Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 15, 1794, Image 1

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    evening ad v e
[No. 29 of Vol. V.]
The Young LADIES'
Drawing Academy,
Under the D'ircftbn of
S. F O L WE L L,
, in ast to days, be rcfumed.
HE feels a gratitude to tnofc parents
and guardians of the young ladies,
who have entrusted to him their tuition—
and as mod of thfcm are to return, he will
have an opportunity, by his endeavors for
their further improvement, to acquit him
felf of a debt, which he cfteems it an honor
to have incurred.
One or two large Rooms,
In a central situation, suitable to accom
modate his pupils, arc Wanted. Apply to
him, at No. 2, I.ietitia Court—where he
will h:" thankful to receive commands for
Miniature Painting or Hair Work, and all
kind of Drawing on Ivory, Sattin or
January ij, 1794.
Virginia. Xortliumhci'jnd ( ounl.. Dec 28, 1793
A Valuable Tract of LAND,
in itn» county, containing about
Hundred acrc>, one lounh of which is low
grounds, ot excellent quality: ihr other three
fourths \b h:gli land, well cuvi-rcd with oak,
hickory and chcfnui.
T»»e filiation is plraOnt and healthy, on Yeo
ormco river, aoout three mi!« s from the Poto
insck There »soh i. a two ilory brick dwtl-
Itaghoufe, with four rooms and a paiTage on
«»ch fl .01, i'xihdive of rlolets ; a good kitchen,
and ofhei nerrtfary ont-houft s It has orchards
Of adp If bod c» ach Irers, and is well watered
by niaiiy d< iicsh tul fprings-. < The tei-m® maybe
kttpwn on apuli'-anon to rlie Honorable JOHN
HEATH, in Ptnlar). iyhia, or to the fjb.tcriber,
living en the premies.
Jan. to.
ALL persons having any de
m,and.« dgamit the • itjie %,{ G: OiIGE
WIBLE, late o» the city ol P lilade phia, baker,
ate rrqttcilf dto bring in their accounts, properly
au'henttcatfd ; and those who are indebted, are
drfired to immediate payment.
HENRY REES, 'Adorn.ftrator.
January 13.
Insurance Company.
Pkiladc i fiiu f January 6, .794.
NOTICE is hereby given 1.0 the members
of the Insurance Company of North
America, that the Director* have declared a
dividend (for the last fix months) of six per
CiNT,on the amount of the firlt and second
instalments ; and of* one prr cent per month
on the sums paid in anticipation of'the third
inftalmcnt, calculating from the firft day of
the mouth foPdwiug that, in \vh ch thole pay
ments were mad<.\ The dividend will be paid
to the Stockholders, or their r< prefent;»t ; ves
at the company'* officr, No. 119 south Front
ftreet, at any time after the 13th instant.
Rv otder of the Diti clots.
J an - 9* w&
Treasury Department,
NOTICE is hereby given, that pTopofals will
be received at the Office of the Secretary
ol the Treasury, until the 6ih of February nex:
iHclufive, for the supply of ali Rations which
may he required during the present year, at the
ft veral puces of rendezvous hereafter mention
ed, lor the Recruirng Service, viz.
At X ? ew-Biijufwiok, in New-Jeifcy;
Ar Philadelphia, }
At Lancaftei, > in Pcnnfylvania.
At Reading, )
The rations to be furnifhed arc to confifl of the
following articles, viz.
One pound of biead or flour,
One pound of beef, or J of • pound of pork,
Halt a jill of rum, brandy or whisky,
One quart of fait }
Two quarts of vinegars
Two pouudl nt f,./p >P" 100
One pound of candles}
Parry and Mufgrave,
Goldsmiths Jewellers,
No. 42,
/In elegant AJfortment of
Which they will difpoie of on the molt rea
sonable te r ms. Devices in hair, Miniatures
sett, and erery thing in the gold aud silver
way, done as ulual.
Deceiuber 24,
Sfttftfte of tit UtiifeJi
BM N'G dtlirons r.f clnling various commer
cial concerns, and rtiat all powos hereto
tore grimed relative to the lame Ihould b<- re
voked, and pui'iic nonce of it given, to pievrnt
any p> flihle miftakc ■ I, the furfciiber, do here
by indke known to all whom it may concern,
ihit all powers and iettera of attorney, ol every
"'jure and extent, granted bv me to any person
»r pirlonl, prior to the tl) day n! July last, to
■ft lor me or in my name in A«iik», are u
voked and made void.
NVw-Yn.k. |an. 1. 1 7q 4 . diw
No. J 18 MAR KS T-ST K F ET,
(Price a quarter dollar)
A fliort account of ALGIERS,
Crn:a>ning a dcfcnption o! the climate of ih-i
county - nt Ihe manners and etiftoms of the in.
habitant*, and ol their fcveral wars against Spam,
France, England, Holland, Vtn o:, ai:dothtr
powets of Europe, (torn the ufuruation of Bar
haroffa and the invasion of the Enipetor!e>
V. to the present time; with a eoncife view of
•he otigin of the rupture between ALGIERS
!»i. 0.
