of tkt evening adve [No. 35 of Vol. V.] Parry and Mufgrave, Goldsmiths & Jewellers, No. 42, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, HAVE FOR SALE, An tlegaat Jljfortment of SILVER iff PLATED WARE, JEWELLERY fnf CyTLERY, Which they will difpoie of on ret** fonable terms. Devices in hair, sett, and every thing in the gold and silver way, done as u.'ual, December 24. This day is publifhsd. By MATHEW CAREY, No 118, Ma RKIT-ST K EST, ( Price a quarter dollar) A short account of ALGIERS, Containing ■* description of t be climate of that country — of the manners and cuftoins of th." in habit Mltf, and of their several warsagaitift Spain, France, England, Holland, Venice, and other powers of Europe, fiom the ufur.pa.Mon of Bar haroffa and the invafmu of the Emptor Charles V. to the present time; with n coocife view of the origin of the rupture between ALGIERS w»d the UNITED STATES. J an 9- dtf. Excellent CLARET, In hogf«eads and in cases of 50 bodies each. ALSO, A few cases Champaigne Wine; MADEIRA, In pipea, hogsheads and quarter calks, FOR SALE BY JOHN V A UGH AN, N«. in, J»omh Fronv-ftrcet. Jan. 2, frg\. dtp ALL persons having any de manfls agaiuft the fttfate ot GECVjtGI WIBLE, late ot the city ot Philadelphia, baker, arc rrqucflrid to bring in their accounts, properly authenticated ; and those who are indebted, arc desired to make immediate payment. HENRY REES, Am»niftr*tor. 2aw^\v. January 13. JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by Thomas Dobfon, Price three eighths of a Dollar, u An Enquiry into the priUCip.v-S and tendency of certain public measures." January 16. advertisement. ViritntA, KorthambtrUndCountw Dec. 28, 1793. FOR SJLE, A Valuable Tra£t of LAND, in this county, containing about eight hundred acres, oue fourth of which is low grounds, of excellen/ quality ; the other thrce fourihs is high land, well coveted with oak, hickory and chefnut. The fmiation is pteafant and healthy, on Yeo eomico river, about three miles from the Poto mack. There is on it a two ftorv brick dwel ling-house, with Four rooms and a paffagc on each floor, exclufrve bf closets ; a good kitchcn, and oiliei neccffary out-houfes. It has orchards of apple and P a^h lrce8 > and is wfcl * watcred by many delightful (prings. The terms may be known on application to the Honorable JOHN HEATH, in Philadelphia, or to the fjblcriber, living on the prrmiles, Jan. ,0. dlf JOHN GORDON. NORRI S-C OU RT, Back of the New Library, between Chel'nut and Walnut-Streets. George Rutter, RESPECTFULLY informa his friends and the public in general, that he continues carrying on the bufincfs of Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting, Likewise, JAPANNED PLATES, for doors or \vindow-fhutters,done in the mod elegant manner, and with difyarch. Orders from the country will be thankfully received, and duly attended to. December go, dtf This day is publi/bcd, THE United States Register, For the Year 1794. Printed by Stewart and Cochran, No. 34, South Secood-llrret,Md John M'Culloch, No. 1, Noitk THiid-ftreel, w>d 10 be fold by ihcro »ud the bookfcfltil. J*o. it. Robert Campbell, No. 54, South Secwd-Jlreet, Seconddoor below the corner of Chefnut-ftreet, HAS IMPORTED, By the late arrivals from Brftain and Ireland, A large and general AJfortment of New Books anJ Stationary, Which will be difpoled ofoll the lowest fejms. D?c. 23. mwfcf tf Bank of the United States. January 6th, 1.794. NOTICE is hereby g ven, that there will be paid at the Bank, . t fter the sixteenth instant, to the Stockholders or their represen tatives, duly authorized fifteen dollars and fifty eenti. for each share, being the dividend declared for the last fix months. mw&ftf Insurance Company, Philadelphia, January 6, t794. NOTICE is hereby g:ven to the members of the Insurance Company of North- America, that the D:reftors.have declared a dividend (for the last fix months) of six peR Crkt, on the amount ot the fitil and second intlalments ; and of one