Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 16, 1794, Image 1

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    of die Hntifefi
evening adve
[No. 50 of Vol. V.]
This day is publifbed y
No. 118. Maikft-itr PST,
( Price a quarter dollar )
A short account of ALGIERS,
Containing a dcfcnpiton of the rlimaietif ihrt
country —of ihe mannru and cuftotns of the in
habitants, and of iheir (cveral wars aga.nft Spain,
France, England, Holland, Venice, ana oth~r
powers of Europe, from the ttfurpation of Bar
barofTa and the invasion ol the Emperor Charles
"V. to the present time; with a eoncifr view of
the origin of the rupture between ALGIERS
Jan. q.
Excellent CLARET,
Id tiogf«cadt and in cafra of 50 bottles cacb.
A L ,< O,
A few cases Champaigne Wine ;
la pipca, hoglh-ad* and qnaiicr cafki,
No. in, South Front-lireet.
Jan. a, 1794. dtf
Bjck of the New L'braty, Chefout
and Walnut St reels.
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY infoTri * his friends and
the public iii general, that he Continues
■carrying op the bufine*/Vof
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for dooisor in themoft
elegant manner, and with dilpatch.
Orders from the country will be thankfully
received, and duly attended to.
December 30, c ltf
Now opening for Sale,
A large and valuable collection ofBOOKS,
imported from London in the Mohawk.
Dee. 19.
Robert Campbell,
No. 54, South Sccrnd-Jlreet,
Scconddoor below the corner of Chefnut-ftreet,
By the late arrivals from Britain and Ireland,
A large and general AJfortmcnt of
New Books and Stationary,
"Which will be difpoled of on the I owe ft terms.
Dec. 23. niw&ftf
Bank of the United States.
January 6th, 1794.
NOTICE is hereby given, that there will
be paid at the Bank, after the iixteenth
instant, to the Stockholders or their represen
tatives, duty authorized fifteen dollars, and
fifty cents for each (hare, being the dividend
declared for the last fix months.
By Order,
JOHN KXAN, Cafcier.
BEING desirous of doling various commer
cial concerns, and that all powers hereto
fore granted relative to the fame (Kould be re
voked, and public notice of it given, to prevent
any poflible mistake ; I, the fubfenber, do here
by make known 10 all whom it may concent,
lhat all powers and letters of attorney, of every
nature and extent, granted by me to any person
or perions, pnor to the ift day of July la ft, to
att tor mc or in my name in Ame r i ca, are re-
Ncw-Yo»k, Jan. t, 1794. dtw
& Terms of Subfcr'tption for this
Ga%ette, are Six Dollars per annum—to be
paid half-yearly. Subscriptions of persons
tvho reside at a diflance from the city, to be
twelve months in advance, or payment to be
guaranteed at the place of publication•
Advertifementi of onefjuare, or left, in
sertedfour times' for One Dollar—once, for
Fifty Cents—and continuations at Twenty
Cents each—tbofe of greater length in pro
portion. Favors in this line, and Subscrip
tions, will te gratefully received at the Office
in South Fourth-flrcct,five doors north of the
Indian Queen.
<t?" Gentlemen, in poffefjion of Suhfcnption
papers for this Gazette, are requejled to
transmit tbem to the Editor's Office.
The Young LADIES'
Drawing Academy,
Under the D'treftion of
Will, ill a few days, be resumed.
HE feels a gratitude to those parents
and guardians of the young ladies,
who have entrufled to him their tuition—
and as mod of them are to return, he will
have an opportunity, by his endeavors for
their further improvement, to acquit him
felf of a debt, which he efteerhs it an honor
to have incurred.
One or t'zvo large Rooms,
In a central fit nation, suitable to accom
modate liis pupils, are wanted. Apply to
him, at No. 2, Lselitia Court—where he
will be thankful to receive commands for
Miniature Painting or Hair Work, and all
kind of Drawing on Ivory, Sattin or
January 13, 1794.
Virginia* Sortluimber'unii ( ou»tv, Dec. 28, 1793-
A Valuable Trad of LAND,
in ihj* county, containing about eight
BCmdVed aeres, one louuh of which is low
grounds, of excellenf quality; the other three*
lourihs is high land, well covered with oak,
hn;Kory and chefnut,
The muation is pleafynt and healthy, on Yeo
comico river, about three miles from the PotOi
mack There ; son it a two ttory brick dwcl
ltng-houfc, wi(h lour rooms and a uafTige on
each floor, excjufive of clefetf ; a good
and oiHei nccellary out-houfes. h has orchards
ot apple and p ach trees, and is well watered
by many dcjtghtlul springs. The terms may be
known on application to the Honorable JOHN
HEATH, in Philadelphia* or to the fubferiber,
living on the p»rm'.fes.
fan. 10.
