TO THE PUBLIC. ti.. -jppn'tif <1 I'V "VI! n ■ tmipv c i --'CI IV f I M\ si : I M\U W M lUIOI N i! o,.ii ihe <)!>•"«.* \~, i,,, n] ,! -ins " inlili'H till I Uii'liiMr t ,|„ l„ o' It " f.' oo.j »i>• 111 Ir.rrly Kiv< tfui'tlili'd, uk. lii< .ibeiiy lo I'll., I, jl'hou.h Ou- f.lioolj »r>r !..!,•< t.rt.d rlui l lllh- •.II a"I lb- :i '■ »•;:«! 1 ' "V v\ r!i w !»'<' n f 'in nti ■ .tni"! I til -ui !.* i > in i:i - I" c..i, ' ll > v ■' u or i». 11 co | i. :.r- i.< i.-- ili; \ and na! >i>s '■-> 1 o| uu «.• '■ h'.ol. iiv -:»f i«- -i f'. f -m ' cii'-u-nU.v.T ' fl ' s "'s I fl 3 „„ :r i <> O. t-h-.PS d-I*'t is' c n» •tit- I" o. • du. rf i"H. vvii.u ihc hand o! bt i• cv• • ciivc nuv »■' n.'iiitK i I !if irncc hs»«, most p! lie It h'»p -S '.t li.L 1' '< ">'•> •>' '■ * Ml}*! U wil'l .1 -•) Wlf -f. • Va.iC'.'lHi Ml M 'Mr rtli l .llM'i 'A'ho h J-- X!v ll'i w, (1 n.)J. r S r .r, , n 'hi' h'-Iki U •> , [,-> 'if id ci. K . it.irfl, ooblilhtd in the nrwfpapeu of th;s i r,-' .i-.j i (r. v V -Mr n"1 i>.m i. I- v. x b..'* iftniiiis t o he i 1 u ■ t h:it t> '• 'til-.!'. I.' I hi- r.ric-IV a:f -a IV Mi .b- ic» cany on their benevolent defiant, r'>n"". , - i 'd n :o ib-nou I!'. - ,iv p' • .'2'. i<•> r: n to lli-'i '<•' sv-ou •? ' r.S toi t l, t «. fli t> .<• i" '»wr ol ('ifiV (Vlvv'ils, in iff 4 . Cl iii, i' nv -V be iiO in'' up i'>u I *■'>in t '>tti ~j ij-,, icit.m.H.k th< n m in '.chal! «'t 'h< ir u:...'0 I 11 niri _ 'Trie •. ':c •> iii n.w '■ f 1 ""' Ulli:, <*b c! 11:o 1 iup > i "f" 1 s aiiri pt: - v i'c tfu'-d. l'i" annuel ftiMV ( ii>P'>n tor ,i mem u I >.t IH ; (;nc I)<'sU- ; .-nd ■' »» pc' d f har In f n i; a Vi-ti 'Hr annum cannot be » ritl- 01, bv tholV wl-o r,m i', by >w ' • t -r.r p- '-«■ "I (\ ii-.Tu)! 1 . ol u'eliil K M.. v ; ' J .r ePVI.' \b' !>•''• d'lii 11 .c iJtHt l\. S.ilnrMr'T-Ui"! <' "« crat-.lvllv 'tic cil I■ v it" : on 1k- hrft' ihc \) I'l J . 'lun, P. :( rT V »▼*l-' MV 'I .V, L l:„> P. l'l>pC, | m,,, | P-. Mlnf:', I i'T p .ir, H i V' 1 Inns*, J "lin IV' ']. liu M'C-rf, Kobe t K 'Ift -n, •• 1 irat. \ . Tilconer, ( S-■i> u' i S i". '.m 11."" j Per r tiji :>cr. advertised FOR the ««f t' '!<• w c ! k ;t.:tv ru't i " or;-r f " --c- tlrat thfe United Star**, hytl-.eirAft ofthe 12tri of February 1793, ordered t"vrr all Claims of the defcriptifo : herein 'mentioned, and whrdh originated pievir,us f.» ti.e 4th of March 1789: be presented a* the Treasury or or It fore the firft clay of May 17V4, othe'rwife they will so o ve r thereafter, be barred, and extlti -44 ded from fettlemerit or rfllow" And ?.s there may l>e feve'al Creditor® of the Uni ted Stare*, holding; Certificates «>i other Se curities, which form a past of the Domcftic Deb:. and who with to fubferibe to the Loan, tiey are reminded that the term for receiving ftibfcription* at the Treasury, is by the Ast of tic United States, palled the fecoi dof March "last, extend dto the last day of Jure, 1794. The following is an extaft from the Act of Limitation above referred to : Skction I. "Be it enacted by the Senate and Hou r e of ReprcfeotatUes « f the United Stares of America, in Conp.refs aftenibled-— That all claims noon the Unit'd States, for Services or Supplies, or for or\er cause, mat ter or thing, formfeed or done, previous to the 4th dav of March 1789. whether founded upon Certificates, or other written documents si -m Public Officers 01 othei wi e. which have not already been barred by any Ast of Limi tati », and which fliall not be pre'cr.tcd at the T eafury before the fi'ft day of May 1794, strine of Li&litninj?, Locks, Logarithm Logic, Riftorv Ol Lon don, Longitude. Luthc, Lvd'u, Macedon, Mmiajtufcar, Mafcnetiffn* Malts, Hif turjr of Man, Marriage, Mary, Maryland, VI ifoiiry, Materia