Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 14, 1794, Image 4

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Firjtnia, hot tkumbeiLndi §uri\ % Dec 28, *793-
V Valuable 'i ratt of LAND,
I V irt r .his, containing about eight
bun r. aerr>, one touith ol which is low
giorindf, of excellent quality; ih» other three
t rjrrhs •$ high land, well coveted with o:»k,
hickory anu chc fnui.
•T fit nation i« pleasant and heal'hy, on Yco
eomic'" river, about three nuha from the Poto
rr.ark There «s on it a iwu (lory hrtck dwel
ling house wish tour roonn and a p«(T->gc on
crl' Pi »o», exi lufivc of closets ; a ®oorl kitchcn,
.nd othei nccrfTny out-hoi|f # Ic ha»oichards
or apole and p ;ich tiees, and it weil walcied
,hy many dHi.jh'ful springs. The trrtnj may be
known on application to the Honorable JOHN
JItATH, in i'ntladclphia, or 10 the fjblcriber,
hvmgon the prcmifes.
;o. "Aif IQHX r.ORDOV.
This day is pubhjhed %
No. 11 8, MA RKfcT-*T R FIT,
(Price a quarter dollar)
A short account of ALGIERS,
C"n inii'id it dcicription of the rlunaic of that
ro? ihc manner* tnd cuftorm of tnr in.
e, arid of ihcr levrral wars aga-nft Spain,
'. Hi*!...:;., Holland, Venice, and other
iOoc, mm the ufuruation of Bar-
c 'un;: y -
b»ro{T« and ihe iß.vafion of the Emperor Charles
V. to he orelent time; with a eoncife view of
theotigi'i of the iruptuie beiwt-cn ALGIERS
J*" Q-
Insurance Company,
Philadelphia, January 6, a 794.
XTOTICE is hereby p.ven io the members
1\ o r the Insurance Company of North
America, that the have declared a
di v de-.d (for the last fix mo iths) of six PtR
c&nt, on the amount of the firft and fecoixl
lriOalments ; and of one per cent per month
on the sums paid in anticipation of the third
instalment, calculating from the si ft day of
the month following rhat, in which th<>fe pay
ments were mad-*. The dividend will be paid
to the Stockholders, or their representatives,
at the company's office. No. 119 south Front
ftreet, at any tiitie after the 13th instant.
By order of the D rr&ors.
J an - 9- w&
Treasury Department,
NOTICE is hereby giv< n, that proposals will
be received at the Office of the Secretary
of ;he Treasury, until the 6h of February ncx*.
iiwlufive, for the fupplv of all Rations which
mav be required during the prefi m \c»r, at the
fcvrral places of rendezvous hereafter mention
ed, tor the Recruiting Service, viz.
At New-Brunfwick, in New-Jerfcy;
At Philadelphia,
At Lancaster, v in Pennf) lvania.
At Reading, )
The rations to be furnifhed are loconfiftof the
following articles, viz.
One Dound of bread or flour,
One pound of beef, or £ of a pound of pork,
Half a jill of rutn, brandy or whiflty,
One quart of fait
Two quarts of vinegar(
Two p ,und, of fo,p (P" 100 ritlon '
One pound of candles )
Jan. q,
Italian Stay and Habit-Maker,
ENCOURAGED by several Ladies of Phi.
ladelphia, now in New-York, has remov
ed from thence to this city, in Cooper's Court,
No. 35 nortU fid'e of Mulbery street, between
Front and Second ; where all kinds of Stays
are made-—as Italian shape, French corset,
English, Silk turn, Rid>ng, Suckling stays, Sec.
A'lo ? Lad's' Habits, Surtouts, Gowns, and all
kinds of dreiTes for balls, completed in the
oeweft and mod elegant fafhion.
Any ladies in New-York and Charleston,
who may wiih to employ him, and will be
pleaded to fend their measures (hall have their
work finifhed with the utmost neatness and
N. B. Sa'd Caflelli has an apartment of
ready made stays to felL
3t *
Jan. 7,
Parry and Mufgrave,
Goldfmitbs Jewellers,
No. 42,
An elegant AJfortment of
Which they will difpole of on the most rta
fonahl* terms. Devices in hair, Miniatures
fetr, and every thing in the gold and silver
way, dor>« usual.
December 24.
BF.ING defirou, of doling various commer
cial concerns, and Ihil all powen hereto,
lore grimed relaiive to the fame fliould be re."
vokrd, and public notice of it given, 10 prevent
anv P"Bible m.stake ; I, the fubfenber, do here,
by make known 10 all whom it mav conccrn
that all powers and letters of attorney, ot every
natuie and exicnt, granted by me 10 any person
or persona, prior to the ill day of July latt, to
afl for me or in my name in Atsiaica, arc re
voked and made void.