ALL persons having any de
mapcis.agiHntt *,be tliate of Gl ORGfc
WliiLE, late o! the city,of Philadelphia, baket»
arc r qucft. d ro bring in their accounts, property
aurht' ttratcd ; and those who are indebted, are
dcfjpd td make immediate payment.
E Y,
HENRYRKES, Administrator.
24 V 3W
January 13.
Insurance Company.
Philadelphia, January 6, 1794.
NOTICE is hereby given to 'the'members
of the Insurance Company of North
America, that the Dire&orsrhave declared a
dividend (/or the last fix months) of tlx PtR
Cent, on the amount of the firltand fecoud
mftalment* ; and of one per cent per month
on the funis paid in anticipation of the third
instalment, calculating from the firft day of
the montb fbl'Gwing that, in wirch (h»»le pay
ments were made. Tb# dividend will be paid
to the Stockholders, or-their reprefentat veS,
at the company's office, No. 119 south Front
ftreet, at any time after the 13th instant.
By order of the Directors.
EBLNEZER Secretary.
Jan. 9. w&f 1 in,
Parry and Mufgrave,
Goldsmiths £sf Jewellers,
No. 42,
An glegant AJTortment of
Which they will of on the inoft rea
sonable terms. Devices in hair, Miniatures
sett, and every thing in the gold aud lilver
way, done as ulual.
December 24.
Treasury Department,
NOTICfe is hereby given* thai piopofal* will
be received at the Qffice ot the_ Secretary
of the Trcafury, until the 6th of February next
inclusive, for the supply of all Rations which
may be required during the present year, at the
several places of rendezvous hereafter mention
ed, for the Recruiting Service, viz.
At New-Brunfwick, in New-Jerfipy;
Ar Philadelphia,
At Lancaster, > in Pennrylvania.
At Reading, )
The ration* to be furniftied are to consist ol the
following articles, viz.
One pound of bread or flour,
One pound of beef, or J of • pound of pork,
Hall it jilj of rum, brandy or whilky,
One quart of fait }
Two quarts of vineearf
Two pounds of soap (P" 100 ratlons
iOne pound of candlei)
J»0. 9.
Thursday, Ja
uuary 16, ' 794-
House of Reprefentdtivcs.
January 13.
In committee of the t tvhole i on the report of
tht Secretary of State, relative to the com
mercial intercourse of this country, with fo *
reign nations.
Mr .Smith's C,) Obfervaiiom concluded.
Mr. Smith proceeded to con fid el - the
comparative view of tobacco exported to
the rival nations, France and Great Bri- v
taini In France there was no duty, but
the Farmers General had a monopoly of
that article, which was a great bar to free
trade* In England there is a duty of 1/3
per pound on our tobacco, and on all o~
ther a duty of nearly tieble. This
diftindtion is not noticed by the Secretary
of State; on the contrary he takes care
to mention that that article pays a great
internal duty in Great Britain. Upon
this fubjeft he held it as an incontroverti
ble principle that the consumer pays ail
such duties, provided the country into
which they are imported does not raise the
fame or a {iibftitute for the article ; pro
vided they are not so high as to amount
to a prohibition ; and that in those duties
no discrimination is made in favor of the
like articles from other countries. The
Secretary ef State pays no regard to this
principle. If it was not a found principle
recriminations without numbers would be
heard from other countries, whose com
modities we often lubjed, here to very hea
vy internal duties.
The heavy duties of Great Britain up
on this article, tobacco, from other coun
tries but the United States, give us an ab
solute monopoly, to the disadvantage of
Portugal indeed, one of the nations with
whom Great Britain is on the most friend
ly terms. In the Weft-Indies, the French
prohibit the importation of our tobacco,
and Great Britain admits it into her co
In this article then it mull be evident
that the system of Great Britain is much
more favorable to the interests of this
Rice pays one per cent ad valorem in
Frauce, and there is no diftin£lion made
in our favour or against us. In Great
Britain the duty is more coniiderable. In
the French Well Indies one per cent is al
so paid, and in the British Ifiands it is uot
only free, but a prohibition is laid on all
other except our rice. It is doubtful at
fir ft fight which fyftcm is mod favouiable
if it does incline to the French scale, the
difference, on close infpedtion, will appetr
very trifling.
