Gazette of the United States & evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1793-1794, January 09, 1794, Image 1

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    #a?cttc of fl)t lltitfcl) States
[No. 24 of Vol. V.]
Just Imported,
From London, Dublin and GiASCorr,
Ai-.d now oien'mg for ai:, by
At No. 118, Market Jlrcct^
A La pe ano VaiuaHe
Among which are the following :
NE!/ Annual Hegtilerfor 1792
European Magazine for the frrft fix
/. mouths of 1793
Gibbons decline and fall of tbe Roman slmpii
MemcSrs of" the Mancheftcr l'ocicty, 3 vols.
Prieftjyon matter and I'pirit
on chrfftianity
DifneyV life of Dr. Jdrtin
K»ngviJle's ancient geography
D'Anoir* of Guy Joli
Mcmty, a co!le<slion ofeffiyi
Varieof Prussia's works
Cafm observer—by Maekintofti
Rufiell's ancient atxl mode n Europe
Langhorne's Plutarch
Elegant toiler bly gilt
extracts of natural history
Snugnicr and BrUTon's voyage
Rothon's vovaj»e to Madagascar
Townfend's travel! in Spain
Taff »'s Jerufalein delivered
Stuellie's tranflarion ofßoflfon
Berwick's billot y of quadrupeds.
Buffon abridged
History of birds
Philips'* history ofinland navlgatioa
Hooper's rational recreations
History of France, »•» 3
Cnriofities of*literature, 3 vols.
Whitaker's defence of queen Mary
.Shericfon's dktkmary, 2 vols.
Dow's history of Hindo»tan
Sketclies of the Hindoos
Key r« partite literature.
i inlay's dtfcfrijUion of Kentucky
Tiefent state of tfewScotia
Pre tent ft ate of Hudlbn's Boy
Preston on muibnry
Larlter on plivfio'nomyj abridged
Zimmerman's survey
Mifphy's life of D r - Johnson
Net ker on executive power
Knifes of Sectindus
Gadlcry of porn aits
Volney's ruins of empires
Vail taint's travels, with luperb m t ravingi
Dowitman's twfiuVcy
Adair's history of American Indians
Benington on ma to* ialiftn and imma'erialifm
Rerchold's advice to patriotit travellers
Builder's magafcine
Complete farmer
Chandon's life of Voltaire
De Non's travels
Franklin's life and works
Grozier's description of China
Murphy's translation of Tacitus
Godwin on pol tical joflice
Gaietteer of France, 3 vols.
Helvetius on man
Kaimes's iketclies of the history of mnn
Liberal opinion*, or the htftory of Benignus
Mawe's gardener's dictionary
Noble's memoir* of the Cromwell famHy
Playhouse di&ionary
Reveries of solitude
Smith's theory of m<Jral sentiments
Stackhonfe's hifto»v of the bible
Watson's ttte of Philip lid. & Hid*
NVonders of nature and art, 6 vols.
Vanley's wonders of the littie world, called
Wall'.# on the prevention ofdiftafet
Moore's journal in Fiance
Cox's travels into Denmark, Rnflia, Poland,&c.
Cox'? travels into Switzerland
R.tbant's history of tha French revolution
Life of Lord Chatham
Mallet's northern anriquities
Mothe-rby's medical dr&ionary
Gr ; gg's advice to females
Hamilton's outlines of the practice of mid
Manning's praflice of plryfic
Cleghorn'* diseases of Minorca
lores on the mufclet
Pott's works
Fourcr«y's chemistry
Armstrong on diseases of children
Qnincy r s dfpenfatory
Edinburgh rf : .fpenfatory
Lewis's dispensatory
Ryan on the asthma
Robertfon's treatise on fevers
Lees botany,
Leake on the viscera
Leake on diseases of women
>licholfon,'s chemistry
Gardiner on the animal economy
Lewis's Mateiia Medica
Fordyce on digestion
'Withering on the fox glove
Lind on the diseases of heat
Monro on di.'cases of armies
Haller's physiology
Spalanzaue's d fiertations
London pra&ice of physic
Bell's fii^ery
E. Oswald,
No. 156, Markct-St'eer, South,
\ T the rtqueft of a number of friends,
proposes publifliing The Independent
Gazetteer, twice a week, viz. Wednesdays
and Saturdays— to commence in January next,
if Sufficient encouragement offers
It wilj be published on Paper and Types
equal to its present appearance. The fuh
fcription dollars per aniu
Advertilement* not exceeding a square,
will be itiferted 4 times for 1 dollar—tvn y
continuance one fifth of a dbllar. Thi». r e ex
ceeding a square, to the fame proportion.
