fuft Imported, From London, Dublin and Glasgow, And now opening for lale, by MATHEW CAREY, At No. 118, Marltt Jlrcct, A Large and Valuable COLLECTION OF BOOKS, Among which are the following Nc.:V Annual Remitter for 1792 European Magazine for the fir ft fix months of 1793 Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire Memoirs of the Manchester society, 3 vols. Priestly on matter and fpir.lt on chriOianity Disney's life of Dr. Jortin Kingville's ancient geography D'Anoirs of Guy Joli Mc-inty, a collection of efTays Varieof Pruflia's works Calm obfei vei—by Mackintosh Ruil'-ll's ancient and mode n Europe Langhome's Plutarch Elegant extracts, superbly gilt Elegant extract* of natural history Sauguicr and Briflon's voyage Rochon's voyage to Madagascar Townfend's travels in Spain Taflo'j Jerusalem delivered Smellie's tranflatior of BufFon Berwick's hiiioty of quadrupeds Buffon abridged History of birds Philips** history of inland navigation Hooper's Rational recreations History of France, in 3 vols. Curiosities of literature, 3 vols. Whit.iker's dtfence of queen Mary Sheridan'* di&ionary, 2 vols. Dow's history of Hindoftan Sketches of the Hindoos Key to polite literature. Imlay's description of Kentucky Present state of Nova-Scotia Present state of Hudson's Bay Preston on masonry Lavater on physiognomy, abridged Zimmerman's survey Murphy's life of Dr. Johnson Necker on executive power Kilfes of Secundus Gallery of portraits Volney's ruins of empires Vaillaint's trajr&ls, with superb engravings Downman infancy Adair's history of American Indians Benington on mat,erialifni and immarerialifm Berchold's patriotic travellers Builder's majrp^ine Complete farmer Oratidorr's life of Voltaire De Nou's travels Frankl'n's life and works Grozier's description of China Murphy's tranflarion of Tacitus Godwin on pol tical justice Gazetteer of France, 3 vol*. Helvetius on man Kaimes's (ketches of the history of man Lib rat opinion?, or the history of Benignus Mawe's Hardener's dictionary Noble's memoirs of the Cromwell family Playhouse dictionary Reveries of fotitude Smith's theory of moral sentiment* Stackhoufe's history of the bible Watson's life of Philip lid. & Hid. Wonders of nature and art, 6 vols. Wan ley's wonders of the little world, called man Wall s on the prevention of diseases Moore's journal in France Cox's travels into Denmark,Ruffia,Poland,&c. Cox's travels into Switzerland Rabant's history of toe French revolution Xife of Lord Chatham Mallet's northern antiquities Motherby's medical dictionary Grigg's advice to females Hamilton's oatlines of the practice of mid wifery Manning's pra&ice of phytic Cleghorn's diseases of Minorca Innes on the mufcies Pott's works Fourcroy's chemistry Armstrong on diseases of children Quincy's d fpenfatory Edinburgh dispensatory lewis's dispensatory Ryan on the asthma Robertfbn's treatise on fevers Lees botany, k Leake on the viscera Leake on diseases of women VichoWbn's chemistry Gardiner on the animal economy Lewis's Materia Medica Fordvce on digestion Withering on the fox glove Lind on the diseases of heat Monro on diseases of armies Hnller's physiology Spalanzane'a dillertations London pra&ice of phytic Bell's surgery Chaptal's chemistry. MONEY borrowed or leaned, accounts Ra ted or collected, employers suited with domestics, houfc rooms, boarding and lodging •emed, let or procured-foldier's, manner's or militia men'j pay, lands and claims on the public ; (harea in the hanks, in ihecanals, and •he turnpike road ; certificates granted by the public, and the old and late paper monies • notes of hand, hills, bonds and morgages, with »r without depofiti—Bought, fold, 0 r cem ented al No. 8, in fouih Si>th-ftreet, below Market-ft.cn by FRANCIS WHITE, Whotranfaft. business in tha public offi.ea for country people and others, by virtue of a pow •r n» attorney, or by perfonil application. December 11 d George Bringhurft, COACH-MAKER, In Mulberry (Arch) between Fourth and Fifth Streets, adjoining the