Experience has taught us,that rice rare
ly becomes an article of common food in
those countries in which it is imported,
and which raise a fufficiency of other grain,
as France and England. There rice is an
article of luxury, consumed only by the
wealthy. This observation is verified by
adverting to the state of the consumption
of this prodnftion among us. Tho' it is
so wholesome an article of food, yet in
those dates wherp it does not grow, end
wherethereisafufficiency of other grain, it
is only used as a luxury. In Great Bri
tain, then the duty cannot materially af
fect the consumption, as it bears only on
those abl? to pay it.
This duty was probably laid by Great
Britain to prevent the competition of this
article with wheat in times of scarcity. In
times of plenty such a competition is not
to be feared, and as in France, that scar
city is not probable, from the quantity of
wheat raised, they had no need of such a
protesting duty. The Britidi duty was
laid while we were colonies, it therefore
cannot be considered as a hostile measure.
In the Weft Indies rice is the common
food, there is the molt advantageous mar
ket for that commodity and there Great
Britain favours us much more than France.
In the article of Wood, Great Britain
favore us more than France. To Great
Bricain our wood is not only free, but a
[Whole No. 488.]
duty is laid upon rivals in this branch of
trade ; not some small duties as the Sec*
retary of State aflerts, but some very coiK
fiderable, which if they did not exiit, tlie
wood from the northern countries Wotild
preclude any supply from this coUntry k -«-
Our wood to France is free from dutv but
other nations are on the fame footing with
refpe& to this article.
Salted fifh is prohibited in Grerit Bri*
tam and her Weft-Indies, and fubjdSe to
a high duty in France, with high boun
ties on their own.
In the whole catalogue of exports, im*
poits and navigation, this is the only arti-'
cle in which the French really lftjd otit to
us greater advantages than to other nati
ons ; and here the difference as to faked
fiih, will appear greater upon a fuperficiat
than upon a more accurate view of the
cafe. Each country aims at a monopoly
of this article ; Great Britain is able to
supply hcrficlf and can therefore prohibit
ours: France gives a bounty on her own
and would exclude us if {he was adequate
to her own supply : but as (he is not, our
fifh get 6 into her (narkets ; this, however,
is conferring no favor oh us, for fifh from
other foreign countries is there oh the
fame footing as ours.
The fyflem of both colintric», in fact,
in this refpeft, is the fame ; the different
(ituation of the two countries create! the
difference of measures.
France, lie dated, had (hewn us nrt
friendfhip in this branch of trade ; she has
endeavored to eftablifli her fifherics on the
ruin of ours, by tempting our fifhtrtnen eo
fettle at Dunkirk. If in the prohibition
ot Great Britain of this article we fee th«
spirit of a felfifh rival, in the policy of the
French, We fee the manoeuvres of in iufidi«
ouß friend.
If the French regulations operate fotoe
what in favor of our whale oil, they are more
than counter balanced by their reftriftionS
on our fifh. To elucidate the spirit of our
commercial system in this refpedt, it was
well to mention two or three fa£ts. In '84
an arret was paflfed giving foreign fifh ad
mission into the Weft-Indies ; '85 a pre
mium was granted in favor of their fifh
imported there ; in seven days after the
palling of the arret making this regula
tion, the duty on foreign fifh was raised
from 3 to 5 livres. Another arret was
past giving exports from the United States
a right to be deposited in the dominions
of F ranee and 2 months after Jt/h was po
sitively excepted.
Pot and Fearl-Afh. The regulations
of Great Britain as to these articles are
most favorable.
Indigo. Great Britain also here fa
vors us moll.
Live Cattle. On the fame footing in
both countries.
Flax-feed, also.
Naval (lores. More favored byG.Britain
Iron, Bar and Pig. Great Bi stain
more favorable. In France there is no
diftinftion for or againfl; in Great Bri
tain there is a diltin&ion in our favov,
even to the prejudice of exportations of
this article from Ireland, which pay a
high duty. The Secretary of State, to
take away the merit of this discrimina
tion in our favor, fays, that it is of no
advantage to us, as we have no more than is
necefTary for our own consumption. Mr.
Smith remarked, w hen the dilHn&ion was
made, it was a circumstance not forc
feen, and is owing to our great encreafe
of manufactures. Iron to the ajiaunt
of between 80 and 90,000 dollars, is ex
ported to Great Britain.
From what lie said of exports it mult
appear, he conceived, that our principal
productions are more favored bv the B.ii
tifh than the French permanent fyflem
before the revolution.
He proceeded to lay before the com
mittee a comparative ftateir-nt of the va
lue of expbiU of pur principal ilapje
commodities to trance and Great Britain
and their colonic, for the year, ending
with September I 790, as follows:
S E R.
Fish Oyl