Italian Stay and Habit-Maker,
ENCOURAGED by ftveral Ladies of Phi.
ladelphia, rtOw in New-York, has emov
ed from thence to Hm citv, in Cooper'i- Out t|
No. 35 nortU iide of Mulberv ft'eef, between
Front and Second; where all kind; of Stays
are made—as Italian lhapc, French corset,
Englilb, Silk turn, RicTing,Sutkj ing stays, Arc.
Also, Lad s Habits, Surtou'*, Gowns, and all
k nds of dresses for balls, comph t.d it) the
newest a»>d most elegant fqfiion.
Any lad'es in New York and Char'cftrn,
who tray wish to employ him, aid v ill be
plea ed to fend the'r meaf'ures (hall have ihei
wo k finiilied with the utmost ueattiefs- and
N. B. Caftelli has an affortroent of
ready made (lays to felk
h". 7 * 3 *"•
Bank of the United States
Janua r y 6t!\ l "94-
NOTICE is hereby g'ven, that t e e wPt,
Iv pa : d at the Bank, after tilt; sixteenth
'nft..nt,. to the Stockholders or their reprefen
t.t;ves. duly authorized if teen dollars and
fi;ty ce t . for each (hare, being the dividend
declared for the last fix months:
Jw Cafb er.
Excellent CLARET,
In ai>d in c..l & ol 50 now ics each,
A few cases Champaigne Wine ;
In pipe?, hogsheads and quarter cask.%
No. sit, South Front »ttrcet.
Jin. », 1794.
BEING drfirout of dosing various commer
cial concerns, and that all powers hereto
foie granud relative Co the fame (hould be re
volted, and public notice of it g'ven, to prevent
any poflible mi (take ; I, the fubfenber, do here
by make known to all whom it may concern,
that all powers and letters of attorney, of every
nature and extent, granted by me to any person
or per (on*, prior to the vft day of July last, to
ad for me or in itiy name in Ami* fCA, are re
voked and made void.
New-York, Jan. 1, 1794. d»w
Back of the New Library, between Chefnut
and Walnut-Streets,
George Rutter,
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and
the public in general, that he continues
c; Trying on the bnfinefs of
Sign and Fire-Bucket Painting,
for doors or window-lhutters,done in tlie mod
elegant manner, and with dilpatch.
Orders from the country will be thankfully
received, and duly attended to.
December 30, dtf
MONfcY borrowed or loaned, accounts fta
•cd or colle&ed, employers fui-ed with
domefticJ, hottfe rooms, boat (ring and lodging
armed, Ut or procured— folder's, manner's,
or militia men's pay, lands and claims .on the
public ; (bares in the bank;, in the canals, and
the turnp'We iodd ; certificates granted by the
public, and the old and late paper monies;
notes of hand, biits. bonds and roorgagcS, with
«»r without depoiits—Bought, fold, or rrgo
ciatcd at No. 8, in south Sntk. ftieet. below
Market-ftteel by FRANCIS V MITE,
Who tranfa&s business in the public offices for
country peop'e and others, by virtue of a pow
er of attorney, or by peifonal application.
Dccembci 11.
ey Gentkmen, in pojejfum of Subfeription
papers for this Gazette, arc requcjhd to
transmit them to the Editor't Office*
Thursday, January 9, 175)4.
By Order,
A L sco,
For the Gazette of the United States.
Mr. Finno,
The subsequent lines were written by a
youth, who unfortunately pofTefled an
amorous affection for a young lady, with
whom he had 110 personal acquaintance.
Should you find a vacancy, oblige me
by inserting it in your paper. It is
not for the elegance of the composition,
but for its Angularity thatlwifh it pub
lifted, f;*r the amuf>.:nent of your rea
ders., jun,
To the Amiable Miss
£Amet'ir cjl pejor Siuko.J
hr.r: I fo;:gl.t to
Yft vainly fousr
g'.:t, I frankly do confefs,
ico lome such odd p'tiren-
But leafl pp-chai
.. you,
O deign to read ail ardent youth'j ad-
'/.y faz
And, dearth girl, believe each line I
vi-'te you,
Flows from my heart, like the moll
limpid ilreani;
For though I court you in a manner quite
Think not my fuffering» a fancied
(uvan j!
Long I hare lov'd unknown, and long
have lar.^uifh'd,
. Long have I wifh'd, and hop'd, and
figh'd in vain,
Then let not oue with such afflictions an-
Be ridicul'd for telling you his pain !
I blulh to own how I have past my hours,
By balhfulnefs in fccret pirj'd alone,
But now so urg'd by love's most potent
I make cach foible of my passion known.
