chiefs of the rebels, 2000 in number have made an attempt to save themselves by flight, but they are pursued on all fides, and cannot pofiibly escape, not only the ardor of our troops, but also that of the people of Lyons, enraged at tbeir having been deceived by them. I previously in formed my colleagues of our entrance in to Lyons. Gen. Doppet is going by an extraordinary courier to fend a detailed report of his military operations. Cou thon, Mdignet, Laporte, Dubois, Cranee and BafTel, who we had joined at St. Fox are on the point of repairing hither, and will be eager to inform you of all our o perations. My Colleagues wish to keep me here ; I the orders of the Na tional Convention. Chateauneuf R. an do v. Signed, P. S. " I have detained the courier to inform you that the rebels have been pur sued and cut to pieces on ail fides : their train of artillery and the treasure which they carried off are taken." Barrere. The committee has deter mined that not one criminal ought to es cape ; they htve ordered the fugitives to be pursued, and the tocsin to be founded all over the country, in order that the peo ple may be raj fed to exterminate them. The traitors mull be taken, their pun ithment mult be speedy : it is propel that the inhabitants of Lyons Ihould be dil armed, and their arms confided to the youth of the South, who will employ them agiiuft the (laves of Spain. But will you allow a city Jo exist, which by its rebellion has caused so much blood of the Patriots to be Ihed? Who lhall dare to demand your indulgence for this rebellious city ? What ought you to refpeft in your ven geance ! The houle of the indigent per lecuted by the rich, those manufacturers of which the barbarous English so eager ly deli re the deltru&ion. What ought you to refpeft ! The asylum of humanity, the edifice consecrated to public instruc tion. The plough ought to pats over the reft. When the Pruflians last year inva ded the territory of the Republic, the Sgu.h affected courage and republicanism. At present all is changed, the North now defends Liberty, and the South makes war upon it. In this fituition a great exam ple is necefiWy, I propose the following decree : Art. I. u There lliall be named by the National Convention, upon the presenta tion of the committee of public fafety, an extraordinary com million composed of five members, in order to punilh the Revolu tionills of Lyons according to military law, and without delay. 11. ' All the inhabitants of Lyons (hall be disarmed ; their arms (hall be immedi ately distributed among the defenders of the Republic. A part (hall be reftoied to the Patriots of Lyons, who have been op pressed by the rich and the counter-revo lutionists. 111. " The city of Lyons (hall bede ftroyed. Whatever was inhabited by a rich man, (hall be demolished. The poor houfe the dwellings of (laughtered and proscribed patriots, the edifices specially employed to iuduftry, and the monuments consecrated humanity and public instruc tions, (hall alone remain. IV. " The name of Lyons (hall be ef faced from the lift of the towns of the Republic. The re-union pre served (hall henceforth bear the name of Ville Artranchie.- V. " A column (hall be raised upon the ruins of Lyons, to attest to posterity the crimes and the punishment of the Royal ills of that city, with this inscription, " Lyons warred againjl Libertx— " I.roNS—ii no more.'— " The eighteenth Day of the JirJl Month, " Second Tear of the Repullic, " One and Indivijille." VI. " The Representatives of the peo ple shall immediately nominate commissi oners to make a lilt of all the property which belonged to the rich and counter, revolutionists of Lyons, that the refoluti. ons of the Convention may be immedi ately carried into execution."—Decreed. LONDON. Fromthe London Gazette Extraordinary. Whitehall, Odoler 11, Lajl tiigbt the Right Hen. Lord George Cor.ivay arrived at the office of the Right Hon. Lord Grenville, hit majefly's princi pal Secretary of State for Fortign Affairs, with a dispatch from the Earl of Tar mouth, cf •which the following is an extract. Waffemhcurg, 08. I 4» 1 7 93 ■ Stujir'wn Head Quarters. Teller day morning at three € clod, Ge neral IVurmfur nuule his prv.eQed attack j upon the fines of the Lauvre, upon Various points at the fame time. I have thefatisfic tion to fay thai he is in poffejf on of every part of them. Lauterbourg surrendered, without any conditions, between three and four in the evening, after* being evacuated by the enemy, who, from the prodigious number of redoubts oj which they were in poj-effion, and the natural jlrengih of the position, might have held out a siege of se veral days. This town rcfijhd some time longer. It is surrounded by a large ditch', and nt were repulfcd with coufulcrable loss : iluy two months, 180 thousand men of the republican troops have been in puiiuit of these insurgents. V Not n day paftcs but they attack them, and it is probable that before the end of this month they will be utterly deftroyc.l. All the navy, and all the merchantmen are called into actual service. Preparati ons are making for a descent on England, and it is thought, that the troops hew, consisting of ISO thousand men, are in tended for that expedition. Naples ai: 1 the Duke of Tufcany have just deciaud vvaragainftus. No matter; we are driv ing all before us. The Auilrians, PruCi ans, Hcffians and Dutch can hold out na longer. A frefh levy of 450 thousand men lira lately been completed, uil well anned and equiped; a part of them are ahead} 0:1 :he frontiers, and the reft arc loon tc low. Another levy is now rsifiiig of the like number, 40 thousand cavalry are al ready enrolled, and on tlieir march for the frontiers, The firlt levy was composed of men of every rank without diftindtion, from the age of 18 to 2j, and the other levy whiih is almost completed, is to be ccmpofed of men from the age of 25 to j?. Every young man and widower without children, is obliged to march. All uteptils of ioa and hells are carried to the national fenri deries. Our calender is reformed. Men of improved underiiandinrs have introduc ed more order into it, and made it worthy of a free people. We 1-ve expel led from it all the flints, all the monu ments of ignorance and fanaticifiri vvh'i h have done so much milchief, a id which are the causes of oar prefer.t fuffering*. Inltead of those vile miscreants who owe their canonization to their ilugg:lh li e and their imbecility, we have fub'.tituwd the names of those heroes who have done honor to human nature in ancient times, and who arc now our models. The months are of 30 days, the wee!:s <-f 10, and at the end of each week, a day is confec: at-d to repose, and to the celebration of the epoch of our immortal revolution. Four hundred merchants and stockjobbers have been executed at Maifcilles. This exam ple has made that town and Bourdcux re turn to the principles of our revolution. Commercial ariltocracy attempt d to suc ceed the arift cracy of tiir nobles and the priesthood, but this the interior aepan ments did not relish. We (hall be free, and we (hall leave to posterity either a dreadful caiaflrophe to bewail, or grand examples for imitation. ADVERTISEMENT, I'irgtnia, Kottfi»tnkftt*nd(o**t*. D«c. «8, 1793- FOR SALE, A Valuable Tract of LAND, in thu county, containing about eight hundred acre*, one founh of which is low grounds, of cxcdlcn# quality; Ihe other three fourths is high, well coveted with oak, hickory and chcfnut. TltC fuuaflon is plrafant and Wealthy, on Yro comico river, about three mill* from the Puio mack. There is on it • two ilory brick dwri? ling-house, with four rooms and a prfTtgc on each floor, cxcluiive of closets ; a i;ood k'tchcr, and othei nec, and •* w»ll *»;r»cd bv many drligh'ful fpiingk. The ' e kn r t!ui-