Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 20, 1794, Image 3

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BALTIMORE, Jan. t 5 .
Yeflerdayajjived at thia port the (hip
Sally, Capt. Griffith, from Amsterdam,
which place (he left the Bt,h qf Nov. lall.
By this vefTel we learn, that tlie French
tedoxnpclled the jDuke of York to raise
flie siege of Dunkirk a second time—that
they had likewise forced hi» to evacuate a-very precipiUMMpuner,where
they found a large quantity Wcannon,am
munition, &<n together with the Dyke's
military chfft —'that the Duke embarked
for England—that, the French had again
entered the A«ftr}an Netherlands, pene
trated as far as Monj, and were rapidly
•rerrunning that country.
Capt. Griffith, in lat. 24, 30, lon. 29,
•spoke the (hip Joseph of Portland, Mafla
chufTets, from JJfbpn, bound to Charles
ton. Thf Jofcph, he was informed by
the captain, was <jnepf.,a fleet of 40 fail
which had-been convoyed as far as lat. 4.0,
by a squadron of Partuguefe .(hips of war
The captain also informed him that the
(hip President t>f Philadelp!ua,%vas captur
ed by ths; Algerine«, oft Cape St. Vi»-
eents. .. ;
IaEYDEN,- •Offc* .ii„
The bulletins we have received from |)\e
Auftrian-arrtiy on the frontiers of.the Ne
therlands, go as saras tlie 23d inft. when
head quarters were at Berrocrain. They
contain details of different anions agaiaft
the French. In that of the 21ft, Baron,
Domfteir; aid-de-catnp to.lieut. colonel
Comte Tarien/.ier, who. was with the Im
perial array, as repreftntative of the king
of Prussia, 'Was killed by a cannon ball,.at
the fide of "field marshal Prince Cobourg.,
" Adhitant General Sir James Murray
reports to his court, on the igthpfO&o
ber, that in the two actions of the ijth
and 16th, which preceded the railing of
the siege of Maubeuge, the Aullrians had
loft 200(5 men killed and wounded, but no
caanon, and took 24 pieces of cannon and
two howitiors. The loss of the French,
po doubt, he writes, was more confidera-.
ble. The Aullrians then ( the 19th) oc
cupied the left banks«f tbe Sambre. Of
the movements of tbe enemy there was no
certain account."
Natioxai. Contentiok, October.
7he tictiemal Convention charges its Com
rrutth of Pub Tic Safety, to make report,
•within three days, on theft three qae/fionst
I. Is it not expedient to demand an ac
count fbom all those tutii have adminijlcrcd
the public man tes , Jmce the dcceffion of Littis
he Guillotined to the ci-devant thro nc of
France ?
11. Would it not be expedient to put all
the officers of the army, on the fame pay with
all their brothers in arms, on the condition of
giving to them, at the end of the war, a capi
tal proportionate to their rani ?
111. IVcu/d it not be neeeffary that the
Committee of Public Safety, Jbould give or
ders to the Generals, to effcß the raifi'ig
of fuck a particularfiege, to take such parti
cular place in a certain limited time, on pain
of death, and to eaufe them to be executed by
martial latte, in cafe of their having fulfilled
the intentions of the Committee, in the time
limited ?
Barren, concludes his report upon the a3
of rw ? gation ( which report ism willfoon
give to our readers,)with the following fen
Carthage mufi be dejfroyed! This was the
Couclufton of all Gato's fpeiches in the Senate
of Rome; —
Let England be ruined and annihilated!
Such ought to be the concluding article of
every'revolutionary decree of the National
Convention. _
Mi. Fenno,
By publishing the following in four paper,
it may be serviceable to owii'rs of Fur
naces, ~ Your'» E.I.
The following melancholy accident hap
pened in the townlhip of Little Egg-
Harbour, the evening of the Bth inft.
at Martha Furnace.
