evening a dvertiser. [No. 28 of VoJ. V.] FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Sunday, Odtober 13. Barrere presented, and ihc Convention adopted tbe following Addrrfs : Adddrefs to the Army of the Weft, " Republicans, rebellious Lyons is subdued. The army of the republicans has entered there in triumph. At this moment it is cutting in pieces all the trai tors. It will not spare one of these vile and cruel satellites of despotism. And you, likewise, brave soldiers, you will gain a viflory. La Vendee has already too long harraffed the icpublic; march, (hike, finifh. " All ourenemies ought to fall at once, every army marches to conquer. Will you be the lart to -eap the palms of vic tory ? Merit the glory of having exter minated the rebels and saved your coun tiy. Treason has no time to ast before the impetuosity of courage. Rulh upon these insensate and ferocious bands, break them in pieces, let each of you fay ' "To day I annihilate la Vendee," and La Vendee will be ftibducd." Address to the army of the North, Peronne, " The atmy of the Republic has en tered in triumph into Lyons. Tfee trai tors and the rebels are cut in pieces. The standard of liberty is displayed ou its walls, and purifies them—sure presage of victory. " Victory belongs to courage, it is yomsj strike exterminate the fatelites of tyiants. Base cowards! they have never known what it is to conquer by force and by valour ; they have purchas ed their conquests by treason ; they are covered with your blood, and particular ly with that of your wives and children. Strike, let none efeape your just ven geance i the country has its eye upon you i the Convention seconds your ge nerous ardour ; in the couife of some •days, tyrants will be no more, and the .Republic will owe to you its happiness aud glory." Vive la Republic. A deputation from the popular Soci ety of St. Vincent of Nantes, exprefled their sorrow for the removal of General Aubert-Dabayet and Canclaux, at the inomentthey wereobtaining vi&oiiesover the rebels. The Convention decieed, that the petition (hall be referred to the Committee of Public Safeiy 1 that the commiflioners are auihorifed to make the neceflaryrequifitions for fupplyingNantes with provisions; that the tequeft of the petitioners to be present at the inquiry into the conduct of the two generals shall be granted. Letter from Dubois Craßce, and Gau" thicr, Representatives of the People with the army of the Alps. Lyons, October 9. " The army of the republic this day entered into Lyons without any oiforder, and crowned its glory by acts of humani tv. No person had reafoa to complain of an injury ; and, notwithttanding their fatigue and their necessities, the soldiers stared their bread with the unfortunate victims of aristocracy. The rebels escaped, as 1 forefaw, on the mod favourable quarter, by Vaizes, to the number of about four thousand men, with the artil lery and the caiflons richly loaded. They were surrounded ; our troops puifued them, and killed Ijoo; 60 or 80 were taken prisoners, among whom was the Marquis de Virien, Ex Constituent .• their artillery was also taken, of which one caiflon was filled with gold. The remainder of the rebels escaped, but they are pursued and not one will reach the frontiers. We are informed that the Convention icealls us; we hasten to obey. Our conduct is to undergo an examination ; this we solicit as a favour ; •it will prove that we have never deviated from the principles of good republicans, and that we have never capitulated with ibe rebels." Duboii-Crance dates in hit dispatch, €>e pass of Bonhomme, leaving behind them a great number of their men, who had gone astray in the mountains. " Our loss has been very trifling ; a mong the killed there is one officer. The loss of the enemy has been very conside rable. All (he heights of Mirebelle are Itained with their blood and strewed with their dead. We have made two officers and fifty Piedmontefe, regulars, prison ers of war.exclusive of a great number of Rebels, who having been taken in arms, were ftiot according to law. The regu lars were received with fraternity, by the soldiers of the Republic. One three pounder, three other guns of smaller ca libre, several tumbrels and 2Q,000 car tridges have fallen into our hands. We have this inliant discovered, after a care ful search, the four pieces of cannon that the enemy had buried near Notre Dame de la Glofge, and which the quickness of the pursuit did not leave them at liber ty to carry off with them by the pass of Bonhomme." Letter from Andre Demont, Reprefent ativeof the People, in the Department of Le Somme, and the vicinity. Peronne, Oft. 11. " I refervedthiscity as a bonnebouche. I relied upon finding patriotism in Pe ronne, but what was my astonish ment to find here a new Coblentz. The Marquis of Robecourt was mayor. The city was under the influence of that Mar quis. The other magistrates were no better. I aflembled the people, nobody offered to denounce the difaffefted. The mufcadins alone raised their voice. I de clared with the poignard in one hand & the torch in the other, that I was going to proclaim the city in a Hate of rebel lion. I aflembled the people a second time ; in order to (Irike the blow I had the patriots around me, but iu a small number. I repaired to the municipality, where they denounced to me the trai tors ; the people cried, Vive la Repub liqiie, Vive la Montagne. The traitors are arretted. The Marquis de Robe court, and all those who resembled him, are removed. 