TO THE PUBLIC. r pHF. undernamed < ommittce, appointed by A " soctmy tor .he- institu tion and St'PPORI C.I FIRST-DAY or SUNDAY SCHOOLS in ihe civ of Philadel p'lia and the d:liri£t ol Soutnwaik he Noithern Li v«ica," to fqhcu further fulilcrip. tioni for the fuopon o! ihe fchooN which the fuid locuiv h.ivc di?b'i(hftl, take the ;ibcity to H ro r U I f •,] 1 . W Thai, all hough the frhoolf were fufpcnrlcd during the period of the lare av.*iui faUrtnty vi'h which our city «• oci ?»<»f< .n$ • ri m; <>i : lit.-If L- lioiili ai e• nc ( .■( C, I > oni Ihe c'' < in il ii '.<"<* «>l Ihr 'iff {>. lu« if.;: lilt a H'.'m ' t i o ! O'T-ljrtM> Hi ihuue ni .til •>.<• means ijvc wild 1 ihc hand ol bcmvukiKc o' rd That, former experience has, most plcaftngly, v'etifi d •he fond: ft hopes of lite fiteuds of this in(ti iitioii. with re«»arji tn the piogrtfs an*) ad yanrrmcrit of the children, who hav« heretofore |;r< 11 nndrr us care, in the uTeful branches of education which it has afford, d. Referring lo this I- a: and To the ndd'efj to the publ r, on tirt fuiij £), nubltlhed in »he nr wfpapers of this env mi the » hi d month lift, when about eight and ivin'y children of both fcxes had f - • f.'k o o» ihr tv n. fits ..fforded by the-fociety, m ihr»e hnin'r d and twenty more were icM'v Ireviving infinitum in their ils, n iin*v oulv ifmams to be obfeivcd, t'-? '' i • •in n v 11 Ik f>c„t V arc gr a' I \ i o'uffi f >•' 'mi cut and •n ■.u t<• lot !»14- |I \ Q I O I< 11 I<" l| iio w.' H nti'' [L.v lo decline fut'fr t l <'ir ?■ • 10 ih»-ir fcllow-cr."rrns 'or »f>r»r C in lav>»r of thffr fchonls, ill Ocdei f n i 1c 1' h«* no iii '■■■'iifi'i >•] (rum ihtm tr mi r., h'<• II * • I'T.l f. I ;•!? I'l 'M' r'is, ■ '< IV>* . jr,,, jfrly f,. T!w O.lMic a If i cH to ft) omt ? (.hint .'tu? i ftah tihim n', < ;•!■ [ri« CM', .If. 1 M p"l' .] 1' V. • (• :• ,-1 ■ )<•'. hi fr> -a 'n:i* r-»T {>c hr'tiT cii'- }■' '• (\ n!, '• \ (• v. mo r«• n .-If. ry 1 1- •1: -I- tnr ;->• i.-c <->? ihe H il .fion of u fc! u! knriw ai'.r iif : h;- y »or jnd ' pfiir! 1< fs. r\., J). recc v<.d !i of '.hp ''>("$» p;iun»«Hiri doiM'ions will hf gratefully »v tiit under named cominiuec on be- F Senear I.argr, ].i. oh C ju(l ttun, J im s T'lHt', Pr,<- V!. ~! Ui on, 1 nomn P. Cope, ToT oh P >rr, P-lc, * H ■ Hie, J"frph J* roes, Jonathan Pmrofe, Gpo'sc Mode, John V.' -Xmi lii!>is, I'. . j4jiiii *»av. N.i !i.if(! Falconer, Ji if Sn*r old's, S • i m i Scortcn, Pet r Birker, M'Grrp, Habere R .<1(1 on. Thomas A' mat, Gcoigc William?, Jan. t ADVERTISEMENT. FOR the benefit of thoNt Puhli< Officers or othetwi e, whirh have no. already beer bared by anv Ast of Limi tati'in, and jvh'ch ftjaH not be presented at the Treasury before the fr ft day of May 1 794, fh i'l fo>- :-ver after be barred and pre'fcrjbed f'n.n settlement or allowance : Provided, that nothing herein contained, (hall lie cm. ft tied t6 a.Tcft Loan-Office Cet t'ficate*, Or tificates ..f final Settlements, Indents of ln tereft, Balances entered in the books of the regiftcr of t>e treafuryconinioKly called regif tered certificates, loans of monies obtained in foreign countries, or certificates issued pu '*■ airt to the Ast, intitled " An Ast, making pro vision for the Debt of the United States. To be Sold, AT FBI FATE SALE, A Valuable Lot of 16 A:ie« of LAfCD, Ijtngonthc grrai road lead, in* from P tgieton In Tienton, i J miles fiom Princeton ; with a tan-vard, batk-houfe, bram. house and currving.fhop, a never failing ft.eam of water running through the fame ; a good