Excellent CLARET,
In hoglVcads and in cafc-t of 50 bottles each,
A L «S O,
A few cases Champaignc Wine ;
In pipe*, hoofhv-ads and quarter casks,
J»". 1794.
Back of the New Library, between Cbefnut
George Rutter,
T3 ESPEC.TFULLY informs his friend* and
V the public in general, that he continues
carrying on the business of
Sign and Eire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or window-lhutters, done in the most
elegant manner, and with dispatch.
Orders from the country wilJ be thankfully
received, and duly attended to.
December 30, dtf
By M. C A R E Y,
A large and valuable collection of BOOKS,
imported from London in the Mohawk.
Dee. 19.
Robert Campbell,
No. 54, South Sectnd-Jlreet,
Second door below the corner of Chefnut-flreet,
By the late arrivals from Britain artd Ireland,
A large and general AJforlment of
New Bocks and Stationary,
Which will be disposed of on the lowed terms.
"«-■ *3 niw&rftf
Bank of the United States.
January 6th, I 794.
NOTICE i< hereby given, that tlieie will
k- paid nt the 8.11 k, after the fifteenth
instant, to lie Stockholders or their reprefen
tarives, duly auihorized fi;teen dollars .»nd
fifty cent:, for each ilia re, being the dividend
declared for the last lix-months.
Cj* Terms of Subscription for this
Gaiette, are Six Dollars per annum—to be
paid half-yearly, Subscriptions of persons
who refuie at a d'flance from the city, to be
twelve months in advance, or payment to be
guaranteed at the place of publication.
Advertisements of onefquare, or left, In
ferred four timet for One Dollar—once, for
Fifty Cents—and continuations at Twenty
Cents each—those of greater length in pro
portion. Favors in this line, and Subscrip
tions, veil! be gratefully received at the Office
in South Fourthffrett, five doors north of the
Indian Queen.
C 5" Gentlemen, in poffi/Jion of Subscription
papers for this Gazette, are requeued to
tranfwiit them to the Editor's Office.
Wednesday, January 1,5, 1794.
7 his da v is puhh/hed\
No. in, Suntli Froui-Urct'i.
and Walnut-Streets,
Now opening for Sale,
By Older,
JOHN KEAN, Cafh-er.
For the G.izette of the Ui;ited Stj-ti s.
Altho' it is believed that there is but
little danger to be apprehended from the
declining influence of the Democratic So
ciety in this City, we can be at no loss
to discover from the conduit of thcprefent
atii-vc members, the motives by which they
were governed in bringing about its elta
With a view of imprefiing on the minds
of our unfufpectiiig citizens, the evils which
naturally arise out of such political iiill i
tutions, 1 mult beg you to rtpubhjk the
following excellent letter from a viper of
lalt Summer
Virginia, 27th July, 1793.
A 1 a meeting of Citizens, Hanover
County, Virginia, the Principles, Articles,
Regulations and Circular JLetter of the
Democratic Society, at Philadelphia, hav
ing been read and considered—
Refoh'cd unanimously, That the follow
ing letter be addrefied to David Ri 1 TEN
house, Esq. and others, member) of that
Fellow Citizens,
sHE principles recognized by your
fjciety being among those on which our
free and happy Conditution is founded,
no true Republican will helitate to sub
scribe to them. We join you also moil
cordially in opinion, that at this criiis it is
more particularly the duty of every indi
vidual to use his utmoil efforts to remove
the prejudices and conciliate the affections
of all other fellow citizens; and that, to
obtain these most deiirabie obje£ts, it be
hoves all to cultivate on all occaiicns peace,
order, harmony arid attachment to the Con-
Jlitution; and, having the general welfare
only in view, fedulouily to avoid even the
appearance of party diltinftions. But we
cannot refrain, fellow citizetis, from ex
pressing our apprehensions that political
focietiee, branched out and assuming pow
ers to tne extent you recommend, may,
however pure and well liitentioned in their
commencement, be perverted into clubs of
faction, as has been too often experienced,
and terminate at length in Courts of Inqui
sition. We apprehend that a dread at least
of such confequer.ces will at any rate ex
cite heart-turnings and diffentions —fatal
precursors of Anarchy, and its invariable
We are happy in the conviction that
the citizens of the United States, who of
their own free choice have adopted the
Con flit ut ion under which we enjoy Pence,
l.ilerty, and Independence, are fully com
petent, by the modes prescribed by that
Constitution, to correct the abules which
may and will, from time to time, creep in
to this and all other human injlitutians. We
arc happy also in the conviction, that the
citizens of our free independent Republic
can, without being driven to the necefilty
of forming themselves into societies or par
ties (proper at certain times for fuhjetts of
monarchical and despotic governments, where
the correction of abuses orcliaage of pub
lic men cannot otherwise be brought a
bout) approve and aid those whole valor,
virtue and patriot ism, contributed to pro
cure and continue to preserve to lis the
blefllngs of Peace, Liberty &Independence,
and cau by conjlitutional modes too, dis
countenance or punish their public servants
of a contrary description, and change the
whole system of government, when they
judge it proper to do so.