1 have nominated good Sans-Culottesin their ttead. " An aid-de-camp, aged eighteen, has been lurprifed writing to the emi grants. He told us, that his dear mam ma had advised him to this step. The dear son, and the dear mamma have been arretted." 1 lie Member) composing the com mission of monuments, wrote from St. Dennis, that if the tombs of the Kings had not yet disappeared in the church of St. Dennis, it was on account of the necessity for saving the public finances; that they thought proper to make out an eflimate of the mod indispensable expen ces for preserving the works of art which these tombs contain; that all the tools had arrived at St. Denis, and that to morrow the hammsr would destroy the remains of royalty. Deputies from the twenty-eight fec tionsof Bourdeaux declared their adher ence to the events of May 31, and June 2 ; they invited the Convention to re main on their poll, and to deliver up to AND Tuesday, January 14, 1794. the sword of the law all traitbrs and con spirators ; they added, that all the men and money of Bourdeaux Wert at the fer rice of the Republic, and that a tingle order would be fufficient for all the men in arms to fly to the frontiers. A letter from the commissioners with the artny on the coast of Rochellej in formed the convention, that the armies of Niort and Saumur had had a most bloody battle with the repels, who had been completely routed on the 9th. Their force, amounted to about io.doo men, had been difpei fed over an extent of coun try of more than 30 miles. A party of Wefiermahn's detachment had entered Charillon, and liberated tbo prisoners. The opposition of the rebels, the Com miliioners affirm, was at an end. In the battle several Republicans were killed, a mong the rell the biave General Cham bon. The committee of Public Safety pre sented a short report, which contained only these words—* 1 Thirty millions arc necelfary for a secret and mod important expedition." The National Convention, without a ny debate, parted a decree, ordering the sura required to be delivered to the com mittee. LevafFeur, commissioner at Beauvats, announced, that tranquillity was rcftortd there. Barrere read a letter from General Dagobert, who informed the conven tion, that the army under his command had entered Spain* and taken the town of Campredon.—During the period granted to the Alcalde Major of the city to reply to the filmmons to surrender, the Spanish troops fired upon the meflenger who carried the summons, and contin ued also their fire upon the troops of the republic.—lt was therefore resolved to storm the city, which was effc£ed with success. The inhabitants fled with pre cipitation, and were pursued to a great distance. It was not possible to lay the city under contribution, for the houses were entirely destitute of inhabitants. The commissioners of the Convention wrote from Bagnols, dated O&ober Bih, that the vi6tory of Argelles had pro duced an immense booty. The garrison of Callihoure it encamped on the heights. The Spaniards sent the flower of their cavalry to attack them, but in vain. They loft 300 men, and 15 taken prifoi*- ers, of.whom two are colonels.—The French had 60 men killed or wounded. They found at St. Genies an bofpital for 800 sick. The SpaniHi at my is in the moil dismal situation, afraid even of at temptinga retreat. Prifux and Hentz, being returned from La Vendee, repoited that the mea fures taken by the committee of public fafety were the only ones proper to be a dopted. General L/Echelle was arrived, and had taken upon him his command — The fame commiflioners a flu red the Con vention, that it was right to have cashier ed the Generals fufpe&ed of incivifm, who paralyzed the army, and obtained fuccefies by halves, in order to mask the it treachery. Monday, Oflober 14. Romme, in commifiion with David, forcollefting all the articles that may be ufeful to the arts and to public iutlruc tion, announced that they had discove red, in a private house, 42 volumes of the correspondence of marshall de Bclleifle, containing valuable details on the ma rine and the art of war ; from theft it will appear, said Romme, that the Mar shall de Bclleifle had long since forefcen all that Montalembert had since found out. The commitee of Public instruc tion were charged to remove tliefe vol umes into the bureaux. A letter was read from General Gal bos, which confirms the intelligence an nounced yelterday of the viAory gained in La Vendee. Tuesday, Oflober ij, Barrerc read a letter from Couthon [Whole No. 486".] and Maigfteli, dated Ljront, O&oher I f. They announces that they re-eftablifherf the patriotic municipalities in their fun&ionsj the popular society is reinilated J a mili tary commiflion has entered upon its of fice, and it consecrates its firlt time to the trial of four aid-de-camps, who are to be efcecuttd on the nth. The difaim •nf» began, and a committee of vigilance has been created. The rebels being piirfued, & are icdilced to 306, who fled into the wood, arour.d which the tocsin has reurlited 6000 men, who will do juf ticeto them. It is laid that fevcra'l ct the chiefb, conscious of tbe impoltibility of their bfing saved, have (hot them selves J and it is thought that £rcffy is of the number* RIOTS AT BIRMINGHAM. BIRMINGHAM, October 2 It being within one week of the tirfie when the present Constables go out of office, and there remaining between fix and leven hundred pounds uncolle£ied of the firft payment towards the damage done his fiuill removed, which was fraffcurrd hy a ftrojtc with a sword. Half past one o'clock in the afternoon. —All is now tranquil; afiother party of soldiers are coming from Kiderrm'nher, and 12 or 14 of the prisoners are lull ta teu before the Magilliaies.