dwelimg-houfe, wilti an entry and two rootr.i on the lower flt.jr, and three an the upper floor; a kilchcn adjoining, with a cellar under lite ■whole, and a well of water arthe door; also, 170 bearing apple-trees, and two orthiee acres red meadow. There will beanindif pitiable title given. Any person inclining 10 puicbafr. nuv know the termi of sale by lp . plying to the Subscriber on the premifei MATTHEW CLARKE, September 14, 1793. (e pf w) Encyclopedia, JUST PUBLISHED, By THOMAS DOBSON, Book feller, at the Stone House, in Scc«nd- Itreet Philadelphia. Encyclopedia ; or Dictionary Ot A ts, Sciences, and Mil'cellaneous Literature, an a Plan entirely new i THIS volume contains principles of Levels, Liberty, Doctrine of Light, Lightning, Locks, L logarithms, Logic, Hiltory of Lon don, Longitude. Luther, Lydia, Macedon, Madagascar, Magic, Magnetrfm, Malts, His tory of Mao, Mirria.v, Mary, Maryland, Mafoury, Materia Medica, Meadow, Mecha nics, with a great variety of Biographical and Miscellaneous article*, illultrated with Twen- ty two Copperplates. A; a number of families are still in the country, and it is not generally known who a "ere' urned. T. Dobfoo, solicits the favor of the fubfenbers to call or fend for their vo lume*, that they may be Supplied as early as ooffible. X ie TtNTH volume of the Encyclopedia is now presented to the public ; but as it makes its appearance in an impcrfeft state, some ac cotmr of the eafon of that impe fedtion should be iven On the Bfh of September lafi, the Pub'i/her had the misfortune ps having his Printing- OtSce burnt down by a fire which broke out in the neighbourhood, and a great quantity of his printing materials destroyed, and among other -articles, the figures, with which he was printing the tables or lo garithms, heionging to the preient volume, were melted down by the v iolence of the fire. A ; a supply of these could not be immediately obtained, he was under the necessity of pub lifhing the volume without the ie tables; but hopes he /hall be able to publilh them with the next volume which is now in considerable for- iio' i( HI 'in- > mem. wai d tefs. / lie Publilher embraces this opportunity of expreiTing his grateful acknowledgments to the generous public, for the very liberal pa tronage with which his undertaking has been honored; at the fame time he takes the li berty of reprefcn.ting to such of the fubferibers as are in arrears, the indifpenfible necefiity of punctuality, both in taking up "he volumes as early as poffibie after publication, and of pay ing for them when taken. Many of the fub feribers having not only one, two, three, &c, volumes, and several volumes remain unpaid. Thus the work hangs in all its different stages from the commencement; and though the iim portance of a few dollars may be but a trifle to the individuals, yet the accumulation of these trifles unpaid lays the Publilher under very serious embarraflment,and deprives him of the use of many Thoufandsof DolJars which at this time would be of very cflential service. For these reasons the Publilher finds himfelf under the necellity of recurring to the original terms of publication, and in future no vo lumes will be delivered but onjy to those who take and pay to the time of publication. December 10. 