Episcopal burying, ground, TAKES this opportunity of returning his grateful thanks to his former employers, and requesting their future favors, as well as those of the public in general. He continues to make and repair at the shortest notice, all kinds of pleasure carriages, such as coaches, chariots, phaetons with and without crane necks, coathees, chaises, kitte reens, windsor fulkeys and chaits, and hurnefs of evary description, in the neatcft and newest fafhion now prevailing in the United States. And as he has a quantity of the best foa Poned wood by hiin, and capital workmen, he has not the least dou'»t but he will be able to give fathfa&ion to tbofe whopleale to employ him He has for sale, several carriages alinoft finifhed, such as coachees, an Italian windsor chair, hung on steel springs, a light phaeton for one or two horses, and a fulkey with a falling top. Carriages fold on Commission, Philadelphia, |an. 6, 1794. m&*3m ALL per funs having any demand against the Ellate and Eftetts of Mrs. MARY SINDREY, widow, late of Frankford, Ox ford township, in the State of Pennsylvania, deceased; are desired to produce their ac counts to Jacob Lesher and William Creed, (in Frankford, uforefaid,) Executors and Ad ministrators oi the above in order for settle ment. And whoever is indebted to said Es tate, Sec. are requested to make payment to the aforefaid Administrators, on or before the 16 th of March, 1794, or they will be dealt with according to law. Frankford, Dec. 16, Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-street, New-York. THE Subfcribar intending to eonfinr hitnfelf entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION, brt, and deprives him of the nfe of many Thousands of Dollars which at (hit time would be of very eflential ferrice For these reasons the Publilher finds himfelf under the neceflity of recurring to the original terms of publication, and ia future no vo lumes will be delivered but »nlv to thsfe who take and pay to the time of publication. C««lKr .1. ~W UJ A New Publication JUST PUBLISHED, Aud to be fold by R. A IT KEN, No. 22, MarketJlrcet, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AME RICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Held at Philadelphia, for promoting Ufirful Knowledge, Vol. 3. Pi ice tof in boards The fubferibers are requeued to call as above directed for the 3d vol. where may be had, complete setts uniformly printed. Contents of Vol. 3d. 1. An essay on those enquiries in Natural Phi losophy, which at prelent are mod benefici al to the United States of North America. Dr. Nicholas Collin, 2. Conjeiftures concerning the formation of the earth, &c. Dr. B. Franklin. 3. A new and curious theory of Light and Heat. Dr. B. Franklin. 4- Description of the process to be obfirrved in making large (heetsof paper in the Chi nese manner, with one smooth furface. Br. B. Franklin. 5. Queries and conjectures relative to Mag netism, and the theory of the Earth. Dr. B. Franklin. 6. Explanation of a lingular phenomenon, firft observed by Dr Franklin, and not fatisfac torily accounted for. Mr. R. Fatterjon. 7. An account of an Earthy Substance found near the falls of Niagara and vulgarly cal led the Spray of the Falls; together with some remarks on the Falls. Robert M k CauJiny M. D. 8. Observations on the probabilities yf the duration of Human Life, and the progress of population,in-the United Sratesof Ame rica. Hi 11 tan Barton, Eft. 9* A letter containing observations made at Lake Erie, on that lingular phenomenon, by seamen termed looming. And rem Ellicot Eft. 10. An Account of the Sugar Maple-Tree of the United States, and of the methods of obtaining Sugar from it, together with observations upon the ad vantages both pub lic and private of this Sugar. Benjamin Rush y M.D. 11. Memoir on the use of the Thermometer in difeovering Banks, Soundings, Jonathan Willigms, Esq. 12. An Account of the most effectual means of preventing the deleterious confcquences of the bite of the