New-York, Jan. i, 1794. dlw
Excellent CLARET,
In hog(Vcads and in cafc* of 50 bottles catli.
A few cases Champaigne Wine ;
In pipea, hoglhcads and quarter ca(ks,
No. »m, South Froni-iireei,
Back of tlic New Library, between CUefnut
Jan. », 1794.
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the public in general, that he continues
carrying on the bufinrft of
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or window-(hutters, done in the most
elegant manner, and with dispatch.
Orders from the country will be thankfully
received, and duly attended to.
December 30, drf
Now opening for Sale,
M. C A R E Y,
A large and valuable colle&ion o(BOOKS,
imported from London in the Mohawk.
Dec. 19.
Robert Campbell,
No. J4, South Sectnd-jlreet,
Secondduor below the corner of Che fnut-ft reft,
By the l»te arrivals from Britain and Ireland,
A large and general AJJbrtment of
New Books and Stationary,
Which will be difpo/ed of on the lowest terms.
mw&f tf
D;c. 23.
Bank of the United States.
January 6th, 1794.
NOTICE is hereby given, that there will
be paid at the Bank, alter the sixteenth
instant, to the Stockholders or their reprefen
tarives, duly amhorized filteen dollars and
fifty cents for each (hare, being the dividend
declared for the last fix months.
George Bringhurft,
In Mulberry (Arch) between Fourth and Fifth
Streets, adjoining the Episcopal burying
TAKES this opportunity of returning his
grateful thanks to his former employers,
and requesting their future favors, as well as
those of the public in general.
He continues to make and repair at th«
fborteft notice, all kinds of pleasure carriages,
such as coaches, chariots, phaetons with and
without crane necks, coachees, chaises, kitte
reens, windsor fulkeys and chaiis, and harness
ofevery description, in the neatest and newest
fafhion now prevailing in the United States.
fa wifiF.
And as he has a quantity of the best seasoned
wood by him, and capital workmen, he has
not the least doubt but he will be able to give
fatisfaftion to those who please to employ him.
He has for Tale, several carriages almost
finished, such as eoachees, an Italian windsor
chair, hung on steel springs, a light phzton for
one or two horses, and a fulkey with a falling
Carriages fold on Commifiion.
Philadelphia, Jan. 6, 1794. mfrt3m
MONEY borrowed or i«aned, accounts sta
ted or collefled, employers suited with
domestic!, houle rooms, boarding and lodging
irnted, Ut or procured—soldier's, mariner's
or miluia men's pay, land, anal claim, on the
public ; (hares in the banks, in iheciqalt, md
the turnpike road ; certificates granted by the
public, and the old and late paper monies;
notes of hand, bills, bonds and morgages, with
or without deposits—Bought, fold, or cero
ctated at No. S, in south Sixth-street, below
Marker-ftrert by FRANCIS WHITE,
Whotranfaas business in the public for
country people and others, by virtue of a pow
er of attorney, or by perfoaal application.
December 11. j
ALL persons having any demand again#
the Estate and EfFe&s of Mrs. MARY
SINDREY, widow, late of Frankford, Ox
ford township, in the State of Pennsylvania,
deceai'ed; are desired to produce their a*!
counts to Jacob Leshir and William Ckud,
(in Frankford, aforefaid,) Executors and Ad
min iftrators of the above in order far feitle
ment. And whoever is indebted to said Es
tate, &c. are requeued to make payment to
the aforefaid Administrators, on or before the
i*th of March, 1794, or they will be dealt
with according to law.
Frankford, Dec. 16.
Stock Brokers Office
No. 16, Wall-Qrett, Niw-Yokk. '
THESubfcnh.r intending to confine himfelf
entirely to the PURCHASE & SALE or
STOCKS on COMMISSION, beg. leave ,0 of!
frr his,to h„ friends and others, in t he
line ol a Stock Broker. Thnfe who may please
to favor him with their business, osay depend
upon having „ tranfaficd with the uimoft fide.
lity and difpaich.
Order, from Philadelphia, Boston, or any
«her partof the United State,, win be Rriftl,
and Walnut-Streets.
By Order,
JOHN KEAN, Cashier,
Just Imported,
Frtm London, Dublin and Glasgow ■,
And now opening for Jale, by
At No. 118, Market Jlrut,
A Large and Valuable
Among which are the following
NE':V Annual Regiiter for 1792
European Magazine for the firft fix
months of 1793
Gibbons decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Memoirs of the Manchester focicty, 3 vols.