2awtiJ. Nnt Jhih, ) T)Y virtue of a Writ to me 5 Ddircftcd, issued out of the High Court ol Chancery of New. Icrfey, at the futt of William Shipley against John Mine and others; I Ihall expose to file at Publi; Ven due,onthe sixth day ol February next, between the hour, of Twelve and rive in the Afternoon of the fame day, on the PremiCr,,,he following dcfc, ,bcd T-aft of Land, with i, s appurtenance., ri'uaieintheTownfhipof Oxford and County o. Suflex, beginning at a Chefnut Oak Tree, cor. ner of Daniel Cox's land, and finding in the line of a foi mer fuivey niadelo Thomas Sleven. son, being marked with the letter B. and th.n.e extending along Coxc's line (si. ft; louih g'ees writ,e chat... and feventy.five links to a Black Oak Treecorner of Jofcph Shtppeo'i laud (second) fouih nine deg.ees and fifteen mi nute. weft nine.v chains and sixty fi.e H„ ks to a to- ked White Oak Tree, marked w i,h the lel t-n » and B ano.htr ol th, said Sh.ppen's cor, ner. (tht.d) thence north eighty degree., east one nun:! ied and forty-five chains, 10 a post on the motherly fide of Paquaofte-River, being also , eornrr ol John Reading', land (lourthj thence north thirty-nine drgrees wefl, nne hundred and thirty-two chains to the place of beg uiling containing nine hundred and thirty acres with the usual allowance for road, and high ways- The fame Prrmifes a.e wiihin eight mile, of the River Delaware, and there is thereon a convent, ent Gi-ft M.ll wnh two pair of Stone—a Saw Mill in good repair, with a fuUrcient stream of .ater fur ther uft-a Dwelling House. Store Houlc, and icveral (mall building*. r. j MARKTHOMPSON, Sheriff. Dated 22a day of July, 1793. notice TS hereby given, to the Mmm, of the JL Insurance Company of North-America That the third Inftalntent, being Two Dollars on each (hate of the Stock, is to be paid, a greeably to the Conftitntion, on the second Monday [rhe 13th day] of January next: And a Central Al te ,, n g of the Stockholders ii to be beldjm the fucce«din s day, for the purpose of choosing Ftjutn DinStrj, examining into the Situation of th. Company', Affairs, and ma. king such additional Rules and Regulations as they (hall judge ueceflary. EBCN£ZCK HAZARD, Secratanr. c ' '*• mw&f t 3 . ij Vol. X, VOLUME X. OF sr WHICH The D'Tere ir Scie-ices and Arts, are dtgejled into the form of Dillinft or Svftems : advertisement. A New Publication, JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by R. AIT KEN, No. 22, MarketJlreet, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AME* RICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Held at Philadelphia, for promoting Ufefu! Knowledge, Vol. 3- Price *of in boards The fubferibers are requested to call as above directed for the 3d vol. where may be had, complete setts uniformly printed. Contents of Vol. IJ. t. An efl*ay on those enquiries in Natural Phi. lofophy, which at present aremoft benefici al to the United States of North America. Dr. Nicholas Collin, 2. Conjeftur«s concerning the formation of the earth, & c . Dr. B. Franklin. 3. A new and curious theory of Light and Heat. Dr. B. Franklin. 4. Delcript on of the process to be observed in making large (heistsof paper in the Chi nese manner, with one smooth furface. Dr. B. Franklin. 5. Queries and conjectures relative to Mag netifin, and the theory of the Earth. Dr. B. Franklin. 6. Explanation of a singular phenomenon, firft observed by Dr Franklin, and not fatisfac to. ily accounted for. Mr. R. Patterjon. 