Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 18, 1794, Image 1

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    evening adve
[No. 52 of Vol. V.]
I R I C E C U R R E N 7*. Dlls. its. Dlls.Cts.
►** quantity.—Dollars too Cents each Oil, Ditto pr cafe 40
— Sweu, best, in flaflts, *050
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 18, 1794- Ditto balkcts, 12 bottles 10
J ' T Spermaccti pr. gall. t] B
Train per barrel 10 si
\ DUs.'Ctj. Dlli.Cti Whale 25 «
/XVCHORS 7 10 o . n 5
Allum, £neli[h, pr.cwt. 433 Porter pr. calk, 5 3i
Diito, Roc!, pr. !b. 11 London, pr.doz. .fco
Afli s, pot, per ton, no —"America., ditto bot.mcl. .8>
Pearl, ,34 . 4 o , llt ,\ pr.bbl. 173 .2
Arrack pr. <r ill. ,3, ~g Pork, Burlington, per barrel, i 4
Br;i,idv, common, .00 , 2 o Lower county ,2
C ""»c '3° 140 ~ Carol.Ha ,0
ttrazilctto, or. ton. 50 &■»<, Albany pr. bulhel ,
Burks, pr. M. 4 7 P r ' lb - fS
hip, pr.cwt. 2 67 P,mC, "° ,8
Ditto, pilot 5 Raisins, btft, pr. keg j
Ditto, (\uu 1)/water, per keg 36 40 Ditto pr.jnr 3 33
Beer, Am rioan, in bottles, I Ditto pr. boX 3 vol
pr.doz.bottlesincluded, 1 74 R>ce pr.cwt. 3 20
Ditty pr. barrel, 6 Rosin pr. baric] 278
Boards Cedar pr. M feet, 20 Rum, Jamaica, pr. gall©* 116
-Yew England 10 14 Anr.gua 1
— Oak 14 16 —Windward 86
— Merchantable pine 14 Barbadoes 87
-Sap, do. 10 67 Country, N.E. 60
~~ -Mahogany, per foot 10 Salt Detre, pr. cwt. 12 «>»
The above are the (hallnp prices, SalTafras pr. ton 6 8
lor :he yard price, add 1 doi- Shot ditto » l 0 141
'ar 33 cents per 1000. Steel, German pr. lb. 9
Brimftonc in rolls, pr.cwt. * Englith,bliftered, pr. cwt. to'
fieef, Bolton, per barrel 10 u American pr. 1011 113 33
Country ditto 9 10 Crowley's pr. faggot 10 67
-Frclh, p w r cwt. 333 4 67 nak c root pr. lb. to 42
Butter pr. lb. £5 Soap, Isrown per lb. 6
in kegs 15 18 White 8
Candles, Sperm. pr. lb. 48 Cafttle 11
Wax s3 fifi Starch 7 '
— Myrtle Wax 18 Snuff pr. doz. bot. 4 560
— -Mould, tallow 16 Spermaceti, refined, pr, lb. 48
~ —Dipped 14 Sailcloth,Englifh.Nd. 1 ,pr. yard. 40
Clieefc, Engl.lh, pr. lb. 25 Boston, No. T. ditto 36
-7—; 'Country 10 12 No. 11. 35
V'ocolate 16 18 Sugar Lump, pr. lb 2,
C.BnaHlOn 240 2 67 — Lt>af,fiogJ6 refined *2
Cloves j3O Ditto, double do. 33
Cocoa pr. cwt. 10 11 Havannah, white 12 14
Cpflee pr. lb. 16 —. — Ditto, brown, 10 1 1
Coal pr. bulhel 24 33 Muscovado. pr. cwt. 9 12
Copperas pr. cwt. 1 67 Spi 1 iisTurpentine pr.gallon *7
Cordage, American, per Cwt. 9 10 Salt, Allum pr. bulhel 8c
Cotton pr. lb. 27 37 Liverpool 100
Cui rants 12 Cadiz go
Dock.Rulia, pr. pieee 14 Lisbon 8c
r, 1 ,0 li Shipbuild. W. O. frames p.ton, so
Dutch la,l duck, V# so dU™ Live Oak, 22
leathers pr. lb. 5° Ditto red cfcdar, per foot 37
flax ditto ti 12 Shingles, 18 inch, pier M. 3 33 3 67
Flaxfeed pr. bush. 80 9° Ditto 2 feet, 6 50 6
Flour, Superfiue pr. barrel 6 Ditto 3 feet, drefled, 13 1^
— —Common, 5 67 Staves, Pipe pi. 1000
——Bur middlings, best 5 White Oak bogfhead, 20 33
Meal, Indian 2 52 ——Red Oak do. ,g
ditto Rye, 3 67 Leogan 21 33
Ship-ftuiV pr. cwt. 140 167 : Rairel ,6
Tuftic pr. ton, . 10 25
Gin, Holland, pr. cafe, 4 66 Skins Otter, belt pr. pice , si.