We are more particularly averse at this
time to the appearance of party diftindti
011s, which too often end in civil difien
tions, being deeply affeded by the horrid
massacres and devailations recently expe
rienced by our insular friends, with whom
we sincerely sympathize on the melancho
ly occalion. We deprecate the like dread
ful calamities, which will inevitably deluge
our common country, (hould party differ
ences fever the fraternal band and dissolve
the Union—that barrier which alone can
save us from the miseries of civil discord,
and its certain confequence—foreign do
mination, It is Union alone that can con-
R T I S E R.
[Whole No.. 4 8 ~.j
tinue to us l!'.e p arc and honovt of an !ti
d.per.drnt, and thehappmefs (fa ReptdlLan
' Government.
We are, with threat respect,
Ycur Fellow Citizens.
j •
i '"WSthiefday, J lunary 8.
(Con : fined.)
- I he following motion was made and fe
f conded:
Ordered, That the Secretary cf the
lYeafury do 1 ly before this Hcule trie fol
lowing Ratements, to w'.t.
i'nit. A Statement of the domcß.'c
debt of the United Stales, as due on the
i R day of January 1794, fpeeif/ing under
dißinft heads—
iR. liie funded debt, dißinguilhirg
the fix per ccnts, three per cents, and de
ferred stock, and in each kind of Rock,
itdtirig separately, the amoui.t created by
the affumptlon of the Itate debts.
2d. The regiltered debt.
3d. f'he debt iubienbctble to the lonil
of the United States, but which not be
ing funded ur regiflered at the Treasury,
is not entitled to a dividend.
4th. 1 he balances due to creditor Hates
and already funded (ir there be any fuc'li)
being the exccfs of the funis sefpe&iveiy
by law aiTumed, for such Rates, above the
films actually fubienbed 111 the debts of
thefaid itates.
sth. '[ he domeflic loans f r ca(h con
tratted since the commencement cf the
present government, Rating the refpeftive
times when borrowed 5c when beconiu; ir
due, together with the rate of ir.tereli. °
6th. Ail other kinds of dumeilic debts
not ipec'.aily ine-tded under the hvepre
ceding heads, for the payment of wbiiit
no appropriations have been made.
Second. \A Statement c; tlie domeilic
debt redeemed fine* the comniencenu :it of
the present government to the fii R day of
January 1794, dillinguiihing the different
ipecies debt, and fpeciiMoj" the mede
ot ledeinption, and, when redeemed it r
money, the amount of monies expended
in pureha&jg the fame.
J. hird. A genera! ftatemerit of the fo
reign debt of the United States, as c!, e
011 the ift day of January 1794, ilati i '
separately the French debt, the othet
debts contracted before the conjntetice
inent of the present government, and the
loan* contracted finee that time ; and fpe
cifying in each debt 01 loan the or. • 1
amount, the.time from wl,,i.h the iineielt
commenced, the payments alr.ariy mjde,
with the dates of the fame, and t|u pla
ces where paid, the amount yet due, ;:,.J
the refpcctive units .vhen tlie fame thail
become due.
fourth. A fpecific account of the ap
plication of the monies obtained r.pon io
reign loans contracted since the com
mencement of the present government,
to the ill day of January 1794, Rating
the amount of the monies drawn over to
America and . of thole applied in Europe,
together with the dates of such applicati
oes or drafts.
Filth. A summary Ratement of the
actual receipts and expenditures frorp the
commencement of the present Govern
ment to the lart day of December 1
including all monies received 0,1 account
of the United States, such pans of tee
foreign loans as have not beei ( !■ a-.\ r over
to America only excepted i .
the rronics'received mtder ,-nch br.;n.-h of
the ieVehueand therri us expended rce •
each appropriation, andßatil%trieb in<, s
of each fcrrfnch cf the revere remaining *
unexpended on the 31ft , .;y of Dee,:,-! -r
f 9 o j fpecifym;. fv.rh
as were 011 that day i.i th. Fix.,! 1 t »J
such as were uncolleaffl « r in the LV/ 3
of any banks, ctfcers, or cfiiir perioi
Sixth. Similar and fej...-. . e •Wtonn.rj
for the years 1791', 1-, ', {UI .J lr . ,
pcdively, fpecitying fep,.a t Jy i;,"^.,