Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 17, 1794, Image 1

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    of States
[No. 51 of Vol. V.]
t iTginia, Korthumbei land Count\. Da. 28. 1793
A Valuable Tradt of LAND,
in this county, containing *hout eight
hundred acres, one fourth oi wlnrh i* low
grounds, of exrcltenf qualuy; ihr other thre<-
fourths is high land, well covcied with ojk,
bickory and chcTnu?.
The fit nation rs plcafam and heal'hv, on Yeft
comico river, about three milrs from the Pofo
mack There is on it 4 two story brick dwel
ling house, with four rooms and a pafWe on,
each floor, rtclnfivc of clofcts • a kitchcn,
and othc? necessary mit-houffs It has orchards
of apolc and p ach trees, and is well watered
by many delightful springs. The terms may he
known on application to the Honorable JOHN
HEATH, in Philadelphia, or to the fjblcriber,
living on the prrmifes.
Jan. 10. riif
ALL persons having any de
mands ihe rlUle ,t GiORGE
WIBLE, ld»e of the city of Philadelphia, baker,
are rrtjncftrd to bring in their accounts, properly
air.heniicaud ; and thole who are indebted, arc
defued to make immediate ppvmept.
HENRY REES, Aciminiftrator.
January tg.
Insurance Company,
Philaac ihn y jayuecr\ 6, 1704.
NOTICE >s hereby £<v<?n ro the members
of the insurance Co*noanyof North-
America, that the Directors have declared a
d'vider.d (for the last fix months) of six PfR
Cent, on the amount of the firll and second
inrtalmrrts J and of ore per cent per month
Oil the Aims p;»id in anticipation of *he third
ii'fHitiaent, calculating f r om the firft dav of
the month following thai, in jivh rii ihoJe pay
ments were made. The dividend will be paid
to the Stockholders, or * heir representatives,
at the company's office, No. 119 forth Fi ont
flreet, at any time alter the 13th instant.
the Dirc&ors.
E3ENEZS2I HAZARD, Secretary.
Ja"- 9. w&f. im.
Parry and Mufgrave,
Goldsmiths cs 5 Jewellers,
No. 42,
.An elegant /4/fortment of
Which they will dilpoie of on the most rea
sonable tei ins. Devices in hair, Miniatures
fctt, and every thing in the jjold and silver
way, done as uiual.
December 24.
Treasury Department,
NOTICE is hereby given, that prqpofals will
be received at the Office of (he Secretary
ot the Treasury, until the 6th of February nfA
inclufrre, for the supply of all Rations winch
may be required during the present year, at ihe
several places of rendezvous hrrcafter mention
ed, for the Recruiting Service, vie.
At New-Brunfwick, in New-Jcrfcy ;
At Philadelphia, ")
The rations to be furnifhed are toconfiftofth
following articles, viz.
One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of tucf, or J of a pound of poik
Hall a jilt of rum, b«andy or wlulky,
One cj• tof fait
Two qmrts of ,io^MC. IQO ra ; OD!
On- pound of candles}
J 3, M^
This day is publijhed.
No. 118, MARKIT-ST» *-£T,
f Price a quarter dollar)
A ftiort account of ALGIERS,
Containing a description of the climatc of th*t
country—of ihe manners and customs of ihr in
habitants, and of their several wars against Spain,
France, England, Holland, Venice, and other
powers of Europe, from the usurpation of Bar
barolTa and the invasion of the Emperor Ch irlea
V. to the present time; with a eoncife view of
the origin of the ruoture between ALGIERS
1»" Q.
Excellent CLARET,
In hogP-cjd» and in cife« of jo bottles each.
A few cases Champaigne Wine ;
I* pip", hoglheads and quarter calVl,
No.' in, South Froot-ftreet.
Ji«. *, >794. d,f
And to be fold by
Thomas Dobfon,
Price three eighths of a Dollar,
" An Enquiry into the principles
and tendency of certain public
January 16. dtw
Bock ot" the New Library, brtween Chelnut
and Walnut Street 1 ?.
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the public in general, that he continues
carrying on the bulinf fs of
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or window-(hutter s,done :n the most
elegant manne», and with dispatch.
Orders from the country will be thankfully
received, and duly attended to.
December go, dtf
Now opening for Sale,
By M. C A R E Y,
A large and valuable collection of BOOKS,
imported from London in the Mohawk.
Dec. 19.
Robert Campbell,
No. 54, South Secviidyireet)
Second door below the corner of Chefimt-ftreet,
By the late arrivals from Britain and Ireland,
A large and general Ajfortment of
New Books and Stationary,
Which will be disposed of on the lowest terms.