7. An account of an Earthy Subftaßce found near the falls of Niagara and vulgarly cal led the Spray of the F?lls; together with some remaikson the Falls. Robert M'Cai/finy M. D. 8. Observations on the probabilities of the duration of Human Life, and the pfogrefs of papulation, in the United States of Ame r'ca* William Barton, Efy. 9. A letter containing observations made at Lake Erie, on that singular phenomenon, by seamen termed looming. Andrew Fllicot FJq. I 10. An Account of the Sugar Maple-Tree ' of the United States, and of the methods ' of obtaining Sugar from it, together with observations upon the ad vantages both pub lie and private of this Sugar. * Benjamin Rujk, M D. it. Memoir on the use of the Thermometer in difcoveiing Banks, Soundings, & ( . Jonathan WiiJiams. Esq. 12. An Account of the most effectual means of preventing theMeleterious consequences of the bite of the Crotalus Horridus, or Rati tie Snake. Benjamin Smith Bar/an, M. D. 13. Magnetic Observations, made at the Uni- , verfity of Cambridge, (MafTachuTetts.) . 1 &r. S. .4- Accurate determination of , he right as cenfioti .nd dcchnation of Boo fe ,, a , ld the Pole Star. Andrew EH,colt, Eft. >5- Accoun tof several Houses in Philadelphia, (truck with Lijhtning, on June ?t h, ,780 , OavU Rutcnhnfe. Efy. .6 An Account of the effects of a stroke of Lightning on a Houle furnilhed with two Conductor,. Da.ti RltUnhcufc, ani Fr . ncis napkinjon, tjars. 17- Experiments and Observations on Evaoo ration'"cold Air. c. IV,Jl ar , M. Q 18. Poftfcnpt to Mr. Ba. ton's Letter 'r„ Dr. Rittenhome, of the ,7, of March. ,\ 9l 19. New Notation of Music. 2 ° M TT tian ' "" the Tk«ry^rw«er Aflillsj OCC' py yVafifi 19. Astronomical Observations. David Rittcnhcufr. A letter relative to a method of the sum of the several powers of the Sines, , , , . D "" d Xittcnhnfe, if.. 2i. Index Florae Lancaftrienfis. Htnrue MukUUor, D. I), "i " f the l ,ower of Dr. Bar u ' " ,m P rovcd by James Rumlev, with a description ot the mill. W. Harm/* 23. A Thermometrical Journal of the tern peratureof the Atmosphere and Sea, on a royage to and from Oporto, with explana tory ohlervations thereon. „ Jonathan Williams, If. 34- F, ft memoir of obligation, on the plants denominated Cryptogatnick. , . M. Dt Bctuwii. 25. A letter, containing observations on the ancient WO! ks of Art, the Native Inhabi tants, &c. of the We«eri, Country. Majer Jonathan Hurt. An , accoon t of some of the principal dies employed by the North American Indians. Extratfed by the late Mr. Hu.h Mart,,. *'<•- it accounr of the bencficial cffecfh of the Cassia Chamzcrifta in recruiting worn-out ands, and in enriching such as are natural ly poor; together with a botanical descrip tion of the plant. ]•""! Cretnuay »/ Virginia. 1 8. An account of , bill on the borderj of North Carolina, supposed to have been a volcano, in a letter from a Continental of ncer, to Dr. J. Greenway y Virginia. 29. An Accountof a poisonous plant, grow ing Ipontaneonfly in the fosthern part of Virginia. Extr a ft c ,| from , pil|l J b 7<"»« C.rtivuay, Vtrrhit. 33. Description of a Machine for a fll.p's way. Frmi , H , pki „r„ n £/ 8 31. An Inquiry into the qneftion, whether ,he Apis Me.linca, or true Honey-Bee, is ana tive of America. ienjamn, Sm,:h B.ntnM D. 32. An Account of a Comer. finid Riltenhou/i, [Jq. 33-Cadmu. or » Treat,ft on tl>e Elements of Written Language, illuftratinf, by a Philo fophica) division of Speech, the power of each charaftei, thereby mutually fijtine the Orthography and Orthoepy. With an EfTav «n the mode of tu«bin C the ttcaf, or Swil and canfeqnently ,Dumb to speak, by Win. Thornton, M. D. Honored with the Ma gellanic Gold Medal, by the Philosophical Society, in December, 1791 3 Ctiamus is printed in a fine 8. vol. and fold by the Publisher hereof. 