Priestly on matter aud spirit
on christianity
Disney's life #f Dr. Jortin
Kingville's ancient geography
D'Anoirs of Guy Joli
Memty, a colle&ion of essays
Varieof Pruflia's works
Calm observer—by Mackintoih
Ruflell's ancient and modern Europe
I-anghorne's Plutarch
Eleganr extracts, superbly gilt
Elegant extra&s of natural history
Saugnier and Briflbn's voyage
Rochon's voyage to Madagascar
Townfend's travels in Spain
Taflo's Jerusalem delivered
Smellie's translation of Buffon
Berwick's history of quadruped!
Button abridged
History of birds
Philips's history of inland navigation
Hooper's rational recreations
History of France, in, 3 vols.
Curiouties of literature, 3 vols.
Whitaker's defence of queen Mary
Sheridan's dictionary, 2 vols.
Dow's history of Hindoftan
Sketches of the Hindoos
Key to polite literature.
Imlay's description of Kentucky
Present state of Nova-Scotia
Profent state of Hudson's Bay
Preston on masonry
Lavater on physiognomy, abridged
Zimmerman's survey
Murphy's life of Dr. Johnson
Necker on executive power
Kifles of Secundus
Gallery of portrait;
Volney's ruins of empires
Vaillaint's travels, with superb tngravings
Dmvnman's infancy
Adair's history of American Indians
Benington on materialism and immaterialifm
BerchoJd's advice to patriotic, travellers
Builder's magazine
Complete farmer
Chandon's life of Veltaire
De Non's travels
Franklin's life and works
Grozier's defcript-ion of China
Murphy's translation of Tacitus
Godwin on politicaliuft'cc
Gazetteer of France, 3 vols.
Helvetius on man
Kaimes's fetches of the history of maa
Liberal opinion*, or the history of Benignui
Mawe's gardener's dictionary
Noble's memoirs ol'the Cromwell famiFy
Playhouse di&ionary
Reveries of fofftnde
Smith's theory of mora} fentimenta
Stackhoufe's history of the bible
Watson's life of Pbilip lid. & lIId.
Wonders of nature and art, 6 vols.
Wanley's wonders of the little world, called I
Wallis on the prevention of diseases
Moore's journal in France
Cox's travels into Denmark,Ruflla,Poland, &c.
Cox's travels into Switzerland
Rabant's history of the French revolution
Life of Lord Chatham
Mallet's northern antiquities
Motherby's medical dictionary
Grigg's advice to females
Hamilton's outlines of the pra&ice of mid
Manning's pra&ice of physic
Cleghorn'i diseases of Minorca
Innes on the mufclfs
Pott's works
Fourcroy's chemistry
Armstrong on diseases of children
Qnincy's dispensatory
Edinburgh difpenfatoty
Lewis's difpenfatpry
Ryan on the asthma
Robertfon's treatise on fevers
Lees botany,
Leake on the viscera
Leake on diseases of women
Nicholfon's chemistry
Gardiner on the animal economy
Lewis's Materia Medica
Fordyce on digestion
Withering on the fox glove
Lind on the diseases of heat
Monro on diseases of armies
Haller's physiology
Spalanzane's dissertations
London practice of phytic
Bell's surgery
Chaptal's chemistry.
(O" Terms of Subscription for tht.
Gaxette, art Six Dollars per annum—to be
paid half-yearly. Subscriptions of perfont
who reside at a diflance from the city, to be
twelve months in advance, or payment to be
guaranteed at the place ofpublication.
Mvertifementi of onefquare, or left, in
fertedfour times for One Dollar—once, for
Fifty Cents—and continuations at Twenty
Centi each—those of greater length in pro
portion. Favors in this line, and Subscrip
tions, will be gratefully received at the Office
in South Fourth-Jlrtet ,five doers f wrth of the
E. Oswald,
No. 15$, Market-Sfceet, South,
A T the requefc of a number of friends,
proposes publishing The Independent
Gazetteer, twice a week, vix. Wednefdavs
and Saturdays— to commence in January next,
it fufficient encoeragement offers
It will be published on Paper and Types
equal to its present appearance. The sub
scription dollars per ann.
Advertii'ements not exceeding a fc]aare,
will be inierted 4 times for I dollar—every
continuance one fifth of* a dollar. Those »x*>
ceeding a square, in the fame proportion.
