EVENING ADVERT! [No. 35 of Vol. V.] JUST PUBLISHED, jind to be fold by Thomas Dobfon, Price three eighths of a Dollar, «« An Enquiry into the principles and tendency of certain public measures." January 16. ADVERTISEMENT. Virginia, Smhumitt kni l} ec a 8 1700 POR SALE, A Valuable Tra& of LAND, 1U thu county, containing about eight liurtc 1 ./«j aero, one fourth of which is low grounds, of excellent quality; ih* other thrcr founta is high land, well eovocd with oak, hickory '31til chn h a fwo floty buck dwcU Img-houfr, with fom roonu and a palldge on eich Quoi, cxci>»five of ci«icu ; a ,joofsite% Insurance Company. Philadelphia, "January 6, 1794. NOTICE is hereby given 10 the members ul the Insurance Company of North- America, that the Directors have declared a div'dend (for the last fix months) of sir rn cint, on the amnunt ot the firtt and lecond inlialments; and ot one per cent per month on the sums paid in anticipation of the third instalment, calculating from the firft day of the month following that, in which ibofe pay ments were made. The dividend will be paid to the Stockholders, or their representatives, at the company's office, No. 119 south Front ftrect, at any time after the 13th instant. dtw EBENEZE3. HAZARD, Secretary J" n -9- w&r.ini. Robert Campbell, No. J4, South Secfnd-Jlreet, Seconddoor brlow the corner of Cbefiiut-Itreet, HAS IMPORTED, By the lite arrivals from Britain and Ireland, A large and general Ajfortmcnl of New Books and Stationary, Which will be dilpolvd of on the terms. Dec. 23. imv<f lOHN CORDON. Bank of the United States. January 6th, 1 794. NOTICE is htri-fey given, that there will be paid at the Bat k, after the fixteenrh 'nftant, to the Stockholders or their reprefen tirives, duly authoi ized filteen dollars and fifty cents for each (hare, beioj the dividend declared for the last fix montht. Treasury Department, Notice is hereby given, that proposals will he received at the Office of the Secretary of the Treafufy, until the 6ih of February next incltifive, for the supply of all Ration® which •nay be required dining the present year, at the fevcral places of rendezvous hereafter mention ed, for the Recruiting Service, viz. At New-Brunfwick, in New-Jerfcy ; Al Philadelphia, At Lancaster, > in Pennsylvania. At Reading, ) The ration* to be furnifhed are to consist of thf following article's, viz. One pound of bread or flour, One pound of beef, or £ of a pound of porkj Half j Jill of rum, brandy or whiiky. One quart of fait } Two quarts of vinegar ( Two pounds of soap >P" 100 ration,. On pound of candlcs) h n - a Drawing Academy, Under the Dircß'wn of S. F O L WEL L, mu, in a few days, be reftimed* HE feels a gratitude to thole parents and guardians of the young ladies, who have entrulled to him their tuition— and as mod of them are to return, he will have an opportunity, by his endeavors for their further improvement, to acquit him felf of a debt, which he efteema it an honor to have incurred. mw&ftf One or two large Rooms, In a central situation, suitable to accom modate his pupils, are wanted. Apply to him, at No. 2, Lxtitia Court—wher« he will be thankful to receive commands for Miniature Painting or Hair Work, and all kind of Drawing on Ivory, Sattin or Paper. January 13, 1794, Pennfyhania Hospital, ift Mo. 15. THE Contributor! are requested to meet at the Hospital on 3d day the 28th inft. at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, to ex amine a ground plan, with several efti matet of the buildingt, which are propo sed to be extended to accommodate a greater number of Lunatic Patients, and for other uses. Also to determine the propriety of building the ensuing season. By order of a board of Managers. SAMUEL COATES, Clerk. N. B. The Printers of the Neius-Pa pers in this City, -Mil! oblige the Contribu tors, by iuferting the above Advertisement- tCy GerJlemen, in poffejjion of Subscription papers for this Gazette, are refuefled to transmit them to the Editor's Offite. Monday, January 20, 1794. By order of the Dirtftors. By Order, JOHN KEAN, Calhier. tawtoF. THI Young LADIES' This day is piMJhcJ, United States Register, For the Year 1794. Pr-nted by Stewart and Co. ni«n,.No o 4 Sliu Accounts, h v? reported, that they can. not p»■.<•«, g », lo „ „f , hc Trealu.v Accounts, iclp.-ct.o- fpi cial Indents, without knowing ibe mullaridiitg amount thereof in iii. cul.ition :— I'lkic<.,.c, That all holder, of special Indents « dlrrtl.-rf, and rrqui. - cl, on or befciie the fi.U d»y ot November n- xi, 10 deliver the fixcial In drills 1,, their poir.-fliun to ~„c or other ot the Cnmmiflionerj of the Trrafury, w |,o arc „;, e receipts lor the fame, and to re.-. , 0 iheCon:. miHtoners on public accounts, on or belorc the tenth day of November next, the amount by them relpeftivcly received, and alio to the Lc g itLre, at their meeting in November next. And that all Ipecial Indents not rendered into tile I rcafury as above, on «r before the fiill day ol November next, fball be, and tho fame are hereby barred. Rcjotui, That public notice of this resolution be K iven in the several Gazettes in this State, ew.ee every three weeks, un'il the fir ft day of November next. And that the Delegates aftkis Slate in the Congress of tlie United Siaiei, be re (Jueffed to cause this rclolutiou to be published in one or more papeis in the cities of Philadtl. phia and New-York, and that provision will be made for ibe expences alicudinr fnch vubbca tlon. Ordered, Tbat the resolution be Lot to the £«u