Medica, Meadow, Mecha nics, with a great variety of Biographical and M fcellaneous articles, illutlrated with 1 ty two Copperplates, A. a number ot fatailief nre (till in the country, and it it not generally known who a^err'urned. T. D>bl'on, solicits the favor »♦* t"le fubferibers to cajl or fend lor their vo uinet, that tliey rndy be fuppliid as early as >o'!ible. u»e public ; tut as it ip*kcs Us appearance in an imperfect (late, some ac count of the reason of that impei fe&ion should he Riven.' On the 81F1 of September last, the Pub!iflier had the misfortune oi having his Printing-Office burnt down by a fire which broke out in the neighbourhood, and a great quantity of hi', printing materials deflroyed, and aiiiong other articles, the figures, with which he was printing the tables of lo garithms, belonging to the prefeiit volume, were melted down by the violence of the fire. A< a supply of these could not be immediately obtained, lie was under the necetfity of pub lifliing the volume without the e tables; but hopes he (half be Able to pub!i(h them with the next volume which is now in considerable lor- if w v u-.. t' warditefs. The Publilber embraces this opportunity of txpretfing his grateful acknowledgments t« the ftenerous public, for the very liberal pa tronage with which his undertaking has been honored; at tire fame time be takes the li berty of leprefenting to such of the fubferibers as are in arrears, the indifpenfible necessity of punftuaHty, bbtli in taking up the volumes as early as poiirble after publication, and of pay ing for them when taken. Many of the inb fcribers having G,ot only one, two, three, fcc. T«'u volumes, and fevei&l volnutcs remain unpaid* Thus the work haMgs in '<*11 it's different sages from the cortni»en«em«ut; and though the im pnrfarlce „r t> few dollars may be hut a trifle to the ind'tfidiVris vet accum'ntMlo* of these frifjes .*ID Uv« ilit Publiiher under vcrv (iriom er.barmfl'me'it, and deprives htm .if she ufr of many Tliosfaredj of Dollars which Jan. i ,i E N T, rn.vvbe con at this iit*ie would he C»f very eflbntial fervke. For these reaf»ns the VuWilTier finds himfelt under the necefiity of recurring to the original tertws of iMiolica 1 .«>», and in future no lutnes " lli be delivered but on!v to thofie who take and pay tti the time of publication. December id. Ntw-|tr. stv, ) T)Y virtue of * Writ to me Suflcx Cofejoiy. (T. ) 13 dirrfted, issued out of the Higb Court ol Chancery of New-Jersey, at the full of William Shipley againfl John Ming and others; I Avail expose to (ale at Public Ven due, omhe sixth day ol February next, between the hours a forked White Oak Tree, ma* ked will* the leu Icir f and B another of th t'jin Ship pen's cor tiers (third) thincc north ei/' ,cy degtyes, eafl one hunched and forty-five c)* his, to / post on the southerly fide of Paquar.llfe.River, bring also a corner of John Reading's land (louith) thence north degiees v, eft, one hundred and thirty-two ch* ns to the place of beginning, containing nine hundred thirty acres with the usual alivwancc for rrads and high ways — The fame Premises are v/uhin eight roiles of the Rivrr Delaware, and th tie is thereon a conveni ent Gvift Mill wi:h tw t pair of Stones—a Saw Mill in good repair, with a fuffceient ilream of *ater (or their uf< —a Dwelling Houfc, Store House, and fcvrral {mail bui'dings. IS hereb*/ given, to the Members of the iN'ditf nce Company at North-America, That thflf third Instalment, being Two Dollars on '/ach share of tl«- Stock, is to be paid, a- R'.eeably to the Conllitntion, on the second Monday [the 13th day] of January next: And a Central Meeting of the Stockhclder* is to lie lie Id on the succeeding day, for the purpose of choosing Fifteen Direflars, examining into the Situation of the Company's Affairs, and ma king such additional Rules and Regulations as they (hall judge neceflarv. Vol. X. VOLUME X. OF sr irHicn and Arts, arc digcflcd into the form of Diitinft Treaties or Sy items : t lsth yolvms of the Encyclopedia is ADVERTISEMENT MMIK THOM PSON, Sheriff. Dated *2tl «juy of July, 1793. N O TICK EBENEZER HAZARD, Serratary. Dec. j6. raw 3. ij A New Publication. JUST PUBLISHED, And to be folf. B. Franklin. 