34. Observations on the Tlieorv of Water- M,lls - «' Wiring. 35. An Improvement on Metalic Conductors or Lightning rods. Mr'. Robert Pattcr/on. Honored with the Magellanic Premiuml by an Award of the Society in December 1792. 36. An easy and expeditious method of dis sipating the noxious Vapour common]/ found in Wells and other fnbterraneous places. ihnczcr Robivfon, Eft. 37- A method of draining Pnndt in level grounds. J e^e Higginj. 38. Observations on the feveritv of the win- ter, 1779, ,780. Rev. Matthew tVi/far. 3s. A Description of a new- Standard for Weights and Mcafures; io a letter from Mr. John Cooke, of Tipperary in Ireland. 40, Description of a Sprtno-Bi ock, designed to assist a Veflel in failing. Francis Hopkin forty tjq. Honored with the Magellanic Gold Medal, by an Award of the Society in December 1 December 20. Robert Campbell, No. 54, South Stcond-Jlreety Seconddoor below the corner ot'Chefnut-ftreet, HAS IMPORTED, By the late arrivals from Britain and Ireland, A large and general AJforiment of New Books and Stationary, Which will be disposed of on the lowest terms. Dec. 23. uiw&ftf Parry and Mufgrave, Goldsmiths Jewellers, No. 42, SOUTH SECOND-STREET, HAVE FOR SALE, jtin elegant Jtjfortment of SILVER b 5 PLATED WJRE, JEWELLERY &fin. CUTLERY, Which they will di,fpo!'e of on the most rea sonable terms. Deviccs in hair, Miniatures sett, and every thing in the gold and silver way, done as usual. December 24, A LL perrons having any demand against 1 *■ the Estate and Xtfcft': of Mis. MARY SINDR.EY, widow, late of Frankford, Ox lord townOlip, in the Stats of Pennsylvania, deceased; are desired to produce thetr ac counts to Jacob Le;hf.k and Wnti*MC*E«D, (in Frankford, ut'orelaid,) Executors and Ad ministrators of the above in O'der for leitle ment. And whoever is indebted to fairi Es tate, &c. are requested to mike payment to the aforefaid Adminiilrators, on or before the toth of Marcb, 1794, 01 they will be dealt with according to Jaw. Frankford, Dec. 16. Stock Brokers Office J Wall-ftrcrt, Mfw-Yorr. i I HE Subfcribcr intending to confinr hirnfelf A entirely to the PURCHASE &SALF or STOCKS on COMMISSION, b,g s " of ! ftr his femccsto his friends and others, in the line of a Stock Brakrr. Thofewhomay please. lo favor him with their bufineb, may depend upon having ,t tranfaSed with the uvraoft fide. I'tyit.d dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia. Boilon, or any /I!" 0 ' he Un,,cd W'H be ftndly " ndcd to - LEONARD BLKECKER. NEW BOOKS. Now opening for Sale, By M. C A R E Y, No. 118, MARKET-STREET; A large and valuable colle&ion ofBOOKS, imported from London in the Mohawk. Dec. 19. Seat of War. For Sale, at M. CAREY's Stort, No. 118, Market-ilreet, A Sheet Map of the French Adrian an d Dutch Netherlands, in which the prog re f, of the present War may iT i " "i k ' hs "J " And a Map of the Three NortliernDiftrift, of France, divided into Departments P1 tec $ of * dollar. Maps of the United State, : _Any public spirited gentlemen, PQ f. ni,ttr ' l ', l " r , COrreai "« a " d in-Prov in a the Maps of the fe vera I States, will lay M.Carey under very particular obligations by communicating then,. He is i„ immediate want of .onie lor NVw-Jerlcy and Delaware ; States he is „„ w preparing Maps. Guthrie's Geography: The fubf'ci iption Cor this wo k will be con. tinned open, at the prefenr rate of twelve dollars, till the firft day of November next • alter wIllcll) it will be raised PHILADELPHIA , Trihtid by JOHN FENNO, No. * South Fourth-Street. eodaw, fmv&ftf t fcftf.