THE undernamed committee, appointed bv
SUNDAY SCHOOLS in the city of Philadel
phia and ihe diftrift of Southwark and the
Northern Liberties," to solicit further fubfenp
tiona for the support of the fchooli which the
'° c "'y cftijyhfhed, take the liberty to
represent to their fellow citiaeos—
Tfcat, although the fchooW were suspended
during the period of the late awful calamity
with which our «ity and suburbs have been af
flifled, they are now again opened for the free
ad million and education of poor children.
That, the neceflity and rtafona for the eflab
lifhment *f these school* are increafrd, from the
circumstance of the late distress having left a
number of Orphans deUitut* of all the means
of education, save what the hand of benevolence
may administer.
That, former experience has, mod pleasingly,
verified the fondeft hopes of the friends of this
institution, with regard to the progrefa and ad
vancement of the children, who hav* heretofore
been under its care, in the ufeful branches of
education which it has afforded. Referring to
this fact, and to the address to the public, on
this fubjr&, pubhfhed in the newspapers of thia
city >n the third month last, when about eight
hundred and twenty children of both sexes h*d
partaken of the benefits afforded by the society,
and about three hundred and twenty mora were
then actually receiving inftru&ion in their
schools, it now only remains to be observed,
that the funds of the society are greatly infuffi.
cicnt to carry on their benevolent designs, and
that the committee formerly appointed to solicit
fubferiptionf, conceived it neciflWy to decline
k- r a PP'' ca^®n * lo iheir fellow-citir.ens for
their afliftance in favor of these schools, in order
that theie might be no interruption from them
to the solicitations then made in behalf of their
iflifortunate brethren from Cape-Francois.
The public aid_is now therefore e.arneftly so
licited to eftablifhmenr, cal
culated upon thf^rfheipleiof public and pri
vate good. TUV annual fubjficription for a mem.
her is but Otje Dollar; ajid it is prefumcd thai
so small a sum per annum cannot be better di£
posed of, by those who can afford it, than by
bestowing it as the price of the diffufion of ufeful
knowledge among the p«or and friendlefs.
Subfcnptipni and donations will be gratefully
received by the undernamed committee on be
half of the society:
Pet er Thorn pfon, Ebenecer Large,
Thomas P. Cope, Jacob Cauftnim,
Joseph Price, James Todd,
£f)ward Pule, Jofcp.h Janscs,
James Hardie, Jonathan Peorofe,
William fnnia, George Meade,
Benjamin Say, John Perot,
Nathaniel falconer, Jqhn M'Gree,
Francis Bailey, Robert Ralfton,
Jcffe Sharpleft, } Thoroaa Armw,
Samuel Scotten, Gc.rge Williams
Peter Barker. Jan. 1,
P*OR the benefit of those nrho maybe con
cerned it may not be improper to (jotice,
that the United States, by their Art of the lath
of February 1793, ordered t(iat all Clai ms ot*
the description therein mentioned, and which
originated previous to the 4th of March 1789:
be profented at the trealury on or before the
firft day of May 1794, otherwise they will
" for eyer thereafter, be barred, and exclo
" derf from settlement or allowance." And
as there may be several Creditors of the Uni
ted States, holding Certificates or other Se
curities, which form a part of tbe Domeftit
Debt, and who wifli tq fu'ofcribe to the Loan,
they are reminded that the term for receiving
fublcriptions at the Treasury, is by tbe Art of
the United States, pafied the ffecond of March
last, extended to the last day of fnne, 1794*
The following is an extaft front the Art of
Limitation above referred to :
Sictjqn I. "Be it enarted by the Semite
and House of Representatives of the UniteJ
States of America, in Congress alfcmbled
That all claims upon the United States, for
Services or Supplier, or for other cause, mat
ter or thing, turnifhed or done, previous t*
the 4th day of March I 789, whether founded
upon Certificates, or other written documents
from Public Officers or otherwise, which have
not already been barred by anv Art of Limi
tation, and which ftail not be presented at
the Treasury before the firft day of May 1 794,
(hall forever after be barred and preferred
from settlement or allowance : Provided
that nothing herein contained, ftiall be con!
ftrued to assert Loan-Office Certificates, Cer
tificates ot Final Settlements, Indents of lts
tereft, Balances entered in the books of tbe
register ot the treasury commonly called regis
tered certificates,loans oi monies obtained in
foreign countries, or certificates issued purfg
ant to the Art, intitled u An Art, making pre
vision for the Debt of the United States.
P*i»tkd iy JOHN FENNO, No. 3,
Suulh Fourth-Street.