4. Defeript on of the process to be observed in making large iheetsof paper in the Cht nefe manner, with one smooth furiace. Dr. B. Franklin. 5. Queries and conjectures relative to Mag netism, and the theory of the Earth. Dr. B. Franklin. б. Explanation of a singular phenomenon, firft observed by Dr Franklin, and not fatisfac torily accounted for. Mr. R. Patterjon. 7. An account of an Earthy Subftauce found near the falls of Niagara and vulgarly cal led the Spray of the Falls ; together with some remarks 011 t!i<* Falls. Robot MK'aufiny As. D. 8. Observations on the probabilities of the duration of Human L fe, and the progress of population, in the United States of Ame rica. William Barton, Lfq. 9. A letter containing observations made at Lake Eric, on that singular phenomenon, by fcamen termed looming. Andrew Elitest Ffq. 10. An Account nf the Sugar Mapltf-Trec of the United States, and of the methods of obtaining Sugar fVom it, together with observations upon the advantages both pub lic and private of this Sugar. « Benjamin Rujh, AID. 11. Memoir on' the use of the Thermometer in difcoveiiog Banks, Soundings, Jonathan Williams, Esq. 12. An Account of the most effe&ua! means of preventing the*deleterious consequences of the bite of the Crotalus Horridm, or Rat tle Snake. Benjamin Smith Ba)t** y A/. 1). 13. Magnetic Observations, made at the Uni versity of Cambridge, (MalTachufetts.) Dr. S. 14. Aeclirate determination of the right af cen!ion and declination of Bootes, and tl/l* Pole Star. Andrew Ellicott, Efour commonly found in Weill and other lubterraneous places kbcncicr Ffq. 37. A method of draining P'»nds 111 leve; grounds. J'P H'tt'"- 38. Oblervations on the feveritv of tile win ter, tT!lv»nt«, dec? a ltd; are desired to produce their hc co'unts to JaCOS Lehiek and Willi am Cheed, (in Frankford, *forefaid,) Executors and Ad ministrators of the above m o»gs leave to of fer hit fetticrito his friends and others, in the line ol a Stock Brrtker. Those who may plrafc to favor him will) their bofinefs, may drix »'d upon having it tranced with the utmost fide lity ar»d dtfpatch. Orders from Philadelphia, 801 l on, or any other part of the United States, wtll be Ori&ljr attended to. LEONARD BLEECKER. NEW BOOKS. Now opening for Sale, By M. CARE Y, No. 118, MARKET-STREET; A large and valuable collection BOOKS, imported from London in the Mohawk. Dec. 19. Seat of War. For Sole, at M. CAREY's Stort, No. 118, Market-street, A Sheet Map of the French;, Austrian and Dutch Netl>erlands, in ice 5 oj a dolUr. Maps of the United States:—Any public spirited gentlemen) paA felled of material*. tor correffing and improv ing the Maps of the feveial Stater, will laj M. Carey under very particular obligation by communicating them. He is in immediate want of some for Now-Jerlcy and Delaware n of xvjich States he i\ now preparing Maps. Guthrie's Geography! The fubfeription for this Woi k v ill I* co«r tinued open, at the prefect rate of twelve dollars, till the fir ft day of November next p. after which, it will be raised to fourteen dol* Urs. PHILADRLP] IA: Pi.ii.Tte : , JOHN FENNO, No. 3, South I'uurth-Street. end2w. mw&ftf ti-ftf.