to ftich of the fubferibers
as are in arrears, the indifpenfrble necefllry of
pun&uality, both in taking up (he volumes as
early as portible after publication, and of pay
ing for them \yhen taken. Many of the sub-
fcribers having got only one, two, thiee, See.
volumes, and several volumes remain vkpaid.
Thus the work hangs in all its different Cages
from the coaunencemcr.t; and though the im
portance of a few dollars may be but a trifle
to the individuals, yet the accumulation of
these triples unpaid fays the Publisher under
very feriou* embarraflment, and deprives him
of the use of many Thonfands of Dollars which
at this time would be of very eflential service.
For tbefc reasons the Publilher finds himfelf
under the neceflHy of recurring to the original
terms of publication, and in future no vo
lumes will be delivered but only to those who
take and pay to the time of publication.
Dccemfrci I#.
A New Publication.
And 16 be fold by
No. 23, MarketJlreet,
Held at Philadelphia, for promoting Ufcfnl
Knowledge, Vol. 3. Pncc tofinlmarii
CT The subscribers are requested to call I
sis above directed for the 3d vo '* w ' icrc ma y
be had, complete setts uniformly printed.
Contents of Vol. 3d.
1. An efiay 011 tliole enquiries in Natu'al Ph*-
loiopliy, which at present areltioft benefiei
al to the United States of North America.
Dr. KicUlai Collin,
2. Conje&nres concerning the formation of
the earth, fee. Dr. B. Franklin.
3. A new and curious theory of Light and
Heat. Dr. B. Franklin.
4. Defcript'on of the process to be observed
in making large facet* ot paper in the Chi
nese manner} with on® smooth furface.
Dr. B. Frai kfin.
5. Queries and conjectures relative to Mag
netism, and the theory of the Earth.
Dr. B. Frank/m.
6. Explanation of a lingular phenomenon, firft
observed by Dr Franklin, and not latislac
to rjjy accounted for. Mr. R. Pattsrjon.
7. An account of an Earthy found
near the falls of Niagara and vulgarly cal
led the Spray of the Falls; together with
some remarks on the Falls.
Robert Kl'CauJin, M. D.
8. Obfervat'ons on the probabilities of the
j duration of Human Life, and the progrels
of population, in the United Stales of Ame
rica. H'l/ham lUiloh y Fjq.
9. A letter containing observations made at
Lake Erie, on that lingular phenomenon,
by teamen termed looming.
Andretv illicit EJq.
ID. An Account of the Sugar Maple-'1 rec
of the United States, and of the methods
of o'btain'u'g Sugar from it, together with
observations upon the ad vantages both pub
lic and privSte of this Sugar.
Benjamin Rujk> M D.
tt. IWeqioir on the use of the Thermometer
in difcoveiing Banks, Soundings, &.(■
Jonathan ni'ficms, Esq.
•2. An Account of the most efle«slual means
of preventing the deleterious confequencei
of the bite of the Crotalus Horrid us,, or Rat
tle Snake. Henyartrin Bartgn, M. D.
j3. Magnetic Oblervations, made at the Uni
vcrfity of Cambridge, (Maftachu'rttiJ
Dr. S. WiHu ns.
14. Accurate determination of the right af
cenHon and declination of Bootes, and the
Pole Star. Andrew EUicoit, EJf
-15. Account of several Houses in Philadelphia,
{buck with Lightning, on June 7th, 1789.
David Rittcnhoufe, £fq
-16. An Account of the efieAs of a ltroke of
Lightning on a Houle furniflied with.two
Condn Divid Rittcnkeufc, and Francis
Hjpkinf 9», Efyts.
17. Experiments and Observations on Evapo
ration in cold Air. C. M. D.
18. Postscript to Mr. Barton's Letter, to
Dr. Rittenhoufe, of the 17, of March, 1791.
19. New Notation of Music.
Mr. R. Patwfon.
20. Observations on the Theory of Water
Mills, &c. W. Waring.
19. Agronomical Observations.
David Riitcyhovfe.