Dec. 23. mw&f tf
Bank of the United States.
January 6th, I 794.
X'yOTICE is hereby given, that there will
lN be paid at the Batik, after the iixteenth
instant, to the Stockholders or their represen
tatives, duly authorized fifteen dollars and
iifty cents for each share, being the d.vidend
declared for the last fix months.
Drawing Academy,
Under the D 'ireclion of
Will, in a fiu Jays, be resumed.
HE feels a gratitude to those parents
and guardians of the young ladies,
who have entrusted to him their tuition—
and as molt of them are to return, he will
have an opportunity, by his endeavors for
their further improvement, to acquit him
felf of a debt, which he esteems it an honor
to have incurred.
One or two large Rooms,
In a central situation, suitable to accom
modate his pupils, are wanted. Apply to
him, at No. 2, Laetitia Court—where he
will be thankful to receive commands for
Miniature Painting or Hair Work, and all
kind of Drawing on Ivory, Sattin or
• awt6F.
January 13, 1794.
From the Connecticut Courant.
To all Chrijlian People—more efpedally
those who take the Connecticut Courant.
HEAVEN blcfs the heart that loves
to give—
May it in ease and plenty live ;
May every moment bring encreaCe
Of wealth, of happiness, and peace ;
From every ill of life secure,
May no misfortune find his door,
But fafe within his blifsful cell,
Let every joy and virtue dwell.
But prayers alone, the wife ones fay,
At befl are secondary pay ;
Therefore be pleas'd to accept this sheet—
Paper, and prayers, are all you'l get,
Friday, January 17, 1794
By Order,
JOHN KEAN, Cafihier.
[by request.]
Thus Congress, whe 1 the guineas fled,
Put pap:r-money in their ftcad ;
And if it prov'd a kind of curse,
'Twas better doing so, than worse—
For tho' qurfelves were cheated sure,
It help'd usi cheat the British more.
That fhcet contains in !imple rhime,
The news I've brought from time to time,
Since lad, with cap in hand, I came
Begging, for wijt J Jure not nam.' —
Give me that fome'iing if you please,
And you may read it at your ease.
Scarce had our good old friend, the Sun,
Drefs'd out in furrs, the year begun,
When lo ! beyond the Atlantic flood,
His course was ilain'd with faultlefs bloods
Hark f where from fcencs of death afar,
Red Faction blows the trump of war—
Where milling mid the scenes of ftrife,
The Mountain whets the deathful knife,
And (talking o'er the carnag'd ground,
Stabs Freedom with a fatal wound—
Lo Louis ! from the throne of state
By villains fentene'd, meets his fate.
See! loft to every sense of good,
And recking with their sovereign's blood,
His murderers aim the deadly dart,
At fair Antouietta'e heart.
Nojuftice binds the hell-hound crew,
Their fouls companion never knew,
But screams of anguifli on their ears,
Transcend themufic of the lpheres ;
While tun'd to sweet fymphonious swell,
Sounds the loan Tocsin's awful knell.
Next, in this all eventful year,
Flies from liis pod great Dumourier ;
And now the Frenchmen fay, he's fled
With ail their guilt upon his head,
So erll the Jews, o'erftock'd with evil,
To save themselves and cheat the devil,
Bound all their fins in solemn ltate,
Upon the scape-goat's lueklefs pate ;
Then bid the staggering creature Itray,
Where e'er his nose (liould lead the way.
But Satan was not such a coot,
To fell Judea for a goat.
But now a chain of despots bring
Their troops, to avenge poor Gallia's king;
That is—since Louis' head is gone,
They tremble stoutly for their own.
Ah worthy George ! thy fighting sons,
Deal lustily in—saving bones ;
Whene'er attack'd, without delay,
They raise the liege, and run away ;
While brave Adol, to fear a ft ranger,
Boldly approaches nigh to danger,
And scorns to yield, tlio' wotinded full
Three inches down lownrils his JltulL
Behold Marat, whose gtlilty hand,
Spread ruin o'er his native laud—
WhofiTvoice with hoarse infernal yell,
Urg'd on to death his dogs of hell,
When ftretch'd the bloody streets along,
Promiscuous lay the flaughtej'd throng—-
Arretted by the stroke of death,
To female vengeance yields his breath.
See lovely Corde, whose patriot eye,
Beheld bright Peace, her country fly—
Saw Freedom into exile fled,
And jufticc bow her awful head—-
With firm, intrepid, Roman foul,
Deride the Rabble's base controul,
Afeend tintncv'd the fcafFold-throne,
And dauntless fly to worlds unknown.