per cent per month on the funis paid in anticipation of the third instalment, calculating from the fii ft day of the month following that, in wJbicTi those pay ments were made. The di v idend will be paid to the or their representatives, at the company's office. No. 119 south Frout ftreet, at any time after the 13th instant. By order of the Directors. EBENIiZER HAZARD, Secretary. J* 71 -9. w&f.im. Tfeafury Department, NO TICE is hereby given, that proposals will be received at the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury, until the 6th of February next include, tor the supply of all Rations which may b* acquired during the present year, at the feverai places of rendezvous hereafter mention ed, fpr the Recruiting Service, viz. At Ncw-Brunfwkk, in New-Jerfcy ; At Philadelphia, ") At Lancaster, > in Pennsylvania. At Reading, ) The rations to be furnifhed are to consist of the following articles, viz. One pound of biead or flour, One pound of beef, or | of 9 pound of pork - Half a jill of r u~, bTu'.'.dy or wbifky, One quart of fait Two q„ aru 0 f vinegar f |OQ (Jt ; ons Iwo pounds ot loap f On pound of candles) J* n STOLEN, dtw A few days ago, from No. 6, Ljetitia Court, A Silver Table-Spoon, Marked I. C. maker's name R. H. Whoever returns said Uipoon to the owner, ftiall receive One Dollar reward, and no questions asked. N. B Silverfmirhs and others are requested to stop said spoon, if offered for sale, and give notice as above. Jan. 17- t^t The Young LADIES' Drawing Academy, Under the Direfl'wn of S. FOLWELL, Will, in a few ilnys, be resumed. HE feels a gratitude to those parent * and guardians of the young ladies, who have entrusted to him their tuition— and as most of them are to return, he will have an opportunity, by his endeavors for their further improvement, to acquit him felf of a debt, which he -esteems it an honor to have incurred. One or two large Rooms, In a central situation, suitable to accom modate Iris pupils, are wanted. Apply to him, at No. 2, Laetitia Court—where he will be thankful to receive commands for Miniature Painting or Hair Work, and all kind of Drawing on Ivory, Sattitt or Paper. Janvary 13, 1794 NEW BOOKS. Now opening for Sale, By M. CAREY, No. 118, MARKET-STREET; A large and valuable colle&ion ofiBOOKS, imported frott London inthe Mohawk. Dec. 19. AND Wednesday, January 22, 1794- By Order, JOHN KEAN, Cstfhier. tawt6F. diw Seat of War. For Sale, at M. CAREY's Sttn, No. 118, Marktt-ilreet, A Sheet Map of the French, Austrian and Dutch Netherlands, in which the progress of the present War may be traced.——Pi ice three eighths if a dollar. And a Map of the Three Northei of Fravnce, divided into Departments.——— Price | 9j a dollar. Maps of the United States: —Any public spirited gentlemen, pos sessed of materials for correcting and improv ing the Maps of the several States, will lay M. Carey under very particular obligations, by communicating them. He is in immediate want of some for New Jersey and Delaware ; of which States he is now preparing Maps. Guthrie's Geography: The subscription for thuwo k will be con tinued open, at the present rate of twelve dollars, til! the fir It day of November next; after which, it will be railed to fourteen dol lars. CASTELLI, Italian Stay and Habit-Maker, ENCOURAGED by several Ladies of Phi ladtlphia, now in New-York, has remov ed from thence to this city, in Cooper'* Court, No. 35 north fide of Mulbery ft reet, between Front and Second ; where all kinds of Stays are madep- as Italian fliape, French corset, English, .'Silk turn, Riding, Suckling Hays, &c. Alio, ,Lacfjs' Habits, Surtouts, Gowns, and all kinds of cirtiTes for balls, completed in the newelt anqf, moil elegant fafhion- Any Ig*iies in New York and Charleston, who may wish to employ him, and will be pie a fed to lend their mea! tires fliall have their work h/iifhed with the utmost neatnels and dispatch. N. B. Said Caftelli has an aflortraent of ready made ftayj. to fell. Jan. 7. 