AS the founder and three others were
at work in the furnace, (he suddenly blew
the hot metal from the temp, or belly ; it
lew in almost every direction, set fire in
flantly to the building, and conlumed the
whole, with two of the men in the flames,
and burnt the other two men to such a de
gree, that they died in a few day*.
The aforefrid. -c- 'C.
filling in the fv r. <: v
wstqoal, and ,
(which got i:, ;
hot metal (as k.T
Little Egg-H-.rb >«*.
Jan. 15, ; .
By this" D'Sj
NEW-YORK, January iS.
iLutcji News, from Europe*
. .Captain Dod;;e in the (hip Aftrea, ar
rived here 011 Wednesday from Oftend,
which place he left the ißth of November,
by whom, and by Mr. Dixon, a paflenger
In the Attica, .we learn, that since the re
treat of the Prince of Cobourg from before
Maubeuge, no adlion of importance had
taken place.
That on the 4th of November the
."Tench army raised the siege of Nieuport.
That on the 14th of November the Bri
ti(h troops, in number about 4000, which
had lately arrived at Oftend, embarked
and failed for the Weft-Indies.
That the British army under the Duke
of York were going into Winter quarters,
put at Oftend, part'at. and feme
other place, and that the Austrian army
were to keep the field during the winter.
We further lcarn,from Mr.'Dixon,thathe
was in London on the sth'of November,
that in London, by the latest accounts
they had had ifrom Lord Hood, they were
informed that Toulon was besieged by a
bout 16,000 men; and that the army
which defended it was fup'pofed to be a*
• bout 7,000—a force which was thought
fufficient to defend the place till further
succour (hould arrive to them.
It was (aid at Qfterid that '30,060 men
had becn dispatched from the French nor
thern army to assist at the siege of Tou
From the American Minerva.
The c crrefpondence between the exe
cutive officers of the national government
and the French minister, Mr. Genet, to
gether with Mr. Genet' 6 inftru&ions, are
new published at length- By the
tions of the French minister to Mr. Ge
net it is ascertained, that tlie French mi
nistry expe&edthe government of the U
hited §tates would make a commcn cause
with France in the present war,, and that
Mr. Genet was ftirnilhed with 300 .blank
commissions for fudi Americans a 9 might
wilh to cruise againll the yefieis .of Eng
land, Holland, Auflria, .Spain and Rus
sia. These facts explain Mr. Genet's con
diltt, and account for his constant efforts
to make.the Americans coipmit buftilities
again ft .those powers.
From this correspondence it appears al
so that the President, and the heads of
departments have been uncommonly vigi
lent in restraining all acts of hostilities and
punilhirg aggreflbre. In {hort these letters
afford the ttrongeft proof of the integrity,
wisdom and firmnefs of of our President
and all the higher officers of our govern
ment. 7
Bojton, Jan. 11. Entered, Brig Pere
grine, Hallet, Ofteod; (loop Hannah,
Bartlet, Guadeloupe ; schooner Godfrey,
Lovctt, St. Johns.
Cleared, Ship Thomas and Sarah, Ni
cholas, Corunna ; Franklin, Lane, Am
sterdam ; brig Harriot, Story, Cowes ;
schooner Hester, Bailey, Weft-Indies;
schooner Elizabeth, Tower, St. Euftatia;
Two Friends,.Lincoln, Weil-Indies; sloop
Dolphin, Calder, do.
On Thursday arrived here from Cape-
Nichola-Mole, Capt. Mecch in the schoo
ner Polly, which place he left the i oth of
Dec. who informs That all the French
part of Hifpaniola, except Cape-Francois
and Aux-Cayes, were in the poffeffipn of
the British—that some time before he fail
ed from Cape Nichola-Mole, a report pre
vailed, that Aux-Cayc» had been laid in
Philadelphia, January 16, 1794.