23. A letter relative to a method of find tog
the sum of the feveial powers of the Sines,
Bsc. David Rittcnhoufc, Esq.
21. Index Florae Lancaftrienfis.
Hen J ico Muhlenberg, D. D.
22. Investigation of the power of Dr. Bar
ker's Mill, as Jaines Ruuiley,
with a description of the null. Waring.
23. A Thermometrical Journal of the tern
-perattjre of the Atmosphere and Sea, 00 a
voyage to and from Oporto, wirk explana
tory observations thereon.
'Jonathan Wiliiamj, Esq.
24. Fi ft memoir of observations on the plants
denominated Cryptogamick.
M. Dc Beauvois.
25. A letter, containing obfer»ations 011 the
ancient typrks of Arr, the Native Inhabi
tants, See. of the Wefteni Country.
Major Jonathan Heart.
26. An account of some ot' the principal dies
employed by the North American Indians.
ExtredYedby the late Mr. Hugh. Martiv
-2- An account of the beneficial effects of the
Caflia Chamsecrifta in recruiting worn-out
lauds, and in enriching such as are natural
ly poor ; together with a botanical descrip
tion of the plant.
Jamei Gr err way of Virginia.
28. An account of a hill 011 the borders of
North Carolina, fuppofcd to have been a
volcanQ, irt a letter from a Continental of
ficer, t<» Dr. J. Grtenuay, Virginia.
29. An Account of a poitonous plant, grow
ing spontaneously in the tot*! hern part of
Virginia. Extracted from a paper by
Dr. Jama Greetrwav, Virginia.
30. Description of a Machine for roealir ing a ■
(hip's way. Ftardt Htpki-Jon. Ffy.
31. An Inquiry into the question, whether*he
Apis Mellifica, or tiue Honey-Bee, is a na
tive of America. Benjamin Smith Bartcr, t M.D.
32. An Account of a Comer.
David RitUnhtmfe, IJq.
33. Cadmus or a Treatifeon the Elements cf
Written Language, luftratinp, by a Pliilo
fophical division of Speech, the power of
each chara&ei, thereby mutually fixirg the
Orthography and Orthoepv. With an Essay
on the of teaduog the Deaf, or Suul
and confeqoentlv ,Domb to speak, byWnv
Thornton, M. D. Honored with the Ma
gellanic Oold Medal, by the PbilofophieMl
Society, in December, 1 1 -
Cddmni u printed in a fine 8. vol. aad told
by tire Pub!ifiler hereof.
i_l. "oblervatio:n oil the Tfceory of Water-
Mills. If
js An Improvement on Metalic
or Lightning rod-.. Mr. Roltrt FtUctJon.
Honored with the Magellanic Premium, by
an Award of the Society in December 1 791.
36. An easy and expeditious methoil i f <rif
fipating the «oxious Vapour cTSlllrtsunlT
found in Wells and other fubten anemis
places. Ucnticr Rftitfim, hjq.
37. A method of draining Poods in level
grounds. .7# Higgim.
JB. Observations on the severity of the win
ter, 1779, 178 a. Ktn, M*tthvw. Kit/on.
39- A Description of a new Standard for
Weights and Measures; io a letter from
Mr. John Cooks, of Tipperiry in Ireland.
40 DeCcription of a SpriNc-BioCK, deligned
to aflilt .1 VelTel in failing. F rutin ttofkh-
Jot, t'-fa- Honored with the Magellan*
Gold Medal, i>y a" Award ol' the Society
in December 179-'
December 20.
FOR the benefit of those who maybe con
cerned it may not be improper to notict,
that the United States, by their Ast of the i*ti»
of February 1793» ordered that all Claims of
the description cherein mentioned, arfd which
originated previous to the 4th of March I 789.:
be profented at the Treasury 011 or before tire
firft day of Ma> otherwise they wrH
44 for ever thereafter, be barred, and exvlu
*4 ded from lettlement or allowance/' And
as there inav be several Creditors of the Uni
ted States, holding Certificate's or other Se
curities, which form a part of the Donreftic
f)ebt, and who wish to fubl'cribe to tbe Loan,
they are reminded that the term for receiving
fub'.criptions at the Trealury, is by the Ast cl
the Un.ited States, pafled the second of March
last, e?ttenflcd to the la 1 ft day of June, 1794.