3t. From thm yiuskic.it/ Mj.vra Number of Dejfels entered c* the port of Philadelphia y during the year I 79 1 Ships and Barques, Snows and Brigs, Schooners, Sloops, Total from foreign ports, Coaiting vefTels, In 1793, Shipi, Snows and Brigs, Schooners and Sloops, TotiJ, Clearances in 1793 Sh'.ps, Sn,owß and Brigs, Schooners and Sloops, Total, Number of vrjfeh entered at the port of Nt-W'Tori:, in 179 1 - Ships and Barques, Snows and Brigs, Galliot, Polacre, Schooners, Sloops, Total from foreign ports, Coasting veflels, Total, 11% 1793 from foreign parts. Ships, Barque, Snows, Brigs, Schooners, Sloops, Total from foreign ports, Coaitlng vessels, Total, RTI S E [Whole No. 495.J Clearances 1789* f or Foreign Pen's. Ships, - . . . 138 Barque, 1 Snows, (j Brigs, - - . . 254 Schooners, - - . 145 Sloops, - - . . 136 Total for foreign ports, CoatHng vt'llclt, Total, - . . 2064 In 1793 —difference! of Entrances in favor of New-Tort. Vessels from foreign ports, - iji: Coasters, - - . 407 In 1793 —differences of square rigged veK fcfs in favor of Philadelphia. [flhe others not being dijlinguifb, d from tlx Coaflers] - - . fjq Difference in the Coasting trade not alcir- Total difference in Entrances favor of New-Tori, in 1793,' - 1009 Total difference of clearances in favor of New-York, I - 973 Frem the for/going returns at the Cuflom- House, these remarks naturally follow : I. THAT the entrances of square rin ged vessels at Philadelphia from foreign ports are more numerous in 1793, than 1791 j whereas those in New-York ate less; the other vessels are not diftinguilh ed in the Philadelphia return from the coaflers, so that a comparative view of the trade is incomplete. The fatal sickness in Philadelphia the summer pnft, sad the French ships of war en our coast, and es pecially in New-York harbor, may have been causes of these differences in the so- reign trade. 2. We remark an aftani/hing increase of the coaftiag trade of New-York ; the difference between the years 1791 & '793 being no less than 2y'K entrances. Th.; editor has not malerials for determining the exports from Philadelphia and New- York the year pad ; but for the year end ing Sept. 31, 179 1, the exports! from Pennsylvania exceeded those of New-York. From Pennsylvania, 2,931,624 dolls| New-York, 2,516,197 122 250 78 117 Diff. in fav. of Pennf. 0,415,4.27 All the produce exported mult com; to market by land or water. If there are 400 entrances of coatters at New-York more than at Philadelphia, the expence of transporting these 400 cargoes by land, is saved, and this saving is in favor of the hnfbandman and manuftfturer.* Each of these cargoes may be cftimatcd at to tons! total ort 011s in 400 cargoes, 24000 —on each of which water tranfpurtation ntufl save a considerable expense. Not to mention the advantage of railing upa body of feainen, by means of ths coalting 567 694 1261 i6j 288 599 1050 '43 2jß 690 trade. The Editor is happy to have it in his power to contrail the commerce of these ciiies, with that of certain Cities in 109 1 Spain, Entered at Barcelona in 1782 —628 vessels, of which 3 t 7 bckmared to Spain, At Alicsut in do. 961 —600 of them Spamfh. At Malaga in do. 842 —about 100 Spanilh. At Cadiz in J:i. 1,033— 50 only belonging to Spain. Yet Barcelona contains ny.ooo inha bitants, and Cadiz 80,000; both m.'X'h larger than either Philadelphia or New- York. Malaga is abont the size of New- York. Alicant is indeed fmalLr, but there is no companion between the adtive iiiduftry of a free people, and rh- hnprnid exertions of men under opprefßve govern- 120 I n 280 A 1 S IJS J. 158 b 719 la hoi \ 181 9 t. l i 2 I 9 220 '43 lOJ raents. * It is calculatod that the difference between the prices of land and water carri age on me best roads in France, is as 1 to 150 in favor of the latter. 610 1449 (Cy~ Gentle,u ■*, in poffijjtm ojSubfc r'.fAott papers for this Genuite, are rcqiufted to tcanfmit them to the Editor's Office. 20J9 R. ( 1 » k I 683 1381 tamed.