6 per cents, 18/1
3 ditto, l of l
Deferred, I l/l
U. S. Bank, 12 per cent, advance.
N. A. ditto, 20 ditto ditto.
PennfyWani* do. 7 ditto ditto.
it happened by
si frtizcH ore »no
-in over charge,
nd fell into (lie
j krtd cauft'd the
Houfc of RtprefrnttUwtu
Monday January to.
A memorial was read from the people
tailed Quakers, the prayer of which i», that
Congrels would pals a ]<nw, which Ihall
prevent the citizens of the United State*
from trtinfportiiig flavcs from the eoalt of
Africa, to the Weft-India islands—laid on
the table.
The committee of ways and means, ap
pointed purfnant to the refolutiom
of the House, on the communications
from the President of th= United
States, relative to Algiers, brought iu a
report, which wa« twice read, aiid referred'
to the committee of thji wlvole houfe,:on
the (late of the U niott. Ordered that 150
copies of the report bcT printed for the-ufe
of the members.
Thrt report • states that the naval force
for the protection of the trade of the
United States, (hall consist of four (hips
of fcrty four guns each, 18 and 9 •pound
ers, and two of twenty guns each—The
aggregate sum wanted for this purpose,. is
estimated at 660 thoufond' dollars--—.to
raise which, one per ccnt additional duty
is proposed to be laid on irr.porhri- goods
now paying 7 1-2 p« cent—Five per
cent additional, on Jioru, marble, fie. and
on all Jlonc and earthen ware—three cents
additional on fait, per bushel—Six cents
additional per ton, on all veflels of the
United States, employed in foreign trade
and twenty five cents additional per
ton'on all other' veflels.
On motion of Mr. Fitzfimons, an ad
dition was made, to the committee of ways
and means, so that it now con fills of a
member from every state, who are to mak<
another report refpeeting the fortifying
the ports and harbors of the United States.
Mr. Coffin presented the petition ot
Tristram Coffin, praying compensation for
lofles sustained 011 public account—rtad&
referred to the Secretary of the Treasury.
Mr. W. Smith, after remarking, that
in the difcudion of the resolutions respec
ting commercial affairs, much stress had
been laid on the suggestion, that Great
Britain had not discovered any disposition
to enter into a commercial treaty with the
United States, informed the house that in
the Correspondence between the Executive
of the United States and the Miniftef
of 1 Great Britain as printed by order of
thfc house, it appears that t{iere is a chasm
■ oocafioned by the otniffion of a letter
frorii the fecrttary of state, to that minis
ter.which letter is referred in a fubfequcut
.i Mail.
He therefore proposed a resolution, the
purport of which is, that the President of
the fUrtited Stales be applied to for infor
mation oh the fubjeft, and rcquefted to lay
before the House the omiteS letter, or
such parts of it , as he may think-proper—
this motion was agreed to—and a com
mittee of two appointed.
The memorial of Martha Dow u-as read
and referred to the' Secretary of War.
A Message was receivecHrom the Presi
dent of the United States, on the subject
of the recal of the Miniller of the Fiench
Republic. This meifage states, that the
conduit of the minister has met with the
most decided and unequivocal difapproha
tion, and the government of France pro
mises.that his recal (hall be expedited with
out delay.
In committee of the whole on the bill
for compleating and betterfupporting the
Military Eftablilhment of the United
States.'—Mr. Trumbull in the chair.
- The bill was difcufled by paragraphs.
The second feftion proposes in
. that Uiofe who continue in service to the
expiration of their enlistment fliall. receive
thirty dollars in addition to their pay—to
be paid to them personally, in proportion
to the time they have been in fervicc.——
This feftion, after some debate was struck
A motion was made to strike out the
last feftion which provides that the widowi
and orphans of officers who die or are kil
led in the service, stall be entitled to 3
years half pay—this motion after conside
rable debate was carried
A fe&ion was then propofrd which pro
vides for a donation of 20c acres of land
to every non-commiflioned officer, muGci
an, and private of the army =t the end
of the fervice,provided they fettle on the
fame. This motion after ftveral amend
ments was agreed to.