Do. pr. gall. «3 90- so 40
Glue, pr.cwt. .0 ..33 *"*• S"Y 4° 80
Ginacr, white rac» r per lb. 12 Ditto red I£ o
Ditto, common 8 " a ' t " ls 5 + '
Ditto, ground pr. lb. ic ' ctf 33
Ginseng, 20 £ cars 3
Gunpowder, cannon, pr. q.cafk, 3 73 4 «i° OnS
Ditto, fine glazed 4 Musk-rats it 20
Grain, Wheat pr. bufli 100 lic Beaver, pr. lb. 67 133
Rye 70 Deci, in hair 20 30
Oats 3,5 Tar,N.Jir r ey, 24 gal. p. bbl. 1
——Indian corn 56 Carolina, 32 gall. 2
Barley 1 1 ic Turpentine pi. bbl. 2
. Bed fuelled pr. lb. 7 Tobacco, J. River, bed ioolb. 4 33
Buckwheat, per burti. 40 inferior 333
Hemp, imported, pr. ton, 160 \ 4
American, pr. lb. 5 7 Rappahannock 303
Herrings, pr.bbl. 3 Coloured Maryland, 533 8
Hides, raw 9 Dark, b 40
Hops 13 Long-leaf , 240
Hoglhcad hoops, pr. M. i 5 Eastern-shore s ! >J
... , . Carolina,new 27 q
Indigo, French per lb. 167
; ——Carolina t i 80 Tea, Hyson pj. lb. no , 28
TroAs, fad pr. ton, >33 33 llc.n, c, 60
Iron, Callings pr. cwt. 3 4 Souchong, % <n
Bar pr. ton, 8*66 Conqo, L ,0
J's 2 5 Bohea, o.
Sheet 173 33 Tallow, refined, per lb. q
-—-Xail rod. 100 33 Tin pr. box, ,333 ,367
Jink, pr.cwt. 4 5 Veidigreafe 60
t.ard, hogs pr. lb. 12 Vermillion, do. ,3, ,67
Lead, in pigs pr. cwt. 533 i 67 Varnith, pergallon q, 07
in bars 7 Wax, Bees 25 2;
white 10 to 67 While-bone,long 11 00
—i —red 640 661 ... ~ 1 ,
Leather, foal, t7 20 Wine, Madera, pr. pipe, 176 226
Lignum viiE pr. ton, j !t- ™ ,2 ®
Logwood 30 I gallon 63
Mace g d 5 2
Mackarel, bell pr.bbl. 9 Port pr. pipe 11333
G cond quality 4 D' tln in bottles, pr.dor. 4
Madder, bell pr. lb. 16 10 cu" 4 6
Marble, wrought, pr. foot, 133 j67 ?, f'Y P r 'S a "- 9° 1,0
Mall spars ditto 3, 77 80
Molaflei pr.gall. 33 41 — , COURSE 0F EXCHANGE.
Mustard per. lb. g 7 On London, at 30 days, per £ ,ico llerl. 466 |
flour, in bottles, pr.doz, 1 20 at a Y s 463 5
N.i1.,8/lorf.isi. and!o<i. ic . „ , 11 9°o>y> 461 !
Vuttnegspr. lb. 0 8 Amfte rdani, 60 da ys,pr. guilder, 42
Oil, Linseed, pr. gall. " r ,3° 4°
Olive g. Government bills, drawn at 10 days
fight, at 42c per guilder.
of tf).e IfJttifefi States
Saturday, January 18, 1794.
And to be fold by
Thomas Dobfon,
Price three eighths of a Dollar,
" An Enquiry into the principles
and tendency of certain public
January 16. dtw
.\oill:nni;! i : (i
A Valuable Track of LAND,
in thia county, containing about eight
hunritea acie>, <>oe touith of which «s low
grounds, of excellent quality; the other three -
t' linhs is highrlahd, well covcicd wiiii oak,
hickory and chcfuui.
1 he situation is pleafan' and healthy, on Yeo
>€oinico river, about three inilis from the Poio
mack. There is on it a two llory brick dwel
ling-houfc, wiih four rooms and a on
each floor, exclusive of cl#fets j a good kuchcn,
and othei neceflary out-honfts It has orchards
of apple and p ach trees, and is )! watered
by many delightful springs. The te» n»* may be
known on application to the Honorable JOHN
HEATH, in Philadelphia, or to the fubienber,
living on the prrtnifes.
Jan. 10. dt-f
N O R R I S - C O U R T,
Back of the New Library, b"twcai Chelhut
and Walnut-Streets
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friend-? and
tile public in general, that he continues
cat rating on THe bufinf fit of
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or wi«Uu\v-feutters,done in the nioft
elegant manner, and with dispatch.
Orders from the country will be thankfully
received, and duly attended to.
December 30, dtf
Now opening for Sale,
A large and valuable colle&ion of£OOKS,
imported from London in the Mohawk.
Dct. 19.