And now, to attack this happy land,
Hell musters out his favorite band—
His body guard for storm and wind,
The Gog and Magog of mankind.
Abui'd by England, France and Spain,
On eveiy quarter of the main,
To make our wretchedness complete,
The Algerines fend out their fleet;
Thus what the canker worm hath bit,
The palmer worm has come to eat.
Thy cajlt Columbia, once so snug,
Thro' cither head has got a plug,
And soon, this curst barbarian troop,
Will tap it under every hoop.
To escape Abdallah'e bloody host,
We'll quit the European coast,
Improve the firft propitious gale,
And towards Columbia stretch the fail ;
Where we (hall find a noisy throng,
Chanting the antifederal song.
Last spring, the folcmn time drew nigh,
When Madam Congress ought to die,
[Whole No. 489.]
While the Old Lady lav in prayer)
Rack'd with the arigwui of ciefpair,
Great Mr. G—that modefl; man,
Was fafe delivered of—a plan.
Alas fond man ! thou tho't'fl hefure
Altho' thy Brat was premature,
If Hamilton woilld once retreat,
'Twould stand a chance to live, and ea:
Rut lo ! before the second rtiorn,
The wond:-ous Ballard prov'd still-born.
But hark ! what founds so !oud, and clear,
Break on Columbia's tortur'd ear ?
" G—t is come," the founds reply,
" Let songs' of triumph rend tjie iky/'
Now mix'd with yonder motley throngj
The (h;!oViy Envoy struts, along,
While mobs, &c. heart, and hand,
Welcome the demagogue to land.
See the French tindei -box take fire,
At every straggling spark of ire,
Flame round the realm in wild difmav,
And threaten all who disobey*
Hear him (O monstrOus ?)' rave, and fweafy
That France, and we, twin-sisters are,
So much alike, that Death, a dunce,
Will doubtless kill ub botfi at once,
See him (O fad !) now funk forlorn.
Beneath tfie utirioft teach cf scorn.
There let him, bid from every eye,
On fair G -'s bosom lie,
Till fitter France {hall intervene,
And wed him to Miss 6uil!otine,
But fee the clouds of death draw riigft,
And shroud Columbia's faireft (ley ;
O'er Philadelphia's fated ground,
Disease and terror stalk around,
Despair adds horror to the gloom,
And crouds the manfioiis of the tomb.
One random {hot from Fate's sure bow
I .ays Boston's mighty monarch low ;
See the fam'd Democratic race,
Prepare to {hew their sovereign grace-—
While to the wondering eye of day,
The lengthen'd cavalcades display
A pofnp, which Kings would blush to
"Where Freedom finks beneath tfie throne/
Well might the patriot Adams flv
Tlie fhameful scene, with fwiairbing e
Now trouble thickens fact around*,
Duplaine comes tumbling to the ground ;
While snug within hit* consul nest,
Bold Dannery enters his protefb
Now warrft'd anew, Monsieur Genet,
Falls sou! of McfTrs. King and Jay,
Demands the retribution due him,
And feemi to hint as if he'd sue 'em,
See him from York in fwift retreat,
Tho' hungry, still afraid to cat,
Left Grcenleaf should difefofe a fate,
To make the Envoy's cheeks turn pal&r
Great child of negociation flv—
Ruin 011 thee has f?xM her eve
Thy sweetheart Moultrie soon muff {cave
Thy Charleftown soldiers cannot save
For faction's fake do not delay,
Congress are counting out thy pay,
Soon thou wilt hare it, n. verTe.'.r,
Made up in bilh ott Roberfpiere,
And row, met n inks forhe friarlers fay
' Before you end your tedious ,
' Afhonpft the hct'roger.cous race,
* Tom Greertterfflight to fiid a placc ;
' That Librf nn the best of Me?;,
* Was doubtJefs v r ritten by his pen ;
4 And yet, how fad tbe coward flies,
* From Retribution's avvfrl eye?.'
My heart disdains the fncakfho foul,
Who tfufli no' venture from his hole,
And ever will the wretch defpifc,
Who saves his ears by telling lies.
Hartford, Jan, ijf, 1794.
BEING desirous of cl elfin g various commer
cial concerns, and (hat oil powers hereto
fore granted relative (o the fame Ihould be re
voked, and public notice of it given, to prevent
any p"ffible mistake ; I, the Tabfci iber, do Irere
by mahe known to all whom it may concern,
that all oowers and letters of attorney, of every
natuie and eX'cnt, granted by me to any person
or per (oris, prior to the of July lift, to
ast for mcW tn nty name in America, are re
voked and made void.
New-York, Jau. i, 1794. dtw