'.The following is an extaci from tljtf
Limitation above referredto :
Sictiok I. 44 Be it enacted hv the Senate
ami House of Reprefent-atives of the United
Stages of America, in Con£re'fs Sflenibled—
That all claims upon the United States, for
Services or Supplier, or for «>tl t*r canfc, mat
tef or thing, furnifhed or done, previous to
,the 4th day of March 1789, whether sou' dod
upon Certificates, or other w ri t ten doty men ts
from Public Officer* or otherwise, which have
not already been barred by any Ast of Limi
tation, and which fliall not be prefcntcd at
t!>e Trealury before the si ft day of Maj 1 794,
(hall forever after be barred and prescribed
from settlement or allowance : Provided,
•"that nothing herein contained, shall be con
st ued to affaft Loar-Ofrlce Certificates, Cer*
tificates of Final Settlements, Indents ot" ln
teraft, in the books of the
regrftfcr of tUftt' "uty commonly called regif*
tered certifW* ' <ns of monies obtained in
foreign coflr . ?»r certificates iflued pursu
ant to the k ititied 44 An Ast, makingpro
vifion for k ' ;cbt of the Uutted States.
) pi Y virtue ofa Writ tome
Suflex County, (T. $ JD dtie£hd, Ulucd out of
the High Court ol Chancery of New- Jersey, at
the fait of 'William Shipley agaioil Jonn M:ng
and other*; I (hall cxpofe to (ale at Public Ven
due, on the sixth day ol Eebruaiy next, bet * em
the hours of Twelve and five in the Afternoon
of the (amp day, on the Premise*, the following
defciibed Trad of Land, with its apppttenancrs,
fittiate in the Towuthip o* Oxtord and County
ot Suflex, beginning at a Chefnut Oak Tiee, coi
ner ol Daniel Cox's land, and li nding in the
line of 9 former fuivey made to Thomas Steveu
i foo, being marked with the letter B. and then «
emending along Coxt's line (fi'ftj loulh"fiftyße
grets weft 6:ty.-ftve chains and fevcniy-five Unks
to a Black Oak Treecorner 61 Joseph Shipper's
land (second) fou.h nine dcgiees and fifteui mj
nutcs. weft ninety chains and fatty five IL.ks u*
a foi ked White Oak Tree, ma< kt 1 with tht let
ters P and H another of the said SnippcuN cor
ners (third) thence north eighty degrees, east one
hundred and foTty-fivs chains, to a post on the
southerly fide of Paquaollr-Rivei, bong al(© a
corner ol John Reading's land (fourth} thmce
north thuiy-nine oc bundled
and thirty-two chains, to the pl-ce of beg'ijnng,
containing nine hundred and thiity acres with
the u'ual .allowance £or roads and high ways—
The fame Premise? are withm rrghj miles ol the
River Delaware, and theieis thereof aconveai
ent Grift Mill >yi;h two pair of StObfc*—a Saw
M il in good repair, with a fu&cieui ftreain of
water for rheir uft—a Dwelling House. Store
House, and several CmaH buildings.
Dated 2ad day nf July. 17Q3.
This day is publjjhed\
No. I 18, Ma«RIT.4T r e*t,
(Price a quarter dollar)
A short account of ALGIERS,
Containing a dclcnplion ol I be climate ot lhac
country —ol the mamieis and cuAoma of the io
habuants, and ol their Irveial «.ais aga.nft Spain,
Hnnci-, England, Holland, Venice, and other
oowfis ol Europe, Itom the ulurpalion ol Bar
barr Isa and t ie r.' 'li''" of the hupe'Or CtijilrJ
V. to the wcknt time ; »ilh a cooclfc view of
iheoiijin "I iht iuh !u " I-ciw«ii ALGItRS
Jan. 9.
Printed bt JOHN FENNO, No. j.
\ juth Fourtk-Stirct.