Methinks 'twas firft, some several years a'
go. I
Beheld you walking in the ftreet—O
pain !
saw, I lov'd, ah, faireft girl! and know, I
Could ne'er learn more of you, than
your sweet name.
Oft have I flood, and gaz'd to fee you
When every Itep your lovely form dif
Oft, loft in transport, have I heard you
When round your lips a thoufaud cu
pids play'd!
Your countenance the mirror of your
heart is,
In which I lee the virtues of your mind;
To those your beauty but your smallest
part is ;
But to prove faultlcfj, shew me you are
Smile then propitious—tell me that you
love me,
And all my life I'll live to give you joy;
Ot, can you, cruel! fay you soar above
And call me uovice, simpleton or boy
Yet pity, pardon me, most lovely crea
If my uncouth address you disapprove,
For though my muse it lamt I Hill will
beat her,
'Till {he so hobble as to gain you love.
She, *h, poor Prut! whose tender limbs
are brittle,
Anxious, to please you leapt ot once
too high,
Which hurt her much and makes her limp
a little,
Yet cad on her a favorable eve.
Her fate is hard, yet harder far is mine
She may impnve but I mult e'er decay,
For if you hate me I am left to pine, O !
With nought to comfort te but dire
R T I S E R.
[Whole No. 482.]
Then let no fopling in his tinfel'd deaths
Whose head in inward air in outward
Resembles rr.oft an huge big empty crows
Make an impreflion on your t-ncicr
Nor the vain fcol whose only boall of
wealth is,
Whose finj'e and virtue sparkling r ,'J
make (hine;
Nor smiling lycophants, whose view you/
pelf is,
Though either kneeling, swear their
heart is thine.
But deign, O deign, in thy fair to
A flame for me whose obje£l ne'er wis
And let me not to worse than notluug
Who e'er mull love thee belter than
January 7, 1794.
Philadelphia, January, 17 94
I have the honour to end ,fe herewith, <n ac
count of the quantity of flour Slipped for ix»
portation at this port in the last fix months i f
the last year, and have adiied thereto the rum*
ber of barrels shipped in the fix mouth-, preur
ing, (returns whereof had been nude) thcri by
placing in one view the whole number ol bar
rels exported in the year 1793.
With very great refpedt,
1 have the honour to be,
Your obedient and
Humble fcrvani,
His Excellcncy Th»ma« Mifflin,
Governor of Pennsylvania.
Account of the Flour ihipipc4 for exportation at
the port of Philadelphia in the Tuft 6 nfiouths
of the year 1793.
Flour. Midting*.
Shipped in July 4qß*s 377
Augvft 321 r6 1 532
September 31686 120
Octobef 3 44
November 6031
December 38274 ICB
Amount 161276 2197 barrels.
Amount flapped in the
fix months preceding
the above, as per re •
turnshcretoforemade 2SS$4$ S 2 S7
Whole amount Ihip^td
in 1793 416621 5454 jMirrel*.
Philadelphia, 3d Januai y 1794.
J A ME* R FAD, ttor.
His Excellency Gov. Miffiiu.
BERLIN, Sept. 28.
Affairs between Prufiia and Poland,
with regard to tlie Provinces which \*T
court lias pofleition of, fceni lo be
come more and more cmbrciLii, 11 to
come to a feriens crilis. Since the ljtfl
post day, fevcra! regiir.cnts in PruCa and
Silcfia, :nd Ekwifc two batt alioi* ot ge
nldicrs in garrison here, have recciv'ci! o>-
dcrs to bold themselves in roiflitia j.o
march at a moment's notice. d.-.»
or to-morrow his majeftv will take his de
parture for South Prufiia, through Frank
fort on the Mayne, Erfurt, Ltipaic, a. d
Frankfort on the Oder { after which hjs
majesty will return to this capital.
Last Tuefdny an eftaffette arrived from
the raya! hod quarters at Burwtilcr, near
Landau, brought by a mefieng-T u .tl tin
ted September 19th, to order ihc pvt>> er
relays at the pod-office of Saxony, ano in
the empire. On the laice day the r>
mentsof infantry in th's capital, rid the
regiments of the jvince royal at 1'.y..-
dam, received orders to pre" r_ .>• r . '
equipge, and to p-. jpem-Vlvsi inibctl ■ :
hive been fer.ttoolTier re pcie..i<,«!peei
to the Prufiian cavalry; s :<d tie whulc fp*'e
ordered for actual fcrvi* cenfifl* oi rp
J battklion* of i .fdMtn-, ai:d 70 ftju.tdror.t
I of cavalry. The return uj a E '- .'at iiwu