The committee then rose and reported
the bill with amendments.
of 3 letter a -riit'.-n."!. !'«
l'aj eUevilie, y.C.da«4 C>U» ijnL.iu
" Two gentlemen juftaniW hercfiooj-
Chailetton (S. C.) report, *hst r. Fr-ncll
to gun lhip,& an Kngliih 18 gun f'-ijiale,
had had a favcri artion near the harbour j
that the Engliih (hip was taken and bro't
into Clrutlton, in conletjueocc of w|,'-**,
a riot took place between the freacli «ii I
English on —that.the C:sy
was killed in fupprelling.the fraais."
The wonderful » crity with winch fa
bricated news are circulated in order 10
niifinform the public of the real stare of.
things in Europe, is no lmall evidence ot
the designs of their authors. But the oj
ueiis of the United States cannot c«t;iia~
ly be disposed to .thankthofe who Src per
petually* deceiving^them. When great .e
---vents take pkee, t'uey will be known here
by the usual and frequer.t channels of com
munications ; the anticipation of events
frequently lead to difappointmcnts, and
does more injury than good to that
on the fide of which they are anticipetcc.
They can answer so other purpose than
to give a temporary aid; when they are
afterwards found to be falfe and fabri
cated with improper views, they produce
a permanent evil.
The great news of last Taefday, which
the public were amused with, and- which
Mr. Genet tells us prevented the Congrefj
from Jlaying in their fitting, turn out to be
without foundation, notwithstanding the
Extraordinary Gazette of SurnLiy, which
indeed defeats itfelf.
If the intelligence was calculated to
have any influence on certain ir.cafurcs de
pending, the folly of fucb a projtft is ob
vious, for the speedy contradiction must
convince the reflecting, how dangerous it
is to fuffer the {hifting and varying hazards
of war in Europe ty weigh in tlae decision
of great national a£ts.
An independent nation (hould pursue
it's own policy, and no? fuller the m«a.
fures on which it's prosperity depends to
Jkake in tie fro.every breath of ru
mour. Miserably dependent indeed Ihould
, we be on European-polities, il the gain of
the loss of a battle' is ta be the ftandatd of
merit ai>d the rule of dCe'ijtm in great. quc/r
tions of government.-' . .
The events of war are fluctuating: in ; a
war, like that in Europe a great victory
on one day is counterbalanced by a, great
defeat on another—the capture of a town
in one quarter is an offset againll.that of
another in another quarter, and it may be
years before the ultimate tjcfjjtcn of ths
contest will be seen. ~
In the mean time, what ever private sen
timents. may prompt,pvbTic mcafures fhouid
Readily follow lip the true national interejft,
of the United States without a deviation,
occasioned by this yi&ory, or that de
feat. Thus, .while the great powers ,of
the world, are weakening themCelves by
war, this happy country will be ftrengt!.-
ening itfelf by peace.—XJnlefs this guard
ed and steady policy be pursued, we (hall,
by entangling ourselves with hazardoys
connexions, blatt all our prcfpeCts of peace
and put ourselves back where wc were in.
NORTHAMPTON* (Mas.) Jan. 8.
The following is a lilt of X)eaths and
Baptism*, within this town, from jaguar*
ift, 1786, to January ift, 1794. '-'iz :
Years. Deaths. * Baptffcs.
1786 31 4»
1787 26 31
1788 »3 36
1789 9 34
"1790 13 49
179 1 17 34
1792 17 5>
*79 J
141. JJ3
The above mentioned Dent lis, were
within the fevers] periodt following :
■t!z. fponj the birth to 2 year* co
from 2 to to I
jo to 20
20 to 30
30 to 4.0
40 to 50
50 to 60
6o to 70
60 to 80
80 to 90 8
90 to 100 I