Crotalus Horridus, or Rat tle Snake. fie„ja)nin Smith Barton, M. D. »3- Magnetic Observations, made at the Uni versity of Cambridge, (MafTachufetts.) Dr. S. H'lllia.fgs. 14. Accurate determination of the right af eenfion and declination of Bootes, and tho Pole Star. Andrew Ellkott, Eft. 15- Account of several Houses in Philadelphia, struck with Lightning, on June 7 th, 1789. David Rittetihouf,>, Eft. 16. An Account of the effe&t of a stroke of Lightning on a Houle furnilhed with two Conductors. David Rittenhoiifc, and Francis Hopkinfon, Eftrs. t&ftf. 17. Experiments and Observations on Evapo ration in cold Air. C. Wijiaxy M. 18. Postscript to Mr. Barton's Letter 'to Dr. Rittenhnufe, of the 17, of March, i 7 91. 19. New Notation of Music. ASr. /?. Patterfon. 20. Obfervationt on the Theory of Water Mill*, &rc. W. Waring. 19. Agronomical Obfervationr. David Rittcnhcvfc, 2D. A letter relative to a method of finding the sum of the several powers of the Sines, c * David Rittcnhoufcy Esq. 21. Index Florae Lancaftrieufis. Henrko Muhitnlcrg, D. D. 22. Investigation of the power of X)r. Bar ker's Mill, as improved by James Rumfey, with a description of the mill. W. baring. 23. A Thermometrical Journal of the tem perature of the Atmosphere and Sea, on a voyage to and from Oporto, with explana tory observations thereon. Jonathan Williams, Eftj. 24. First memoir oftjofervations on the plants denominated Cryptogamick. M. Dc Beauvois. 25. A letter, containing observations on the ancient works of Art, the Native Inhabu tants, &c. of the Western Country. Major Jonathan Htart. 26. An account of fonie of the principal dies employed by the North American Indians. Extracted by the late Mr. Hugh Martin. 27. An account of" the beneficial etfe&s of the C.aflia Chamzcrifta in recruiting worn-out lands, and in enriching fnch as are natural, ly poor ; together with a botanical descrip tion of the plant. Javtel Grcentvay tf Virginia. 18. An account of a hill on the borders of North Carolina, supposed to have been a volcano, in a letter from a Continental of ficer, to Dr. J. Greeitway, Virginia. 29. An Accouotof a poilonnus plant, grow ing spontaneously in the southern part of Virginia. Extracted from a paper by . / )r - 7am, Grrnwav, Virginia, 30. Description ol a Machine for meafiinna a fiiip's way. Fr.nci, H,pk,nJon, ffq. 3 t. An Inquiry into the question, whether (he Apis Meliifica, or true Honev-Bee, is a na five of America. Benjamin M J)/iton,M.l). 33. An Account of a o>mer. David Rittcnhnfi, Ift. 33. Cadmus or a Treatifeon the Elements of Written Language, illustrating, by a Philo fophica! divi/ion of Speech, rhe power of each character, thereby mutually fixing the Orthography and Orthoepy. With an EfTay «n the mode »f teacliin S the Deaf, or Spid 1 and coi&qnently >Dumb to fpesk, by \v.-„ Thornton, M. D. Honored with the Ma gellanic Gold Medal, by the Philolophicul Society, in December, 1792 N, j> Cadmu is printed in a fiitg 8. vol. and fold by the Publilher hereof. 34- Obfervatiom on the Theory of Water Mills. ly ' 35- An ImproTem'iit on Metalic ConduftorT or Lightning-rods. Mr. Ktht: Vau,rj,r Honored with the Magellanic Premium by an Award of the Society in December i ;'o2. 36. and expeditious method rf'dif fipating the noxious Vapour commonlT found in Well, and other fubterraneons P ,ac "- Ucneztr Roiinfon, tfy. 37- A method of draining Ponds in level grounds. J e jj r 38. Observations on the severity of the win ®er» >779. 