Mr. Fenno,
The following article is No. of a Series
by the fame hand, on the Suljccl of the Sua
bility of the Individual States. The other
numbers I have not seen ; but the enclosed
appears to me to be written with great
fprightlinefs, ingenuity and energy—you will
therefore please to give it a place in your
Gazette. Tour's—A. B.
WHY should any man or body of men
be averse to knowing or acknowledging
exa&ly what they are ? Why will men
eternally mismanage their affairs by plan
ning their conduct for an artificial person
entirely different from their identical
selves ?—We can reason theoretically well
enough, that to know precisely our qua
lities, stations and relations, and to adapt
our policy to this foundation, 13 the pei
feftion of wifdem in that refpeft. And
one would suppose it is so clear that all
that is over and above the truth is falfe
as well as all that falls fliort of it, that we
could not think of exalting reality by fic
tion left we should commit an error 110 less
possibly fatal than the opposite extreme.
But it seems by our practice ?.» if a body
were not only all that it is, but all that it
aflumes—and not only all that it
but all that it ever was. The firft of these
reminds us of the natives of Pelew, and
Gulliver's horses, who were surprised to
fee Engfifhmen undress themfclvesbecaufe
they had no conception of their garments
being separate from their bodies : and the
last of George the 3d, who is king of
Trance, to be sure, because Henry 5, and
6, were so, and defender of the faith, be
cause Henry the Bth, wrote a book,
(which probably was a. very bad one)
against Luther.
Whatever is the Ration of the ftatcc, it
is that which the people of them all have
elected under the flrongtfl inducements
R T I S E R.
[Whole No. 490. j
and for the moll f:\lutary ends. AnddovH'
less they underload their interest ; foi*
whoever rememberl that day hnows; that
since the creation there never was the
time before, when a great and enlightened
people contemplated such an object, ft»
long, and with filth advantages. What
a pity to lose the genuine fruits of a no
ble experiment, by a paltry affectation !—s
To impede the course of nature by a
whimsical intetpofition !
But as perhaps in the opinion of foftie
I may not yet have a right to use what
they may please to call declamation ; [
will endeavor to proceed in the demon
(trative department f<} far as to display a
fetv of the advantages that would accrue
to the individual Itates from the 'pcrhw-
nence of suability. And the firft I will
mention is the unequivocal abolition of
co-ordinate fovereignfy. There will be
no pretence of sovereignty in the states
except internal legislation in those parti
culars not affected by the constitution, if
they are responsible at a fupericr tribunals
And there ought to be no such pretence,
for there is in nature no such thins-.—
Oct »S. 1793.
There ir, no sovereign, where there are
t<wo sovereigns ; for while action and re
action are equal, there is no prevalence,
no positive potver This monfler, co-or
dinate sovereignty, is the fad caput nor-*
tuum of a fyllem whose elements are no
more. Let it he inurned, and con
signed with valedidtory form to the'
tomb where paper money, regulated
prices, tender acts and committees of
ty are depolited. One tear (hall be indul
ged to those who innft play the force of
Duke and no Duke longer^—and then
farewell to puppet-shews !'orcv?r<
Thus will our eve« be opened to fee flu* 1
true position in the American Universe.
We (hall at length perceive that we are
not the centre of revolution ; but that v.e
ourselves revolve upon a Common centre
of connection and support. Another ray
of federal wisdom will conduit our vision to
a new exfoliation of the gonadal plan. We
Until (<re that the sources of peace, order,
wealth and happiness are cleared, remain
open, and are protected. We (hall per
ceive that the ftatcs are cflentiil subordi
nate eflaMifhments that probably mud
have been created, had they not already
exilted—and that they are preeifely the
fame that they would have been if their
erection had been polten'or to the federal
government and executed by its authority*
For new and old states are without distinc
tion—Such has been the will of the
people of the United States. We (hall
observe that the variety of habits In fa
large an extent of territory contra&cd un
der different charters required local legilla-*
tion so far as it might he tolerated confifc
tently with genera! confidence and union ;
and that theie cares were iuferior to the
occupations of the General
the States-—and such indeed as, from the
very materials of its corrpi (ition, it is un
qualified to judge of or suitably sees. They
will appear however 110 less effentia] in go
vernment than any others ; so far as do
mestic happiness is the •bj-A of it, and so
tar as the vvaflt of domtilic happiness
leaves a void for the insertion of foreign
Nobody will dispute th«t every" duty of
one party i» the right cf the other ; but
I fufpeft there is a cert?ln fort of politi
cians who will be puzzled when I fay that
every duty is the of the party ou
ing it. Yet this is j;la-.n when we eonfi-'
der that all invafionsof propriety ait de
partiiree from perfeftfon, and so our verv
obligations oHpht to be dar to us as they
preserve that purity of principle which a
lone can perpetuate fcCLfty. One abufc
is " the fruitful parent of a thousand
more." But this part of policy in the
prefect cafe, will nro;n:V he received like
advice to a man to reform hitnfelf; that
is, it will be but half u»!,deritood,and :hat
However, there are fume plainer doc
trines. It may £>" the vilbinous aim of
some men to perplex the fimplcft cirfc in