1780. Rev. AUti/iew WHJor.t 39- A . Description of a new Standard for Weight! and Measures; io a letter from Mr. John Cooke, of Tippet ary in Ireland 43, Defcripiion of a Sprino-Block, designed to aflift a VeJTel in failing, friven Hopkin. fan, EJtj. Honored with the Magellanic Gold Medal, by an Award of the Societv in December 1790. Dcamber 21. ADVERTISEMENT the benefit of those who maybe con- X cerned it may not be improper to notice, that the United States, bytheirAft ofthe l»tb of February 1793, ordered that all Claims of the description therein mentioned, and which originated previous to the 4th of March 1789: be profented at the Treasury on or before the tint day of May 1794, otherwise they will for ever thereafter, be barred, and exclu ded from settlement or allowance." And as there may be several Creditors ofthe Uni ted States, holding Certificates or other Se curities, which form » part of the Domeftie Debt, and who wifti to fubferibe to the Loan they are reminded that the term for receiving fubferiptions at the Treasury, is by the Ast of the United States, pal Ted thefecond of March lair, extended to the last day of June, 1794. The following is an extaft from the Ast of Limitation above referred to : Section I. "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Mates of America, in Congress a/Tembled— That all claims upon the United States, for Services or Supplier, or for t*fher cause, mat ter or thing, furnifhed or done, previous to the 4th day of March 1789, whether founded upon Certificates, or other written document* from Public Officers or otherwise, which have not already been barred by any Ast of Limi tation, and which ihall not be presented at Treasury before the firft day of May 1794 lhall for ever after be barred and prescribed from settlement or allowance : Provided that nothing herein contained, shall be con! ft rued to sffeft Loan-Office Certificates, Cer tificates of Final Settlements, Indents of Ip tercft, Balances entered in the books of the register of the treasury commonly called regis tered certificates,loans of monies obtained in foreign countries, or certificates ifTued pursu ant to the Ast, intitled u An Ast, making pro vision for the Debt of the United States. advertisement. ?Jr i VI R virtue of a Writ to tmt Suflex Couuty. (T. 5 Ddirefted, iJTucd out of the Court of Chancery ol New- Icrfcv, at the suit of William Shipley against John Mina and otbeis; I (hall expofc to Meat hi bin Ven due, on the sixth day of February next, between the hours of Twelve and Five in the Afternoon ol .he lame day, on the Pr.mtfe.,th« followin. defer,bed Traflof Land, with it. appurtenance, situate m the Townlhip of Oxford and County o. SulTex, beginning at a Cbefnut Oak Tree, cor ncr ot Darnel Cox's land, and ft.mding in the line of a foimer survey made to Thomas Steven, foo, being marked with the letter B. and thenre extending along C»xe's line (firft) lomh filty de grees weg fifry.fi,e chain, and (evenly.five link» to a Black Oak Tre.corner ol Joseph Shippen"* land (Tccond) south nine degrees and fifteen mi nutes, weft ninety chains and sixty fi,e links to a forked Whitt Oak Tree, marked with the let ters R and K another of the said Sbippen'i cor ner. (third) thence north eighty degrees call one hundred and forty.fiv; chains, t. , po st on , he southerly fide of Paqoaolte-River, being also « corner of John Reading's land (lourth) thence north thirty-nine degrees weft, one hundred and thirty-two chains to the place of beginning containing nine hundred and thirty acres wit" the usual allowance for roads and'hiTl, wl ~,_ The fame Prcmifes are within eight miles of the River Delaware, and there is thereon a convem. ent Grift Mill wuh two pair or Stones—a Saw Mill in good repair, with a fufceient ftrtam of water for thei, use—a Dwelling House. Store House, and several small buildings. MARK THOMPSON,Sheriff. Dated »jd day of July, i 7 E. Oswald, No. 156, Market-Street, South, A T the reqoert of a number of friends, •«. x proposes publilhing The Independent Gazetteer, twice a week, viz Wednefdavs and Saturdays—tocomtnence in January next ifuimcienc encouragement offers ' It will be publiiiied on Paper and Types equal to its p,tit-.,t appearance. The fsb> ferlptioii 3,5 dollars per ann. Advertilements not exceeding a fquai'e will be inl'erted 4 times for i dollar—ever* continuance oiie fifth of a dollar. Those u. ceeding a fq.iary, in the fame proportion. PHILADELPHIA , Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 3, South Foiirtfa-Strcst. eod2w,